THE ANGLICAN COMMUNION grew through English colonisation and missionary
work. Although it has historically been largest in former British colonies, it has a strong presence throughout the world, even in
countries that never had a colonial presence, such as Japan. See our "notes on structure" page. The Nippon Sei Ko Kai is a member of the World Council of Churches, the Christian Conference of Asia, and the National Christian Council in Japan.
If you know of a website that should be listed here and
is not, please tell
us. If you represent a church or diocese that should would like
to have a webpage, please see the Society of Archbishop Justus web hosting.
Dioceses and parishes
Schools and Education
Anglican Resources in Japan

Dioceses and Parishes
Provincial Office
Diocese of Chubu
Gifu, St Paul
Inariyama, All Saints
Kani, Trinity Church
Matsumoto, Holy Cross
Nagano, Holy Saviour
Nagoya, St John
Nagoya, St Matthew
Sanjo, St Mary
Toyohashi, Church of the Ascension
Diocese of Hokkaido
Sapporo, Christ Church
Abashiri, St Peter
Bibai, St Andrew
Hakodate, St John
Iwamizawa, Holy Cross
Kitami, St James
Monbetsu, St Mary
Obihiro, Obihiro Church
Sapporo, St Margaret
Sapporo, St Michael
Shin-Sapporo, St Nicholas
Tomakomai, St Luke
Diocese of Kitakanto
Hitachi, St Andrew
Kawagoe, Christ Church
Kumagaya, St Paul
Kusatsu, St Barnabas
Maebashi, St Matthias
Mito, St Stephen
Niiza, St Paul's Chapel at Rikkyo High School
Nikko, True Light
Omiya, Holy Love
Oyama, St Michael
Saitama, All Saints
Satte, Church of the Resurrection
Shimodate, Shimodate Church
Tochigi, St Alban
Tsuchiura, St Barnabas
Utsunomiya, St John
Diocese of Kobe
Kobe, Cathedral Church of St Michael
Akashi, St Mary Magdalene
Fukuyama, All Saints
Hamada, Christ Church
Himeji, Church of the Epiphany
Hiroshima, Church of the Resurrection
Kobe, Church of the Ascension
Kobe, Kobe Mariners' Centre, a joint Mission to Seafarers / Apostleship of the Sea
centre, St Andrew's Chapel offers the only English-language service in the Diocese of Kobe.
Kobe, St John
Kobe, St Peter
Kochi, St Paul
Kurashiki, Kurashiki Mission Centre
Kurashiki, St Christopher
Kure, Shin'ai Church
Matsue, Christ Church
Matsuyama, St Andrew
Momoyama, St Andrew
Okayama, St Augustine
Shimonoseki, St Francis Xavier
Shunan (Tokuyama), St Mary
Takamatsu, St James
Tokushima, Immanuel
Tokushima, St Timothy
Yonago, St Nicholas
Diocese of Kyoto
Fukui, Trinity Church
Kanazawa, St John
Kishiwada City, Resurrection Church
Kitakatsuragi, St Peter
Koganei, Koganei Church
Kyoto, Holy Light [MIDI attack]
Kyoto, St Agnes
Kyoto, St Mary
Kyoto, Trinity Church
Momoyama, Christ Church
Nara, Christ Church
Nishiyamato, St Peter
Otsu, St Mary
Shingu, Shingu Church
Toyama, St Mary
Diocese of Kyushu
Anglicans in Kyushu
'This site has been set up to provide information in English about the Diocese of Kyushu.'
Fukuoka, St
Itsubara, St Barnabas
Kagoshima, Church of the Resurrection
Kikuchi, Reimei ('Dawn') Church
Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Anglican Church
Kitakyushu, Kokura, Kokura Immanuel
Kitakyushu, Tobata-ku, St Stephen
Kumamoto, Holy Trinity
Kurume, Kurume Church
Miyazaki, Holy Trinity
Munakata, St Paul
Nogata, Christ Church
Oita, Oita Church
Okuchi, Okuchi Church
Omuta, St Mary
Saga, House of Prayer
Diocese of Okinawa
Nago, St John
Okinawa, All Souls English-language
ministry serving the people of Okinawa and Americans stationed on the island.
