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This page last updated 31 August 2014  

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Archived News Headlines for April/May/June 2014

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30 June 2014: Crowdsourcing to return Anglican presence to Pitcairn
The St Helena Star (California, US) reported on the efforts of John Brantley, 'who claims to be an Anglican Rite Old Catholic priest,' to raise funds in order to bring an Anglican presence back to Pitcairn Island.

30 June 2014: Leading CofE academic in fatal car accident
Ruth Gledhill writes on Christian Today of the death of Dr John Hughes, Dean of Chapel at Jesus College, Cambridge. Aged just 35, he was from the academic Anglican-Catholic tradition and a leading thinker on a project set up by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York to examine Anglican social thought. Besides having developed a coherent intellectual response to the new atheism, he had studied and become an expert on Roman Catholic social teaching especially in relation to economics.

28 June 2014: Faith debates: 'The future of the Church of England'
The Westminster Faith Debates sponsors have announced a series of 5 debates on the future of the Church of England, to be held in Oxford on five Thursdays from 9 October to 4 December. Debates about the future are rarely swayed by measurable data. We recall having attended debates a few decades ago about the future of urban transportation and the future of telephony that somberly agreed on outcomes making it obvious that no time travel had been involved.

28 June 2014: Anglican Church of Australia elects new primate
The Anglican Church of Australia has elected the Most Revd Dr Phillip Freier, currently Archbishop of Melbourne, as its new primate. Its own website is in disarray, but the Sydney Morning Herald has good coverage of Dr Freier's election. This article from 18 June in the Brisbane Times sketches some of the challenges that he will face as he takes on this new job without being able to step down from his previous job.

26 June 2014: New bishop for Church of England Diocese of Winchester
The British government has announced the appointment of the Revd Canon David Grant Williams as the next Bishop of Basingstoke. Basingstoke is a suffragan see of the Diocese of Winchester, which posted this announcement.

24 June 2014: New bishop for Diocese of the Northern Territory
The Anglican Communion News Service reports on the election of Dr Greg Anderson, currently at Moore Theological College, to be the next Bishop of the Northern Territory.

19 June 2014: Ropley church gutted by blaze
Much of St Peter's church in the Hampshire (UK) village of Ropley dates back to Norman times.
BBC News reports that the church has been gutted by a blaze whose cause is still unknown. The Southern Daily Echo has this dramatic photograph taken by photographer Kevin Milner using a small drone to take the picture from 250 feet above the church.

21 June 2014: Australia electing a new primate
There's an article in The Australian this week about the Most Revd Phillip Aspinall stepping down after 9 years as Primate of the Anglican Church of Australia. A new primate will be elected at the General Synod in July.

20 June 2014: Decline in English Anglicans
The Church Times reports the results of a study revealing that the proportion of the British population who identify themselves as Anglican has more than halved in the past ten years.

20 June 2014: Planned decline in Scottish Anglicans
Scotland's upcoming referendum on independence has sparked discussion of whether the Scottish Episcopal Church is just a branch of the Church of England, and if it is, whether it should remain so. So reports the Church Times.

19 June 2014: Financial decline among Australian Anglican dioceses
The Courier Mail (Brisbane) tells us the Anglican Church of Australia is in 'real financial strife' in up to a third of its 23 dioceses.

17 June 2014: Trinity Wall Street names next rector
The Anglican Communion News Service has reported the call of the Very Revd Dr William Lupfer to be the next rector of Trinity Wall Street, which is generally believed to be the wealthiest parish in the world.

16 June 2014: ABC and Pope meet in Rome
The Anglican Communion News Service has reported the second meeting between the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Pope. Among other topics noted in that report, the two of them discussed solutions to modern slavery and human trafficking.

13 June 2014: Urgent prayers, help needed for Iraq's Christians
Anglican Communion News Service (ACNS) reported that, in the wake of the growing crisis in Iraq, a plea for prayer and help has been issued by the Diocese of Cyprus and the Gulf and the Anglican vicar of St George's Church in Baghdad, Canon Andrew White. In addition to the ACNS report, one can read more at the website of The Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East (Canon White's ministry).

13 June 2014: Prayers for the World Cup
The Church of England issued a press release to announce they have released Prayers for the World Cup. Included are prayers for participants, those traveling to attend matches, and also a prayer for those who 'are simply not interested' by the competition.

