[Magdalen] Radiologists

Allan Carr allanc25 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 16 23:02:29 UTC 2015

On that note, I had an MRI of the upper back area more than a month ago. I
was in severe pain running from my neck down, and my neurologist was
worried that my spine was compromised. I was put on celecoxib (Celebrex) which,
miraculously, worked very well. I never heard from the neurologist, and I
finally called his office to tell me the results of the MRI. I had a normal
I forgot to ask about the Celebrex and went off it under my own volition
and all that pain did not reappear.  I'm still a bit peeved with the
neurologist, though, but he just took over my old neurologist's office and
things are still a bit chaotic there. He's not new to the field and is
quite well known with many awards, but younger than my old neurologist, who
This neurologist is quite careful and always sends a full report to my

On Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 2:38 PM, Allan Carr <allanc25 at gmail.com> wrote:

> I don't understand the recent negative discussion of radiologists. I have
> had a number of MRIs and several CT scans and, as far as I know, the
> radiologist always interprets the results and sends a signed report to the
> physician who ordered them. This last physician then shares those results
> with the patient and, as far as I know, never looks at the actual images.
> Nowadays, that might not be so difficult with computerized images but I
> don't think it's generally done, at least, not here in California.
> Why would someone not trained in radiology be more competent than a
> radiologist in interpreting images?

Allan Carr

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