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Archived News Headlines for October/November/December 2015

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30 December 2015: Praise and reproaches as northern England endures deluge
The Church Times reports that thousands of people have been forced from their homes in northern England because of flooding. Some churches, like St Barnabas, Littleborough, have been providing shelter for residents, and others that had intended to do the same have become victims of the water themselves. The Catholic Register has noted the practical ecumenism that has led to Anglican churches being made available for RC masses, and to co-operation in relief efforts.

26 December 2015: C of E to fast-track minority ethnic clergy promotions
The Guardian (London) reports a new policy under which the Church of England plans to fast-track black and ethnic minority clergy into senior positions, amid (and presumably in response to) accusations of institutional racism.

26 December 2015: Hundreds die at St James Anglican Church on Christmas
The headline actually said that for about 2 hours before someone noticed the error and revised it to 'Hundreds dine', referring to the Christmas Dinner at St James in Orillia, Diocese of Toronto. We're very happy to learn that it was a small typo and not a large disaster.

25 December 2015: ISIS is the new Herod, says ABC
Al Arabia (Dubai) reports that Archbishop Justin Welby on Christmas Day said Christians faced 'elimination' in the Middle East by ISIS, labelling the group a modern-day version of the tyrannical biblical king Herod.

24 December 2015: The Church of Scotland and the Church of England reach an historic agreement
The churches of England and Scotland have issued press releases announcing they have reached an historic agreement, called the Columba Declaration, that recognises their longstanding ecumenical partnership and lays the groundwork for future joint projects.

23 December 2015: Diocese of Christchurch agrees to consider reinstatement (restoration) of damaged cathedral
New Zealand City reports an agreement between heritage campaigners and Diocesan leaders to 'investigate reinstating the ChristChurch Cathedral'. Anglican Taonga reported it in more detail. Fundraising has already begun.

18 December 2015: Praying for the Holy Land at Christmas
Anglican Communion News Services reported Anglicans and other Christians are being asked to pray for the peace of Jerusalem on Christmas Eve, using a special litany which has emerged from the Diocese of Jerusalem's daily prayers at St George's Cathedral. The Church Times reported on the call by the UN to the international community to take action to ensure that civilian human-rights defenders in Hebron, in the West Bank, are allowed to carry out their monitoring work without harassment from Israeli settlers. The UN was responding to reports that human-rights activists have been threatened and physically attacked.

18 December 2015: Brain research locates 'Christmas spirit'
The Church Times reported on a study in the British Medical Journal where researchers found increased activity in five areas of the brain when participants were shown Christmas-related images. The light-hearted study was conducted in order to 'help' those suffering from the so-called 'Bah humbug syndrome', who are prone to displaying 'Christmas spirit deficiencies'.

17 December 2015: Christmas 'cancelled' in India; but re-instated in Pakistan
Anglican Communion News Service (ACNS) reported 'exuberant' Christmas celebrations in the Diocese of Madras, part of the Church of South India (CSI), have been cancelled as the Moderator calls on churches to focus efforts on flood relief; but in the Diocese of Peshawar, part of the Church of Pakistan, an improving security situation means that Christmas is back after a two-year absence.

16 December 2015: Botswana's first locally trained ordinands become priests
Anglican Communion News Service (ACNS) reported thirteen priests and two deacons were ordained in what was the the largest ordination service held in the 42-year history of the diocese, in the Province of Central Africa. Twelve of the newly-ordained priests were trained trained locally at St Augustine Theological School and they are the first class to graduate.

15 December 2015: Bishop election in Eastern Oregon
The Diocese of Eastern Oregon announced the Revd Patrick Bell was elected the seventh bishop of the diocese on 12 December. The Episcopal News Service (ENS) report on this is here.

13 December 2015: Retired Lord Bishop Neville deSouza dies
The website of the diocese of Jamaica and the Cayman Islands announced the death of its twelfth bishop, the Rt Revd Neville deSouza. Because of his stand on social issues, some accused him of being a communist, but he said "it didn't matter what they called me because I know that justice is a Christian virtue". He ordained the first women deacons in the diocese in 1994, and priests two years later; and was an ecumenical leader at home and abroad. The Gleaner (Jamaica) reported Outspoken Anglican Bishop Neville DeSouza Is Dead.