12 June 2014: RIP: McAllister, McIntyre
Episcopal News Service (ENS) published an obituary for the Rt Revd Gerald Nicholas McAllister, Bishop of Oklahoma, 1977-1989. The Gippsland Times (Australia) reported the death of the Rt Revd John McIntyre, Bishop of Gippsland, after a short respiratory illness.

11 June 2014: ABC inspires rap song
The Mirror reported a rap combo have penned a song about the scourge of payday loans inspired by the Archbishop of Canterbury's efforts to expand Britain's network of credit unions. A video of the rap is included in the article.

10 June 2014: Bishop speaks in Malaysia
The Malaysian Insider reported on remarks by the new president of the Bible Society of Malaysia, the Rt Revd Datuk Ng Moon Hing. 'This nation has begun to lose a generation of people who no longer trust the government, the authorities, the elders, the religious leaders, and more so each other.'

9 June 2014: Episcopal Church in Colombia marks 50 years
Episcopal News Service (ENS) reported on the latest diocesan convention which celebrated the history and the growth of the Diocese of Colombia in the last 50 years, as well as workshops on self-sustainability for the future.

5 June 2014: A twist in author Tom Sharpe's burial plot
Tom Sharpe, author of black comedies like Porterhouse Blue and Blott on the Landscape, died at his home in Spain last year. The Journal (Newcastle) reported that his partner of the last ten years, Montserrat Verdaguer i Clavera, brought his ashes back to Thockrington, where he spent his youth. His father, the Revd George Sharpe, had been rector of St Aidan's church there, one of the oldest churches in Northumberland. And it was there, the Journal noted, that she made an unauthorized burial of his ashes, along with a bottle of Famous Grouse whisky, a Cuban cigar, and his favourite pen. The vicar, the Revd Michael Slade, would not speculate about what would happen to the remains.

6 June 2014: First indigenous diocese celebrated
The Anglican Journal reports on the installation of Bishop Lydia Mamakwa as the first bishop of the Indigenous Spiritual Ministry of Mishamikoweesh at Kingfisher Lake. The diocese encompasses over 25 first nations communities in northern Ontario and Manitoba - only one of which is accessible by road.

6 June 2014: Church of England bishops to discipline clergy members of radical right-wing political parties
The Church Times has written about the statement from the House of Bishops of the Church of England that any C of E clergy who are members of the British National Party or the National Front (or 'promotes or expresses or solicits support' for them) might have misconduct proceedings brought against them. This press release from the Church of England explains the thinking behind the decision.

3 June 2014: Large Anglican school building in Nigeria collapses, an online news portal in Nigeria, has reported on the amazingly complete destruction of an Anglican school in Anambra State in southern Nigeria. It was still under construction and was not occupied by school children at the time it collapsed, though children had been playing in the unfinished structure just minutes earlier. Several construction workers are reportedly trapped in the rubble. The Nigerian Daily Post and WorldStage News have posted additional details and calls for church and governmental committees to look into the circumstances of the collapse.

3 June 2014: Primates elected in Japan and Philippines
The Anglican Communion News Service has reported the re-election of the Primate of the Nippon Sei Ko Kai and the election of a new Prime Bishop of the Episcopal Church in the Philippines.

3 June 2014: St James Episcopal church celebrates 300 years.
Delaware Online notes that St James, Mill Creek was established in 1714, with an Anglican presence that goes back further still. Its first rector was the Revd George Ross, father-in-law of flag-maker Betsy Ross.

1 June 2014: Kuujjuaraapik woman becomes first female Inuk priest in Nunavik
When she was growing up in Nunavik, Annie Napartuk-Ittoshat always thought she would become a social worker. Then she felt a calling to ministry, and after three years of study in Pangnirtung, and a year of parish work, she was unable to find a home in her community because of a housing shortage. So she finished a Master of Divinity course at Wycliffe College in Toronto, and now, as CBC news reports, she is returning to Nunavik to work as the first female Inuk priest in the region.

30 May 2014: Churchyards are safer places to buzz
The Church Times reports (you can read the start of the article here) that the declining population of mason bees is responsible for nearly half the pollination in the wild. In the diocese of Lichfield, the Praise Bee Charity seeks to multiply the mason bee across the United Kingdom, by churches offering their graveyards as breeding grounds. St George's church, Shrewsbury reports on its involvement with the project.

