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Friday, 14
July 2000
Summary of General Convention legislation This is an unofficial, unaudited summary of many concurred actions of the 73rd General Convention as of Thursday, July 13. Episcopal Life will publish a complete summary in its October issue. (Some resolutions were not funded in the triennial budget authorization, resolution A136).
Study and create a modern archival facility for the Episcopal Church (A014). Require that the church's published works be deposited in the archives (A015a). Protect access and archival preservation of the church's electronic records (A016). CHURCH PENSION FUND Endorse and support the CREDO initiative for clergy wellness (A071a). Evaluate housing needs for retired clergy (C024a). Encourage the fund to provide short-term disability insurance for eligible clergy and lay employees at no charge to congregations and church-related organizations (D046a). Request the fund to study retirees' health care benefits, including prescription drugs (D078a). Urge the fund to develop and implement a socially responsible screen for the investment portfolio and to dedicate a portion of its assets to investments that achieve economic development of lower-income people (D102a). CHURCH POLITY Amend Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution concerning elections of bishops coadjutor and retirement dates of the diocesan (A087). Affirm the traditional understanding of authority in the Anglican Communion (C009s). COMMENDATION, COURTESY Commend of Episcopal Appalachian Ministries (B018). Thank Louie Crew, a Rutgers University professor, for his work in fostering electronic communication among deputies and bishops (D054). CONSTITUTION, CANONS Change commission's name to the Standing Commission for Small Congregations (A020). Delete certain language from the canons related to the categories of bishops asked to consent to episcopal elections (A024). Make slight changes in certain articles of Title IV which had been amended by the deputies in 1997 and were approved by the bishops at this convention (A025a). Amend Canon 1.7 concerning financial audits of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society (A027). Clarify the wording of canons related to the election of bishops (A030). Amend Title IV canons to permit diocesan review committees, as well as standing committees, to deal with presentments and misconduct cases (A031a). Amend certain canons in Title 4 for grammatical and clarification changes (A032a). Amend Canon 1.4.6.i on reporting of financial information (A105). Amend Canon 1.4.3.a as to the presiding bishop-elect assuming the chair and presidency of Executive Council (A122a). Conform Canon 1.9.1 to the present structure of Province IX, which no longer includes Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama and the Canal Zone (A125). Amend Canon 2.3.7 as to appointment and term of office of the custodian of the Standard Book of Common Prayer (A126). Prohibit a chancellor or vice chancellor of a province from being a church attorney or lay assessor in any diocese in that province (D016). Allow the bishop of a diocese in which a member of the clergy is licensed to officiate --- whether or not the clergy person is canonically resident in that diocese --- to give consultation and consent in the solemnization of marriage by that clergy person (D026a). DOMESTIC MISSION Expand ministry to single adults (A037a). Recognize the ministry of communication as an essential component of the mission of the Episcopal Church (B029a). Allocate funds for the Indigenous Theological Training Institute (C012). Increase funding for historically black colleges (C038a). Fund single-parent support programs at St. Paul's and Voorhees colleges (D002a). Urge all levels of the church to give a high priority to suicide prevention (D008a). Authorize development of a curriculum on science and faith (D011a). Establish structures for reconciliation and accountability (D023). Name children as a high priority of the Episcopal Church (D045). Continue comprehensive communications strategy and implementation (D050a). ECUMENICAL Authorize the ecumenical office to enter into a bilateral dialogue with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) (A039). Accept Called to Common Mission, establishing full communion with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (A040). Enact temporary suspension of the preface to the ordination rites to accept authenticity of ministers of the ELCA (second reading) (A041a). Amend Article 8 of the Constitution on permitting ministers of the ELCA to officiate on a temporary basis (second reading) (A042). Endorse a World Council of Churches proposal to achieve a common date for Easter (A043). Commit to continued participation in the Consultation on Church Union and to a process of dialogue beginning