13 December 2015: Sign of The End for the Church of England?
The Telegraph (UK) reports the result of unsettling research that 'The Anglican Church in the northern hemisphere could face catastrophic decline within 10 years as the "cheese sticks and coronation chicken" generation of older women die.

11 December 2015: Three top officials of US Episcopal Church 'placed on administrative leave'
The US Episcopal News Service released the text of a letter sent by Presiding Bishop Michael Curry to headquarters staff of the US Episcopal Church. He wrote 'I placed on administrative leave Bishop Stacy Sauls, Chief Operating Officer, Samuel McDonald, Deputy Chief Operating Officer and Director of Mission, and Alex Baumgarten, Director of Public Engagement.'

10 December 2015: The world’s cheesiest Christmas nativity
Adams Foods, who pack cheddar cheese, hired food artist Prudence Staite to carve a nativity scene, using forty kilograms of cheddar. The Leek News describes the result, including the cheese wise men bearing gifts of Branston pickle. The British newspaper The Telegraph referred to it as 'baby cheesus'.

9 December 2015: The Nigerian pastor with a Boko Haram bounty on his head
Hassan John has been working for the diocese of Jos for six years, trying to rebuild Christian-Muslim relations in an area that has suffered from deadly interreligious riots. Newsweek reports that makes him a marked man in the eyes of Boko Haram, in its bid to establish a fundamentalist Islamic caliphate. The price on his life is 150,000 naira (about €687), slightly more than the going rate for a stolen iPhone. He has been shot at, both by soldiers and by militants, but that has not deterred him in his quest to build harmony.

9 December 2015: Diocese of Bathurst in big financial trouble
The Sydney Morning Herald reports The Anglican Diocese of Bathurst is liable for a $40 million loan from the Commonwealth Bank. A court in New South Wales found the diocese liable.

7 December 2015: Commission on Religion and Belief in British Public Life
The Commission on Religion and Belief in British Public Life has published its report: Living with Difference: community, diversity and the common good. The report is 104 pages long, but there is a three-page executive summary at the beginning. The Huffington Post published this insider analysis of the Commission's findings.

6 December 2015: Where's the casket?
The Brisbane Times reports on the mystery of the missing casket of the man who gave the money to build a church and was supposedly interred in its crypt. The Diocese of Brisbane plans to close the church and cannot sell it until its benefactor's remains are located and moved to a nearby cemetery.

5 December 2015: Lost boy of Sudan ordained as deacon in Utah
Gabriel Atem was one of 20,000 Sudanese children who fled thousands of miles to Ethiopia and Kenya during the Sudanese civil war. About half of them died, because of malnutrition, drowning, or attacks by wild animals or by rebels. Gabriel made his way to the United States, and eventually joined other lost boys who had been settled in Salt Lake City. Now, Deseret News reports he has been ordained a deacon, and leads worship services at All Saints Episcopal church in the Dinka language.

5 December 2015: Ten best Christmas videos for 2015
A hat tip to Thinking Anglicans for drawing our attention to Tallie Proud's list of the 10 best Christmas videos this year.

3 December 2015: Canadian primate robbed in Brazil
Canada's Anglican Journal reports that the Canadian Primate, Archbishop Fred Hiltz, and his secretary had just left a small Anglican church in Belém when a group of young men holding guns surrounded their car, looking for wallets and phones. They took his bishop’s ring, but couldn't get his wedding ring. The bishop of Amazonia's wife has been robbed five times in the last fifteen months. Despite this experience, Archbishop Hiltz looks forward to a closer relationship between the churches of Canada and Brazil.

2 December 2015: New bishop for Quebec
CJAD News (Québec) reports that one of its former reporters, the Venerable Bruce Myers, has been elected Coadjutor Bishop of the Diocese of Quebec. There is not yet mention of this election on the diocesan website, but we expect to see it soon.

