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Church History Resources

PART OF OUR IDENTITY as Anglicans is the tradition and history of our church and our churches. On this page we have collected links to web sites that focus on Anglican and Episcopal history, its people, and its buildings. The links are loosely categorised as follows:

Americas (apart from Canada and the USA)
New Zealand
Rest of the World

Project Canterbury: A rich and outstanding site, the source of most AO Church History entries. If you're in interested out-of-print resources in church history, do visit this invaluable site. We are continually astounded at the breadth and depth of this resource; recent additions are listed here.


Abbeokuta, or Sunrise within the Tropics: An Outline of the Origin and Progress of the Yoruba Mission
by Sarah Tucker (1854). This significant book on the history of the Church Missionary Society's early work in Nigeria is accompanied by a number of interesting engravings, some in colour. Sarah Tucker (1821-1893) was a prolific writer who often used the nom de plume ALOE—A Lady of England.

Among the Menabe; Or, Thirteen Months on the West Coast of Madagascar
by George Herbert Smith (1896). This illustrated account of an unsuccessful attempt at establishing an Anglican mission on the western coast of Madagascar is by a missionary of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel.

Apolo: The Apostle to the Pygmies
by William J. W. Roome (no date). Apolo Kivebulaya (c. 1864-1933) was a Ugandan CMS missionary to what is now the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Ordained deacon in 1900 and priest in 1903, Kivebulaya was highly successful in reaching areas of the Congo no missionaries had visited previously. This biography, geared toward a young audience, includes a frontispiece portrait.

The Athens of West Africa: International Education at Fourah Bay College, 1814-2002
by Danial J. Paracka, Jr. (2001). In this research paper presented to the Southeastern Regional Seminar in African Studies at Georgia State University, Professor Danial Paracka chronicles the long history and significance of Fourah Bay College, an Anglican educational institution in Sierra Leone.

Biography of the Rev. Charles Isenberg, Missionary of the Church Missionary Society to Abyssinia and Western India from 1832 to 1864
by H. Gundert (1885). Charles Isenberg (born Karl Wilhelm, 1806-1864) was a widely-traveled Anglican missionary who worked primarily in what are now India and Ethiopia. His translations of Anglican material into Amharic and Marathi represent significant missionary publishing efforts. Isenberg was a close relative of the modern German writer Herman Hesse.

The Black Slaves of Prussia
by Frank Weston (1918). In this influential open letter, Frank Weston (1871-1924) writes in his capacity as Bishop of Zanzibar to protest German abuses of Africans during World War I.

The Captive Missionary
by Henry Aaron Stern (1868). Anglican priest H.A. Stern (1820-1885) recounts his imprisonment in Ethiopia from 1863 to 1868 during the course of missionary work among the Falasha Jewish community there. Stern received a D.D. from the Archbishop of Canterbury in 1881.

The English Church at Vohimare: Anglicanism in Madagascar
A resource for information about the Anglican Church in Madagascar. See
Anglicanism in Mauritius as well.

Fifty Years in Western Africa, Being a Record of the Work of the West Indian Church on the Banks of the Rio Pongo
By A.H. Barrow (1900). In 1851, Anglicans from Barbados, Jamaica, Antigua and St Kitts sent missionaries to what are now the countries of Sierra Leone, Guinea Bissau, Guinea, Côte D'Ivoire and Liberia. In this volume, A.H. Barrow presents the story of the first fifty years of the work of the West Indian Mission.

The Good Tidings of Great Joy, Which Shall Be To All People
by John William Colenso (1854). Colenso (1814-1883) was the first Bishop of Natal in what is now South Africa. This sermon was preached at the ordination of one of the first missionaries in his diocese. Colenso's writings on biblical inspiration were censured widely from the 1860s.

Handbooks on the Missions of the Episcopal Church: Liberia (1928)
One of several volumes in this early twentieth-century series digitized by Project Canterbury. These brief introductions to American Anglican missionary work include many photographs.

John Walmsley: Ninth Bishop of Sierra Leone
by E.G. Walmsley (1923).
John Walmsley was Bishop of the Diocese of Sierra Leone, which then consisted of Morocco, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Sierra Leone, the Gambia, and the Canary Islands. He served as diocesan bishop from 1910 until his death in 1922.

A Journal of the Bishop's Visitation Tour through the Cape Colony, in 1850
by Robert Gray. Robert Gray (1809-1872) was the first Bishop of Cape Town, South Africa. During his tenure as Metropolitan of South Africa, five new sees were added to this province: Natal, Grahamstown, St. Helena, the Orange Free State and Zambesi.

Journals of the Mashonaland Mission 1888 to 1892
by G.W.H. Knight-Bruce (1892). Knight-Bruce (1852-1896) led the formation of the Diocese of Mashonaland in what is now Zimbabwe.

A Letter to the Laity of the Diocese of Natal
by John William Colenso (1864). In this long open letter following his deposition in December 1863, Colenso defends his religious opinions and right to remain as diocesan bishop in what is now South Africa.

A Memoir of John Armstrong, D.D., Late Lord Bishop of Grahamstown
by T.T. Carter (1857). Tractarian parish priest T.T. Carter wrote this long biography of his friend John Armstrong (1813-1856), first Bishop of Grahamstown in what is now South Africa. Armstrong was a leader in promoting church penitentiaries in England before his ministry in Grahamstown.

Memories of Mashonaland
by G. W. H. Knight-Bruce (1895). Knight-Bruce (1852–1896) was the first Bishop of Mashonaland in what is now Zimbabwe. His Journals of the Mashonaland Mission 1888 to 1892 are also available online.

Niger Mission
by Samuel Adjai Crowther (1872). Crowther (c. 1807-1891) was the first African Anglican bishop. In this travel narrative, he recounts his skilful navigation of Muslim-Christian divisions and tribal wars in Nigeria.

Peril and Adventure in Central Africa, Being Illustrated Letters to the Youngsters at Home
by the late Bishop [James] Hannington. With Illustrations from Original Sketches by the Bishop, and a Biographical Memoir (1886). James Hannington (1847-1885) was consecrated first Bishop of Eastern Equatorial Africa in 1884. Hannington and many of his companions were martyred on October 29, 1885 while en route to conduct missionary work in Uganda. His feast day in several churches of the Anglican Communion is kept collectively with the Martyrs of Uganda on October 29. This volume includes the text of a number of Bishop Hannington's letters to his nieces and nephews in England, as well as a number of his drawings made in Africa.

Proposals for a Central Missionary Council of Episcopal and Non-Episcopal Churches in East Africa
by Frank Weston (1914). This proposal by Anglo-Catholic bishop Frank Weston of Zanzibar (1871-1924) is a counter to the 1913 Kikuyu Conference, in which Anglican evangelicals participated in eucharistic communion with Scottish Presbyterians. Weston's proposal includes a non-eucharistic rite of common worship.

The Prospects of the East African Mission
by O E Vidal (1850). In this extended pamphlet, Owen Emeric Vidal (1819-1855), the first Bishop of Sierra Leone, reflects on linguistic and cultural matters connected with Anglican church life in eastern Africa. Vidal's premature death at 35 stalled the beginnings of this mission in what are now Sierra Leone, The Gambia and Ghana.

The Romance of the Black River: The Story of the C.M.S. Nigeria Mission
by F. Deaville Walker (1930). The work of the Church Missionary Society began in Nigeria in 1842 with the arrival of the Reverend Henry Townsend. In this book, F. Deaville Walker presents the history of the first nine decades of the Church of England's presence in Nigeria, paying special attention to the distinguished episcopate of Samuel Adjai Crowther (c. 1807-1891), a Yoruba ex-slave who was consecrated as diocesan bishop of "the countries of Western Africa beyond the limits of the Queen's Dominions."

Samuel Crowther: The Slave Boy Who Became Bishop of the Niger
by Jesse Page (c. 1892). Samuel Adjai Crowther (c. 1807-1891) was the first African Anglican bishop. This biography, written for children, follows his life and travels throughout what is now Nigeria.

Sisterhood Life and Woman's Work, in the Mission-Field of the Church
by Allan Becher Webb (1883). Webb (1839-1907) was successively diocesan bishop of Bloemfontein and Grahamstown. In this collection of four essays on women's religious communities, he pays special attention to missionary work and early sisterhoods in South Africa.

Tucker of Uganda: Artist and Apostle
by Arthur P. Shepherd (1929). Alfred Robert Tucker (1849-1914) was Bishop of Uganda from 1890 to 1911. One account of his episcopate notes: 'In 1891 there were seventy communicants, and in 1907, 18,078. The number of worshipers rose from 25,300 in 1897 to 52,471 in 1907, and the number of churches from 321 to 1,070 during the same years.' This biography includes a frontispiece portrait.

Within the Green Wall: The Story of Holy Cross Liberia Mission 1922-1957
by Robert Erskine Campbell (1957). This book gives a detailed look at the history of the educational, medical and religious work of the American Order of the Holy Cross in Liberia.

Americas (apart from Canada and the USA)

Addington Venables, Bishop of Nassau
by W.F.H. King (1887). This fascinating book about the second Bishop of Nassau is now available online. Venables (1827-1876) was a close associate of several Tractarian leaders. This rare biography includes a wealth of anecdotes about the bishop as well as an important look at Anglican life in the West Indies in the late nineteenth century.

The Apostle of the Indians of Guiana: A Memoir of the Life and Labours of the Rev. W.H. Brett
by the Rev. F. P. L. Josa (1887). William Henry Brett (1818-1886) was for four decades a SPG missionary to the indigenous peoples of British Guiana. He translated the New Testament and Prayer Book into several indigenous languages during his long tenure on the northeast coast of South America. Three interesting engravings are included in the digital version available at the address above.

A Bishop Amongst Bananas
by Herbert Bury (1911). Bury (1853-1933) was Anglican bishop in Central America during the construction of the Panama Canal. His diocese included the modern countries of Belize, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama. Bishop Bury served subsequently as Bishop of Northern and Central Europe.

British Settlers in Argentina: Studies in 19th and 20th Century Emigration
This website provides a wealth of information about English and Welsh emigration to Argentina, including Anglican baptismal, confirmation and marriage records and photographs of Anglican churches. Some text in Spanish.

Christianity and Slavery; in a Course of Lectures preached at the Cathedral and Parish Church of St. Michael, Barbados
by Edward Eliot, B.D., Archdeacon of Barbados (1833). Eliot delivered these lectures on the duties of the Church of England and its ministers in light of slavery in the West Indies. His lectures insist on the right of priests to visit slaves on plantations, and he protests against the practice of forcing slaves to work on Sunday. Eliot also advocates literacy, religious instruction and the encouragement of marriage among the slave population. Slavery was abolished in Barbados in 1834. Among the noteworthy lectures in this collection are "The Duty of Preaching the Gospel to the Slaves in the West Indies," "The Progress of the Gospel in the West Indies," "Giving unto Servants That Which Is Just and Equal," and "Souls Not Saleable".

Facts about the Church's Mission in Haiti
by James Theodore Holly (1897). This pamphlet by J.T. Holly (1829-1911) provides a look at the needs and life of the Episcopal Church's mission to Haiti under his care. Holly was the first African American bishop of the Episcopal Church; a proposal for his inclusion in the US Episcopal Church's calendar of Lesser Feasts and Fasts will be considered at this summer's General Convention.

From Cape Horn to Panama
A Narrative of Missionary Enterprise among the Neglected Races of South America, by the South American Missionary Society, by Robert Young (1905).
This book provides a chronicle of the first fifty years of Anglican missionary work throughout South America, focusing on missionaries to indigenous peoples in Brazil, Paraguay, Chile and Argentina.

Handbooks on the Missions of the Episcopal Church: Mexico (1936)
One of several volumes in this early twentieth-century series digitized by Project Canterbury. These brief introductions to American Anglican missionary work include many photographs.

Handbooks on the Missions of the Episcopal Church: The West Indies (1926)
One of several volumes in this early twentieth-century series digitized by Project Canterbury. These brief introductions to American Anglican missionary work include many photographs.

La Historia de la Iglesia Episcopal de Cuba
by Juan Ramón de la Paz (2001, Adobe Acrobat format). This Spanish-language history of the Episcopal Church in Cuba was written by the dean of the Anglican cathedral in Havana.

Historical Resources on Anglicanism in Mexico
This small collection of documents includes liturgical and historical texts related to the work of Episcopal Church-related organisations in Mexico. Background information is available in two pamphlets: The Mexican Episcopal Church (1894) and The Reformation in Mexico (1894).

Last Journal of the Rt. Rev. George Burgess, D.D., Bishop of Maine, from December 27, 1865, to April 20, 1866
edited by Alfred Lee (1866). George Burgess (1809-1866) was the first Bishop of Maine; he died while on this missionary voyage to Haiti, Puerto Rico, Cuba, St Lucia, St Kitts, Nevis, Barbados, Guadeloupe, St Thomas and other islands.

Letter from Manuel Aguas (1871)
This brief narrative of the beginnings of Mexican Anglican church life includes autobiographical information and three engravings. Of related interest is Bishop Alfred Lee of Delaware's 1886 Statement Respecting Our Church Work in Mexico.

Mexico: A Handbook on the Missions of the Episcopal Church
by Frank Whittington Creighton (1936). This short book with many illustrations provides a detailed look at people and events in early Mexican Anglican history.

The Story of Commander Allen Gardiner, R.N., with Sketches of Missionary Work in South America
by John W. Marsh and W.H. Stirling (1883). Allen Gardiner (1794-1851) was the lay Anglican founder of the South American Missionary Society. This volume, which includes a frontispiece portrait, gives detailed extracts from his journals of missionary travels in Patagonia, Tierra del Fuego and the Falkland Islands.


An Account of the Question Which Has Arisen between the Bishop and the Church Missionary Society in the Diocese of Colombo
by Robert Campbell Moberly (1876). This long paper examines one of many intra-Anglican disputes in the nineteenth-century mission field. In this case the trouble was between Church Missionary Society clergy and a new bishop who favoured the use of a wooden altar cross in a Tamil congregation.

An Ambassador in Bonds: The Story of William Henry Jackson, Priest of the Mission to the Blind of Burma
by his Sister, Mary C. Purser, with an Introduction by the Right Revd R.S. Fyffe, formerly Bishop of Rangoon. London: Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, 1932.

Anglican life in Persia/Iran
with a focus on the educational and medical work of the Church Missionary Society.

Annotated bibliography on the history of the Church Missionary Society in Japan
Compiled by archivist Chu Nishiguchi, St Andrew's University, Izumi, Osaka. This site, in Japanese only, includes bibliographical and biographical information about Anglican missionary work in Japan. It is not limited to the CMS, but includes material on the SPG and SPCK as well.

An Attempt at Unity in Japan
by Charles Filkins Sweet (1912). This intriguing document provides a chronicle of an ecumenical debate and discussion between Japanese Anglican and Orthodox theologians at the beginning of the twentieth century.

Biography of the Rev. Charles Isenberg, Missionary of the Church Missionary Society to Abyssinia and Western India from 1832 to 1864
by H. Gundert (1885). Charles Isenberg (born Karl Wilhelm, 1806-1864) was a widely-traveled Anglican missionary who worked primarily in what are now India and Ethiopia. His translations of Anglican material into Amharic and Marathi represent significant missionary publishing efforts. Isenberg was a close relative of the modern German writer Herman Hesse.