Diocese of Osaka (in Japanese
and English)
Osaka (Kawaguchi), Christ
Church Cathedral (in Japanese and English)
Ashiya, St Mark
Habikino, St Matthew
Higashitoyonaka, St Michael
Ishibashi, St Thomas
Moriguchi, Church of the Resurrection
Nishinomiya, St Peter
Osaka, Christ Church, Jonan (in Japanese and English)
Osaka, Grace (Seiai Kyokai) (in English)
Osaka, St Paul (in English)
Osaka, Seiaganainushi / Church of the Redeemer
Sakai, St Timothy
Takatsuki, St Mary
Tondabayashi, St Lucia
Toyonaka (Shonai), Christ Church
Diocese of Tohoku
Aomori, St Andrew (in
Japanese and English)
Hachinohe, St Luke
Hayama, St Peter and St Paul
Morioka, Morioka Church
Namariyama, Holy Savior Chapel
Noshiro, Christ Church
Odate, St Paul
Onahama, St Timothy
Sendai, St Francis
Wakamatsu, All Saints
Yonezawa, St John (in Japanese and English)
Diocese of Tokyo
Tokyo, St Andrew's Cathedral
Fukagawa, St Saviour [Sunday
school website]
Ikebukuro, Ikebukuro Church
Ikebukuro, Rikkyo Chapel
Kiyose, St Mary the Virgin
Koganei, Koganei Church
Machida, Shinko Church
Nerima, St Gabriel
Tachikawa, St Patrick
Tokyo (Chiyoda-ku), Christ Church, Kanda
Tokyo (Arakawa-ku), Christ Church, Senju
Tokyo (Setagaya-ku), Grace Church
Tokyo (Setagaya-ku), Holy Trinity Church
Tokyo (Shinjuku), Mejiro Church
Tokyo (Omori), St Agnes
Tokyo, St Alban (English-speaking congregation)
Tokyo, (Minato-ku) St Andrew
Tokyo (Shinjuku), St Barnabas
Tokyo (Asakusa), St John
Tokyo (Suginami-ku), St Margaret
Tokyo (Shibuya), St Michael
Tokyo (Meguro-ku), St Paul
Tokyo (Suginami-ku), St Peter
Tokyo (Shinagawa-ku), St Stephen
Tokyo (Bunkyo-ku) St Timothy
Tokyo (Shinagawa), Sanko Church
Tokyo (Setagaya-ku), Seiai Church
Tokyo (Arakawa), Shin'ai Church
Diocese of Yokohama
Yokohama, St Andrew's Cathedral
Chiba, Church of the
Hamamatsu, St Andrew
Hiratsuka, St Mary
Ichikawa, St Mary
Kamakura, St Michael
Kashiwa, St Andrew
Kawasaki, St Paul
Kiyosato, St Andrew
Matsudo, St Paul
Nagasaka, St Mary
Odawara, Holy Cross
Shizuoka, St Peter
Tateyama, St Andrew
Yokohama, Christ Church
Yokohama, St Christopher
Zushi, St Peter

Schools and Education
Nippon Seikokai Educational Union
This site provides a comprehensive directory of Japanese Anglican preschools and kindergartens. Site in Japanese only.
Nippon Seikokai School Network
Aizuwakamatsu, Fukushima Prefecture, Holy Love Kindergarten. Affiliated with the Diocese of
Akashi, Hyogo Prefecture, Bokuyo (Good Shepherd) Kindergarten. A kindergarten affiliated with the
Church of St Mary Magdalene, Akashi.
Akita, Akita Prefecture, Seishi Kindergarten. Affiliated with the Diocese of Tohoku.
Aomori Prefecture, Glory Academy. An association of five Anglican kindergartens.
Ashiya, Hyogo Prefecture, Aiko Kindergarten. Affiliated with the Diocese of Osaka.
Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, All Saints Kindergarten. Affiliated with All Saints, Tokyo.
Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture, St Mark's Kindergarten. Affiliated with the Diocese
of Yokohama.
Fukui, Fukui Prefecture, Seisanichi [Holy Trinity] Kindergarten. Affiliated with the Diocese
of Kyoto.
Fukuoka, Fukuoka Prefecture, Kusagae Kindergarten. Affiliated with the Diocese of Kyushu.
Fukushima, Fukushima Prefecture, Misono Kindergarten. Affiliated with the Diocese of Tohoku.
[MIDI attack]
Fukuyama, Hiroshima Prefecture, St Mary's Kindergarten. Affiliated with the Diocese of Kobe.