1 December 2015: First female priests ordained in Uruguay
Canada's Anglican Journal reports on the first-ever ordination of women to the Anglican priesthood in that country. The Revd Audrey Taylor Gonzalez, the Revd Cynthia Myers Dickin, and the Revd Susana Lopez Lerena were ordained priests on the Feast of Christ the King at Holy Trinity Cathedral in Montevideo.

29 November 2015: Falling flat on his faith
St Wulfram’s church in Grantham in the Diocese of Lincoln (England) put an ice rink in the nave as part of its Christmas tree festival. The vicar, Stuart Craddock, donned skates to demonstrate it for BBC’s Radio Lincolnshire. The Daily Mail reports it’s hard to keep your balance when you’re wearing a cassock, and the vicar’s tumble was caught on video.

29 November 2015: Pope prays at Anglican shrine
The Monitor reports that on his way to the shrine for the Catholic Ugandan martyrs, Pope Francis stopped at the Anglican shrine in Namugongo, and blessed the new museum that honours the 23 Anglican and 22 Roman Catholic martyrs executed by the king of Buganda in the 19th century.

28 November 2015: New bishop of Tasmania
The Australian Broadcasting Corporation reported on the election by the Diocese of Tasmania of Dr Richard Condie as its new Bishop. Dr Condie made the news in 2013 when he was invited, in his capacity as an opponent of gay marriage, to meet Gene Robinson in Melbourne. This article 'We Took an Anti Gay Marriage Priest to see a Gay Married Priest' summarizes the outcome reasonably well.

28 November 2015: Zimbabwe's Kunonga appeals court order demanding restitution of stolen funds
The Herald (Zimbabwe) reports on former bishop Nolbert Kunonga's unsurprising appeal of the High Court decision requiring him to pay back US$428,000. After years of hyperinflation, the Zimbabwe dollar was abandoned as currency in that country and business there is now conducted in US dollars. Kunonga is a favourite of Zimbabwe's aging dictator Robert Mugabe.

27 November 2015: Catholic confirmation mass in Worcester's Anglican cathedral
Independent Catholic News reports that Fr Brian McGinley, the priest of two catholic parishes, had a confirmation class of fifty, and neither church was large enough to accommodate the service. He approached the dean of Worcester Cathedral, and the confirmation was held there.

26 November 2015: Archbishop Mouneer Anis opens Ethiopia's first Anglican theological college
For many years St Matthew's church in Addis Ababa was the only Anglican congregation in Ethiopia. Anglican Communion News Service (ACNS) reports that the arrival of refugees from the civil war in Sudan increased the number of Anglicans, and their clergy, because of the war-time situation, lacked a theological education. The new St Frumentius College in Gambella will train clergy in and Anglican and African context. St Frumentius brought Christianity to Ethiopia in the fourth century, and was the first bishop of Axum.

25 November 2015: Rural vicars drowning amid battle to keep empty churches open
A fall in religious observance, combined with population shifts away from the countryside, has produced a crisis for England's medieval churches. The Telegram reports that one in four rural parishes—about 2,000 churches—have fewer then ten regular worshippers, and half would be able to muster even twenty on a Sunday. The church's General Synod is considering a report on new uses for churches that are no longer sustainable.

25 November 2015: Churches for sale
Various news reports tell us that the Diocese of Huron has listed St George, Walkerville, Ontario for sale for CDN$250,000 and that the Diocese of Rockhampton is offering St Francis, Bororen, Queensland for AUS$65,000.

22 November 2015: UK cinemas refuse to show C of E advert on Lord's Prayer
The BBC and the Guardian, among other news sources, reported on the decision by the three major cinema chains in the UK refusing to play a 60-second Church of England advertisement before showings of the new Star Wars film in the week before Christmas. The three chains control about 80% of the cinema screens in the UK. The C of E advert features the Lord's Prayer and promotes a new website,, whose aim is to 'promote the renwal of prayer in a digital age'. The C of E press release about this can be found here. We especially like the use of 'bewildered' in the press release. The Guardian article has links to other op-eds and stories about this including Richard Dawkins and Giles Fraser. We hope you will watch the short video at any of the three links we listed.

