[Magdalen] I may be church searching too...

sheila ketler ketbears at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 21 20:31:04 UTC 2016

Unfortunately for me I may also be in the position of church searching only I am not going to just be looking for a placeto worship, I may be seeking another organist position. The diocese I am involved with (not sure I should share this...) if anyone wishes to know I can advise - the diocesehas 11 parishes located in our city and there is not resources to support all of these so they are going go   closeat least 4 parishes. We have been in discussion with 2 other parishes with a view to first of all sharing some resources - my boss will coverfor one of the priests on vacation and he will cover for her. In august we will be given our options as to what the bishopsuggests we do but whatever they do it will be a loss of organist positions.Now as I have worked for two other Anglican parishes which have closed down I feel like I am the closer... and do I wantto stay in Anglican circles after this? This is the third time I am looking at such a thing - how much more can I beexpected to take?I keep asking why me? why now??  If I had known we would be facing this 5 years ago would I have started working there? I have no idea it has alwaysbeen a fairly good place to work they have been very kind to me... and good employers so I have to stay until we closeour doors in fairness to them...
Anyone have any suggestions or thoughts regarding this? and of course prayers are welcomed...

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