29 May 2014: Ground broken for joint Anglican/Roman Catholic shrine to Uganda martyrs
The Anglican Communion News Service reports on the groundbreaking by the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Kampala and the Anglican Archbishop of Kampala to begin construction of the Uganda Martyrs Museum. The next day, one of Uganda's largest newspapers, The Observer, published an editorial 'Let's tap martyrs' tourism potential'.

29 May 2014: First Hmong priest now rector of only Hmong-majority Anglican church
The National Catholic Reporter (USA) reports on the coming together of a Hmong priest with a Hmong congregation at an Episcopal church in Minnesota.

23 May 2014: Church of England dioceses vote in favour of women bishops
The Church of England posted this press release, in which it announces that 'The Church of England's dioceses have now all voted in favour of the current draft legislation to enable women to be bishops.'

23 May 2014: Fossil fuels in the Long White Cloud
At its synod this week, the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand, and Polynesia passed a resolution requiring it 'to take all reasonable steps' to divest its shares in fossil fuel companies by its next synod, whch will be in mid-2016.

19 May 2014: New bishop for East Carolina
The US Episcopal News Service noted the election of the Revd Robert Skirving as the next Bishop of the Diocese of East Carolina. For those who live far from Carolina, a brief tutorial: North Carolina and South Carolina are US states. Eastern Carolina is the part of the Carolinas near Greenville, which happens to be in the state of North Carolina. The University of East Carolina and the Diocese of East Carolina are both located in eastern Carolina. You might think that 'East Carolina' would include the easterly parts of South Carolina, but there are no such parts. So in fact East Carolina refers to a geographic section of North Carolina, though it is never called East North Carolina. The see city of the Diocese of East Carolina is Kinston, which has a population of about 20 thousand and isn't really close to any large city. It is passably near (an hour's drive) the US Marine training facility at Camp Lejeune.

17 May 2014: Name change for Te Pihopatanga o te Waipounamu
The General Synod in the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand, and Polynesia has passed a bill changing the name of Te Pihopatanga o te Waipounamu to the Anglican Maori Diocese of Te Waipounamu. We think we're going to wait for the Anglican Communion Office in London to provide the details of the structure of this diocese and perhaps the name of its bishop.

17 May 2014: Last full-time religion reporter in the UK is gone
Ruth Gledhill has been Religious Affairs Correspondent at The Times (London) for almost 30 years. She has been made redundant, and is currently between jobs. This is really the end of an era, as she was the last full-time religion correspondent in the UK. (The second-to-last such correspondent is now employed by Al Jazeera). This event was barely covered in traditional news but widely discussed in British blogs, such as Media Monkey or Decanus Borealis. Ruthie, we hardly knew ye!

16 May 2014: Heavenly bodies: anatomy, funerals and the church
The London Anatomy Office organizes an annual service of thanksgiving to commemorate those who donated their bodies for medical education in the past year. This year the service was held at Southwark cathedral, and the Economist admired the way the service involved people of many faiths: families, medical students and their teachers, and clergy. Meanwhile, an MP warns that graves will soon have to be reused as Britain's cemeteries fill up. The Daily Mail notes that the Church of England has begun offering discounts for cremation rather than burial, because of the shortage of space.

16 May 2014: Sudan updates
The Anglican Communion News Service (ACNS) reported on the statement released by the Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand & Polynesia concerning the sentencing to death of a pregnant Sudanese woman for refusing to abandon her Christian faith. ACNS also reported the church in South Sudan is expanding aid amidst conflict and beginning healing and reconciliation efforts. The Episcopal News Service (ENS) reported on the pivotal role the church plays, and on the longing Sudanese in diaspora have for a lasting peace in their homeland.

16 May 2014: Women in the church
Anglican Taonga reported its latest General Synod has recommitted to the aim of equal representation of women and men on governing and consultative bodies, and has now agreed to seek such balance in the leadership of public worship and official gatherings. ACNS reported the Anglican Communion Office's Women's Desk Officer, the Revd Terrie Robinson, says not enough women are participating in decisions made by churches at all levels. ENS reported on the feast day for Frances Perkins, secretary of labor in the administration of Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the 1930s. An icon of her was dedicated at the parish in which she worshipped for sixty years in Newcastle, Maine. Perkins believed and exemplified the words on the icon: 'social justice is part of the implication of loving thy neighbor'.