Hachioji, Tokyo Prefecture, Hachioji Kindergarten. Affiliated with
the Diocese of Tokyo.
Hirara, Okinawa Prefecture, St James. Affiliated with the Diocese of Okinawa.
Hiroshima, Hiroshima Prefecture, Eiko Kindergarten. Affiliated with the Diocese of Kobe.
Hitachi, Ibaraki Prefecture, Futaba Kindergarten. Affiliated with St Andrew's, Hitachi
in the Diocese of Kitakanto. [MIDI attack]
Ichikawa, Chiba Prefecture, St Mary's Kindergarten. Affiliated with the Diocese
of Yokohama.
Ichinomiya, Saitama Prefecture, Holy Light (Seiko) Kindergarten. Affiliated with the Diocese of Kitakanto.
Inariyama, Nagano Prefecture, Holy Cross Kindergarten
Iruma, Saitama Prefecture, Moroyama Aishi Kindergarten. Affiliated with the Diocese of Kitakanto
Ise, Mie Prefecture, St Mark's Kindergarten.
Iwaki, Fukushima Prefecture, St Timothy's Kindergarten. Affiliated with the Diocese
of Tohoku.
Iwamizawa, Holy Cross Kindergarten. Affiliated with the Diocese of Hokkaido.
Joetsu, Niigata Prefecture, Autumn Leaves Kindergarten. Affiliated with the Diocese of Chubu.
Joetsu, Niigata Prefecture, Holy Wisdom Kindergarten. Affiliated with the Diocese of Chubu.
Kawagoe, Saitama Prefecture, Hatsukari Kindergarten. Affiliated with the Diocese
of Kitakanto.
Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture, St Michael's Kindergarten. Affiliated with the Diocese of Kobe.
Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture, St Nicholas Kindergarten. Affiliated with the Diocese of Kobe.
Koriyama, Fukushima Prefecture, St Paul's Kindergarten. Affiliated with the Diocese of Tohoku.
Kurume, Fukuoka Prefecture, Angel Kindergarten. Affiliated with the Diocese of Kyushu.
Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture, Holy Trinity Kindergarten. Affiliated with the Diocese of Kyoto.
Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture, Momoyama Christ Kindergarten. Affiliated with
the Diocese of Kyoto.
Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture, Resurrection Kindergarten. Affiliated with the Diocese of Kyoto.
Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture, Shimogamo Kindergarten. Affiliated with the Diocese of Kyoto.
Matsuyama, Aichi Prefecture, St Luke's Kindergarten. Affiliated with the Diocese of Chubu.
Mobara, Chiba Prefecture, Holy Angels Kindergarten. Affiliated with the Diocese of Yokohama.
Monbetsu, Hokkaido, St Mary's Kindergarten. Affiliated with the Diocese of Hokkaido.
Morioka, Iwate Prefecture, Niou Kindergarten. Affiliated with the Diocese of Tohoku.
Morioka, Iwate Prefecture, St Paul's Kindergarten. Affiliated with the Diocese of Tohoku.
Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture, Ryujo Kindergarten. Affiliated with the Diocese of Chubu.
Naha, Okinawa, Nazareth Kindergarten. Affiliated with the Diocese of Okinawa.
Nogata, Fukuoka Prefecture, St Paul's Kindergarten. Affiliated with the Diocese
of Kyushu.
Numazu, Shizuoka Prefecture, Zion Kindergarten. Affiliated with the Diocese of Yokohama.
Obihiro, Hokkaido, Obihiro Anglican Kindergarten. Affiliated with the Diocese
of Hokkaido.
Odawara, Kanagawa Prefecture, Hanazono Kindergarten. Affiliated with the Diocese of Yokohama.
Okinawa City, Okinawa, Shoseito Kindergarten. Affiliated with the Diocese of Okinawa.
Osaka, Osaka Prefecture, Hakuai Kindergarten. Affiliated with the Diocese of Osaka.
Osaka, Osaka Prefecture, Poole Kindergarten. Affiliated with the Diocese of Osaka.
Accepts non-Japanese speakers.
Oyama, Tochigi Prefecture, Sawarabi Kindergarten. Affiliated with the Diocese of Kitakanto.
Sakurai, Nara Prefecture, Ikusei Kindergarten. Affiliated with the Diocese of Kyoto.
Sanjo, Niigata Prefecture, Holy Virgin Kindergarten. Affiliated with the Church of St
Mary the Virgin, Sanjo, Diocese of Chubu.