Bishop Wilson and the Origins of Dalit Liberation
by Charles Hoole. This paper narrates the work of Daniel Wilson (1778-1858), Bishop of Calcutta from 1837, in criticising social disadvantages for Dalits, or untouchable classes in India.

Bishop's College Calcutta 1820-1970 (1970)
This history of Bishop's College, Calcutta includes historical essays, personal recollections, and photographs.

The Cambridge Mission to Delhi
by Lilian Henderson (1931). Henderson chronicles the first 70 years of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel's medical, educational and missionary work in Delhi, known from 1877 as the Cambridge Mission to Delhi. In addition to her three chapters of history, 17 photographs of mission buildings and life are included.

Charles Perry Scott, First Bishop in North China
by the Right Reverend Bishop Montgomery, D.D. (1928). Charles Perry Scott (1847-1927) was one of the first missionaries of the Church of England North China Mission. He was consecrated first Bishop of North China in 1880; he retired and died in 1927 after 53 years of missionary work. The online text of this biography includes four photographs of Scott, mission staff and the Cathedral of Our Saviour, Peking.

The Church in Corea
by Mark Napier Trollope (1915). The third Bishop of Korea gives a brief history of the Church of England's mission to that country, beginning in 1889. Included are a batch of twelve interesting photographs.

Correspondence in Connection with the Protest against the Consecration of Rev. W. J. Boone as Missionary Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in China. Also Letters Referring to the Wretched Management of the Mission (1885)
This pamphlet provides extensive documentation for strenuous protests made in 1884 and 1885 against the proposed consecration of William Jones Boone Jr. as American Bishop in Shanghai. The primary grounds of the protest surrounded the bishop-elect's use of coloured stoles and his having allowed Chinese seminarians to play dice.

Florence Buchanan: The Little Deaconess of the South Seas
by Emlyn Jones (1903). This book, complete with a striking frontispiece portrait and interesting cover art, tells the life-story of Deaconess Florence Buchanan (1861-1913), pioneer Anglican missionary in Singapore, the Torres Straits and Papua New Guinea

Forty Years in Burma
by John Ebenezer Marks, Founder of St. John's College, Rangoon (1917). This autobiography of J.E. Marks (1832-1915) provides a detailed look at the beginnings of Anglicanism in Burma. Included in this online version are a number of photographs of missionaries, mission-buildings and 19th-century Burmese Anglicans.

Forward in Western China
by Deaconess Emily Lily Stewart (1934). This book provides a look at the beginnings and challenges of Anglican missionary life in Sichuan province, which borders Tibet.

Handbooks on the Missions of the Episcopal Church: China (1922)
One of several volumes in this early twentieth-century series; this one available from These brief introductions to American Anglican missionary work include many photographs.

Handbooks on the Missions of the Episcopal Church: Japan (1934)
One of several volumes in this early twentieth-century series digitized by Project Canterbury. These brief introductions to American Anglican missionary work include many photographs.

Handbooks on the Missions of the Episcopal Church: Philippine Islands (1923)
One of several volumes in this early twentieth-century series digitized by Project Canterbury. These brief introductions to American Anglican missionary work include many photographs.

Hannah Riddell: Known in Japan as "The Mother of Lepers"
by Jingo Tobimatsu (1937). Hannah Riddell (1855–1932) was an Anglican missionary whose distinguished ministry revolutionized the treatment of Hansen's Disease in Japan. This illustrated biography by a close associate provides a detailed look at her life and ministry.

An Heroic Bishop
by Eliot Stock (1913). Thomas Valpy French (1825-1891) was the first Bishop of Lahore in modern Pakistan. He founded Agra College and the Divinity School at Lahore; fostered positive relations with Oriental and Eastern Orthodox Christians in southwest Asia; supervised the translation of the Bible and Prayer Book into Hindustani and Pushtu; and organized the Diocese of Lahore. French died while on a missionary journey in the Arabian Peninsula, and is buried at Muscat, Oman.

A History of the Church of England in India Since the Early Days of the East India Company
by Eyre Chatterton (1924). This book covers the history of the Church of England throughout the Indian subcontinent, including modern-day India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Burma.

Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Archives
A new website 'designed to introduce you to our archival holdings and present materials and photographs which are relevant to the history of our church'.

The Reverend Timothy Nakayama, who served in Japan from 1991 through 2000, wrote an Anglicans Online-special article about two anniversaries occurring this year: one honouring American Episcopal missionaries who arrived in Okinawa in 1951 and the other recognising the achievements of an extraordinary doctor who arrved in Japan in the mid-19th century.

Letters, Documents, &c. in the Matter of Episcopal Jurisdiction in China (c. 1904).
This extensive page provides documentation on disputes about missionary episcopal jurisdiction in China during the nineteenth century. Ranging over a period of 25 years, the correspondence among committees, archbishops and bishops reveals a somewhat difficult period in local relations between the Church of England and the Episcopal Church USA.

Lewchew and the Lewchewans; Being a Narrative of a Visit to Lewchew or Loo Choo, in October, 1850
by George Smith (1853). This journal by George Smith (1813-1871), first bishop of Victoria/Hong Kong, gives detailed diplomatic and religious information on the Ryukyu Islands, usually known collectively in English as Okinawa. Smith's visit was undertaken in part to investigate complaints by Anglican physician Bernard Jean Bettelheim, a Hungarian Jewish medical missionary supported by the Lewchew Naval Mission and the Church Missionary Society.

The Life and Letters of George Alfred Lefroy, Bishop of Calcutta
by H. H. Montgomery (1920). Lefroy (1854-1919) was head of the Cambridge Mission Brotherhood from 1885-1899; head of the Delhi Mission 1891-1899; Bishop of Lahore from 1899-1912; and Bishop of Calcutta and Metropolitan of India from 1913-1919. During his long service to the Church of England in India, he participated in significant debates on the relationship between imperialism and missionary work, between Islam and Christianity, and about education as well as internal church matters.

The Making of a Missionary, or Day Dreams in Earnest: A Story of Mission Work in China
by Charlotte Yonge (1900). This rare children's novel by the prolific C.M. Yonge tells the story of young people who becme Anglican missionaries and eventually suffer martyrdom during the Kucheng massacre that preceded the Boxer Rebellion.

A Man of God Approved in Christ! A Sermon Commemorative of the Life of the Rt. Rev. William Jones Boone, D.D., Missionary Bishop to China
by William Bacon Stevens (1865). This long memorial sermon recounts the life of lawyer, doctor and bishop William Jones Boone (1811-1864), first bishop of the American Episcopal Church's mission to China.

Mary Bird in Persia
by Clara Rice (1916). Mary Rebecca Stewart Bird (1859-1914) was a medical missionary to Persia, now known as Iran. In addition to operating a dispensary at Isfahan, she taught classes on Christian scripture and ministered to the needs of Christian, Jewish and Muslim women.

The Mékong Messenger: Journal of the Anglican Episcopal Congregations of the Mékong (1961)
This rare periodical provides photographs and information on Anglican life in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia at the beginning of the 1960s. [We're curious to know whether any further issues were published—Ed.]

The Mind of Christ Jesus in the Church of the Living God
by Charles Henry Brent (1908). Brent (1862-1929) was the Canadian-born American Episcopalian first Bishop of the Philippines. 'I have two objects in mind in writing this Charge. First to make clear to my present and to my prospective fellow-missionaries the principles that actuate my administrations. Secondly that donors to this Missionary District may labour under no misconception as to the character of the work which their gifts support.'

Mission to Kurdistan in 1842
(Published 1850-1851). This serialised account follows the progress of an early Anglican mission to Kurdish areas of what are now Turkey and Iraq.

Nellie, Topsy and Annie: Australian Anglican Martyrs, Fujian Province, China, 1 August 1895
by Ian Welch. A Paper presented to the First TransTasman Missionary Conference on Australian and New Zealand Missionaries, At Home and Abroad, Australian National University, Canberra, 8-10 October 2004 [Adobe Acrobat format]

The Order for the Celebration of the Holy Eucharist According to the Use of the Anglican Church in Korea
Original Korean text and Authorized English Version, 1962 revision of the 1938 Korean BCP. Formatted into PDF by the Rev. Simon Ryu, deacon at Seoul Cathedral, 2005.

Personal Recollections of British Burma and Its Church Mission Work in 1878-79
by the Right Revd J. H. Titcomb, D.D., First Bishop of Rangoon. London: Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, 1880.

Reminiscences of Missionary Work in Amritsar 1872-1873 and on the Afghan Fontier in Peshawar 1873-1890
by Worthington Jukes (1925). Worthington Jukes (1849-1937) was a Canadian Anglican priest who served for nearly two decades as a missionary in what are now India, Pakistan and Afghanistan. This extensive manuscript memoir of his ministry there is now available online.

The Responsibility of the Church as Regards the Opium Traffic with China
by Arthur Evans Moule (1881). Moule (1836-1918) was a CMS missionary in China.

Sea-Girt Yezo: Glimpses at Missionary Work in North Japan
by John Batchelor (1902). English missionary John Batchelor (1854-1944) wrote this book about his field of work on the Japanese island of Hokkaido for a children's audience. He also translated the Book of Common Prayer into Ainu, a fast-disappearing language. The book includes some fascinating pictures of church life on Hokkaido in the late nineteenth century.

A Sermon on the Occasion of the Consecration of S.I.J. Schereschewsky
by William Bacon Stevens (1877). Schereschewsky (1831-1906) was Bishop of Shanghai and an important translator of Christian literature into several Chinese dialects. His important pamphlet The Bible, Prayer Book and Terms in Our China Missions (1888) is also now available online.

Sketches of Our Life at Sarawak
by Harriette McDougall (1882). This book by Harriette McDougall (1817-1886), wife of the first Bishop of Labuan and Sarawak, provides a wealth of information about the beginnings of Anglican life in what is now Malaysia.

Story of the Siege Hospital in Peking and Diary of Events from May to August, 1900
By Jessie Ransome, Deaconess, Church of England Mission, Peking (1901). Anglican Deaconess Jessie Ransome (d. 1905 [does anyone know when she was born?]) kept this vivid epistolary journal about her hospital work in Beijing during the Boxer Rebellion. 'The crops are ripening, and yet there is no one to be seen in the usually busy fields. War is very sad,' she writes.

Strengthened with Might. A Sermon Preached in the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Calcutta, on the Occasion of the Consecration of the First Bishop of Dornakal
by Edward Sell (1912). This sermon was preached at the consecration of the first Indian Anglican bishop, Vedanayakam Samuel Azariah (1874-1945).

They That Sat in Darkness: An Account of Rescue Work in Japan in the Words of the Rev. Yoshimichi Sugiura (1912)
Japanese Anglican priest Yoshimichi Sugiura recounts his pioneering social work in this brief book with photographs.

Thomas Patrick Hughes, Missionary to British India: The Class Ceiling
by Elizabeth Hughes Clark (2002) T.P. Hughes (1838-1911) served as a CMS missionary/linguist in places now included severally in India, Pakistan and Afghanistan. This essay by a relative examines the role of class in his career. [Adobe Acrobat format]

Twenty Years on the Afghan Frontier
by Thomas P. Hughes (1893). Hughes (1838-1911) writes here of his long tenure as an Anglican missionary near the Khyber Pass.


All Saints' Church, Brisbane 1862-1937
by D.L. Kissick (1937). All Saints, Wickham Terrace, Brisbane is a prominent Australian Anglo-Catholic parish. This parish history is reproduced online with permission of the Rector and Wardens of the parish.

The Cable Clerical Index
'A comprehensive index of clergy who served in the Anglican Church of Australia from earliest times through to those ordained by 31 December 1961.'

The Cruise of the Beacon: A Narrative of a Visit to the Islands in Bass's Straits
by Francis Russell Nixon (1857). This remarkable and readable journal of the missionary explorations of the first Bishop of Tasmania, F.R. Nixon (1803-1879), includes many engravings based on his own drawings.

Handbooks of English Church Expansion: Australia
by A. E. David (1908). This book provides an overview of Australian Anglican history from the late eighteenth century until the beginning of the twentieth century. The online version includes a frontispiece and several photographs.

The History of the Church of England in Queensland
by Keith Rayner (1962). This doctorial thesis was written by the retired Archbishop of Melbourne and Primate of Australia.

A Letter to His Grace the Duke of Newcastle, Secretary of State for the Colonies, &c. &c. &c. on behalf of the Melanesian Mission of the Bishop of New Zealand, and also on behalf of Missions to the Aborigines of Australia
by Lewis M. Hogg (1853). This early document on its topic addresses the duties of the Church of England toward aboriginal Australians and the people of the Melanesian islands.

A Life in Order: The Memoirs of Brother Francis SSF (2003)
Brother Francis, an Anglican Franciscan, died in late 2003 just a few weeks short of his 100th birthday. His autobiography is now available online by permission of the Australian branch of the Society of St Francis.

Religious Communities of the Anglican Communion: Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific
by T. W. Campbell (2007). This recent, fascinating study of Anglican religious communities is now available online in Adobe Acrobat format.

A Short History of the Church of England in Victoria 1847-1947
by Harry Wilfrid Nunn (1947). This centennial history of Anglicanism in central Australia includes portraits and photographs.

Sister Esther: An Anglican Saint
Brief biography of Mother Esther (1858-1931), founder of the Australian Anglican Community of the Holy Name.

The Story of the Australian Church
by Edward Symonds (1898). This book from the Colonial Church Histories series by the SPCK provides a good overview of early Australian Anglican history.

Thirty Years in Tropical Australia
By the Right Rev. Gilbert White, D.D. (1918). Gilbert White (1859-1932) was first Bishop of Carpentaria (1900-1915) and first Bishop of Willochra (1915-1925), both large Australian dioceses. (The former Diocese of Carpentaria is now part of the Diocese of North Queensland.) In this memoir, White records missionary journeys throughout remote parts of Australia proper and as far away as the Philippines.

Two Journals of Missionary Tours in the Districts of Manéroo and Moreton Bay, New South Wales, in 1843
by E.G. Pryce and John Gregor (published 1846). This early Australian Anglican document provides detailed first-hand accounts of the efforts of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel.


Anglican Clergy of Upper Canada Ordained before 1932 [PDF]
AO staff member Richard Ruggle has compiled this 880-page directory.

Anglican Missions to the Japanese in Canada
by Timothy Makoto Nakayama. This article by AO essayist Timothy Nakayama began as a research project in 1955, was first published in 1966, and has been recently revised by the author. It is available online in Adobe Acrobat format.

Anglican National Historic Sites of Canada

Anglicans in Canada: Historical resources
'A compact introduction to the history of the Anglican Church in Canada'.

An Apostle of the North: Memoirs of the Right Reverend William Carpenter Bompas, D.D.
by H.A. Cody (1908). William Carpenter Bompas (1834-1906) was successively first Bishop of Athabasca (1874-1884), first Bishop of Mackenzie River, 1884-1891 and first Bishop of Selkirk/Yukon (1891-1906). In addition to his missionary work in organizing churches throughout northwestern and northern Canada, Bompas translated the Prayer Book, hymns and portions of the Bible into First Nations Canadian languages including Slavey, Beaver, and Tukudh/Eastern Kutchin.

The Bishop Who Ate His Boots
This interactive site relates the story of Bishop Isaac Stringer (1866-1934), second Bishop of Selkirk (Yukon).

