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This page last updated 10 November 2022  

Odds and Ends

IN THIS SECTION WE GATHER those links that are worthy of being listed, but which don't otherwise fit into one of the major categories. And even here we have an 'uncategorisable' category.

Canon Law
Church-Related Pursuits Heraldry, bells, you get the idea.

Pilgrimages and Places
Prayer, Meditations, Poetry
Social Justice, Environment
Time, Chronology, Calendars, Dates
(W)rutabagas Our silly name for the truly uncategorisable.

A little green line.
Canon Law

Anglican Communion Legal Advisers Network
Established by resolution of the Anglican Consultative Council meeting in Hong Kong, September 2002.

Ecclesiastical Law Society
'The Society, founded in 1987, seeks to promote the study of ecclesiastical and canon law, particularly in the Church of England and those churches in communion with it'.

A little green line.
Church-Related Pursuits

Heraldry, Anglican and Episcopal
A small collection of coats of arms of some Anglican dioceses and cathedrals are online (with colour images) and US Episcopal Church diocesan seals are described in a companion page (alas, with no images).

Needlework and Embroidery
A bookshop featuring hard-to-find and out-of-print items.

A little green line.
Food and food-related

Equal Exchange
A worker-owned cooperative dedicated to Fair Trade with small-scale coffee farmers in the developing world. Unlike most companies, who seek to maximize profit for investors, Equal Exchange works to maximize benefits to farmers by trading according to established European Fair Trade standards. Want to buy your parish coffee-hour coffee from them?

Feast Day Cookbook
An out-of-print cookbook (1951) featuring recipes for every holiday, complete with scores of ancient customs. Online in typescript.

Freestone Pottery
'Potters for God who carve scripture into every piece, Tom is an Anglican from Wiltshire, UK, living and working in the USA with his American wife, Episcopalian Sally. 'We have been creating "scripture pottery" together for 15 years. It is our cherished ministry here in the wilds of Tennessee, where we have an hour's drive to the nearest Episcopal Church!'

Monastery Greetings
A web site featuring food and other items made by monasteries, religious communities, and hermitages.

Pura Vida Coffee
Episcopal Relief and Development sponsors a new Fair Trade Coffee blend in co-operation with Pura Vida Coffee: Bishops Blend. Visit Episcopal Relief and Development or go directly to Bishops Blend.

A little green line.
Pilgrimage and Places

Anglican Cathedrals Around the World
Learn about cathedrals around the Anglican Communion.

Anglican Cathedrals of England
Links to Anglican cathedrals in England.

Canterbury Cathedral Lodge
'The perfect getaway destination for anyone visiting the Cathedral, exploring the picturesque cobbled streets of Canterbury, and who really appreciates this unique location. Canterbury Cathedral Lodge makes an ideal venue for organisations looking for somewhere discreet, impressive and different.'

Ecumenical Pilgrimage
Reports from the Anglican Dean of Quebec during a four-month pilgrimage among the Armenian Orthodox of the Middle East (Antelias, Damascus, Aleppo and Jerusalem). Focus on the life, liturgy, and culture of the Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church.

Talbot House
This attractive site offers an online presence for this famous soldier's rest-and-recreation centre in Poperinghe, Belgium, known popularly as Toc H. Named for Neville Talbot, senior army chaplain in World War I, Talbot House is open today for day visits, overnights, and a variety of activities. Text in English, French, Dutch and German.

A little green line.
Social Justice, Environment

Anglican Alliance
'The Anglican Alliance brings together churches and agencies to support development, relief and advocacy work across the Communion.'

Anglican Communion Environmental Network
encourages 'Anglicans to support sustainable environmental practices as individuals and in the life of their communities'.

Anglican Communion Observer at the United Nations
Official website of the Anglican Communion Observer at the UN.

Anglo-Catholic Socialism
A collection of links and original resources.

Anglican Society for the Welfare of Animals
The submitter says 'ASWA is the only organization I know of within our denomination that shows a concern for the treatment of all animals (not just endangered species). It also offers churches literature and liturgies for a variety of prayer services specifically on behalf of animals'. The Society is based in England, but offers resources that would serve throughout the Communion where English is the primary language.

Aberlour Child Care Trust
'Aberlour works in Scotland with and for children, young people and families who need additional support, to promote their development and well being.' It is the successor organization to the Aberlour Orphanage, founded in 1875 by Canon Charles Jupp of the Scottish Episcopal Church. It retains a connection to the SEC; several of Aberlour's governors are nominated by the Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church.'