20 November 2015: Open Doors charity celebrates 60 years
The Church Times reported on the work of Open Doors which is marking six decades of support for the persecuted Church. Open Doors emerged from the work of Brother Andrew, known for his work smuggling Bibles into Eastern Europe. The work of Open Doors has developed considerably since the early days of smuggling Bibles to providing support and advocacy for persecuted Christians around the world.

18 November 2015: Zanu PF’s Kunonga ordered to repay Anglican Church $430,000
After the former bishop of Harare, Nolbert Kunonga, was dismissed, he sold off church investments at give away prices. New Zimbabwe reports that Kunonga and his associates must repay the church the fair market value for the stocks, plus interest calculated from 2007.

16 November 2015: Canada's Central Interior parishes gain Diocesan status
Anglican Communion News Service reported on the Canadian Council of General Synod (CoGS) action that recognised the Anglican Parishes of the Central Interior (APCI) as a 'territory' with the status of a diocese 15 years after their former diocese of Cariboo was forced to close. Anglican Journal published an in-depth article about this including remarks by the APCI bishop, the Rt Revd Barbara Andrews. Andrews said she is 'pleased with the affirmation we have received from CoGS to become a territory,' and noted that doing so allows it to 'continue our journey to healing and reconciliation' with Indigenous Anglicans in the Central Interior.

13 November 2015: First Anglican confirmation service in Moroccan capital
Anglican Communion News Service reports on the first confirmation service at the new Anglican congregation in Rabat, St Augustine of Hippo.

14 November 2015: Letter from the Dean of the American Cathedral in Paris
The Dean of the American Cathedral in Paris, Lucinda Laird, has written this public letter about the recent terrorist attacks in that city. The Bishop of Gibraltar in Europe (bishop of the Diocese in Europe), Robert Innes, issued this statement. The Bishop of the Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe, Pierre Whalon, issued this statement, and the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, issued this statement.

13 November 2015: Priest wins national prize for work with indigenous peoples' fiddle music
The Alaska Dispatch News reports on the award of a 2015 Purpose Prize to Belle Mickelson, an Episcopal priest, for her work in reviving the joyful music of Athabasca within Alaskan rural communities where it had once been widespread and traditional. The New York Times had this to say about the Purpose Prizes.

12 November 2015: Māori Bishop of Te Waipounamu dies after long illness
The Anglican Communion News Service reports the death of the Rt Revd John Gray, Bishop of Te Waipounamu, who was the first Māori bishop to be appointed to the South Island of New Zealand.

12 November 2015: Wife of Henry VIII wrote BCP prayer
The Anglican Communion News Service reports on the discovery by Professor Micheline White of Carleton University that an important prayer in the 1662 Book of Common Prayer was written by Katherine Parr, the last wife of King Henry VIII and placed into the prayer book by Queen Elizabeth I.

12 November 2015: Church of England publishes 10-year Financial Overview
Thinking Anglicans reports on the recent publication of 'Financial Overview 2013', which gathers the finances of the Church of England into one place. It aggregates financial information from over 12,000 parishes, 44 dioceses, 41 cathedrals and 3 National Church Institutions.

10 November 2015: Migratory seminary to consolidate to Chicago
The Besley Seabury Seminary Federation, whose Bexley Hall peregrinations are documented here, has announced plans to consolidate all of its programs into its Chicago site.

8 November 2015: Diocese of Maryland looks to new assistant bishop for healing
After the former assistant bishop of Maryland was jailed after being convicted of killing someone while driving drunk, the diocese was in turmoil. The retired Bishop of Maine, Chilton Knudsen, has been named the new assistant bishop, and the Baltimore Sun tells us about the healing she has already accomplished.

