- Resolution C004, on direct ordination failed in the house and was referred
back to committee.
- Passed a resolution encouraging the Board of the Church Pension Fund (D046)
to provide short-term disability benefits at no charge to all congregations and churchrelated organizations within the Pension Fund.
The resolution now goes to the deputies.
- A clarification amendment (B044) to Canon IV.3.19 — Confidentiality
in Title IV Matters, was adopted and forwarded to the Deputies, as was a revision to Canon III.12.Sec. 1 (B048 as amended) to extend
the applicability of Section 1 to all clergy ordained in the ELCA or its predecessor bodies before January 1, 2001.
- A resolution (D056) to direct the Standing Committee on Constitution and
Canons to prepare an amendment to Title IV regarding requests for remission of sentences, passed.
- A Pledge of Nonviolence in congregations (A058) passed, and goes next
to the deputies.
- Adopted C012 on Funding for Indigenous Theological Training Institute
(ITTI), amended to increase funding to $450,000 from the $375,000 requested.
Concurred with the deputies:
- On Resolution B011 appropriating $200,000 for each year of the next triennium
to assist Provinces 1 to 8 in funding provincial program coordination.
- To create an Association of Episcopal Health Care Groupsand Individuals
(A079); support implementation of a just wage (A081); a call to provide more adequate and comprehensive hospice and palliative care
(A078); encourage awareness of justice issues related to HIV/AIDS (A052); support the lifting of economic sanctions against Iraq (C027).
- A resolution to support the complete removal of U.S. military bases and
personnel from Okinawa (D028) was forwarded to the Deputies, as was A066 directing the Standing Committee on Liturgy and Music to prepare
a plan for liturgical revision, with an appropriation of $750,000.
- Considered a resolution (B036) that would have the 73rd General Convention
"go on record opposing private school vouchers. B036 was approved in amended form, and now goes to the House of Bishops.
- Passed a resolution calling clergy, vestries and congregations to "open
a dialogue" with local Boy Scouts of America officials about their prohibition of gay scouts and scoutmasters (C031a).
Concurred with the bishops:
- Endorsing a vision of evangelism (A033); amending certain canons in Title
IV for grammar and clarification (A032); calling on the U.S. government to "recognize untouchability as a crime against humanity" (D024);
calling on the U.S. president to apologize for apartheid in South Africa (A005); endorsing "the exploration and study of restorative
justice for our nation's criminal justice system" (B003); endorsing a capital campaign for Episcopal Relief and Development (A109);
amending Title IV canons to permit diocesan review committees, as well as Standing Committees, to deal with presentments and misconduct
cases (A031); reaffirming geographic provinces (B005); promoting assistance to the people of Haiti (A012)
In other action, Deputies:
- Recommended more stockholder action for socially-responsible causes by
Church Pension Fund (C039a); affirmed traditional Anglican concepts of "shared authority" in the Anglican Communion (C009s); established
a task force to explore alternative dispute resolution in clergy misconduct cases (A028a).