Canadian Society of Church History
'A non-denominational association dedicated to promoting and encouraging research in the history of Christianity, particularly the history of Christianity in Canada. Over the years, the Society's annual meetings have provided a forum for Canada's leading historians of Christianity. In addition, the Society has encouraged younger historians, especially graduate students, to present papers that contribute to the historical understanding of Christianity.' Founded in 1960; bilingual site.

The Church of England in Nova Scotia and the Tory Clergy of the Revolution
by Arthur Wentworth Eaton (1891). In this book, A.W. Eaton (1849-1937) chronicles the history of Anglicanism in Nova Scotia. He pays special attention to the United Empire Loyalists who left the United States after the American Revolution, and includes a brief biographical notice of every known Loyalist clergyman.

The Church on the Prairie
by H.H. Montgomery (1910). The sometime Bishop of Tasmania chronicles Anglican life in the Canadian prairie provinces and adjacent regions in this oft-reprinted book. Be sure to have a click at the pictures.

A Circular Letter from the Bishop of Montreal to the Clergy of the His Diocese on Church Vestments
by George Jehoshaphat Mountain (1845). This long letter on the use of the surplice provides a close look at the early influence of Tractarianism in Quebec.

Dayspring in the Far West
by M.E. Johnson (1875): This volume traces the history of Anglicanism in Canada north and west of the Great Lakes. A number of interesting and attractive engravings accompany the text.

Frederick O'Meara's First Report (1846) and Second Report of a Mission to the Ottahwahs and Ojibwas on Lake Huron (1849)
are now available online. O'Meara (1814-1888) began an Anglican mission on Grand Manitoulin Island, Ontario in 1839. He translated the Prayer Book, New Testament, Psalms and part of the Old Testament into Ojibwe in connection with this missionary work.

Heny Budd Letters Online
Henry Budd (c. 1812-1875) was the first indigenous person to be ordained to the priesthood in the Church of England in Canada.

An Historical Sketch of the Diocese of Saskatchewan of the Anglican Church of Canada
by W.F. Payton (1974). This centennial history of the Diocese of Saskatchewan follows in some detail the history of Anglicanism in western Canada.

History of the Church in Eastern Canada and Newfoundland
by John Langtry (1892). This (by the period's standards) brief history of Anglicanism in what is now all eastern Canada covers the dioceses of Nova Scotia, Quebec, Newfoundland, Toronto, Fredericton, Montreal, Huron, Ontario, Algoma and Niagara.

John Strachan, Bishop of Toronto
This informative website provides an overview of the life of the first bishop of Toronto. For more by and about Bishop Strachan (1778-1867), see here.

John West and His Red River Mission, by William Bertal Heeney (1920)
John West (1778-1845) was the first Anglican priest to serve in Canada west of the Great Lakes. In 1819 he was appointed chaplain to the Hudson's Bay Company and began pastoral work, education and missionary efforts in the Red River Colony (subsequently Manitoba) in 1820. He founded the parish which eventually became Saint John's Cathedral, Winnipeg. Heeney's brief biography includes a frontispiece portrait, reproduced at the address above.

Kalli, the Esquimaux Christian: A Memoir
by T. B. Murray (1859). This is a short biography of an Inuit man known today as Kallihirua or Qalasirssuaq, who lived from about 1832 to 1856. A student at St Augustine's College, Canterbury and at Queen's College, St John's, Newfoundland, Kallihirua planned to accompany the Bishop of Newfoundland in missionary work among the Inuit before his untimely death.

The Life of John Travers Lewis
by His Wife (no date). Lewis (1825-1901) was born in Ireland and served as a primary supporter of the idea of convening the first Lambeth Conference. He was the first Bishop of Ontario, the first Archbishop of Ontario, the first Primate of Canada, the first bishop consecrated in Canada, the last bishop appointed by the Crown for Canada, and a cautious High Churchman.

The Journal of the Bishop of Montreal, during a Visit to the Church Missionary Society's North-West America Mission
by George Jehoshaphat Mountain (1849). This detailed and interesting narrative by G.J. Mountain (1789-1863) is still valuable today for its anthropological and historical information.

Life of Robert Machray, Archbishop of Rupert's Land, Primate of All Canada
by his nephew, Robert Machray (1909). Robert Machray (1831-1904) was born in Scotland and appointed Dean of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge in 1859. He left this office in 1865 on his consecration as second Bishop of Rupert's Land, a diocese which then included what are now Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, the Northwest Territories, Yukon and parts of northern Ontario and Quebec. Machray played an important part in civil and religious events during a significant period in western Canadian history, reorganizing missionary work among indigenous people and Canadians of European descent. He became Metropolitan of Rupert's Land in 1875 after the division of his large diocese, and was chosen as first primate of the Church of England in Canada in 1893.

Little Pine's Journal: The Appeal of a Christian Chippeway Chief on Behalf of His People
by Augustine Shingwauk (1872). Augustine Shingwauk (1800-1890) was a Canadian Ojibwa leader instrumental in the beginnings of Anglican religious life and education in Ontario. In this journal of a trip to Toronto, he asks his readers for assistance in funding the work of the Church of England on the Garden River Reserve.

Living Stones: A Centennial History of Christ Church Cathedral, Vancouver, British Columbia, 1889-1989
By Neale Adams.

Memoir of the Life and Episcopate of Edward Feild, D.D., Bishop of Newfoundland, 1844-1876. By H.W. Tucker (1877)
Edward Feild (1801-1876) was the second Bishop of Newfoundland, a diocese which then included Labrador and Bermuda. His extensive work among and for the people of his diocese coincided with a period of extraordinary growth in membership and a doubling of the number of priests. The address above includes a portrait of Bishop Feild and a representation of the "Hawk," the church-ship in which he made pastoral visitations covering thousands of miles.

A Memoir of the Right Reverend Walter Burd, Sixth Bishop of Saskatchewan
by Frederick Burd (2005). The Diocese of Saskatchewan has just published a memoir of its sixth bishop.

Memorial Sketch of Frederick John Cookesley: Late Missionary in Labrador and Canada
by W.G. Cookesley (1867). This narrative memorial of F.J. Cookesley (1839-1867) gives a striking account of the difficulties of early missionary life in eastern Canada. Cookesley, who died at just 28, was a sometime protégé of Natal's famous Bishop Colenso.

Missionary Work among the Ojebway Indians, by E.F. Wilson (1886)
E.F. Wilson (1844-1915) emigrated to Canada in 1865 and subsequently sought ordination in England in 1867. In this volume he gives a detailed account of his work among the Ojibwa First Nations (Chippewa) of Ontario under the auspices of the Church Missionary Society.

A Narrative of Certain Circumstances Which Took Place at St. Paul's Church, Yorkville (1856)
This documentary narrative of a little-known ritualist controversy in the Diocese of Toronto focuses on the usual suspects: Puseyism, Popery and a brand new altar.

The Nepowewin Station: Journals of the Reverend Henry Budd
Sserialised in the Church Missionary Intelligencer (1854), three instalments: April, May and June. Budd (c. 1812-1875) was the first Indigenous Canadian to be ordained to the priesthood. In this series of extracts from his journals of missionary life on the Saskatchewan River, he reflects on the difficulties of building, farming and staying warm in addition to conducting evangelical work among the Cree, Saulteaux and Assiniboine (Stoney) tribes.

Occupy Till I Come: A Sermon
by Henry Mackenzie (1860). This sermon, delivered at the first annual service of the [British] Columbia Mission, narrates and encourages support for the beginnings of Anglican life in western coastal Canada.

Pioneer Church Work in British Columbia: Being a Memoir of the Episcopate of Acton Windeyer Sillitoe
By H.W. Tucker (1899). Acton Windeyer Sillitoe (1840-1894) was the first Bishop of New Westminster, British Columbia.

Pioneer Work in [the Diocese of] Algoma
by Eda Green (London: SPG, 1915) traces Anglican life in the Canadian Diocese of Algoma from c. 1832 to 1915.

A Sermon Preached at the Opening of Christ's Church at Sorel in the Province of Canada
by John Doty (1785). One of the earliest sermons preached by an Anglican missionary in today's Canada, this document encourages United Empire Loyalist churchpeople to support and give thanks for their ecclesiastical life.


Access to Archives (A2A)
This online catalogue of the vast archival resources of England, was launched in Summer 2001 at the UK Public Record Office.

Addresses to Candidates for Ordination, on the Questions in the Ordination Service
by Samuel Wilberforce (1860). "Soapy Sam" Wilberforce (1805-1873) was Bishop of Oxford from 1845 to 1870. This rich commentary on the ordination service includes 13 lectures.

Advent Sermons 1885
by Richard William Church (1901 edition). R.W. Church, dean of St Paul's from 1871-1890, preached these four sermons on 'Faith amid Changes,' 'The Kingdom of God' and 'Hope
' on the four Sundays of Advent, 1885.

Alexander Heriot Mackonochie: A Memoir
by E.A. Towle (1890). Mackonochie (1825-1887) was an Anglo-Catholic ritualist leader whose ministry at St Alban's, Holborn and St Peter's, London Docks is still legendary.

An Alphabetical List of the Signatures to a Remonstrance Addressed to the Archbishops and Bishops of the Church of England on Occasion of the Report of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council In Re Herbert v. Purchas (1871)
In what must be one of the longest petitions ever submitted to the English episcopal bench, a vast number of priests of the Church of England protest against the Purchas jugdment in order to 'preserve the ancient liberty of the Church of England'.

The Apology of the Church of England
by John Jewel (1888 edition by Henry Morley). Jewel (1522-1571), was Bishop of Salisbury. In this essential Anglican historical text, first published in 1562, Jewel makes what the Encyclopedia Britannica calls 'the first methodical statement of the position of the Church of England against the Church of Rome'.

The Archbishops on the Lawfulness of the Liturgical Use of Incense and the Carrying of Lights in Procession (1899)
In this statement the Archbishops of Canterbury and York set forth their hope that 'all the Clergy alike, [will] submit to Episcopal authority in all such matters as these'.

Archives of the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham
'This website has been created to provide a way of accessing the Shrine's archives. We hope that it will particularly meet the needs of the later generations of pilgrims, and of those who never knew Walsingham in Fr Patten's lifetime, who are curious to know how it all started.' This site provides a wealth of information, but its cluttered presentation can be confusing.

Bede's World: Where History Was Made
The Museum of Early Medieval Northumbria at Jarrow has an informative website and looks well worth a visit in person.

Bishop Butler Society
'Bishop Joseph Butler lived from 1692 to 1752 and served successively as bishop of Bristol and of Durham in the Church of England. He is the author of Fifteen Sermons preached at the Rolls Chapel and the Analogy of Religion, Natural and Revealed.'

A Brief History of the Early Years of the Society of the Holy Cross
by the Rev. Dr. Thomas Hightower, SSC.

British State Prayers Project
'For four hundred years, from the 1540s to the 1940s, English monarchs and British governments summoned the nation to special acts of public worship, whether in times of crisis (e.g. conspiracies, plague, bad weather) or celebration (e.g. military victories, royal births). Most of these events are unstudied, and their long history - a remarkable continuity between early-modern and recent times - remains obscure. This project will for the first time bring together information and texts for these special observances, define their nature and purposes, and demonstrate their wider religious, political and cultural significance.'

Bryan King and the Riots at St George's-in-the-East
by William Crouch (1904). This biography of early ritualist leader Bryan King focuses on the violent anti-vestment riots at a London parish in 1859-1860. Policemen were summoned often to control the crowds.

Catholic Orthodoxy and Anglo-Catholicism
by J.J. Overbeck (1860). Overbeck (1821-1905) was an early promoter of the idea of a western-rite church in communion with Eastern Orthodox churches. In this long treatise, he examines the bases of Anglican and Orthodox efforts toward intercommunion and reunion, and explains his hopes for a Western Orthodox Church.

A Century of Anglican Theology and Other Lectures
by C.C.J. Webb (1923). In this series of lectures, Webb surveys Anglican theology from the 1820s through the end of World War I.

Charles Simeon
'an introduction to the life and legacy of the Rev. Charles Simeon (1759-1836). Simeon is best known for serving Holy Trinity Church, Cambridge, and Cambridge University for 54 years; practicing and popularizing biblical, expository preaching; pioneering on-campus discipleship among university students; developing new, church-based ministries for youth and adults; starting or helping to start at least four missions organizations; introducing the evangelical revival in Britain to the Church of England; enduring intense opposition during his early years of ministry; dying as a beloved community member and revered church leader.' From Taylor University, Indianapolis.

Charlotte Yonge: An Appreciation
by Ethel Romanes (1908). The friend and parishioner of John Keble, Charlotte Mary Yonge (1823-1901) popularized the teachings of the Oxford Movement through dozens of novels and stories. This book includes a biography, a survey of Yonge's works and interaction with Keble, several photographs and an interesting essay entitled 'The Secret of Miss Yonge's Influence,' by Lady Frederick Cavendish.

Church of England Record Society
The website includes monographs and collections of documents relating to the history of the Church of England. Membership is available to interested persons and entitles the member to each year's volume and a discount on prior years' volumes. The Society's publications have received favourable notice in scholarly journals.

Churchmanship and Labour: Sermons on Social Subjects Preached at S. Stephen's Church, Walbrook
Compiled by the Rev. W. Henry Hunt (1906). Sermons by Henry Scott Holland, Percy Dearmer, Conrad Noel, Father Waggett SSJE and a number of other early twentieth-century Christian Socialist luminaries.

The Clergy of the Church of England Database 1540-1835
CCEd 'is a collaborative project, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council and bringing together scholars from King's College London, the University of Kent at Canterbury and the University of Reading. Its objective is to create a relational database documenting the careers of all Church of England clergymen between 1540 and 1835.' Made available to the public on 29 April 2005.

Correspondence and Other Documents relating to the Position of the Celebrant in Holy Communion (1871)
This digest of material connected to the celebrated 'Purchas case' reflects a wide variety of opinion about whether priests should face liturgical east, or stand sideways at the 'north end' of the holy table during the communion service.

Cuddesdon College 1854-1904: A Record and Memorial (1904)
This illustrated memorial volume is part of a new, enlarged directory on material related to the history of Cuddesdon College, an English theological college.

The "Damnatory Clauses" of the Athanasian Creed Rationally Explained
by Malcom MacColl (1872). MacColl (1831-1907) was a Scottish Episcopalian priest and a close associate of W.E. Gladstone. In this extensive letter, he examines the history of the Athanasian Creed and its place in the worship and doctrine of the Church of England.

The Deformation and Reformation (c. 1870)
This wonderful series of Victorian cartoons contrasts church life before and after the Tractarian movement.

A Discourse of the Pastoral Care
by Gilbert Burnet, Bishop of Salisbury, is now available on Project Canterbury. Burnet (1643-1715) was a Scot, an important English historian, and Bishop of Salisbury from 1689 to 1715.

The Doctrine of the Infallible Book
by Charles Gore (1924). In this short treatise, Gore (1853-1932) examines modernist biblical criticism and biblical fundamentalism both in light of the historic Christian faith.

The Eucharistic Understanding of John Cosin and His Contribution to the 1662 Book of Common Prayer
by the Reverend Ivan D. Aquilina. This thesis from the author's graduate study at the University of Leeds explores the eucharistic doctrine of John Cosin (1594-1672), and his role in the revisions that led to the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. Ivan Aquilina is curate at All Saints, Margaret Street, London.