6 November 2015: Global Christian Forum tackles Christian discrimination & persecution
Anglican Communion News Service (ACNS) reported on the recently completed consultation in Albania of the Global Christian Forum. The topic being discussed was the discrimination, persecution & martyrdom Christians face in different parts of the world. 'The consultation has turned out to be a unique event, where Christians from different traditions came together in a very effective way to support the churches going through difficult and challenging times.' The World Council of Churches has more reporting on the consultation on its website.

6 November 2015: Survey brings good & bad news for faith-sharers
The Church Times reported on the results of a study, Talking Jesus, carried out by ComRes and the Barna Group for the Church of England, the Evangelical Alliance, and Hope UK. The report says that, after a conversation with a Christian about his or her faith, 42 per cent of non-Christians said that they felt glad not to share the faith; and 30 per cent said that they felt more negatively about Jesus. The report is to be presented at the Church of England's General Synod this month.

6 November 2015: South Sudan
Madeleine Davies writes in The Church Times on the long-awaited report of the African Union's Commission of Inquiry on South Sudan. The report documents acts of 'extreme cruelty', including brutal killings, the mutilation of bodies, forced cannibalism, and the atrocities suffered by women raped in and kidnapped from churches during the civil wars suffered by the country. The Rt Revd Samuel Enosa Peni, Bishop of Nzara, South Sudan, spoke this week at Trinity Church in Waterloo, Iowa (US) about peace and reconciliation efforts in South Sudan. Anglican Communion News Service (ACNS) summarized the report of his talk from the article published in the Waterloo Cedar Falls Courier.

6 November 2015: Ottawa, Montreal dioceses vote to divest from fossil fuels
Anglican Journal reports a majority of delegates from synods of the diocese of Montreal and the diocese of Ottawa recently voted to divest from fossil fuels, joining 430 other institutions and 2,040 individuals representing C$2.6 trillion in assets who have chosen to pull fossil fuel stocks from their investment portfolios.

6 November 2015: Isle of Man post office marks BCP anniversary
250 years ago the Society for the Propagation of Christian Knowledge published the first Manx Gaelic edition of the Book of Common Prayer. Anglican News reports the post office of the crown dependency is marking the anniversary with five special Christmas stamps.

4 November 2015: ABC hosts visit by Ecumenical Patriarch
The Archbishop of Canterbury's website has posted the joint communiqué of Archbishop Welby and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew at the conclusion of two days of prayer, worship and discussion of issues facing their churches and the wider world. ACNS reported on the presentation to both leaders of an agreed statement between Anglican and Orthodox Churches on the theology of the human person at a special evensong service at Westminster Abbey. ENS (Episcopal News Service) also reported on the visit.

2 November 2015: Dawani reflects on refugee situation in the Middle East
Episcopal News Service (ENS) printed a reflection by the Most Revd Suheil Dawani, Archbishop in Jerusalem, on the situation for refugees in the Diocese of Jerusalem and the Middle East.

2 November 2015: Brandon elects new bishop
Anglican Journal reported the synod of the diocese of Brandon, Canada, elected Canon William Cliff, rector of the Collegiate Chapel of St. John the Evangelist at Huron University College in the diocese of Huron, as its seventh diocesan bishop.

2 November 2015: Preparing for Advent
'Anglicans worldwide and all Christians are being invited to observe Advent in a fun and prayerful way through a global online Advent Calendar called AdventWord. AdventWord invites Christians to sign up to receive a daily meditation and respond by posting a picture on Instagram and other social media. The pictures combine to create the Advent Calendar in real time. In 2014 over 50,000 people participated and 17,000 pictures were posted. In 2015 AdventWord will be released in English, Chinese, Spanish, Hindi, Tamil, French, Portuguese and German.' The full ACNS press release is here. To sign up for AdventWord visit the website,

1 November 2015: All Saints Day sees Curry installed as new Primate and Presiding Bishop
The Most Revd Michael B Curry was installed as Primate and Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church (US) at a service in the Cathedral of Saints Peter & Paul in Washington, DC. A video recording is available to view on demand here. Religion & Ethics Newsweekly featured an interview with Curry which may be viewed here. Episcopal News Service (ENS) offers an interactive timeline of all the Presiding Bishops in the province's history.