in 2002 with the inauguration of Churches Uniting in Christ (A135a). Declare that Called to Common Mission has been correctly interpreted by the House of Bishops "mind of the house" resolution of April 3, 2000 (B046a). Amend Canon 3.12.1 to implement the Called to Common Mission agreement with the ELCA (B048a). Research and recommend a way to implement dialogue with Pentecostal churches (D051). ELECTIONS Executive Council: six-year terms, Louie Crew (Newark), Sarah Harte (Arizona), Frank Oberly (Oklahoma), Russell Palmore (Virginia), Diane Pollard (New York), Rebecca Snow (Alaska), the Rev. Cynthia Black (Western Michigan), the Rev. Anthony Guillén(Los Angeles), BishopsTedDaniels(Virgin Islands), Catherine Roskam(New York); three-year unexpired term, the Rev. David Chee (Los Angeles). Trustees of General Theological Seminary: Marjorie Christie (Newark), Robert Wright (North Carolina), the Rev. Deena Galantowicz (Florida), the Rev. Frederick Williams (New York), Bishops John Croneberger (Newark), Douglas Theuner (New Hampshire). General Board of Examining Chaplains: lay order, Philip Clark (Northern California), Susan Lindley (Minnesota), Peter Williams (Southern Ohio); faculty, the Very Rev. Lloyd Lewis (Long Island), the Rev. Canon Leonel Mitchell (Northern Indiana), the Rev. Harmon Smith (North Carolina); presbyterate, the Rev. Katherine Black (Massachusetts), the Rev. Scott Hennessy (Virginia), the Rev. John Loving (Northwest Texas). President of the House of Deputies: the Very Rev. George L.W. Werner (Pittsburgh). Vice president of the House of Deputies: Vincent C. Currie Jr. (Central Gulf Coast). EVANGELISM Call on the Episcopal Church to double its baptized membership by 2020(A033a). Direct Executive Council to develop a plan to conduct a census of the church by Jan. 1, 2005 (A101a). Conduct a study of the theology of confirmation and its relationship to evangelism, baptism, adult membership and eligibility for church leadership (A103a). HEALTH, END-OF-LIFE Urge dioceses, seminaries and clergy "to study the theological and ethical issues that arise near the end of life" (A077a). Call on lawmakers and physicians to provide better hospice coverage and pain and symptom management for people approaching death (A078). Create an Association of Episcopal Health Care Groups and Individuals (A079s). INTERNATIONAL Adopt and implement specific ethical principles for international economic development (A002a). Urge the U.S. government "to increase aid and the business sector to encourage private investment in South Africa specifically targeted to improve the education system and other programs to lift the poor out of their poverty" (A003a). Commend the new government of the Republic of South Africa for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission(A004a).
Call on the U.S. president to apologize for apartheid in South Africa (A005a). Increase awareness of Haiti's need and promote assistance to the people of Haiti (A012s). Recognize the problem of international trafficking in women, girls, and boys (A057a). Support initiatives to make HIV/AIDS-related medications available at affordable prices to infected people throughout the world, especially in the poorest and neediest nations (A051a). Adopt the Episcopal Migration Ministries mission statement (A053a). Express solidarity with persecuted Christians in the Sudan (A130s). Call for the release of Mordechai Vanunu, Israeli nuclear resister and prisoner of conscience (B013a). Urge the U.N. Security Council and the U.S. president to take immediate action to lift restrictions on normal trade in civilian goods with Iraq while retaining appropriate political sanctions and a strict embargo on military-related items (C027a). Ask the U.S. Congress and President to restore diplomatic relations between the United States and Cuba (C045a). Call on the U.S. government to recognize "untouchability" as a crime against humanity (D024). Support the Okinawan people in their efforts to achieve planned removal of U.S. military bases and personnel from Okinawa (D028a). Call on Congress to compensate survivors of Japanese Americans who were abducted and interned during World War II (D032). LITURGY AND MUSIC Endorse the Leadership Program of Musicians Serving in Small Congregations (A064). Develop a plan for liturgical renewal and enrichment of common worship, making new or revised rites available in a variety of forms, including multi-media and electronic options (A066a). Include three people in the calendar of the church year: Aug. 12, Florence Nightingale, Nurse, and Social Reformer, 1910; June 12, Enmegahbowh, Priest and Missionary, 1902; and Oct. 11, Philip, Deacon and Evangelist (A067a). Amend Article 10 of the Constitution to provide for other forms of renewal and enrichment of common worship (A132). MINISTRY Acknowledge the work done in dioceses to affirm "total ministry" in