An Exposition of the Creed
by John Pearson (1877 edition by E. Burton). This work in progress makes this important classic of Anglican divinity available in Adobe Acrobat format. The first four articles are available, and they print clearly on 8.5" x 11" paper for reading with full Greek text and footnotes, as well as other formatting from the original. Pearson (1613-1686) was Bishop of Chester; his Exposition of the Creed was first published in 1659.

Fifteen Sermons preached at the Rolls Chapel
by Joseph Butler (1827 edition). Butler (1656-1730) was Bishop of Durham from 1750-1752; in this series of sermons, he expounds his philosophy of moral theology. His feast day in the 1979 BCP of the Episcopal Church is 16 June.

Free Church Movement
Project Canterbury has launched a new directory of material on the Free Church Movement. This significant 19th-century movement urged the abolition of pew-rents, the provision of free seats throughout churches, and the financial support of parish churches through offertory donations.

The Golden Censers of the Sanctuary; Or, the Church's Services of Prayer and Praise
Thirteen Sermons Preached at the Consecration of the New Church of St. James, Morpeth (1847). The cycle of sermons was preached during the week surrounding the consecration of St. James, Morpeth. (The parish's current website includes information on its architectural restoration.) The preachers of these thirteen sermons were members of the Fairford-Bisley school of mid-nineteenth-century High Churchmen, which included Isaac Williams and Thomas Keble (John Keble's brother); each sermon examines one aspect of the use and doctrine of the 1662 Book of Common Prayer.

The Inheritance of Evil; or, the Consequences of Marrying a Deceased Wife's Sister
by Felicia Skene (1849). This Tractarian novel addresses one of the more vexing ecclesiastical controversies of the nineteenth century; we reflected on it in 2003. Skene (1821-1899) was a prominent Victorian prison reformer, novelist, devotional writer and a disciple of E.B. Pusey.

The Keys of Heaven: Charles Marson
Charles Latimer Marson (1859-1914) was a pioneering Anglican social reformer. In 2010, David Sutcliffe published the first major biography of Marson, drawing on a wealth of newly-discovered manuscript material.

Kings, Queens, Archbishops, and Bishops of the United Kingdom
A large, complex, and comprehensive table showing all kings and queens, all archbishops, and bishops of some important dioceses since the beginning of Christianity in the British Isles. You will need a large screen to see this, or you can download the Excel spreadsheet version. This information is part of the overwhelmingly comprehensive GENUKI -- Genealogy in the UK and Ireland -- web site.

Lachrymae Ecclesiae: The Anglican Reformed Church and Her Clergy in the Days of Their Destitution and Suffering during the Great Rebellion in the Seventeenth Century
by George Wyatt (1844). This chronicle of a sad period in the history of English religion shows ample reason for 'the tears of the church' in its title.

A Letter to Miss Sellon, Superior of the Society of Sisters of Mercy, at Plymouth
by Henry Phillpotts (1852). This letter was addressed by the Bishop of Exeter to Priscilla Lydia Sellon (1821-1876), founder of the Devonport Sisters of Mercy and important restorer of the religious life in the Church of England. Here, Phillpotts (1778-1869) withdraws as visitor to the community in light of public objections to Tractarian practices advocated by Sellon and the sisters.

Letters of Charlotte Mary Yonge
'Charlotte Yonge [1823-1901] is one of the most influential and important of Victorian women writers; but study of her work has been handicapped by a tendency to patronise both her and her writing, by the vast number of her publications and by a shortage of information about her professional career. Scholars have had to depend mainly on the work of her first biographer, a loyal disciple, a situation which has long been felt to be unsatisfactory. We hope that this edition of her correspondence will provide for the first time a substantial foundation of facts for the study of her fiction, her historical and educational writing and her journalism, and help to illuminate her biography and also her significance in the cultural and religious history of the Victorian age.'

The Life of Father Dolling
by Charles E. Osborne (1903). Robert William Radclyffe Dolling (1851-1902) was a prominent ritualist and Anglo-Catholic mission preacher. His ministry was spent largely in English slums where he worked tirelessly for the improvement of living and working conditions.

The Little Lives of the Saints
by Percy Dearmer (1904). Dearmer wrote this series of pre-reformation English saints' lives for children, each of which is accompanied by at least one engraved illustration.

The Lives of the Seven Bishops Committed to the Tower in 1688
Enriched and Illustrated with Personal Letters, Now First Published, from the Bodleian Library. By Agnes Strickland (1866) This volume includes biographies of Archbishop William Sancroft and Bishops John Lake, Thomas White, Francis Turner, Thomas Ken, William Lloyd and Jonathan Trelawny. The six were committed to the Tower in 1688 for refusing to read James II's Declaration of Indulgence exempting non-Anglicans from penalties based on their religious convictions.

Loyalty to the Prayer Book
by Percy Dearmer (1904). A gem. 'This Church was, in fact, in a mess. She had tried so many ways of escape! She had tried Geneva; she had tried Rome; she had essayed a mixture of the two in varying proportions, which was called Moderate; she had tried laissez faire, by which each man did what he found easy and thought nice; she had even tried (heroic and marvellous as it may seem) to establish a Cathedral type of Service in every village church. The one thing that she had never tried to do was to carry out her own laws, and to apply her own principles.'

Mapping Margery Kempe
'A digital library of resources for studying the cultural and social matrix of The Book of Margery Kempe. A goal of this site is to provide access to the material culture of Kempe's 15th century world, and especially the dynamic world of the parish. Materials at this site include a unique and extensive database of images of East Anglian parish churches. Other resources include the Middle English text and related devotional writings and saints' lives; documents about daily life, politics and commerce in 15th century Lynn; maps of pilgrimage routes; a gallery of devotional images; and bibliography and guides for teaching'.

Medieval Wall Painting in the English Parish Church
This site, developed by Anne Marshall of The Open University, presents photographs of wall paintings in English churches.

The Mind and Work of Bishop King, by B.W. Randolph and J.W. Townroe.
A biography of Edward King (1829-1910), Bishop of Lincoln from 1885-1910.The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church notes that King is 'most remembered for his teaching on the pastoral duties and spiritual life of the clergy exemplified in his fatherly care for individuals.' He is commemorated in Common Worship on 8 March.

Mormonism and England: A Sermon, by Christopher Wordsworth (1867)
Wordsworth (1807-1885) was Bishop of London from 1869 to 1885. In this sermon on Mormonism, he warns that the 'difficulty which has arisen in America may one day arise in England'.

Mundus Missionary Gateway
The Mundus Gateway is a web-based guide to more than four hundred collections of overseas missionary materials held in the United Kingdom. These materials, comprising the archives of British missionary societies, collections of personal papers, printed matter, photographs, other visual materials and artefacts, are held in a large number of libraries, record offices and other institutions in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. The Mundus Gateway makes it easier for researchers to locate these collections and obtain sufficient information about their contents to enable effective planning of research visits. Includes links to large photo galleries.

A Narrative of Events Connected with the Publication of the Tracts for the Times with Reflections on Existing Tendencies to Romanism, and on the Present Duties and Prospects of Members of the Church
by William Palmer (1883 edition). This significant document by traditional High Churchman William Palmer of Worcester (1803-1885) has been transcribed by Dr. Tod Jones of the University of Maryland. Palmer narrates several church controversies connected with the Tracts for the Times, and explains the divergence of ritualism from pre-Tractarian High Churchmanship.

The Necessity of Keeping our Parish-Churches
by Francis Fullwood (1672). In this pamphlet, Fullwood (c.1630–1693) argues against the creation of 'gathered churches' outside established parish churches; the author was a prominent anti-Quaker and anti-Nonconformist.

News of Liturgy Archive
'News of Liturgy was a newsletter published monthly from January 1975 to December 2003, primarily concerned with, but not limited to, liturgical development in the Church of England. Throughout its life it was edited by Colin Buchanan. The printed newsletters have been scanned to create this archive.'

Page images of the complete first printing (Barker) of the Authorised Version
Digital scans of every page of the Authorised ('King James') Version of the Bible you can read, resize, select by page or book. The reproduction is outstanding. This is only one small part of the outstanding collection of the Schoenberg Center for Electronic Text and Imaging at the University of Pennsylvania.
'We specialize in transcribing London's parish registers and our aim is to transcribe them all.'

Persecuting Bishops, by the Rev. Sydney Smith (1823)
In this interesting essay ['The longer we live, the more we are convinced of the justice of the old saying, that an ounce of mother wit is worth a pound of clergy...'], Sydney Smith writes on the limits of episcopal authority and Anglican comprehensiveness in response to the then Bishop of Peterborough's attempt to exclude Calvinist clergymen from his diocese.

Pictures of the English Liturgy, by Martin Travers (1916)
High Mass illustrations are available now online in high-resolution scans provided by an AO reader. The Low Mass illustrations have been reformatted.

The Plebeian
'This account covers the period from 1876 when Reverend Shapurji Edalji, a Parsee convert to Christianity, became vicar of St Mark's Church in Great Wyrley, until well into 1912 when the case was still causing conflict between Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Edalji's champion, and Captain Anson, the second son of the Earl of Lichfield and Chief Constable of Staffordshire, who was the arch opponent of the Edalji family, disturbed about a ‘Hindoo parson' being the parish vicar in an outpost of his fiefdom'.

Promoting Lancelot Andrewes
A website maintained by Marianne Dorman who wrote Lancelot Andrewes: A Perennial Preacher of the Post-Reformation English Church.

Reasons against a Separation from the Church of England
by John Wesley (1760). In this brief pamphlet written in 1758 Wesley encourages his followers to remain in the Church of England and to continue attending its parish worship.

The Rector of Stiffkey: His Life and Trial
'The rector of Stiffkey's trial in 1932 created a sensation that still reverberates 70 years later. This champion of the poor and outcast found himself accused of immorality as he reached retirement and spent his remaining years working to repeal the antiquated laws under which he had been tried. This is his story.'

The Relations between Religion and Science
by Frederick Temple (Bampton Lectures, 1884). Temple (1821-1902) was Archbishop of Canterbury from 1897-1902. In these eight lectures, he examines the philosophical relationship between religion and science, taking into account the intellectual contributions of Paley, Butler and Darwin.

Rest in Death
by Frederick George Lee (1872). John Purchas (1823-1872) was a ritualist leader and liturgist whose important Directorium Anglicanum was digitised earlier this year by AO staff member Peter Owen. Fellow-ritualist F.G. Lee (a fascinating figure in his own right) preached this funeral sermon on the early death of his friend.

Reunion and the Roman Primacy
by C. L. Wood (Viscount Halifax) (1925). In this paper, written on the sixtieth anniversary of Lord Halifax's membership in the English Church Union, this able and prolific expounder of Anglo-Catholic principles examines the place of the Bishop of Rome in Christian unity.

Richard Baxter: Mere Christian
Site centers on a biography of this prominent and controversial 17th Century cleric, and is complete with valuable links to additional resources and to all his books still in print.

The "Ritual" of S. Mark's, by Henry Ritson (1873)
This pamphlet provides an interesting lay and rural perspective on Anglo-Catholic ritualism, as opposed to the more common clerical urban point of view. Includes all six verses of the children's song 'I turn to the East when I say the Creed'.

The Royal Martyr, King Charles I. An Opera, by Alexander Fyfe (1705).
Most of the text of this opera is now online.

Saepius Officio, the Answer of the Archbishops of Canterbury and York to the Bull Apostolicae Curae of Leo XIII
This document, long available in English on the web, is now available in the original Latin.

The St Albans Psalter
This rarely-viewed 12th century manuscript is now available online. Images of the original Psalter are accompanied with commentary. Also available are complete transcriptions, translations, and essays. The BBC article is available here. [Note: this site is reported not to work in some versions of Firefox under Windows].

S. Augustine's Canterbury: Its Rise, Ruin, and Restoration
by George Frederick Maclear (1888). Saint Augustine's College was founded in 1848 and closed in 1976; it was an important training centre for Anglican missionaries, particularly in British colonies.

A Sermon Preached on Thursday, November 29, 1759
by Edward-Pickering Rich (1759). In this sermon, English poet-priest E. P. Rich gives thanks for the British army's victory at the Battle of the Plains of Abraham near Quebec City.

Sermons Preached at Brighton
Frederick William Robertson (1816-1853), the incumbent of Trinity Chapel, Brighton, England, worked to better the lot of the working classes in early Victorian England. You'll find links to his sermons, as well as critical reviews and a bibliography.

Sir Walter Tapper and His Churches
This site provides historical information and photographs of the Gothic Revival churches of English architecture Sir Walter Tapper (1861-1935).

Some Aspects of Episcopal Authority in the Church of England 1928-1981 with Special Reference to the Ecumenical Dialogue
by Margaret Parker. A thesis presented for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy King's College, University of London, 1992. 'The thesis is an historical survey of the main aspects of episcopal authority in the Church of England during the period 1928 to 1981. The various theories then current of the basis of episcopal authority are examined. Then the subject is explored in the light of the relationship of Church and State and the role of the State in ecclesiastical legislation and episcopal appointment. Reference is made to the growing attempts of the Church to gain more control over its doctrine and worship, and the appointment of its bishops.'

Some Defects in English Religion and Other Sermons
by J. N. Figgis (1917). Figgis (1866-1919) reflects on sentimentalism, legalism, cowardice and complacency, as well as some good things about Christianity in English life.

Some English Altars, with an Introductory Note by Dr. Percy Dearmer (London: The Warham Guild, Ltd., no date)
This undated pamphlet includes a short introductory essay and sixteen photographs of Dearmer's ideal altars in English parish churches, mission halls, a naval vessel and a nursery.

The Story of W. J. E. Bennett, Founder of S. Barnabas', Pimlico and Vicar of Froome-Selwood And of His Part in the Oxford Church Movement of the Nineteenth Century
By F. Bennett. WJE Bennett (1804-1896) was a prominent ritualist whose services provoked riots at St Barnabas, Pimlico in 1850. He is acknowledged as the originator of the first parish magazine, The Old Church Porch, published from 1854.

The Streets and Lanes of the City
by Mary Eleanor Benson (1891). Formatted for online publication by S.R. Holman of the Center for Poverty Studies, this posthumously-published book by the daughter of Archbishop of Canterbury Edward White Benson explores the impact of Christianity in London's slums during the late Victorian period. 'Nellie' Benson (1863-1890) died at 27 of diphtheria after what Holman calls a 'remarkable outreach into the public health and lower class troubles of the city.

Surveys of Historical Manuscripts in the United Kingdom: Ecclesiastical and Religious
A roster of the primary surveys of manuscript collections, an invaluable resource for UK church history.

The Thomas Haweis Collection
The digital collection hosted by the Bridwell Library is focused on 198 pieces of manuscript correspondence by Thomas Haweis (1734-1820), a major evangelical leader in the Church of England.

Thoughts on Present Church Troubles Occurring in Four Sermons Preached in St. Paul's Cathedral in December, 1880
by Henry Parry Liddon (1881). H.P. Liddon (1829-1890) comments in this series of sermons (and a long preface) on various church controversies, but especially on the imprisonment of priests for ritual irregularities.

Toplady Resource Site
Augustus Montague Toplady (1740-1778) is known best today as the author of Rock of Ages.

Turning Points in My Life
by William Porcher DuBose (1912). William Porcher DuBose (1836-1918) was an American theologian, Civil War veteran and Dean of the School of Theology of the University of the South. This short book is an autobiographical look at his life and thought.