31 October 2015: Enugu women protest
Rural women in Enugu state, Nigeria, survive on subsistence farming, but they are now afraid to venture out to their farms for fear of being raped or killed by the Fulani herdsmen who have occupied their farms. Now, the Vanguard reports the church has stepped in to give the victims a voice. Led by the bishop’s wife, the Mothers’ Union has mobilized hundreds of women to demand that the government stop the attacks.

30 October 2015: Practical theology is tool in South America
Anglican Communion News Service (ACNS) reported on the recent meeting of the Faith and Territories Network in Brazil. Local communities in South America, who are facing an increasing battle to preserve their common lands from powerful corporations, are turning to practical theology to assist them in their struggle; as church leaders pledge to be 'doers of the Word, not merely hearers of the Word'.

29 October 2015: Anglican Board of Mission celebrates 165th anniversary
Anglican Communion News Service (ACNS) reported on the history of the Anglican Board of Mission (ABM) which had its beginnings in New Zealand and is now the national mission agency of the Anglican Church in Australia. The ABM is actively engaged in mission and outreach work in the Pacific.

29 October 2015: University Christian theology course on Harry Potter
The Deseret News (Utah) published an op-ed by Danielle Tumminio about a course she offered at Yale University considering the Harry Potter series in light of Christian theology.

25 October 2015: GAFCON statement asserts talk must end and action must be taken
Writing for Christian Today, Ruth Gledhill analyses and comments on this years pastoral letter from GAFCON. The GAFCON letter states 'There is now a shared realisation that the time for dialogue is over and there must be a decision that will settle the future direction of the Communion.' The letter also revealed that GAFCON members have agreed to attend the meeting in Canterbury next January that was called by the Archbishop of Canterbury.

22 October 2015: Church of England apologizes for the behaviour of George Bell
The Church of England issued this press release, which reports the formal apology by the current Bishop of Chichester for sexual abuse committed by former bishop George Bell, who died in 1958.

21 October 2015: Nigerian Bishop rejects governor’s donation
Civil servants in Imo State, Nigeria, have been waiting for months for their salaries and pensions to be paid. So when the governor offered the diocese of Owerri a large donation at its synod, Bishop Cyril Okorocha rejected the gift, suggesting it could be put toward the outstanding salaries. The Nigerian Bulletin reports that the governor’s representative was enraged by the comment, and stormed out of the meeting.

21 October 2015: At-risk church buildings in England
Thinking Anglicans gathered this information about the contents and nature of this year's annual 'Heritage at Risk Register'. Many of the structures declared to be at risk are churches.

14 October 2015: Oldest known draft of King James Bible discovered
The New York Times reports on the purported discovery by a Jeffrey Alan Miller, an assistant professor of English at Montclair State University in New Jersey, of a handwritten draft dating from 1604 to 1608 of parts of the the King James Bible.

14 October 2015: Church of England proposal to reclassify churches as 'festival only'
The Guardian (London) reports that 'an increasing number of churches are likely to operate only at Christmas, Easter and on other holy days as the Church of England struggles with the financial burden of maintaining its properties in the face of declining congregations.' The Christian Post also has a report on the proposal. Letters received by The Guardian are worth reading, and this article in The Telegraph describes how one rural parish was able to save itself from closure. The internal Church of England report whose publication spawned these articles is here.

13 October 2015: Anglicans urged to drop filioque from Nicene Creed
The Anglican Communion News Service, from last week’s meeting of the Anglican Oriental Orthodox International Commission, reports that Anglicans are being urged to drop the filioque from the Nicene Creed.

12 October 2015: Married gay vicar elected to Church of England General Synod
The Guardian reports on the election to General Synod of Britain's only openly married gay vicar. Full results of the elections are here in Thinking Anglicans.

