The AIDS resolution A052 passed the House of Deputies Friday morning, but
without the controversial third resolve stating "the blessing of committed, monogamous relationships, including same-gender relationships,
promotes effective prevention of HIV/AIDS." The vote by orders on the amendment striking the third resolve was taken Thursday, but the
results not announced until Friday morning. The main resolution passed on a voice vote.
The deputies adopted a change in the rules of order (D027) that seats and
gives voice to 18 youth, two from each province, on the floor of the house. The youth had been seated at the side of the house. Following
adoption, they moved onto their place on the floor. Passage was accompanied by a standing ovationa rarity in the House of Deputies,
where applause is strongly discouraged. A substitute rule of order (D069, originally D030) prohibiting the use of wireless communication
devices including telephones and pagers was adopted.
The House also elected 12 members to six-year terms on the board of the
Church Pension Fund, and one person, James E. Bayne, to fill an unexpired three-year term. The 11 elected were: The Rev. John Biggs, The
Rev. A. Thomas Blackmon, The Rev. Randall Chase Jr., William Craddock, Amy Domini, The Rt. Rev. Chilton Knudsen, Arthur Kusumoto, The
Rt. Rev. Peter James Lee, The Rt. Rev. Claude Payne, The Rt. Rev. Quintin Primo, Katherine Tyler Scott and Deborah Harmon Hines.
In other action, the deputies:
- Referred to the committee on structure a resolution calling for reducing
the cost of General Convention (A110).
- Adopted the creation of "The Alleluia Fund---Build My Church."
- Voted on election of members of the board of trustees of the Church Pension
Fund. James Bayne was elected to a three-year term. Further results of the ballots are pending.
- Adopted a substitute resolution (C045) asking the President of the United
States and members of Congress who are Episcopalians to restore full diplomatic relations between the United States and Cuba.
- Brought the canons on funding the budget into line with current practice
- Changed the terminology used to refer to the components of the budget
- Referred a resolution defining "sexual equality" to committee (C021r)
for further study
- Increased annual funding for historically Black colleges to $2 million
(C038a) and adding $450,000 to their budgets to fund the Single Parent/Mother Support programs (D002a)
- Mandated that copies of the church's published works be archived (A015a)
- Called on lawmakers and physicians to improve hospice care (A078)
- Called for continued work on a comprehensive communication strategy (D050a)
in cooperation with Episcopal Communicators
- Asked Executive Council to establish a process for congregations to identify
themselves as "safe spaces" for sexual minorities (A009a)
- Also, the house concurred with the House of Bishops in:
- Encouraging dioceses to raise public awareness of economic issues that
affect the poor (A001)
- Continuing the Committee on Sexual Exploitation (A098)
- Adopting and implementing specific ethical principles for international
economic development, as stated in the resolution (A002);
- Commending the new government of the Republic of South Africa for the
Truth and Reconciliation Commission (A004);
- Urging the U.S. government "to increase aid and the business sector to
encourage private investment in South Africa specifically targeted to improve the education system and other programs to lift the poor
out of their poverty" (A003);
- Urging members of the Episcopal church to greater awareness of social
and economic problems facing farmers and rural communities, and of discriminatory practices against minority farmers (C034);
- Acknowledging the work done in dioceses to affirm "Total Ministry" in
small congregations..." (A019);
- Receiving the report from the Standing Commission on Ministry Development
entitled `Toward a Theology of Ministry"' (A072);
- Urging dioceses, seminaries and clergy "to study the theological and
ethical issues that arise near the end-of-life..." (A077); and
- Adopting the Stewardship Statement of the Standing Commission on Stewardship
and Development, which is included in the resolution (A106).