The Tyndale Society
Founded in 1995 out of the William Tyndale Quincentenary Trust, the Tyndale Society arranges conferences, lectures and social activities about English Bible translator William Tyndale (c. 1494-1536). It also publishes periodicals concerned with the history of the English reformation.

UnEnglish and Unmanly: Anglo-Catholicism and Homosexuality
by David Hilliard (Victorian Studies, 1982). In this important journal article, now available online for the first time, Australian scholar David Hilliard examines social, historical and literary connections between Anglo-Catholicism and homosexuality in Britain. Adobe Acrobat format.

The Unseen World
by John Mason Neale (1853 edition). Just in time for Halloween, Project Canterbury has digitised this curious collection of conversations about the supernatural by one of our tradition's greatest hymnographers and church historians. Neale's 'aim is to set forth Christian views on a point of popular belief which writers have generally considered worthy of ridicule or pity, or at least susceptible of a natural explanation'.

The Velvet Cushion, by John William Cunningham (1817 edition).
This wonderfully readable (and once very popular) novel tells the story of English church history from the viewpoint of a church cushion. John Cunningham (1780-1861) was Vicar of St Mary's, Harrow; Frances Trollope lampooned him in The Vicar of Wrexhill. The Velvet Cushion inspired A New Covering to the Velvet Cushion and The Legend of the Velvet Cushion.

A Vindication of Their Majesties Authority to Fill the Sees of the Deprived Bishops
attributed to Edward Stillingfleet (1691). In this pamphlet, an author believed to be Edward Stillingfleet (1635-1699) argues for the crown's authority to replace Nonjuring bishops who refused to take the Oath of Allegiance to King William. This document in particular was occasioned by the refusal in 1691 of William Beveridge (1637-1708) to become bishop of Bath and Wells, the see vacated in that year by Thomas Ken.

Walter Kerr Hamilton, Bishop of Salisbury: A Sketch
by H.P. Liddon (1869). W.K. Hamilton (1808-1869) was one of the first diocesan bishops to have been influenced by the Tractarian movement, and a close associate of Liddon, Keble, Pusey and other Oxford Movement leaders. In this extended memoir, Liddon chronicles Hamilton's life, work and religious development.

William John Butler, Vicar of Wantage, 1847-1881
A biography with illustrations from the Vale and Download Museum. (Link automatically downloads a PDF file.)

The Word "Eternal" and the Punishment of the Wicked
by Frederick Denison Maurice (1854). In this letter to Richard William Jelf, Maurice (1805-1872) explains his theological position on the eternity of future punishment. For this position, he was removed from his teaching duties at King's College, London.

The Works of Nicholas Ridley
edited by Henry Christmas (1841). This edition includes Ridley's 'Piteous Lamentation of the Miserable State of the Church in England,' letters, 'Treatise on the Worship of Images' and numerous other reformation documents in Adobe Acrobat format. In 1555 Nicholas Ridley was burned at the stake with Hugh Latimer, Bishop of Worcester.

Works of Richard Hooker
Downloadable in PDF format, this scan of the first printing of Hooker's Complete Works can be found on Online Library of Liberty. The bulk of the 'holdings' concentrate on aspects of liberal economics. The main reason for visiting this site, beyond the first printing of Hooker, is that anything of interest you find can be downloaded as PDF files.

Writings by and about Archdeacon William Paley
'Paley achieves an impressive number of hits in Google, but there is considerable inaccuracy about him across the board. He is a lightening rod for ID combatants (pro and con), but his range of interest to the world of ideas, and as a key Anglican thinker, is much greater than his role as the best known philosopher of Design (pre-Darwin), encompassing moral and political thought, biblical criticism, scientific ideas, economics, educational theory, ecclesiology, spirituality, toleration, and wit.'

York’s Archbishops’ Registers 1225-1650
'free access to over 20,000 images of Registers produced by the Archbishops of York, 1225-1650, in addition to a growing searchable index of names, subjects, places and organisations. The registers are a valuable, and in many cases, unexploited source for ecclesiastical, political, social, local and family history - covering periods of war, famine, political strife and religious reformation in the Archdiocese of York and the wider Northern Province.'


Project Canterbury has a directory of material on the history of Anglicanism in Europe.

The American Missionaries in Greece
by Henry D. Gilpin (1856). This address gives a hortatory overview of the work of Anglican missionaries engaged in educational ministries in Greece in the early and mid-nineteenth century.

The Church of England in Northern and Central Europe (1885)
The retired Bishop of Rangoon addresses the challenges and promises of expatriate English religion on the Continent.

A History of the So-Called Jansenist Church of Holland; with a Sketch of Its Earlier Annals
by John Mason Neale (1858). This substantial and detailed book digitized by AO staff member Peter Owen chronicles the history of the schism of the Archdiocese of Utrecht from the Roman Catholic Church beginning in the eighteenth century. After the First Vatican Council, this church formed one of the nuclei of the nascent Old Catholic movement.

The Lutheran Liturgy Now Us'd by the Protestants in the Reformed Churches of Germany, Prov'd to Agree with the Rites and Ceremonies in the Several Offices of the Book of Common-Prayer, Us'd by the Church of England (1715)
This rare early document on liturgical connections between Lutheran and Anglican liturgy is now available online.

The Recognition of the Unitas Fratrum as an Old Episcopal Church
by J. Taylor Hamilton (1925).
In the context of early Anglican-Moravian relations, this document gives details of the investigation by the English Parliament of the claim of the Moravian Church to be an 'Old Episcopal Church'.

The Reunion Conference at Bonn 1875: A Personal Narrative
by William Stevens Perry
W.S. Perry (1832-1898) was Bishop of Iowa when he visited the Bonn Reunion Conference of Old Catholics, Eastern Orthodox and Anglicans in 1875. Fruitful discussions ensued, culminating in the establishment of full communion between Old Catholics and Anglicans in 1931.

Theodora Phranza, or, The Fall of Constantinople
by John Mason Neale (1857). Church historian and hymnographer J.M. Neale sets this romantic novel in 1452-53 during the siege and fall of Constantinople.

Trois lettres sur la position de l'église anglicane
by John Wordsworth (1894). Wordsworth (1843-1911) was Bishop of Salisbury when he wrote these three letters in French on matters of ecumenical interest to French Roman Catholics.


Church of Ireland Historical Society
'The society aims to promote the study of Irish church history and encourage research.'

New Zealand

An Account of New Zealand and of the Formation and Progress of the Church Missionary Society's Mission in the Northern Island
by William Yate (1835). This book about the beginnings of Anglican life in New Zealand is part of an exciting initiative launched under the name Early New Zealand Books Project.

Bishop Harper and the Canterbury Settlement
by H. T. Purchas (1909). Henry James Chitty Harper (1804-93) was the Tractarian-minded first Bishop of Christchurch, New Zealand. During his episcopate from 1856 to 1893, he consecrated some 95 new churches throughout the South Island of New Zealand. He attended the first two Lambeth Conferences and served as the second Primate of New Zealand.

The Canterbury Association (1848-1852): A Study of Its Members' Connections
by Michael Blain (2007) [PDF]. This extensive directory of prominent members in the Canterbury Association, an early New Zealand colonization society sponsored by networks of friends with strong High Church leanings, is now available online. (Hard copies are no longer for sale, and scarce as hens' teeth.)

Clergy in the Diocese of Dunedin 1852-1919: A Biographical Directory of Anglican Clergy who served in Otago and Southland, compiled by Michael Blain (2003).
This extensive document, available online in searchable Adobe Acrobat format, runs to 259 pages and provides comprehensive data for its place and period.

Colonial Church Histories: New Zealand
by Henry Jacobs (1887). Dean Henry Jacobs (1824-1901) wrote this magisterial history of the earliest years of Anglican life in the Dioceses of Auckland, Christchurch, Dunedin, Nelson, Waiapu, Wellington and Melanesia. The full text is posted along with a handsome frontispiece and diocesan map of New Zealand.

A History of the English Church in New Zealand
By H.T. Purchas (1914). A comprehensive look at the first century of Anglican life in New Zealand.

Journal of a Walk with the Bishop of New Zealand, from Auckland to Taranaki in August 1855
by Charles John Abraham (1856). C.J. Abraham (1814-1903, later Bishop of Wellington) recorded his itinerary and experiences on a long pastoral visitation walk with George Augustus Selwyn.

by James West Stack (1909). This rare book by J.W. Stack (1835-1919) tells the story of Te Koro Mautai (d. 1884) a Maori Anglican who worked for nearly three decades full time as an unpaid catechist, vestryman, church warden and lay reader.

The Lessons of the Holy Sepulchre
by J. R. Selwyn (1873). This sermon was preached at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Auckland, New Zealand, to commemorate the eighth anniversary of its founding. The preacher reflects on the importance of women's ministry in parish life, on the necessity for reverence in church buildings, and wishes that there 'be never wanting a supply of men eager to run to Christ as St. Peter and John ran to His tomb.'

Marsden Online Archive
'Marsden’s letters and journals, as well as the papers of other early NZ missionaries, are held in the Hocken Collections at the University of Otago Library. 599 of these letters and journals have been made available on the Marsden Online Archive to date.'

Our Last Year in New Zealand, 1887
by William Garden Cowie (1888). The first Bishop of Auckland records the events of one year in the very active life of his diocese in this rare book.

Saintly, Sinful or Secular 1814-1895 Viewed through the Lens of Te Māramataka 1895 and Its Historical Notes
George Connor, retired Bishop of Dunedin, researches the first century of Anglican life in Aotearoa through an important Māori publication.

A Sermon, Preached in the Chapel of Lambeth Palace, at the Consecration of the Lord Bishop of New Zealand, on Sunday, October 17, 1841
by William Hart Coleridge (1841). Coleridge was Bishop of Barbados and the Leeward Islands; as an experienced colonial bishop, his sermon at the consecration of a new colonial bishop is especially informed.

The Southern Cross and Southern Crown; Or, the Gospel in New Zealand
by Sarah Tucker (1866). This long account of the first fifty years of Anglican life in New Zealand is by prolific author and mission chronicler Sarah Tucker (1821-1893). A series of striking engravings begins the narrative.

The Work of Christ in the World
by George Augustus Selwyn (1855). This is series of four sermons preached by the first Bishop of New Zealand, George Augustus Selwyn (1809-1878). He examines four topics with characteristic insight: Christian Work the Best Interpreter of Christian Doctrine, The Work of Christ in England, The Work of Christ in the Colonies and The Work of Christ among the Heathen.


An Account of the Consecration of the Cathedral Church of Ss Peter and Paul, Dogura
by Philip Nigel Warrington Strong (1939). This long, detailed account of the consecration of Dogura Cathedral in New Guinea is accompanied by ten interesting photographs.

Albert Maclaren: Pioneer Missionary in New Guinea
by Frances Synge (1908). Albert Maclaren (1853-1891) was the first Anglican missionary to work in New Guinea. He died after just six fruitful months of evangelism along distinct High Church lines, leaving the beginnings of a strong local church. This biography includes extensive extracts from his diary and a frontispiece portrait.

Blain Biographical Directory of Anglican Clergy in the Diocese of Honolulu 1862-1902
This biographical directory compiled by the Reverend Michael Blain, an Anglican historian from New Zealand, lists all clergy who passed through the Diocese of Honolulu before its incorporation into the Episcopal Church USA as the Diocese of Hawai'i. [Adobe Acrobat format]

The Brothers: The Story of the Native Brotherhood of Melanesia
by Margaret Lycett (1935). This early book about the beginnings of the Melanesian Brotherhood (founded in 1925) is now available online.

By Reef and Shoal: Being an Account of a Voyage amongst the Islands in the South-western Pacific
by William Sinker (1907). This is a partial journal of the first voyage of one incarnation of the Melanesian missionary schooner The Southern Cross. Commander Sinker wins AO's award for the best name of any missionary seaman in Anglican history.

The Church of Melanesia 1849-1999
edited by Allan K. Davidson (1999). This PDF contains all of the 1999 Selwyn Lectures marking the 150th Anniversary of the founding of the Melanesian Mission.

Extracts from the Journal of the Bishop of Honolulu
by Thomas Nettleship Staley (1863). This fascinating narrative of the establishment of 'the Mission to the Sandwich Islands' includes contemporary newspaper reports and accounts of several meetings with the Hawai'ian royal family. Also newly online are two sermons preached by T N Staley (1823-1898) at his farewell service in Westminster Abbey, and at the temporary cathedral in Honolulu.

Five Years' Church Work in the Kingdom of Hawaii
by Thomas Nettleship Staley (1868). Staley (1823-1898) was the first Bishop of Honolulu; in this account he chronicles the beginnings and progress of Anglican life in the Hawai'ian islands.

Handbooks on the Missions of the Episcopal Church: Hawaiian Islands (1927)
One of several volumes in this early twentieth-century series digitized by Project Canterbury. These brief introductions to American Anglican missionary work include many photographs.

How Can You Sing the Lord's Song without A Book?
A Check List of Books Printed 1855-1975 by the Anglican Church in Melanesia on the Mission Press. Compiled by Wilfrid John Pinson. This is a remarkable, fascinating document about a wondrously multilingual part of our communion. [Adobe Acrobat format, 238k]

In the Isles of the Sea: The Story of Fifty Years in Melanesia
by Frances Awdry (1902). This long, extensively illustrated book by F. Awdry covers the first half-century of the work of the Melanesian Mission.

A Letter to His Grace the Duke of Newcastle, Secretary of State for the Colonies, &c. &c. &c. on behalf of the Melanesian Mission of the Bishop of New Zealand, and also on behalf of Missions to the Aborigines of Australia
by Lewis M. Hogg (1853). This early document on its topic addresses the duties of the Church of England toward aboriginal Australians and the people of the Melanesian islands.

The Light of Melanesia: A Record of Fifty Years' Mission Work in the South Seas
by H. H. Montgomery, D.D. (1904). In the middle of the nineteenth century, George Augustus Selwyn and John Coleridge Patteson laid the foundations of the Church of England's missionary presence in Melanesia. In this book, H.H. Montgomery presents a detailed account of church life in Fiji, the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, New Caledonia and smaller island groups throughout the western Pacific. Numerous photographs.
(NOTE: In The Last Heathen: Encounters with Ghosts and Ancestors in Melanesia Bishop Montgomery's great-grandson Charles follows his ancestor's route through Melanesia. Published by Douglas & McIntyre
in 2004.)

Liturgical Spirituality under the Southern Cross: A Study of the Impact of the Anglo-Catholic Tradition on the Anglican Church in Melanesia
by David V. Vunagi (1998).
In this M.Th. thesis, David Vunagi (now Bishop of Temotu in the Church of Melanesia) explores the liturgical impact of early Anglo-Catholic missionaries in Melanesia, as well as the potential for liturgical inculturation in the future.

Norfolk Island: Correspondence between His Excellency Sir W. Denison, K.C.B., Governor General of Australia and the Bishop of New Zealand. With other documents relating to Norfolk Island, and its present inhabitants (1857)
This interesting correspondence revolves around the provision for 'an Island Bishopric' for the spiritual care of Pitcairn Islanders, descendants of Tahitian women and Bounty mutineers who settled on Norfolk in 1856. It is the newest addition to a dedicated directory on Project Canterbury related to the works of missionary bishop George Augustus Selwyn (1809-1878).