13 May 2014: Tengatenga joins Sewanee
The University of the South (Sewanee) announced the Rt Revd James Tengatenga, previously bishop of Southern Malawi for 15 years, has been appointed as distinguished visiting professor of global Anglicanism.

12 May 2014: New Bishop in PNG
Anglican Communion News Service (ACNS) reported the election on 3 May of the Very Revd Tennyson Bogar as Bishop for the Dogura Diocese. Bogar, who will be consecrated at the end of June, is the Vicar General and Dean of St John's Cathedral in Port Moresby Diocese.

12 May 2014: Fasting and prayer in Nigeria
The Daily Post (Lagos) reported Anglican teachers in the Diocese on the Niger were to observe a five-day fasting and prayer session both for the 200+ school girls abducted by Boko Haram militants in Chibok, and 'to end the prolonged waste of human lives and properties' by Boko Haram. On 17 May, the Daily Post reported the Rt Revd Aloysius Agbo charged Christians in Nigeia to remain steadfast in their faith despite the challenges occasioned by the Boko Haram insurgency. The Sun reported the Most Revd Nicholas Okoh said in an address, 'There are only two options ... One, Nigerians should rise up, cooperate and stop Boko Haram or two, Boko Haram will destroy the country - Christians, Muslims and unbelievers are at risk.'

11 May 2014: New Zealand synod meets at Waitangi
Radio New Zealand reports the start of the 61st General Synod of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia - Te Hahi Mihinare ki Aotearoa ki Niu Tireni ki nga Moutere o Te Moana Nui a Kiwa. You can follow the events day by day at Anglican Taonga.

10 May 2014: Anglican bishop takes over as president of Bible Society of Malaysia
The Malaysian government recently seized about 300 Bibles because they used the word 'Allah', meaning God. Malaysian law reserves that word for use only by Muslims. It is an interesting time to be president of a bible society. But The Malaysian Insider (Kuala Lumpur) reports that Datuk Ng Moon, Anglican Bishop of West Malaysia, has been elected as the new president of the Bible Society of Malaysia.

9 May 2014: Primates unite in outrage and prayer for kidnapped schoolgirls
The Anglican Communion News Service reports that 'Primates from countries including Brazil, New Zealand and South Africa have joined the worldwide outcry [over] the abduction of more than two hundred young girls from Chibok, Nigeria.'

8 May 2014: New Bishop reports
Anglican Communion News Service (ACNS) reported on the appointment of the next Bishop of Gibraltar and the election of the Coadjutor in Madagascar. The Episcopal News Service (ENS) reported on the election of the Coadjutor in Mississippi. The Diocese of Liverpool has announced the appointment of its next bishop.

7 May 2014: Kunonga remnants face eviction from Anglican properties
The Anglican Communion News Service has updated us on the status of ridding Zimbabwe of the remnants of Nolbert Kunonga's empire. Kunonga was excommunicated by his province in 2008 but promptly used armed force to seize control of church properties. In November 2012 the Supreme Court of Zimbabwe ruled against Kunonga. Getting his forces out of church properties has felt a bit like chemotherapy to fight cancer. There are corners of resistance where Kunonga's people still cling to power. The full story of the long-overdue eviction of two priests loyal to Kunonga is in the Zimbabwe newspaper NewsDay.

5 May 2014: Vicar gets her revenge on the parking patrol
Parishioners at All Saints, Bingley (West Yorkshire) found the local parking enforcement rather zealous, and often received tickets when they overran the two-hour limit by minutes. The Daily Mail reports that the vicar, the Revd Bev Mason, photographed the parking wardens' van parked outside the church — in a no parking area. The two sides plan to discuss the situation.

4 May 2014: RIP: Peter Hallock
The Seattle Post-Intelligencer reported Peter Hallock, long-serving music director at St Mark's Cathedral, Seattle, and the Episcopal Church's first lay musician to be given the title of canon precentor, died on 28 April 2014. Hallock may be best known as the musician who revived the ancient monastic rite of Compline at St Mark's, which became a Sunday night magnet for generations of Seattle-area young people. Hallock was also a well-known composer of liturgical music and anthems. His three-year cycle of Psalm settings are widely used in Episcopal and Lutheran Churches in North America. Hallock's memorial service at St Mark's Cathedral is scheduled for 18 May at 17:00pm local time.