Au Sable Institute
Provides programmes for promoting Christian environmental stewardship.

'Bread for the World'
A Christian movement in the US that seeks justice for the world's hungry people by lobbying decision makers.

Environmental stewardship
An Episcopal perspective, with some good links, from the Diocese of Minnesota. See also A Rocha, 'an international conservation organisation working to show God's love for all creation'.

Episcopal Ecological Network
'A national network of active lay and clergy persons within the Episcopal Church, USA, who share a common concern for the environment and a common belief in the presence of God in all Creation, and who work to make these concerns and beliefs known throughout all the Provinces and Dioceses of the Episcopal Church.'

Episcopal Farmworker Ministry
A site that informs those in the United States about who is responsible for the fruits and vegetables on their table. Learn about their work and the mission that is co-located here.

Episcopal Network for Animal Welfare
'An inclusive and mutually-supportive venue for Episcopal animal advocates with a variety of interests and gifts; and to offer our presence, passion, enthusiasm and resources to help equip the churches to give meaningful voice to every creature under Heaven, especially where neglect, cruelty, degradation and commercial exploitation are concerned'.

Episcopal Network for Economic Justice
'The Episcopal Network for Economic Justice was formed in 1996 to carry on the work begun by the Economic Justice Implementation Committee, established to carry out the vision of the 1988 General Convention. ENEJ serves to strengthen and support those engaged in economic justice ministries and advocate for initiatives within the Episcopal Church.'

Episcopal Peace Fellowship
A body within the church whose mission is to aid and encourage all Episcopalians to strive for justice and peace among all people and to bear nonviolent witness to Christ's call to peace.

Ethical Investment Advisory Group
'Develops and co-ordinates ethical investment policy for the Church of England investing bodies through a process of research and consultation [and] offers practical advice in a theological context.'

Every Voice Network
'A network of organizations, individuals, and other resources dedicated to issues and social change. We want to create a place for people to connect, discuss, and work together to bring positive social changes into the world together'. The founders of the network are Episcopalian; many of the articles and discussions have to do with Anglican issues. The website has been redesigned and features Via Media, although the original Every Voice site is still available through links to their archives.

For Creed and Creation: A Simple Guidebook for Running a Greener Church
'For Creed and Creation: A simple guidebook for running a greener church March 2007 A publication by Gillian Straine and Nathan Oxley which has been endorsed by the Mayor of London. The guide aims to help the capital's churches become greener.' Though from the Mayor of London's office, For Creed and Creation will help anyone anywhere interested in what we can do to help the planet as well as a way to put a new face on our churches that may well attract new members.

Good Samaritan Orphanage Charity
'A U.S.-based organization that works to create awareness of, and provide help to, Africa's 23 million orphans' with historically Anglican connections.

Living Reconciliation
'a lively, engaging book that challenges the reader to think about how they actively live a life of reconciliation. It is jointly published by SPCK in the UK and Forward Movement in North America. The Foreword is by the Archbishop of Canterbury and in it he describes reconciliation as a hallmark of Anglicanism. He believes that ordinary Anglicans Living Reconciliation can transform our world. This is the book to inspire and inform all those who are ready to join this journey.'

Our Little Roses Ministries (Honduras)
Begun in 1998, this ministry focusses on giving 'hope with life-changing dimensions for physically and emotionally abused girls, as well as orphans... includes a health clinic, community for poor single mothers, bilingual school, Jubilee Center for justice issues, retreat center and a bed and breakfast and hospitality house. The ministry caught the interest of officials of San Pedro Sula who gave land to Our Little Roses on which now live 70 girls and staff and in several buildings and many ministries including a school and chapel'.

Project New Life
'Project New Life is an independent, non-profit, non-conditionally religious, non-political body. Our sole mission is to promote Moldovan and Romanian children’s rights in a democratic society, increase global awareness of children and families in crisis, and to assist communities, and organisations responsible for the welfare, safety, personal development and safe harbouring of others, enhance their safety, sense of self-worth, and well-being within Eastern Europe.'

Signpost International
'A UK based charity working with children and families at risk in 5 countries around the world. Founded by Anglican Church Army Captain Kerry Dixon in 1992. Projects include building and resourcing schools, community projects such as well provision, house building, income generation schemes and overseas mission.'

