Episcopal Life Convention Daily
Monday, 10 July 2000  

This is a web version of the ECUSA General Convention Daily. Anglicans Online has produced this web version, from the official PDF edition, for your reading convenience. Other days' issues are here.


Bishops reconsider antiracism resolution

The resolution on antiracism resolution (A100), previously returned to committee for clarification, came back to the bishops on July 8 with a new number (B049). Initial objections to requiring clergy, staff and officials at all levels of the church to undergo antiracism training also resurfaced, but after a short debate the bishops overwhelmingly passed the substitute resolution, which now goes to the deputies for consideration.

Bishops consider retired clergy housing On July 8, the House of Bishops approved Resolution C024, urging analysis of the housing for retired clergy to determine what, if any, types of housing programs could assist them. That resolution now goes to the House of Deputies.

Changes in clergy discipline

The bishops July 8 undertook major changes to Title IV, the Episcopal Church canons dealing with clergy discipline. After a lengthy debate on whether diocesan standing committees should be able to investigate clergy misconduct, bishops voted to approve proposed changes (A031a) to the Title IV canons. The amendments now go to the House of Deputies.

Church property -- a tobacco-free zone

The bishops concurred with the House of Deputies on a resolution establishing all Episcopal Church property as a tobacco-free zone. Bishop Barbara Harris (Massachusetts) a smoker and member of the bishops committee on social and urban affairs, introduced the measure with the warning: "The first one to laugh will incur my wrath."

Bishop Thomas Shaw offered a friendly amendment "that the Barbara C. Harris Camp and Conference Center be excluded."

The House of Bishops adopted resolutions:

  • directing each diocese to develop minimum standards and methods of accountability for continuing education, and calling for the Standing Commission on Ministry Development to present continuing education guidelines to the 74th General Convention; and

  • endorsing the World Council of Churches proposal for establishing a common date for Easter.
The bishops concurred on resolutions:
  • supporting justice that addresses the needs of juvenile offenders, their families and victims within each community of the church, and calling for this ministry to be included within the Office of the Bishop for the Armed Forces, Health Care and Prison Ministry;
  • and providing funding for training in ministry to singles for diocesan and parish personnel and the publication of a newsletter on singles evangelization and singles ministry.

Deputies decline to allow some bishops in consent process

After voting at the General Convention in 1997 to include bishops other than diocesans and coadjutors in the consent process in ordaining bishops, the House of Deputies on July 8 declined to concur with the other house including assistant and bishops suffragan in the process (A023).

The deputies concurred on resolutions:

  • including three people in the Calendar of the Church Year -- Aug. 12, Florence Nightingale, nurse, and social reformer, 1910; June 12, Enmegahbowh, priest and missionary, 1902; and Oct. 11, Philip, deacon and evangelist;
  • authorizing the Ecumenical Office to enter into a bilateral dialogue with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.);
  • adopting the name "Episcopal Relief and Development" for the Presiding Bishop's Fund for World Relief, which is celebrating its 60th anniversary; and
  • celebrating the Episcopal Partnership for Global Mission, a network of organizations that assist the church with sending and receiving missionaries, among other work.

This web page is a converted copy of information from the ECUSA General Convention Daily, produced by the staff of Episcopal Life for people at General Convention 2000. If you have any issue with its content, please refer to the original. Many times we later find better-quality photographs than those from the Convention Daily, and we replace the original photographs with them if we believe that they are equivalent for the purposes of the story.

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