small congregations (A019a). Establish task force on disciplinary policy and procedure (A028). Receive the report from the Standing Commission on Ministry Development entitled "Toward a Theology of Ministry" (A072a). Encourage continuing education for clergy and lay professionals (A074a). Affirm commitment to seminaries and encourage congregations to contribute a minimum of 1 percent of income to accredited seminaries (A113). Amend Canon 4.3.19 so that confidentiality can be waived in certain matters (B044). Amend Canon 3.2 to change the focus of commissions on ministry to include "the ministry of baptized persons" (C003). Support the 1 percent support formula for Episcopal seminaries (D014a). NATIONAL ISSUES Encourage dioceses to raise public awareness of economic issues that affect the poor (A001a). Encourage awareness of justice issues related to HIV/AIDS (A052a). Promote non-violence by resolving that each congregation become a model for peacemaking by encouraging its members to commit themselves to non-violent and peaceable behavior (A058s). Urge dioceses to support the ongoing implementation of a living wage within the institutions of the church and continuing to advocate the passage of living wate ordinances at all government levels (A081a). Reaffirm opposition to the death penalty, particularly for those who commit crimes as juveniles, and call for an immediate moratorium on executions (A082a). Commend the promotion of educational materials related to the death penalty in dioceses and parishes (A083s). Activate the Task Force on Reform of the Criminal Justice System mandated by the 1985 General Convention (B001). Endorse the exploration and study of restorative justice for our nation's criminal justice system (B003a). Support public school systems and oppose private school vouchers (B036a). Call for the Episcopal Church to support formation of an Anglican Urban Network, one of the goals of the Lambeth Conference (C006s). Support justice that addresses the needs of juvenile offenders, their families and victims within each community of the church, and calling for this ministry to be included within the office of the bishop for the armed forces, health care and prison ministry (C010a). Urge Congress to support legislation to include sexual orientation, gender and disability under hate-crimes statutes (C029). Urge members of the Episcopal Church to greater awareness of social and economic problems facing farmers and rural communities, and of discriminatory practices against minority farmers (C034a). Affirm and endorse the Cambridge Accord on the civil rights of homosexual persons (C043a). Establish all Episcopal Church property as tobacco-free zones (D001a). Condemn all acts of hate against any individual or group (D009). SEXUALITY Call on Executive Council to establish a process by which congregations may identify themselves as "safe spaces" (A009a). Encourage conversation with youth and young adults about sexuality (A046a). Promote dialogue on fidelity in human relationships (A080a). Encourage continued dialogue on human sexuality (C008a). Support lifelong, committed relationships outside of matrimony (D039s).
Adopt the stewardship statement of the Standing Commission on Stewardship and Development and affirm the tithe (A106). Encourage the teaching of planned giving as a part of "legacy stewardship" (A111s). Request seminaries to include stewardship training in their curriculums (A112). STRUCTURE Continue the Committee on Sexual Exploitation (A098). Request that the church hire an officer for institutional research and information management (A133s). Reaffirm the system of geographic provinces (B005a). Appropriate $200,000 for each year of the next triennium to assist Provinces IVIII in funding provincial program coordination (B011a). WORLD MISSION Endorse a capital campaign for Episcopal Relief and Development (formerly the Presiding Bishop's Fund for World Relief) (A109a). Celebrate the Episcopal Partnership for Global Mission, which assists the church with sending and receiving missionaries, among other work (A128). Address the Episcopal Church's continuing relationship with newly autonomous overseas dioceses (A129a). Adopt the name Episcopal Relief and Development for the Presiding Bishop's Fund for World Relief, which is celebrating its 60th anniversary (B010).
Compiled by Ed Stannard, news editor of Episcopal Life, from Episcopal News Service and General Convention reports. |
This web page is a converted copy of information from the ECUSA
General Convention Daily, produced by the staff of Episcopal Life for
people at General Convention 2000. If you have any issue with its content, please refer to the
original. Many times we later find better-quality photographs than those from the Convention Daily, and we replace the original photographs
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