The Right Reverend Terry Brown
Terry Brown, DD, is Bishop of the Diocese of Malaita in the Church
of the Province of Melanesia.
- Lambeth
Reports Daily email reports on the Lambeth
Conference 2008. 'I thought I might write a short
daily report from Lambeth' he begins; the rest
is a fine, personal commentary on two weeks of
ecclesiastical meetings. AO is delighted to provide
an online home for these reports.
Bushnell, BSG
Thomas Bushnell is a member of the Brotherhood
of Saint Gregory and a graduate student in philosophy at
the University of California at Irvine.
Steve Caruso
Steve Caruso is the Translator at Aramaic Designs and The Aramaic New Testament.
Reverend Anthony F. M. Clavier
Tony Clavier is rector of St Thomas-a-Becket Church,
Morgantown, in the Episcopal Diocese of West Virginia. He
has served on the Dallas panel of the 'New Commandment Task
Force'. For thirty years he ministered in one of the continuing
Anglican churches as a bishop and primus.
- The
General Convention Church? The US Episcopal
Church seems to be defined by its General Convention,
but perhaps is really defined by its worship.
[10 September 2000: a
reader's reply].
- On
the 'Continuing Churches' of Anglicanism 'I
wasn't present at the creation of the continuing
church movement, but I ministered in the Continuum
for thirty years and as a bishop for twenty-five
of those years. I am now very happily an Episcopal
priest in the Diocese of Arkansas'. Published
as part of Louie Crew's Joy
Anyway series.
Mr Contreras is a Mexican Anglican, a member of the Cathedral
parish at San Jose de Gracia Cathedral in the historic center
of Mexico City. He writes in Spanish; Anglicans Online has
translated his essay into English.
Robin Drake
Frances S. "Robin" Drake is a cradle Episcopalian, lifelong church musician, and member of St. Anne's Episcopal Church in Reston, Virginia, USA
- Making Ready? Advent is a time for the Holy Spirit to make us ready for Christ.
Judy Winegar Goans
Judy Winegar Goans is an Episcopal laywoman, an aspirant for holy orders in the Diocese of East Tennessee, and a student at the Episcopal Divinity School. She is an attorney who works in intellectual property and international development.
Helen Gordon joined the staff of Anglicans Online in
Reverend Brother Tobias S. Haller BSG
Brother Tobias is vicar of St James Church in Fordham (New
York, USA)
Cynthia McFarland was managing editor of Anglicans
Online from 1997 until her death in 2014.
Jamie McMahon is
a graduate student at Jesus College, Cambridge University
and a member of the Standing Commission on Episcopal Church
Communications (USA).
The Reverend Sean Mullen is Rector of Saint
Mark's Church in central Philadelphia, in the Diocese
of Pennsylvania. He was formerly Chaplain to Peter Carnley,
Archbishop of Perth and then Primate of Australia.
- Of
the internet and gum trees. Is the current
crisis in the Anglican Communion fueled by the
false sense of knowledge we gain in our encounters
with the ‘virtual church’?
Reverend Timothy M. Nakayama
The Reverend Timothy Nakayama is a retired priest in
the Diocese of Olympia and was a missionary to Japan from
1991 to 2000. He has contributed three reflections to Anglicans
Online, including
H. Jefferson Powell
Jeff Powell is a Professor of Law at Duke University who also holds a Master's of Divinity from Yale and a Ph.D. in theological ethics from Duke. He is a parishioner at St Luke in Durham, North Carolina.
A response to Dr Powell's essay was submitted to Anglicans Online by The Rev Thomas Ferguson.
Brian Reid has been the Publisher and News Centre Editor
of Anglicans Online since 1998; he sometimes writes essays
on topics that attract his attention. He is a parishioner at Christ Church in Los Altos, California.
Mac Robb is a Canadian living in Brisbane, Australia
Simon Sarmiento is the UK-Europe editor of Anglicans Online.