9 October 2015: New programmes for training in Christian ministry
Anglican Communion News Service (ACNS) reported on two new training courses in different stages of starting. In Bermuda, the first permanent, ecumenical, accredited training course for Christian ministry is a step closer to becoming reality thanks to a partnership between the Anglican Church of Bermuda, the Bermuda College and Canada's Atlantic School of Theology. And in Scotland, the new Scottish Episcopal Institute has been dedicated by the Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church with a challenge that the contexts of ministry people are being called to will 'become ever more complex and demanding'.

7 October 2015: Canadian priest wears hijab for a day
Canada is in the midst of an election, and its government seems obsessed with what Muslim women wear. The Prime Minister says that, if re-elected, he will consider a ban on public servants wearing the niqab (none currently do), and the Minister of Immigration called the hijab a perversion of Canadian values. The CBC reported that the Revd Cheryl Toth was concerned about this rhetoric, and wore a hijab for a day to see what it was like. She said she sensed discomfort or hostility from some she encountered, but found the experience informative.

8 October 2015: The stewardship of trash
Angican Communion News Service (ACNS) reported the Diocese of Cape Town has launched its stewardship campaign with the message that stewardship is 'not just about giving money—it's about giving everything.' 'Everything' includes being good stewards of creation: the eight-week campaign includes a focus on the stewardship of 'trash'.

7 October 2015: C of E offers unreserved apology for abuse committed by former bishop
The Church Times reported on sentencing of the former Bishop of Lewes, Peter Ball, to prison after he admitted to a series of abuse offences against 18 young men. Anglican Communion News Service (ACNS) published a report on this matter including the unreserved apology by the C of E to the survivors of Ball's abuse.

6 October 2015: Archbishop of Jerusalem participates in Armenian Muron service
Anglican Communion News Service (ACNS) reported the Most Revd Suheil Dawani, has taken part in a 'sacred and mysterious' chrism service at the Armenian Orthodox Etchmiadzin Cathedral in the city of Vagharshapat, Armenia, at the invitation of the Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem, His Beatitude Nourhan Manougian. The blessing of chrism oil, Holy Muron, is one of the most ancient services in the Armenian Church.

6 October 2015: Anglican & Oriental Orthodox theological agreements
Anglican Communion News Service (ACNS) reported on the historic agreements signed by the Anglican-Oriental Orthodox International Commission. An Agreed Statement of Christology which 'heals the centuries-old split between the Anglican Churches within the family of Chalcedonian Churches and the non-Chalcedonian Churches over the incarnation of Christ.' At their meeting in Wales recently, the Commission made substantial progress on issues concerning the Holy Spirit, which have continued to keep the Churches apart over the centuries.

3 October 2015: Korean Anglicans celebrate 125th anniversary
Episcopal News Service (ENS) reported on the celebrations and events marking the 125th anniversary of the church in Korea.

3 October 2015: New bishop elected for Guyana
Stabroek News (Georgetown, Guyana) reports on the election of Fr Charles Davidson to be the eighth Bishop of Guyana.

3 October 2015: English timber roofs where a host of angels roost
Christopher Howse celebrated Michaelmas by devouring The angel roofs of East Anglia, by Michael Rimmer. About 170 angel roofs survive, and 120 of those are in East Anglia. These painted wooden carvings, up to six feet in height, adorn the hammer beams that support the roofs of their churches. They are so high that their detail can’t be seen from the ground (and so out of reach that they escaped destruction after the reformation). Michael Rimmer is recording them all, and his photographs can be found on his website. There the visitor can scale the heights and go back the centuries to view these otherwise unseen masterpieces.

2 October 2015: Notable interfaith marriage at Canadian Forces base in Ontario
The Anglican Journal (Toronto) reports on a wedding of an Anglican woman to a Muslim man, concelebrated by a priest and an imam.

1 October 2015: New Anglican university in Zimbabwe
Voice of America Zimbabwe reports that the Diocese of Harare, rescued from the clutches of one-time bishop Nolbert Kunonga, is prospering enough to open the Anglican University of Zimbabwe in the city of Marondera.

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