Notes [of a] Visit to Norfolk Island, the Head Quarters of the Melanesian Mission (1872)
This published account draws on the journal of William Garden Cowie (1831-1902) then Bishop of Auckland. Cowie writes on conditions of church life on Norfolk, and his ordination of three Melanesian Anglicans to the diaconate; Cowie is distinguished in early Australasian church history for having ordained some 25 Maori clergymen by the end of the nineteenth century.

Out of Great Tribulation
by Philip Nigel Warrington Strong
This charge (undoubtedly one of the longest in history) to the Diocese of New Guinea is broken into three parts: Review, The Diocese in Retrospect, and Looking Forward. Strong surveys in painstaking detail the life of the church in Papua New Guinea during World War II, including its interactions with military government administration.

Polynesia Patchwork: The Tale of a Pacific Diocese
by C.W. Whonsbon-Aston (1948). Anglican life in Fiji, Tonga, Samoa and other parts of the southern Pacific is the subject of this illustrated booklet.

Record of Consecration of the Rev. John Coleridge Patteson (1861)
Patteson (1827-1871) was consecrated to act as 'missionary bishop among the western islands of the Pacific Ocean' in 1861. He was martyred in 1871 on the island of Nukapu, following a significant career throughout Melanesia.

Religious Communities of the Anglican Communion: Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific
by T. W. Campbell (2007). This recent, fascinating study of Anglican religious communities is now available online in Adobe Acrobat format.

Rules, Order of Admission, and Office of the Companions of the Melanesian Brotherhood (1953)
The indefatigable Bishop Terry Brown of Malaita in the Church of the Province of Melanesia has digitized the manual of the Melanesian Brotherhood in two Pacific languages: Mota and Kwara'ae.

Santa Cruz and the Reef Islands
by W.C. O'Ferrall (1908). O'Ferrall was missionary on Santa Cruz (Nukapu Island) from 1897-1904. In this attractively-illustrated account, he describes the progress of Anglican life in the decades after the martyrdom of Bishop J. C. Patteson in 1871.

"A Selection of Fundamentals": The Intellectual Background of the Melanesian Mission of the Church of England, 1850-1914
by Sara Harrison Sohmer (University of Hawai'i doctoral dissertation, 1998). This fascinating intellectual history of an important Anglican missionary sphere examines evangelicalism, intellectual liberalism, imperialism and the Oxford Movement in a very worthwhile interdisciplinary study.

South Sea Epic: War and the Church in New Guinea
compiled by Ruth Henrich (1944). This book provides extensive documentation of the life of Anglicans in New Guinea during the Japanese invasion of 1941. Much of the Anglican Communion commemorates the Martyrs of New Guinea on 2 September; many of their own words are available online now for the first time.

South Sea Island Labour Traffic
by John Coleridge Patteson (1871). Bishop Patteson writes this memorandum to the General Synod of the Church of England in New Zealand, in which he argues that the traffic in labourers in the South Pacific parallels the former traffic in African slaves.

Spearhead: The Story of the Melanesian Brotherhood
by Brian Macdonald-Milne. In this undated pamphlet the former chaplain and tutor of the Melanesian Brotherhood explains the history and constitution of this religious order founded in 1925 by Ini Kopuria.

Story of a Melanesian Deacon
by Clement Marau (1906). Marau (c. 1859-1923) was ordained to the diaconate by missionary bishop John Selwyn in 1890, and to the priesthood in 1903. This autobiographical account covers his own work as a missionary deacon in the Solomon Islands. A later chronicler of Melanesian Anglican history referred to him as 'the most respected' and 'the ablest of all the native clergy, a beautiful musician, playing both upon the organ and the violin.' A frontispiece photograph of Deacon Marau is included along with the text.

They Came to My Island
by George Sarawia (1973). In 1873 Sarawia (1845-1901) became the first Melanesian Anglican priest. In this autobiographical account, he describes his first encounters with missionaries led by Bishop John Coleridge Patteson, his education in New Zealand, and his eventual ordinations to the diaconate and priesthood.

"Unpretending Labours:" Julia Farr and the Melanesian Mission
by Janet Crawford (2004). Crawford chronicles the life of Julia Farr (1864-1951), influential Anglican missionary in Melanesia from 1892 to 1901. Adobe Acrobat format.


A Brief History of the Scottish Episcopal Church
'In a fast moving church or nation it is hard to know where you are going unless you also know from whence you have come. This little book seeks to point to some of the milestones on the journey of the Church across the centuries. This edition of the story ends in the summer of 2012. In the immediate future the referendum on the governance of Scotland is likely to be one the most important decisions the nation has faced in over 300 years, and one which will have consequences for Scotland's churches.' Also available in print as A Church for Scotland.

A Memoir of Alexander, Bishop of Brechin, with a Brief Notice of His Brother the Rev. George Hay Forbes
by Felicia Skene (1876). Novelist and social reformer Skene (1821-1899) turns her attention in these biographies to the life of the 'Scottish Pusey,' Alexander Penrose Forbes (1817-1875) and his brother George (1821-1875).

A new collection of material by Scottish Episcopal Bishop and Primus Robert Eden (1804-1886)
includes a wealth of interesting documents. Prayers for use during the first Lambeth Conference, an early sermon against 'Depredators and Wreckers on the Sea Coast,' an account of the bishop's travel to Russia and discussions with Orthodox churchmen, and a sermon on an early labour organisation called The International Society of Workmen all stand out as significant.

The Scottish Episcopal Church: A New History
by Gavin White. This Honorary Canon of St Mary's Cathedral, Glasgow, former lecturer at Glasgow University, and the outgoing president of the Scottish Church History Society has made his book available online in HTML.

Steps on the Way: The Journey of the Scottish Episcopal Church
'consists of a chronological history of the Scottish Episcopal Church from 1513-2013, with each of the century chapters beginning and ending with a vignette, or snapshot, of a moment in that century'.


Address of H.B. Whipple on the 25th Anniversary of His Election as Bishop of Minnesota (1884)
Henry Benjamin Whipple (1822-1901) was the first Bishop of Minnesota. During his long episcopate, he built the first cathedral in the American Episcopal Church at Faribault, and had a consistent record of involvement in mediating disputes between Euro-American settlers and Native Americans. This address includes numerous detailed engravings. Whipple was also the author of Plea for the Red Man (1868) and the preface to A Century of Dishonor.

The Alaskan Missions of the Episcopal Church: A Brief Sketch, Historical and Descriptive
by Hudson Stuck, D. D. Archdeacon of the Yukon. New York: Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society, 1920. Here is a corner of the Anglican life that doesn't receive too much attention.

Alexander Gregg, First Bishop of Texas
By His Son, the Late Wilson Gregg, Edited and Extended by the Reverend Arthur Howard Noll (1912). This biography of Alexander Gregg (1819-1893) chronicles his life and tenure as the first bishop of Texas, then an undivided diocese.

The American Episcopal Church Interpreted for English Churchmen
by Arthur Whipple Jenks (1919). Arthur Whipple Jenks (1863-1922) was professor of Ecclesiastical History at the General Theological Seminary in New York, and Warden of the Sisters of Saint John the Divine in Toronto, Canada. In this volume, he explains the history and structure of the Episcopal Church in the United States.

American Society of Church History
'... an organization of scholars who share a common interest in the history of ecclesiastical experience and in the historical interaction between religious expressions and culture.' Important historical organization; not strictly Anglican.

Archives of the Episcopal Church
Includes a section for arranging and cataloging parish archives, a financial records retention schedule, a preliminary register of the location of episcopal records, and other useful material. Also links to a searchable database of General Convention resolutions from 1976.

The Ardent Longing of the Anglican Communion for Peace and Unity
by Henry C. Lay (1874). In this sermon by the then Bishop of Easton (Maryland USA), Henry C. Lay preached on Anglican divisions and hopes from a global perspective.

Are There Romanizing Germs in the Prayer Book?
by Franklin Rising (1868). This influential 19th-century American document summarizes Anglican evangelical objections to the Book of Common Prayer. It provided a strong platform for the soon-to-be-formed Reformed Episcopal Church.

The Arrow
This parish newsletter from the Church of St Mary the Virgin, New York, was produced by a group called the Sons of Saint Sebastian, 1891–1899. It is now available online in PDF.

The Best Mode of Working a Parish
by John Franklin Spalding (1888). J.F. Spalding (1828-1902) was the first missionary bishop of Colorado, with jurisdiction in Wyoming; in this series of lectures and sermons, he explains his ideals of lay, parochial and missionary life.

A Bishop among His Flock
by Ethelbert Talbot (1924). Talbot (1848-1928) was missionary Bishop of Wyoming and Idaho from 1887 to 1897. He was elected Bishop of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania in 1898, and became Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church in 1924. Talbot was influential in the beginnings of the modern Olympics, writing the Olympic Creed and speaking at services for athletes during the 1908 London Olympics. In this volume, Talbot reflects on the life and doctrine of the Church.

Bishop Elliott Society
'A ministry of laity and clergy for upholding and teaching the historic faith and mission of the Episcopal Church in south Texas as we seek the New Life in our resurrected Lord.' Named for Robert W.B. Elliott, Missionary Bishop of Western Texas (1874-1887), this organisation sponsors theological lectures and barbeques.

The Case of the Episcopal Churches in the United States Considered
by William White (1782). This important essay by the first Bishop of Pennsylvania is now available online.

The Catechism of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confederate States
Raleigh: Office of the "Church Intelligencer", 1862.

The Change at the Resurrection
by Benjamin T. Onderdonk (1840). This sermon was preached at the funeral of Peter Williams, the second African American priest ordained in the Episcopal Church USA. Williams figures significantly in Craig Townsend’s worthwhile Faith in Their Own Color: Black Episcopalians in Antebellum New York (Columbia University Press, 2005).

A Charitable Judgment of the Opinions and Conduct of Others, Recommended
by James Milnor (1845). Words as timely now as they were when they were first written and preached. Milnor (1773-1845) was a leader in the Episcopal Church USA's early evangelical movement.

The Choir School in the American Church: A study of the choir school and other current chorister training models in Episcopal and Anglican parishes
by Daniel James McGrath (University of California doctoral dissertation, 2005) This dissertation examines the history of Anglican choir schools in the United States, as well as pedagogical methods for parish choirs today. Adobe Acrobat format.
(Link downloads the PDF.)

The Christian Jubilee
by John McVickar (1851). This sermon by John McVickar (1787-1868) is accompanied by correspondence between the Archbishop of Canterbury and religious authorities in New York. Historians point to it as one of the earliest printed uses of the term 'Anglican Communion'; it was preached and published in commemoration of the 150th anniversary celebrations for the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts.

The Church in the Confederate States: A History of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confederate States
by Joseph Blount Cheshire (1912). Cheshire was Bishop of North Carolina from 1893 until 1932. In this volume, he chronicles the effects of secession and civil war on the life of the Episcopal Church in the Confederacy. He includes information about diocesan conventions during the Civil War, as well as a chronicle of the reunion of the Episcopal Church after the war.

The City of the Mormons
by Henry Caswall (1842). Henry Caswall (1810-1870) was among the earliest Anglican observers of the growth of Mormonism in 19th-century America. In this volume, based on a visit to Nauvoo, Illinois, Caswall combines a critical first-hand account of the nascent religion with an impassioned plea for his readers to assist missionary Bishop Jackson Kemper, in whose vast frontier diocese much of the early growth of Mormonism took place.

Correspondence between the Right Reverend the Bishop of Massachusetts and the Rectors of the Parish of the Advent Boston, A.D. 1845 to A.D. 1856 (1856)
This extended exchange of letters chronicles one of the flashpoints of controversy over churchmanship in the nineteenth century American Episcopal Church. Candles, crosses, consciences and clothes are the usual suspects for disagreement.

Crapsey, Algernon Sidney
A new collection of documents by or about Algernon Sidney Crapsey (1847-1927) includes extensive documentation of his 1906 heresy trial.

The Decision of the Bishops Who United in the Consecration of the Rev. Henry U. Onderdonk, D.D. on the Reasons Presented to Them against the Said Act (1827)
The consecration of Henry Ustick Onderdonk (1789-1858) as Bishop of Pennsylvania provoked a strong protest by those who challenged his fitness for that ministry. In this short pamphlet the bishops who consecrated him explain their reasons for so doing.

Diary and Letters of the Reverend Joseph W. Cook, Missionary to Cheyenne
arranged by N. S. Thomas (1919). This collection of journal entries, correspondence and photographs gives a detailed picture of the beginnings of Anglican life in Wyoming, beginning in 1868. Joseph Witherspoon Cook, a translator of the Book of Common Prayer into Dakota, lived from 1836 to 1902.

Discerning the Lord's Body
by Frederic Hastings Smyth (1946). This Marxist Anglo-Catholic book on the liturgical and theological implications of the Incarnation has been long out of print, but is now available online with permission of the author's estate. F.H. Smyth (1888-1960) was superior of the Society of the Catholic Commonwealth.

The Disestablished Church in the Republic of the United States of America
by Walter Farquhar Hook (1869). This is an English churchman's sympathetic account of disestablished Anglicanism in the United States. Its author W. F. Hook (1798-1875) was a figure of some significance in the Victorian Church of England.

Doctor Tucker, Priest-Musician
A Sketch which Concerns the Doings and Thinkings of the Rev. John Ireland Tucker, S.T.D., Including a Brief Converse about the Rise and Progress of Church Music in America. By Christopher W. Knauff (1897) (Cross-listed in Music Resources.)

Documenting the American South
105 titles with one subject: Confederate States of America -- Religion.

Early Clergy of Pennsylvania and Delaware
by Samuel Fitch Hotchkin, chronicles early Swedish Lutheran and Episcopalian clergy in Pennsylvania and Delaware.

Early Days of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Texas
by DuBose Murphy. This detailed article from Southwestern Historical Quarterly Online charts the history of Anglicanism in Texas from 1838 to 1850.

Early Virginia Religious Petitions
A collaborative project of the US Library of Congress and the Library of Virginia; it presents images of 423 petitions submitted to the Virginia legislature between 1774 and 1802. The petitions concern such topics as the historic debate over the separation of church and state championed by James Madison and Thomas Jefferson, the rights of dissenters such as Quakers and Baptists, the sale and division of property in the established church, and the dissolution of unpopular vestries.

Elements of Moral Theology
by John J. Elmendorf (1892). Elmendorf published this condensation and translation of Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologica when he was professor at [Seabury-] Western Theological Seminary. This text is available online from the University of Notre Dame's Jacques Maritain Center for Thomist studies.

Episcopal Archivists
'An advisory group to The Archives of the Episcopal Church. Episcopal Archivists work in a professional ministry to support the Episcopal Church as an inclusive Christian community with a rich heritage and an abundant faith in the future. The Church’s archivists recognize a common enterprise to safeguard and promote the modern texts that shape the Episcopal identity and document our collective memory.'

Episcopal Diocese of Eastern Oregon Archives and History

Episcopal Women's History Project
'To promote and encourage research, writing and publication in all matters touching upon the history of women in the Episcopal Church; To promote and encourage the collection and preservation of records and other artifacts of interest pertaining to such history; To foster and promote public knowledge of interest in such history.'

The Episcopate in America: Sketches Biographical & Bibliographical of the Bishops of the American Church
by William Stevens Perry (1895). This very important collection of information about every bishop of the Episcopal Church from 1789 until 1895 has been digitized by GooglePrint.