Dr Steinhart is an obstetrician and gynaecologist who has
practised medicine on the Navajo Reservation in Shiprock,
New Mexico for more than 20 years. 'Jesus, Remember Me' is
his first essay for Anglicans Online.
Obi Udeariry is a young Anglican living in the city of Owerri,
Reverend R. Edgar Wallace
The Reverend R. Edgar Wallace is rector of St
Matthias in Minocqua, Wisconsin, in the Diocese of Fond
du Lac.
Right Reverend Pierre W. Whalon
Bishop Whalon is a regular columnist and essayist at
Anglicans Online. He is Bishop of the Convocation
of Episcopal Churches in Europe.
- Reflections on the Way of Love A method of daily
living as a follower of Jesus.
- Understanding the Episcopal General Convention A history, background, and analysis of the triennial meeting of bishops and lay and clergical Deputies of the U.S. based province
- On Mars as it is in heaven Reflections on diversity in church planting
- Marriage, The Episcopal Church, and the Anglican Communion On the 2015 vote to change the marriage canons
- Bringing in the Sheaves...From Abroad On being an international bishop in a mostly national province.
- Surviving Death? Thinking about what it means to die.
- Finding Faith? Faith, belief, and the Creeds.
- The
Open Body: Essays
in Anglican Ecclesiology A
- The
Lion's World A review of Rowan Williams'
latest book, an exploration of Narnia.
- Polity
Politics Just how does The Episcopal Church
govern itself? And why should you care?
- Reading
the Bible as a statement of faith An interview
with Olivia de Havilland.
- Remembering,
and looking ahead On the tenth annivesary
of 9/11.
- What
is Anglicanism? A user's guide.
- The
Ministers of the Church Are . . . Why
an upside-down pyramid is just what Jesus wants.
- Covet
a Covenant?: Do we really want this covenant?
- Goudou-Goudou: Half
a year has passed since the great Haiti earthquake.
(Also in French).
- Haiti
and the Devil: Debunking the claims that
Haiti's earthquake tragedy was God's revenge
on Haiti for making a 'deal with the devil'.
- What
We Think We Are Doing: Wherever one is on
the spectrum of opinion, to have no theology
for full inclusion, while more or less practicing
it, is worse than having bad theology. Bad theology
cries out for better theology. No theology,
however, calls the whole enterprise into question.
- Covenant—was
ist das auf Deutch?: Looking at what 'covenant'
might mean in other languages.
- What
Didn't Happen at General Convention 2009—and
What Did?
- Covenanting
to Covenant: Reflections on the Third ('Ridley')
Draft of the proposed Anglican Covenant.
- On
Polygamy, Homosexuality, and Generosity
- Peering
Past Lambeth: Thinking about what the future
might look like after Lambeth 2008.
- What’s
Really At Stake for the Episcopal Church and
the Anglican Communion
- A
Bishop's Estimate of the Situation: Placing
the current Anglican turmoil in a larger context,
and making recommendations for action.
- Where
Have All the Christians Gone? A report of
a visit to Teheran in January 2007. (In
French [online] and in
Farsi [PDF]).
- Alive
and Well: Rumours of the demise of the Anglican
Communion are greatly exaggerated. December 2006.
- Ecclesia
Semper Reformanda or So It Goes: In
a new two-part essay, Bishop Pierre Whalon
considers 'where The Episcopal Church is
at present with respect to its inner life
and the wider Communion' and then attempts
to provide 'some analysis of what needs to
happen next'.
- Anglicans
in Europe—A Model? Bishop Whalon reflects
on the Anglican diocesan structure in Europe
to see if it might be a model for other places.
- 'I
saw the Holy City...' The bishops of the
Episcopal Church confront the necessity of rebuilding
after disaster.
- A
review of Grace and Necessity Bishop
Pierre Whalon takes a careful look at the ambitious
undertaking of the Archbishop' of Canterbury,
to consider the role of art and the artist in
- Dispatch
from St Peter's Basilica The Inauguration
of Pope Benedict XVI and the audience
with the Pope the following day.