4 May 2014: Celebrating 20 years of women's priesthood in the Church of England
The Church Times reports on the celebration and service at St Paul's Cathedral, London, honoring the twentieth anniversary of the first priesting of women in the Church of England. Around 700 of those ordained in 1994 attended. The service was presided over by Canon Philippa Boardman, Canon Treasurer of St Paul's, assisted by the Archbishop of Canterbury, who had chosen to serve her. Her introduction of Archbishop Welby as Deacon prompted an affectionate laugh from the congregation.

2 May 2014: Los Angeles deacon ordained in laundromat
Scott Claassen serves in a street-focussed Episcopalian community called Thad's, named after the disciple Thaddeus. It hosts a monthly 'Laundry Love' event, where the homeless or anyone in need may drop by to do their laundry for free, with quarters and soap provided. The Huffington Post reports that when Scott was ordained, he chose the laundromat rather than the cathedral for the occasion.

2 May 2014: Judas window allowed in Dorset church
St Nicholas Church, Moreton was bombed during the second world war, destroying its glass. For thirty years, Sir Laurence Whistler created new engraved and etched glass for all its windows. He offered the final window to the parish in 1987 as a gift. It depicted Judas the moment he hanged himself in remorse for betraying Jesus. Whistler dubbed it the forgiveness window, and showed the silver coins turning into flowers before they touched the soil. But the rector opposed it, and, as the Church Times reports, it was finally installed last year.

2 May 2014: Where will he live?
The Church Times reports on the latest twist in the story of where the next Bishop of Bath & Wells will reside. The Church Commissioners had decided the Bishop would not be allowed to live in the Palace (as bishops have for the last 800 years). There was public outcry from laity and clergy, and the Archbishops' Council has reversed the decision.

30 April 2014: Eighth bishop of Fond du Lac consecrated
Episcopal News Service (ENS) reported the consecration of the Rt Revd Matthew Alan Gunter as the new bishop of Fond du Lac (Wisconsin, US).

30 April 2014: Next Dean of King's College announced
Anglican Communion News Service (ACNS) reported Dr Stephen Cherry will be the new Dean at King's College starting in September 2014. We look forward to hearing his voice next Christmas Eve during the radio broadcast of the Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols on Christmas Eve!

24 April 2014: Coptic Pope opens art exhibition in Egypt's Anglican Cathedral
Anglican Communion News Service reports on the opening of the 'Way of Salvation' exhibition in All Saints Cathedral by Pope Tawadros II, head of the Coptic Orthodox Church. All Saints Cathedral, located in the Zamalek district of Cairo, is the seat of the Anglican Diocese of Egypt with North Africa and the Horn of Africa.

21 April 2014: Supreme Court of Canada will not hear appeal by breakaway Anglicans
All Saints Church in Windsor, Ontario decided in 2008 to join the Anglican Network in Canada, leaving the diocese of Huron. Their bid to retain the church property was rejected by the Ontario Court of Appeal. Now, the Windsor Star reports, the Supreme Court of Canada has refused to hear their appeal.

20 April 2014: New diocese in the Church of England replaces three smaller dioceses
The Church of England has been working for months on the creation of the first new diocese in 85 years. After a flurry of ceremonies, press releases, and news coverage, the Diocese of, well, um, yes. It is being referred to as the Diocese of West Yorkshire and the Dales. As far as we can tell it is equally correct to refer to it as the Diocese of Leeds. It was created by combining the dioceses of Bradford, Ripon and Leeds, and Wakefield. The diocesan bishop is based in Leeds, and is therefore the Bishop of Leeds. Previously he was the Bishop of Bradford, and will become Bishop of Leeds at Pentecost. To help ensure that you remain baffled by the details of this new diocese, the suffragan see of Huddersfield has been created for a region that had been part of the Diocese of Wakefield, but there is no suffragan bishop yet. English dioceses have been named after their see cities since years were counted in 3-digit numbers, but we assure you that there is no City of West Yorkshire and the Dales.

20 April 2014: A rabbi, a priest & a bible walk into a seminar (Florida) published an article on an interfaith class abouth the Bible held at St Thomas Church.

20 April 2014: News from the South Pacific: Did they or didn't they?
Fairfax Media (aka in New Zealand reported on a block of land (2210 hectares) in Fiji that may have been sold to the sinking Pacific nation of Kiribati. The owners of the land are 'Trustees for the Colony (now Republic) of Fiji of the Church of England'. There is some confusion as to whether the sale has occurred.