Essay on Gothic Architecture
by John Henry Hopkins (1836). In this first book on Gothic architecture to be published in the United States, Hopkins draws on his experience of life on the American frontier to meet the architectural needs of a growing church.

An Essay on High-Church Principles
by Bishop William White (first published in 2001),
transcribed, edited and introduced by AO's Cynthia McFarland. White (1748-1836) was the first Bishop of Pennsylvania, and he exercised a strong influence on the formation of the Episcopal Church in the United States.

Faith through Love. A Sermon Preached in St. Mary's Chapel, Peekskill, New York, on Low Sunday, 1896, Being the First Sunday after the Burial of Sister Harriet, Foundress of the "Sisterhood of St. Mary, New York," and for Thirty-two Years Its Mother Superior
by Arthur Lowndes (1896). Harriet Starr Cannon (1823-1896) was a leader in forging a place for Anglican women in the religious life during the nineteenth century.

Forty Years in Anvik
by John Wight Chapman (1931). This autobiographical account of Anglican life in Alaska between 1887 and 1930 was written by ethnographer/priest/linguist J.W. Chapman (1858-1939). It is part of a growing collection of documents on Anglicanism in Alaska.

From the Archives of St. Paul's Cathedral, Detroit
'Photos and articles from the Archives of The Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Detroit, Michigan 1824-2010.'

Funeral Services at the Burial of the Right Rev. Leonidas Polk
with a Sermon by Bishop Stephen Elliott (1864). Polk (1806-1864) was Bishop of Louisiana and a Confederate general during the American Civil War. As recently as this year's General Convention of the Episcopal Church USA, there has been controversy about Polk's place in American and Anglican history, as witnessed by this letter from the Historical Society of the Episcopal Church.

The Glebe House Museum
Birthplace of the US Episcopal Church, in Connecticut.

Handbooks on the Missions of the Episcopal Church
Project Canterbury has digitized several volumes in this early twentieth-century series. These brief introductions to American Anglican missionary work include many photographs: See Philippine Islands (1923), the West Indies (1926), Hawaii (1927), Liberia (1928), Japan (1934), Mexico (1936). (The volume on China [1922] is available from

Historic Christ Church in Virginia's Northern Neck
Although no longer a functioning parish, Christ Church 'completed in 1735, is the best preserved of Virginia's colonial Anglican parish churches. The quality and detail of its exterior brickwork, coupled with an interior that boasts the only set of high-backed pews and one of only two triple-decker pulpits remaining from colonial Virginia, add to the charm of this unique structure'. Have a look at this fascinating building, now a museum and popular site for events.

Historical Resources on Nashotah House Theological Seminary
Includes biographies, historical documents, narratives, poems, diaries, the first eight issues of the 'Nashotah Scholiast' (1883-1884), engravings and liturgical material on this seminary founded in Wisconsin in 1842.

Historical Society of the Episcopal Church (USA)
'Founded in 1910 in Philadelphia, the Historical Society of the Episcopal Church furthers understanding of church history through research, conferences, archival preservation programs, and publication. The Society is a voluntary organization for people who are engaged in researching and preserving church history and for those who enjoy reading that history'.

History of the Afro-American Group of the Episcopal Church, by George Freeman Bragg, 1863-1940
A wonderful source for US Episcopal Church history.

History of the Church of the Ascension, Chicago, Illinois 1857-1982
by George C. Giles, Jr. (1984). This prominent Anglo-Catholic parish's history includes a helpful introduction on 'The Oxford Movement and the Midwest.'

History of the Diocese of Fond du Lac and Its Several Congregations 1875-1925
by A. Parker Curtiss (1925). This detailed semi-centennial history of the Diocese of Fond du Lac in northeastern Wisconsin includes nearly sixty photographs of church leaders, parish churches and diocesan institutions.

An Index for the Spirit of Missions
The Spirit of Missions was a monthly periodical published by the US Episcopal Church from 1836 to 1940. Project Canterbury now hosts a digitised version of the published index for its issues from 1836-1900.

Journal of an Episcopalian Missionary's Tour to Green Bay, 1834
A glimpse into a missionary priest's travels in the US midwest the year before he was consecrated 'Bishop of the Northwest', his diocese encompassing Missouri, Indiana, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Kansas, and Nebraska.

Journals of the Annual Conventions of the Diocese of New Jersey Online
'A vast number of Diocese of New Jersey convention journals are now available online (1785 through 1920, with two exceptions) and are fully searchable.'

Letters of a Westchester Farmer
By Samuel Seabury (1774-1775). Anti-revolutionary pseudonymous pamphlets by the first bishop of the Episcopal Church.

The Life and Correspondence of Samuel Johnson, D.D. Missionary of the Church of England in Connecticut and First President of King's College, New York
by E. Edwards Beardlsey (1874). Samuel Johnson (1696-1772) was a leader in the early eighteenth-century movement of American converts from Calvinism to Anglicanism. He served as the founding president of King's College, later Columbia University in the City of New York.

The Life and Labors of Bishop [William Hobart] Hare: Apostle to the Sioux, by M.A. DeWolfe Howe (1911)
William Hobart Hare (1838-1909) was the first Bishop of Niobrara, a missionary jurisdiction established by the Episcopal Church in 1873 to minister to the Sioux people. By 1900, he had confirmed some 7,000 Native Americans and established schools, parishes and missionary institutions throughout South Dakota. This biography traces his life through pioneering ministry at Niobrara, travels to China and Japan and as an advocate of the rights of Native Americans. He was the grandson of John Henry Hobart (1775-1830), third Bishop of New York.

Lights and Shadows of a Long Episcopate: Being Reminiscences and Recollections of the Right Reverend Henry Benjamin Whipple, D.D., LL.D. Bishop of Minnesota
[New York: The Macmillan Company, 1899] A 560-page autobiography. Much of his ministry was spent in advocacy for Ojibwe Native Americans.

The Lord's Supper in Relation to Christian Union
by William Augustus Muhlenberg (1873). This controversial paper by W.A. Muhlenberg (1796-1877, US Episcopal Church feast day 8 April) advocated a high degree of intercommunion among protestant denominations in the United States.

Mahlon Norris Gilbert: Bishop Coadjutor of Minnesota 1886-1900, by Francis Leseure Palmer (1912).
This episcopal biography provides a detailed look at church life on the 19th-century American frontier in Utah, Montana and Minnesota.

Manning, William Thomas
From Project Canterbury and the Archives of the Diocese of New York comes an extensive directory of material by William Thomas Manning (1866-1949), tenth bishop of New York. The documents now online flesh out Manning's opinions and activities in connection with cathedral building, ecumenism, world affairs and liturgical matters.

Massachusetts a Field for Church Missions
by Frederic Dan Huntington (1863). Huntington (1819-1904) was the first Bishop of Central New York. In this long sermon written before his consecration Huntington asks whether the 'extension of the Gospel and Church of Christ in our own territory is an obligation resting upon us'.

Memoir of Bishop Seabury
by William Jones Seabury (1908). Samuel Seabury (1729-1796) was the first Anglican bishop consecrated for work in the United States. This detailed biography by his descendant covers his political and ecclesiastical life, and includes extracts from his letters, journals and contemporary documents.

Memorial of the Rev. Wm. Chauncy Langdon, on the Subject of the Italian Reform Movement (1865)
This brief memorial by W.C. Landgon (1831-1895) to the General Convention of 1865 encourages the Episcopal Church USA to fund proselytising elements in the Roman Catholic Church on the Italian peninsula.

A Memorial of the Right Reverend Carlton Chase, D.D., First Bishop of New-Hampshire, 1844 to 1870, with a Biographical Sketch (c. 1871)
Carlton Chase (1794-1870) served as first Bishop of New Hampshire, as well as assisting bishop for the Diocese of New York from 1849 to 1862.

A Memorial Representing the Present State of Religion, on the Continent of North-America
by Thomas Bray (1701). Bray (1656-1730) writes on the religious needs of colonists in Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Long Island, North and South Carolina, the Bermudas and Newfoundland. This is an essential document for the history of the growth of the Anglican Communion.

A Memorial Tribute to the Rev. Thomas Gallaudet, D.D., L.H.D. (1902)
This small collection of sermons and addresses commemorates Thomas Gallaudet (1822-1902), listed on the US Episcopal Church's calendar of lesser feasts and fasts for his pioneering work in deaf education and worship. Gallaudet, whose father founded the institution that is now the American School for the Deaf, himself established St Ann's Church for the Deaf in New York City in 1852.

Missions to the Oneidas
by Susan Fenimore Cooper (1885-1886). This substantial series of 16 articles, serialized in The Living Church (Milwaukee) traces the history of Anglican life among the Oneida tribe in New York state and Wisconsin. Susan Fenimore Cooper was an active Anglican, a prominent supporter of women's civil rights, daughter to James Fenimore Cooper and niece of William Heathcote DeLancey, the pre-Tractarian High Churchman who became first Bishop of Western New York in 1839.

"A More Ample Ordination": Sermon in Reply to the "First Subsidiary Reason" Given by Wm. Bacon Stevens, of the P.E. Church, on Friday, September 30th, 1881, for Re-ordaining a Moravian Presbyter, A Deacon
by William Henry Rice (1881). This sermon includes a long discussion of the re-ordination by an American Episcopal bishop of a Moravian clergyman in 1881. It is an important waymark in Anglican-Moravian relations.

Mother Eva Mary, CT: The Story of a Foundation
by Mrs Harlan Cleveland. A biography of Mother Eva Mary (1862-1928), Foundress of the Community of the Transfiguration, an American Anglican monastic order dating from 1898. Of particular interest are photographs of the order's branch-house and sisters in China before World War II.

My People of the Plains
by Ethelbert Talbot (1906). Ethelbert Talbot (1848-1928) was missionary Bishop of Wyoming and Idaho from 1887 to 1897. He was elected Bishop of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania in 1898, and became Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church in 1924. In this volume, Talbot writes about his experiences as a bishop on the American frontier, and his ministry among Arapahoe and Shoshone Indians, as well as in mining and logging communities. This volume includes 12 photographs.

National Episcopal Historians and Archivists
'The National Episcopal Historians and Archivists (NEHA) formally the National Episcopal Historians Association, began in 1961 as an outgrowth of the Church Historical Society. The founders felt that an organization was needed that would promote archival and historical information collection for congregations, dioceses, and institutional archivists as well as historiographers and registrars'.

Nellie Peters' Pocket Handkerchief and What It Saw
by Charles Todd Quintard (1907). C.T. Quintard (1824-1898) was the second Bishop of Tennessee. In this short story for children, he depicts an episode in American Anglican life in the Confederacy.

New York Bishops: Horatio Potter and Henry Codman Potter
The Archivist of the Diocese of New York and Project Canterbury have collaborated on two large new directories of material by bishops of New York: Horatio Potter (1802-1887) and Henry Codman Potter (1835-1908). Particular gems in these significant collections include The Presentation of a Loving Cup to Mr. Nicholas N. de Lodygensky (1908)—behold the picture at bottom—and The Minister of Christ Not of the World (1856).

An Open Letter in Reference to the Consecration of Dr. Brooks
by George Franklin Seymour (1892). In this lengthy protest by the Bishop of Springfield, Illinois against the consecration of Phillips Brooks (1835-1893) Seymour accuses Brooks of Arianism, Pelagianism, and indifferent attitudes toward closed communion and apostolic succession. Brooks is commemorated in the calendar of the Episcopal Church USA on 23 January.

The Papers of Philander Chase
An ambitious website devoted to the papers and letters of the early American bishop Philander Chase (1775-1852).

Papers of Reuben Archer Torrey, III
Wheaton College's Billy Graham Center holds the papers of R.A. Torrey (1918-2002), an Episcopal priest who was born to Presbyterian missionaries working in northern China. This site includes transcripts of oral history interviews detailing his impressions of missionary life in Korea and parish life in the United States.

Parochial Sermons, from The Posthumous Works of the Late Right Reverend John Henry Hobart, D.D.
Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the State of New-York (1832).
John Henry Hobart (1775-1830) was the third Bishop of New York; he is commemorated by the Episcopal Church on September 12. This substantial collection of forty parochial sermons constitutes the third volume of his posthumous Works.

Pastoral Letters from the House of Bishops
Project Canterbury now hosts a collection of Pastoral Letters from the House of Bishops of the Episcopal Church USA. Touching on a wide variety of secular and religious matters, they range in date from 1817 to 1877. We are not sure when the House of Bishops stopped printing pastoral letters as distinct publications, but we hope that they will all eventually be available online.

The People's Book of Worship: A Study of the Book of Common Prayer
by John Wallace Suter and Charles Morrison Addison (1919). This is a brief examination of the history of the Book of Common Prayer, and introduction to the contents and use of the 1892 BCP of the American Episcopal Church.

This Planted Vine: A Narrative History of the Episcopal Diocese of New York (1984)
Wayne Kempton has digitised this 1984 diocesan history by James Elliott Lindsley.

Popular Misconceptions of the Episcopal Church
by William Reed Huntington (1891). Influential priest W.R. Huntington (1838-1909) addresses some misconceptions we come across still: that the church 'magnifies empty forms and ceremonies', 'is given over to worldliness', 'is narrow and exclusive', 'is honeycombed with Romanism', and 'that it is a house divided against itself'.

Reasons Why I Became a Reformed Episcopalian
by W. R. Nicholson (1875). This pamphlet explains the decision of one evangelical Episcopalian leader in the nineteenth century to join the Reformed Episcopal schism.

Report of the Missionary Bishop of Colorado, New Mexico, and Wyoming
by G.M. Randall (1871). George Maxwell Randall (1810-1873) reports on his missionary work and journeys in this vast jurisdiction; his narrative is accompanied by three attractive engravings. The author writes of the promise of these new territories for church growth, and laments the lack of strong support from older dioceses in the eastern United States.

Richard Channing Moore
The Right Reverend Richard Channing Moore, Bishop of Virginia 1814-1841: A comprehensive and attractive site devoted to the life and works of this important early bishop in the Episcopal Church in the USA.

Sacred Reminiscences
by John W. McCullough (1842). This memorial sermon includes an interesting narrative history of several parishes of the Church of Sweden in Delaware and Pennsylvania that were eventually absorbed by the US Episcopal Church.

A Self-Indulgent History of St Mary's, Castleton, New York
by Richard Major. This is far and away one of the best online parish histories available. It includes sections entitled 'Primal Scenes', 'Heaven's Gate' and 'Ecce Ancilla Domini'. St Mary's, Castleton was founded on Staten Island, New York in 1848.

A Sermon delivered at the Consecration of William Meade
by William White (1829). Bishop White draws on more than forty years of experience in the episcopate in his sermon at the consecration of William Meade (1789-1862). There was some controversy, not about the man, but about the terms of his election; Meade would go on to serve for thirteen years as Assistant Bishop and another twenty as Bishop of Virginia.

A Sermon delivered in Christ-Church, Philadelphia at the Opening of the Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church
by William White (1787). William White (1748-1836) was the first Bishop of Pennsylvania. In this convention sermon he reflects on the relationship between the Church of England and the Episcopal Church in the United States, liturgical revision, doctrinal unity and other matters.

The Sermon Delivered upon the Occasion of St. Ann's Church for Deaf-Mutes Commencing Its Services August 7, 1859
by the Rev. Thomas Gallaudet. Thomas Gallaudet (1822-1902) was an Episcopal priest who devoted his life to missionary work among the deaf; he founded St Ann's Church, New York, the first church for the exclusive use of deaf people.

