[Magdalen] Guy Thing.

Grace Cangialosi gracecan at gmail.com
Sun Jun 12 01:43:58 UTC 2016

I LOVE trucks, preferably 4WD stick shift ones! The one I have now is a bit bigger than I would like, because it has the 4 passenger cab, but we need that to travel with kids. It's an F150, 4WD, automatic, which I don't prefer, but it is easier on knees and wrists than a stick shift would be.
But I love driving it! I saw a cap once that said "Real women drive trucks!" I've never seen another one...

> On Jun 11, 2016, at 9:33 AM, Jay Weigel <jay.weigel at gmail.com> wrote:
> I've never understood the fascination either. My late ex had always
> hankered for, and finally bought (it was his last vehicle) a Chevy pickup
> about the time our middle grandson was born. He'd had one when the kids
> were small but traded it for a more useful vehicle that could carry
> everyone later on. Our Adam drove a battered pickup in high school (reverse
> status thing, I think) and when he returned from his first tour in Iraq he
> bought a Ford Ranger pickup of which he was inordinately proud.
> OTOH, my friend Lindsey, who lives in north Texas, has had several very
> large pickup trucks during the time I've known her. Most of them have been
> along the lines of a Ford F-350, some diesel, big honking powerful things.
> I can just imagine her, a little bit of a thing, barreling down the highway
> in them. But then, Lindsey is--well, not so much now, she's scaled back
> since she got married, but still does it--a quarter horse trainer, and she
> lives on a working ranch and trailers those critters around to shows.
> On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 9:12 AM, Cantor03--- via Magdalen <
> magdalen at herberthouse.org> wrote:
>> My spouse has a new F-150 four door model.  He has always driven
>> a pickup trucks.  He's had all the USA truck  brands.  He was out doing
>> some
>> grocery shopping at the local Wal Mart last night and had another of  those
>> guy things.  Several men walked up to the F-150, looked at the
>> interior through the windows, circled the vehicle and then proclaimed
>> "Great truck!"
>> I had a friend who always referred to pickup trucks as "p___s  extenders."
>> They are the male equivalent of "chick cars," I guess.
>> In any case, I've never experienced any of this in my routine four  door
>> sedans, and actually I'm not sure I'd want to.
>> David Strang.

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