Saitama, Saitama Prefecture, Reiwa Kindergarten. Affiliated with the Diocese of Kitakanto.
Saitama, Saitama Prefecture, Seiai [Holy Love] Kindergarten. Affiliated with the Diocese
of Kitakanto. [MIDI attack]
Sapporo, Hokkaido, St Michael's Kindergarten. Affiliated with the Diocese
of Hokkaido.
Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, St Christopher's Kindergarten. Affiliated with the Diocese
of Tohoku.
Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, St Luke's Kindergarten. Affiliated with the Diocese of Tohoku.
Shimodate, Ibaraki Prefecture, Shimodate Kindergarten. Affiliated with the Diocese
of Kitakanto.
Takamatsu, Kagawa Prefecture, St James Kindergarten. On Shikoku island.
Tanabe, Wakayama Prefecture. Zion Kindergarten, Diocese of Kyoto
Tokushima, Tokushima Prefecture, Shin'ai Kindergarten. On Shikoku island, affiliated with
Emmanuel Church, Tokushima.
Tokyo (Suginami-ku), Tenshien Kindergarten. Affiliated with St Margaret's Junior
Tomakomai, Hokkaido, St Luke's Kindergarten. Affiliated with the Diocese of Hokkaido.
Tomigusuku, Okinawa Prefecture, St Matthew. Affiliated with the Diocese of Okinawa.
Toyama, Toyama Prefecture, St Mary's Kindergarten. Affiliated with the Diocese of Kyoto.
Tsu, Mie Prefecture, St James Kindergarten
Tsukigata, Hokkaido Prefecture, Chiraiotsu Play Centre. Affiliated with the Diocese
of Hokkaido.
Utsunomiya, Ibaraki Prefecture, Airin Kindergarten. Affiliated with the Diocese of Kitakanto
Yonago, Shimane Prefecture, Ryozen Kindergarten. Affiliated with St Nicholas Church, Yonago.
Other schools
Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture, Kobe Shoin Women's Middle School and High School
Kobe, St Michael's International School. Preschool through year 5.
Kunitachi, Kyoto Prefecture, Takinogawa Gakuen. Founded in 1891 for children with Down's Syndrome;
affiliated with the Diocese of Kyoto.
Nagoya, St Mary's College. Founded in 1898 by Canadian Anglican missionaries led by Margaret Young.
Niiza, Saitama Prefecture, St Paul's Middle School and High School. Affiliated with St Paul's
University (Rikkyo), Tokyo, founded in 1874 by Channing Moore Williams, missionary bishop of the American Episcopal Church.
Oiso, Kanagawa Prefecture, St Stephen's School. Coeducational elementary and middle school
founded in 1948.
Sakai, Poole Gakuin Junior and Senior High Schools
Takatsuki, Osaka Prefecture, Heian Jogakuin/St Agnes School. Kindergarten through college
education for women. Affiliated with the Diocese of Kyoto.
Tokyo, Shinagawa ward, St Hilda's School. Middle school and high school, for women.
Tokyo, Toyoshima ward, Rikkyo/St Paul's University. Founded in 1874 by Channing Moore Williams,
missionary bishop of the American Episcopal Church. Affiliated with the Diocese of Tokyo. A preparatory school campus in England has its
own site.
Nursing Colleges
St Luke's College of Nursing, Chuo-ku, Tokyo.
Holy Cross Nursing College,
Mie Prefecture. Founded in 2007.
Theological Colleges
Central Theological College, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo. Founded in 1908 by the amalgamation of two older
Japanese Anglican seminaries.
Williams Theological
Seminary, Kyoto. Named for Channing Moore Williams, missionary bishop of the American Episcopal Church.
Graduate School of Christian Studies at Rikkyo University, Tokyo
Kobe Shoin Women's University, Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture.
Momoyama/St Andrew's University, Izumi, Osaka Prefecture. Graduate and undergraduate programmes.
Affiliated with the Diocese of Kyoto.
Poole University, Sakai, Osaka Prefecture. Includes junior
and senior high school divisions. Founded in 1879, named after Bishop Arthur William Poole. Affiliated with the Diocese of Kyoto.
Site includes sections in English and Japanese.
St Michael's Kobe International University, Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture.

Anglican Resources in Japan
2009: 150th Anniversary of Anglicanism in Japan
Various resources related to the commemoration of the beginnings of the NSKK are available online. See here and here.