A Sermon Occasioned by the Burning of the Episcopal Church in the Parish of Grand Manan, NB
Preached by the Rev. John Dunn (1841). This sermon following the arson of an island church in New Brunswick neglects to mention that an effigy of the parish priest was found hanging near the church on the same night. Evidence pointed to Wilford Fisher, known as the 'Emperor of Grand Manan,' but no conviction was made. A stone church, still standing, replaced the first building.

Sewanee Online History Project
Bishop-General Leonidas Polk Memorial Website. Leonidas Polk (1806-1864) was Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana and Lieutenant-General in the Confederate Army. This memorial website includes biographical information and tributes.

Shaping the Values of Youth: Sunday School Books in 19th century America
Use this link to go to the complete collection of 19th century books, with introduction and listing by genre. If you wish only 19th-century hymnals, click here. These books were drawn from collections at Michigan State University and Central Michigan. (Cross-listed in Worth Noting.)

Sketches of Church Life in Colonial Connecticut
Being the Story of the Transplanting of the Church of England into Forty-Two Parishes of Connecticut, with the Assistance of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel Written by Members of the Parishes in Celebration of the 200th Anniversary of the Society, Edited by Lucy Cushing Jarvis (1902). Just that.

Some American Churchmen
by Frederic Cook Morehouse (1892). In this volume, F.C. Morehouse presents relatively brief biographies of Samuel Seabury, William White, John Henry Hobart, Philander Chase, George Washington Doane, John Henry Hopkins, Jackon Kemper, William Augustus Muhlenberg, James Lloyd Breck and James DeKoven.

"Songs by the Way:" The Poetical Writings of the Right Rev. George Washington Doane
arranged and edited by his son, William Croswell Doane (1860 edition). G.W. Doane (1799-1859) was a prolific poet and hymnographer; the 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica notes that 'He belonged to the High Church party and was a brilliant controversialist.'

Stevens, William Bacon
Project Canterbury has launched a directory of material by and related to William Bacon Stevens (1815-1887), fourth Bishop of Pennsylvania. It includes a wide selection of his writings and sermons, domestic and foreign.

A Thanksgiving Sermon, by Absalom Jones (1808).
This moving and important sermon was preached by Absalom Jones (1746-1818), first African American priest of the Episcopal Church USA, on the occasion of the United States banning the importation of slaves.

The Touch of Christ: Lectures on the Christian Sacraments
by Granville Mercer Williams, S.S.J.E. (1928). These eight lectures were delivered in January, 1928 at Saint Thomas Church, Fifth Avenue in New York City under the auspices of the New York Altar Guild. Granville Mercer Williams was then rector of St. Paul's Church, Brooklyn.

The True Church Principles of Restoration to the Episcopal Office
by John Henry Hopkins (1854). After the suspension of B. T. Onderdonk from his office as diocesan bishop of New York, the Episcopal Church grappled with the question of whether and how he could be restored to office. In this lengthy treatise, future Presiding Bishop J. H. Hopkins argued that he could never be restored.

A Voice in the Wilderness: Being a Plea for the Restoration of Primitive Christianity Addressed to the Bishops of the Anglo-American Communion and through them to the English-speaking People throughout the World
by Algernon Sidney Crapsey (1897). This extended commentary on the Lambeth Quadrilateral by A.S. Crapsey, later condemned for heresy in the Episcopal Church USA, calls for small dioceses and close relations among bishops, parishes and parochial clergy.

When a church disappears
What happens when a church disappears? 'The Old Elk Run (Anglican) Church is a property in ruins; that is, it is an historical site, but there is no building. Old Elk Run Church was the first Anglican Church in Fauquier County, Virginia and former Chief Justice John Marshall was a descendent of the first Rector'.

A Word in Season, Touching the Present Misunderstanding in the Episcopal Church
by A Layman (1811). This misunderstanding du jour was about differences of opinion betwen a priest named Cave Jones (1769-1829) and a bishop named John Henry Hobart (1775-1830).


A Handbook on Welsh Church Defence
by Alfred George Edwards (1894). Edwards writes a densely-argued case against the disestablishment of the Church in Wales; he subsequently served as first archbishop of the disestablished church.

Rest of the World

The Lonely Island, by Rose Annie Rogers
Biography of the Reverend Henry Martyn Rogers (1879-1926) Anglican missionary priest on Tristan da Cunha, 'a barren rock in the very centre of the South Atlantic Ocean and out of the way of all regular ships' traffic.'

The Role of the Anglican Church in Mauritius / Le rôle de l'Église Anglicane à Maurice
by Trevor Huddleston (1981). This long bilingual pamphlet by the late Trevor Huddleston (1913-1998) is reproduced online with the permission of the Bishop of Mauritius.

The Utmost Parts of the Earth
by William F. Taylor (1856). This long account of life on the South Atlantic island of Tristan da Cunha provides a detailed chronicle of the most remote setting in which an Anglican parish has ever been planted.


Academic Papers, Theses and Dissertations
A directory of online academic material related to Anglicanism and Anglican history, hosted by Project Canterbury.

The Advent Antiphons with Scripture References and Paraphrases
by A.C.A. Hall, Bishop of Vermont (1914). In this brief, interesting document, Bishop Hall (1847-1930) provides a short interpretation of each of the O Antiphons of Advent.

The Altar; or Meditations in Verse on the Great Christian Sacrifice
by Isaac Williams (1849). Williams (1802-1865) was a Tractarian poet and theologian; in this large poem cycle of 204 sonnets, he reflects on 34 events from Christ's prayer in Gethsemane to Pentecost.

Anglican Books Revitalized
This website provides a number of books in html format, including online editions of the writings of Peter Toon. His important 1979 title Evangelical Theology 1833–1856: A Response to Tractarianism available here in searchable format.

The Bampton Lectures
John Bampton (1690-1751) established this lecture series by his will; since 1780, the Bampton Lectures have been given 'to confirm and establish the Christian Faith, and to confute all heretics and schismatics—upon the divine authority of the holy Scriptures—upon the authority of the writings of the primitive Fathers, as to the faith and practice of the primitive Church—upon the Divinity of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ—upon the Divinity of the Holy Ghost—upon the Articles of the Christian Faith, as comprehended in the Apostles' and Nicene Creeds'. Our friends at Project Canterbury have made a list of the lectures, along with a link to the online text of every lecture where it is available.

A Catechism on Confirmation, by the Reverend James DeKoven (1867)
James DeKoven (1831-1879) wrote this High Church catechism for his students at Racine College in Wisconsin; it was adopted by Morgan Dix of Trinity Church, Wall Street and incorporated into his 'Manual of Instruction for Confirmation Classes.'

The Christian Sacrament and Sacrifice
by Daniel Brevint (first published in 1673, 1847 edition). Brevint (1616-1695) was a native of Jersey who ended his life as Dean of Lincoln. This examination of the theology of the eucharist was an important influence on early Wesleyan eucharistic theology, and it was originally slated for inclusion in the Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology.

Christianity and History
by J. Neville Figgis
This book by Anglican historian and theologian J.N. Figgis (1866-1919) encourages the wider study of Christianity and its impact on history. Figgis became a member of the Community of the Resurrection at Mirfield in 1907.

Codices Electronici Sangallenses (CESG) – Virtual Library
This site provides high-quality digital editions of 131 manuscripts from the eighth-century Swiss monastery of St Gallen.

The Compleat Mother: Or An Earnest Perswasive to all Mothers (especially those of Rank and Quality) to Nurse their own Children
by Henry Newcome (1695). To our knowledge, this is one of the first and most complete Anglican treatises on breastfeeding. Newcome (1650-1713) marshals an extensive array of material--scripture, patristics and Anglican canon law--to make his case against sending children to wet-nurses.

Confession and the Lambeth Conference (1879).
This paper by A.C.A. Hall (1847-1930), subsequently Bishop of Vermont, examines the second Lambeth Conference's position on auricular confession.

The Deaconesses of the Church in Modern Times
compiled by Lawson Carter Rich (1907). This brief article about the beginnings of the deaconess movement in Anglicanism is accompanied by a large batch of photographs.

Deacons, Deaconesses and a Proposed Adaptation, in Part, of the Third Order of S. Francis, or a Proposed Outer Order for Men and Women Living in the World
by the Author of "A Suggestion for the Times (1891). This rare book on new forms of lay and ordained ministry from the late nineteenth century is now available online.

Essays on the work entitled "Supernatural Religion"
by J.B. Lightfoot (1893). Project Gutenberg announces the online publication of this important work by English biblical and patristic scholar Joseph Barber Lightfoot (1828-1889). Lightfoot served as Bishop of Durham from 1879 to 1889.

French-language resources on Anglicanism
This new directory of French-language Anglican historical material includes bibliographic information as well as external links and a variety of sermons and other documents.

The Historic Episcopate: An Essay on the Four Articles of Church Unity Proposed by the American House of Bishops and the Lambeth Conference
by Charles Woodruff Shields (1894). This address on the Chicago-Lambeth Quadrilateral is by Princeton professor and American Presbyterian commentator C. W. Shields (1825-1904), whose other works include The Organic Affinity of Presbytery and Episcopacy, Liturgia Expurgata (an edition of an earlier Presbyterian revision of the Book of Common Prayer) and The Christian Denominations and the Historic Episcopate.

A History of Christianity in 15 Objects
'explores how a small sect in Roman-occupied Judaea went on to become one of the greatest forces of religious, social and cultural change the world has ever known. Over the course of twelve months, fifteen leading thinkers will each present an object that illuminates our understanding of Christianity's extraordinary history, from its beginnings in Jerusalem to the present.' From the Diocese and University of Oxford.

The International Mission Photography Archive (IMPA)
now offers over 62,000 cataloged photographs from the collections of organizations that were active before World War II. Another roughly 20,000 images are in the queue awaiting publication on the website in the coming months. An interesting journalistic report on this collection is available from the Voice of America News Service.

The Internet Archive
offers a vast library of digital editions of works in all fields, but church history and Anglican history are particularly well represented. Some titles that jump out at us as significant or delightful are The Day Hours of the Church of England (1877), Liturgiae Americanae (1907), Percy Dearmer's Fifty Pictures of Gothic Altars (1910) and Nunnery Life in the Church of England (1891).

Lambeth Quiz 1: 1878-1908
Twenty questions taken from the resolutions debated by the bishops at past Lambeth conferences. This first quiz covers the four Lambeth conferences of 1878, 1888, 1897, and 1908.

The Magnificat: Sermons in St. Paul's, August, 1889, by H.P. Liddon (1890)
This is the second edition of a series of four sermons on the Magnificat preached by Liddon, who was then Canon Residentiary and Chancellor of St. Paul's Cathedral.

Mankind and the Church
by Seven Bishops, edited by H. H. Montgomery (1907). This 'Attempt to Estimate the Contribution of Great Races to the Fulness of the Church of God' examines the Papuan, African, Japanese, Chinese, 'Mohammedan' and Hindu contributions to Anglican thought.

Marshall, Arthur Featherstone
Marshall was an Anglican priest who converted to Roman Catholicism in the 1860s. His controversial and satirical writings include The Comedy of Convocation of the English Church (1868) and The Old Catholics at Cologne (1873), both of which still entertain today and include trenchant commentary of Anglican life and thought.

Mercy to Babes: A Plea for the Christian Baptism of Infants
by William Adams (1847). William Adams (1813-1897) was an Irish-born High Churchman who helped in the founding of Nashotah House Theological Seminary in Wisconsin after his graduation from New York's General Theological Seminary in 1841. In this treatise, he defends infant baptism on scriptural and moral grounds.

Neale, John Mason
Several of John Mason Neale's children's novellas with church historical settings have been posted in searchable format by Project Canterbury. Neale (1818-1866) set Lucia's Marriage in Roman Jerusalem; The Bride of Ramcuttah depicts Portuguese Jesuit missionary life in India. He turned his attention to Georgian church history in The Lily of Tiflis, and to the era of the oecumenical councils in The Quay of the Dioscuri.

The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church
'Uniquely authoritative and wide-ranging in its scope, ODCC is the indispensable reference work on all aspects of the Christian Church. It contains over 6,000 A-Z entries, and offers unrivalled coverage of all aspects of this vast and often complex subject, from theology; churches and denominations; patristic scholarship; and the bible; to the church calendar and its organization; popes; archbishops; saints; and mystics.'

Packaging history
We often complain of the 'dumbing down' of complex ideas and concepts in the late 20th century. But check out what appears to be a 1950s detective-genre paperback. Quite hilariously, it is an historical novel ('expertly abridged') by one Jan Westcott on the life and times of Francis Stewart Hepburn, son of Mary Queen of Scots and her last husband, the fourth Earl of Bothwell. This 1956 attempt to make 16th-century Scottish history alluring--'A lusty brawling tempestuous tale of a lusty, brawling exciting time in Scottish history'--is wildly funny. James VI is described thus: 'Scotland's 25-year-old King is timid and weak and easily led. His subjects say when he isn't hunting or drinking he is asleep...' The cover of this potboiler? That's Bothwell and Ann Galbraith, just in case you didn't recognise them.

Project Canterbury
The extensive online archives of Project Canterbury are now accessible as

Reasons for Not Joining a Party in the Church
by F D Maurice (1841). This wonderful open letter by Maurice (1805-1872) suggests that church life has not changed very much in the last 160-odd years.

The Rise and Main Characteristics of the Anglican Evangelical Movement in England and America
by Alexander Clinton Zabriskie (1943). This substantial overview of Anglican Evangelicalism is online thanks to the Gambier Evangelicals section of

Ritual Notes on the Order of Divine Service (1894).
The text of an early edition of this influential ceremonial guide is now online for the first time.

Seven Deadly Sins and Seven Corporal Works of Mercy
A searchable database of British wall paintings.

Sunday School Books
An online collection of 163 Sunday school books published in America between 1815 and 1865. Includes page images and full texts.

Tales Illustrative of the Apostles' Creed, by John Mason Neale (1885)
This collection of children's stories by John Mason Neale includes one story for each phrase of the Apostles' Creed. The individual stories are set in places as disparate as Canada, Japan, France, Denmark, the Netherlands, India, Mount Athos and Norway.

Through the Church Door
Verses by Louise Marshall Haynes, Pictures by Clara Atwood Fitts (1924). Twenty-six sweet illustrations accompany this collection of poems and prayers for children about Anglican Christian life.

Timeline of Anglican History
For those of us who at times long to escape, at least momentarily, the confusion of the 21st century, have a look at Dr Ed Friedlander's timeline and convince yourself that every age has its difficulties and doubts.

The Worthy Communicant; Or, a Discourse of the Nature, Effects, and Blessings consequent to the Worthy Receiving of the Lord's Supper, and of all the Duties required in Order to a Worthy Preparation: Together with the Cases of Conscience occurring in the Duty of Him that Ministers, and of Him that Communicates; As also Devotions Fitted to Every Part of the Ministration.
By Jeremy Taylor (1660, edited by Reginald Heber, 1828).
One of the most important and substantial Anglican devotional guides ever written, The Cambridge History of English and American Literature calls it 'the abiding possession of the English people.' Taylor combines rigorous theological attention to the doctrine of the Holy Eucharist along with comparatively simple prayers of preparation and thanksgiving for Communion.

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