19 April 2014: Swaziland: Archdeacon speaks
The Swazi Observer published a story entitled, 'The Anglican Church and Good Friday' in which Archdeacon Bhekindlela Magongo passionately explains the role of Good Friday in the Anglican Church.

18 April 2014: Zimbabwe: Bishop speaks
Newsday (Harare) reported on the Easter message of the Rt Revd Chad Gandiya, Bishop of Harare. 'My brothers and sisters, the real issue of faith in our varied situations is not so much believing in God and in the resurrection of the body after death. It is about believing in the possibilities of God effecting resurrection and newness into our lives and our situations right now.'

17 April 2014: Aussie female bishop at Westminster Abbey
The BBC reports the Rt Revd Kay Goldsworthy, Australia's first female bishop, is celebrating Holy Week & Easter at Westminster Abbey and St Margaret's, Westminster, in the UK. 'This is the first time I've ever celebrated Easter in spring.'

13 April 2014: Further discussion on last week's radio interview with the ABC
Last week we reported the aftermath of a radio interview by the Archbishop of Canterbury, in which he warned that actions taken in England could lead to murders in Africa. In the intervening week he has been roundly criticized for those remarks. Retired US bishop Gene Robinson published this critique in The Daily Beast, and these Letters to the Editor of The Guardian (London) are worth your attention. Meanwhile, The Telegraph (London) and the BBC report the event of the first same-sex marriage of clergy in Britain, in violation of Church of England rules.

13 April 2014: Service marks the end of the Diocese of Wakefield
The BBC reports on the Service of Thanksgiving held in Wakefield Cathedral to celebrate the Diocese of Wakefield, which will cease to exist on 20 April when it merges with the dioceses of Bradford and Ripon and Leeds to form the new Diocese of West Yorkshire and the Dales.

11 April 2014: ABC urges US Episcopal Church to stand against gun violence
The Church Times, reporting on a speech by the Archbishop of Canterbury to a peace conference in Oklahoma USA, has urged the US Episcopal Church to challenge that country's culture of violence.

11 April 2014: Nunavut cathedral update
Nunatsiaq Online reported the Diocese of the Arctic (Canada) has offered to pay CA$2.65 million to receivers for the bulk of the debt owed from rebuilding St Jude's Cathedral in Iqaluit.

9 April 2014: Flash floods in the Solomon Islands
Anglican Alliance reports on the coordination of churches and agencies responding to flash floods that have left more than 20 people dead and over 12,000 homeless in the Solomon Islands.

5 April 2014: New bishop for Massachusetts
The Boston Globe reported the Revd Alan Gates was elected from a field of seven candidates to be the next bishop for the Diocese of Massachusetts. He will succeed the Rt Revd Thomas Shaw.

5 April 2014: Diocese of New York plans to build apartment towers on church grounds
The Daily News (New York) reports on protests against a plan to build two apartment towers on the grounds of the Cathedral Church of St John the Divine, who say that they need the money.

4 April 2014: New bishop for Riverina
Sydney Anglicans has announced the election of the Revd Alan Robert Gillion as bishop of Riverina. The Diocese of Riverina covers more than one-third of rural New South Wales, including centres such as Griffith, Broken Hill, and Deniliquin.

4 April 2014: Plan advances for new Anglican university in Zimbabwe
The Herald (Zimbabwe) reported the announcement by the Church of the Province of Central Africa to build a US$120M university in Chitungwiza, Zimbabwe. The Bishop of Harare said that this university woujld accommodate 8000 students and would be built in phases over a 25-year period. The Diocese of Harare suffered huge setbacks during the time that it was forcibly occupied by excommunicated former bishop Nolbert Kunonga, and sees the creation of this university as a symbol of recovery.

4 April 2014: ABC warns about African backlash from overseas church sexuality decisions
The Anglican Communion News Service (London) reported on what Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby said this week on a British radio program. He said that Westerners must understand that Christians in parts of Africa face abuse, violence and even death because of decisions on sexual equality made by Anglican Churches in the West. If this issue matters to you, please read the entire ACNS article and perhaps even watch the video linked at its end. Renowned British columnist Andrew Brown argues in The Guardian that the Archbishop is yielding to blackmail. Andrew Goddard, writing in Fulcrum, has a fairly complete commentary.

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