American Committee for KEEP
'The Kiyosato Educational Experiment Project (KEEP) is an economic and community development project rooted in Christian faith. KEEP
was founded on four ideals: Food, Health, Faith, and Hope for Youth.' 'Funds raised by the ACK go to support the educational, agricultural,
environmental, and international outreach work of KEEP in Japan and around the world.' English-language website.
Anglican Youth
Network in Japan
Publishes NSKK Youth Network News twice a year, to promote the exchange of NSKK youth information at national level by providing
an Internet Mailing List Service and a Youth Activity Material Postal Request Service, to exchange information at ecumenical and international
level, and to hold the Facilitator Training program for youth. This web page also exists in
Brotherhood of
St Andrew in Japan
National branch of this Anglican men's organization.
Chubu Diocesan Constitutional
This site details Anglican activity in the Diocese of Chubu related primarily to Article
9 of the Japanese Constitution.
Church notices
News and announcements in weblog format from the provincial office of the NSKK.
Hakuaisha, Yodogawa-ku,
Social welfare organization affiliated with the Nippon Seikokai.
Youth Group
Pictures and event information for young people in the Diocese of Hokkaido.
Holy Cross Hospice, Mie District, Mie Prefecture
Holy Cross Welfare Group,
Komono, Mie Prefecture, Diocese of Osaka
Hymnal Revision
The revision committee for the Japanese-language edition of Hymns Ancient and Modern (Kokin Seikashu, not to be confused with Kokin
Wakashu) has provided a wealth of information online. Site in Japanese only.
Ikuno Center, Osaka
Conference centre of the NSKK.
Jorakuen Home, Toyama,
Kyoto Prefecture
Affiliated with the Diocese of Kyoto.
Kujukuri Home, Kujukuri, Chiba
Group home with medical care and rehabilitation centre; affiliated with the Diocese of Yokohama.
Let Us Walk Together! Project
Statements, prayers, and other information from the Nippon Sei Ko Kai regarding the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake.
Nagoya Youth Center
Founded in 1957, NYC offers a variety of children's programmes, including English conversation classes. Affiliated
with the Diocese of Chubu.
NSKK Women's Association
Founded in 1908; photographs from the centennial celebration of this organization are available
Anglican social welfare organization founded in 1950; affiliated with the Diocese of Kobe.
Riddell-Wright Memorial Society,
Bilingual website about the work of Hannah Riddell (1855-1932) and Ada Wright (1870-1950), pioneer Anglican missionaries who treated
Hansen's Disease in Japan.
St Barnabas Hospital,
Specializes in obstetrics and gynecology. Affiliated with the Diocese of Kyoto.
St Hilda's Society, Yokohama
Social welfare organisation caring for the elderly and disabled persons.
St Luke's Center, Owariasahi,
Aichi Prefecture
Provides wedding facilities, day camp activities, English conversation lessons, and musical programs. Affiliated with the Diocese of
St Luke's International Hospital,
Chuo-ku, Tokyo
The 'Mayo Clinic of Japan' was founded in 1902 by Anglican medical missionary Rudolph Bolling Teusler. Staffed for many years by Anglo-American
and Japanese members of the NSKK, today it continues a medical ministry known throughout the country for high quality and the integration
of information technology and medcine. Site in Japanese and English.
St Matthew's Cathedral
Wedding Ceremonies
Resources in Japanese for planning weddings at the cathedral of the Diocese of Chubu.
St Michael International
Young Men's House, Sapporo, Hokkaido
Founded in 1990 by St Michael's, Sapporo, this youth hostel provides a very inexpensive way for Japanese and foreign students to 'live
together and exchange ideas with each other'. There are ten rooms. 'This is a nice chance to learn Japanese faster, and to make many
friends.' Site ncludes some information in English.
Seikokai Sexual Minorities
Website in Japanese only; administered by the missionary bureau of the Diocese of Chubu.
Seikokai Shuppan
Publishing wing of the Nippon Seikokai; includes online ordering information.
Seisen-ryo, Hokuto, Yamanashi Prefecture.
Camp and conference center of the Kiyosato Educational Experiment Project.
Shin'aikai Social Welfare Corporation
Affiliated with the Diocese of Kyoto; operates a retirement centre in Wakayama Prefecture called 'Garden of Love.'
U26 Center
NSKK group focused on persons aged 18-26.