- The
Ghost of Bishop Pike, Revisited On the recent
Covenant issued by the US House of Bishops.
- To
Whom Do We Belong? On identity, membership,
and communion.
- Leading
'the Church Throughout the World' On the
global role of bishops.
- Back
to Iraq On being a Christian in a non-Christian
- 'Playing
at Cassandra?' The Anglican Communion after
the Eames Commission report: The day after tomorrow...
- Thought,
Love, and Bishops, or, The Ghost of James
Pike On building a theological basis
for recent events.
- The
Hard Work of Reconciliation Just what's behind
the Delegated Pastoral Oversight plan approved
by the House of Bishops.
- Postcard
from Camp Allen The first few days of the
House of Bishops meeting in March 2004, at Camp
Allen, Texas.
- The
Conflicts of Apostles on Christian unity.
- The
Blight of Parallel Jurisdictions With 20,000
denominations, does it matter? Yes.
- Why
This Issue? Bishop Whalon pointedly asks
the question. And he essays an answer.
- At
General Convention Reflections from the floor
of the House of Bishops, August 2003.
- Crossing
Boundaries Why there is a need for dioceses
to be aware of their edges: June 2003.
- Can
Sheherazade Tell Us One More? Bishop Whalon's report and photo
journal of his trip to Baghdad in February
- Whose
Sin is it, Anyway? What's right with the
original sin.
- Is
It Just War? Wondering aloud if a preventive
strike against Iraq is morally justifiable. (This
article was also published in the International
Herald Tribune on 14 November 2002 in a shortened
version, titled 'A Moral Justification for Going
to War'. You can read the IHT version here.)
- How
Should We Christians Relate to People of Other
Faiths? At the anniversary of September 11,
finding the answer is evermore urgent.
- Israel,
Jews, Islam, Muslims, and European Christians How
Christians should react to right-wing violence.
- Nous
sommes tous des américains On
France and its role in religious politics.
- Piety Reconciling
an old concept with a modern world.
- Becoming
a Bishop in Rome One day in November 2001
- A
letter from Paris 11 September 2001
- Join
the Ministry and ... ? More thoughts on the
20/20 Vision.
- The
Travail of Planting New Churches First we
stop the committee meetings.
- What
Will it Take to Double Our Size? Musing about
evangelism in the Episcopal Church in the USA.
- What
is the Difference between Anglicanism and Roman
Catholicism? (See also our Spanish and French translations
of this essay.)
- The
Discipline of Canonical Enforcement Anglicans
have traditionally avoided canonical discipline.
When that changes, what happens next?
- Our
Piece of the Puzzle The Communion begins
at our parish doorstep.
- Flying
Bishops Revisited Will this Church of England
concept work in the USA?
- Nothing
in common? What does koinonia really mean?
- Resolution
D039 Why all the fuss?
- Episcopalian
Democracy General Convention matters.
- Planting
a Rainbow Why aren't we planting churches
in black communities?
- The
True Measure of a Successful Parish: There's
a problem when you count only live bodies in
- Pour être
bon catholique, j’ai dû
quitter l’Église de Rome 'To become a good Catholic,
I had to leave the Church of Rome'. In French.
- Heresy
versus Schism Is it better to be heretical
or schismatic?
- The
Centrist Moment Has the time come?
Reverend Stephen L. White
The Reverend Dr Stephen White is chaplain of the Episcopal
Church at Princeton University. In this moving
eulogy of his daughter, Christen, who died in November
2002, he tells of a remarkable encounter she had in New York
Jeanie and Bill Wylie-Kellermann were on a remarkable
journey from September 1998, when Jeanie was diagnosed with
a malignant brain tumour, until her death in January 2006.
Jeanie and Bill's reflections on life, illness, love, God,
disease, laughter, death are astonishing reading. Jeanie
was, for many years, editor of The
Witness magazine and Bill contributes frequently to it.