St Jude's Ranch for Children
With headquarters in Boulder City, Nevada, and a second campus in Bulvadere, Texas, St Jude's is the realization of a vision by Father Jack Adam, an Episcopal priest who wanted to create a safe haven for abandoned children in Southern Nevada. It is now a non-profit non-sectarian home for abused, abandoned and neglected children of all races and religions. 'We are dedicated to breaking the vicious cycles of abuse and welfare dependency by providing safe home-like environments that ensure unmatched healing services.'

Water Missions International
A Christian international organization based in South Carolina with the Rt Rev Edward L. Salmon Jr, Bishop of South Carolina, on its Board of Directors. 'An engineering company designing and building sustainable water systems for emergency relief and community development in rural areas of developing nations.'

A little green line.
Time, Chronology, Calendars, Dates

Easter: When will it occur?
This intriguing calendrical site
by Marcos Montes lets you type in a year and find Easter Sunday in both the Western (Catholic, Anglican, and Protestant) and in the Eastern (Orthodox) traditions--and not only Easter, but a host of other holy days. Also see the Easter Dating Method page maintained by Ronald W. Mallen of the Astronomical Society of South Australia and the Date of Easter page maintained by the US Naval Observatory.

Track the passing of time round the Anglican Communion; translate local times to Greenwich Mean Time; see where Anglicans are having tea by determining where it's half-past three in the afternoon right now.

Timeline of Anglican History
For those of us who long to escape, at least momentarily, the confusion of the 21st century, have a look at Dr Ed Friedlander's timeline and convince yourself that every age has its difficulties and doubts.

A little green line.

Affirming Laudianism
Certainly not a normal AO listing; however, every now and then we come across a site that makes us laugh.

Anglican Meetup and Episcopalian Meetup
These social networking sites can be used to alert readers to upcoming events.

Anglican Rosary
Honouring they ways in which lives have been touched through experiences of making and praying with Anglican Rosaries.

Bible crosswords
Online crossword puzzles for every book and chapter of the New Testament. Provided by St Martin-in-the-Fields, Coventry, England.

Christ Alive!
This local television show was produced weekly by the video ministry of Christ Church, Warwick, New York. Shows available are from 2005.

Church and State
The BBC's delightful 'history trail', which looks at the tangle between, well, church and state in the UK. Incorporates quizzes, articles, images, and although directed to young people, will delight older types, too.

Church of the Blind Chihuahua
Hard to describe, but you'll probably find it a web site either too clever by half or wittily astringent. Or both. Or more.

Churches ad hoc
Humorous photographs of churches. Read the captions carefully.

The C S Lewis Foundation
Devoted to 'enabling a genuine renaissance of Christian scholarship and artistic expression within the mainstream of the contemporary university'.

Dextera Domini
Declaration on the Pastoral Care of Left-Handed Persons. If you are left-handed and really appreciate a good send-up of church declarations, delve into DEXTERA DOMINI, This may even give you some food for thought about how we treat those who are 'different'.

The Diocese of Wenchoster
A diocesan site you must visit when you're tired of your own diocese.

Encounters on the Edge
This Church Army UK website provides information on the 'work of the Sheffield Centre in discerning the evolving mission of the church'.

Through the Years with Gaiters: An Anglicans Online special report.

The Holy Land Information pages
This informative website from the Anglican Communion Office contains statements and documents produced by Anglican organisations dealing firstly with the issues relating to Israel/Palestine and secondly with the relationship between Christians, particularly Anglicans, and Judaism.

Hot Braille
Send an email in Braille: a free service that transcribes your email into Braille 'snail mail' and sends it to your recipient.

Hymns: Anglicans Online readers choose their Top 20 hymns (November 2003)
See whether your favourite is here.

Peacebang's beauty tips for ministers
A perfectly wonderful, funny change of pace, perfect-for-the-day blog. Enjoy.

Round Tower Churches Society
'exists to work for the preservation of these churches, and to investigate further their origins and history. In the Society's 30 years of existence it has made grants to more than 140 of the approximately 185 English round tower churches.' Patron HRH The Prince of Wales.

Sabine Baring-Gould Appreciation Society
Celebrates the life and works of folklorist and Anglican priest Sabine Baring-Gould (1834-1924), author of 'Onward, Christian Soldiers,' more than 30 novels, a 16-volume Lives of the Saints, and hundreds of journal articles, anthologies, poems and hymns.

St Nicholas Center
Great site with a wealth of information and fun about St Nick. You, your children, and your neighbours will learn and enjoy, even send e-cards.

Ship of Fools
Our colleagues over at Ship of Fools have gamely pulled together a web guide for, well, religious-related sites, writ broad.

Society of the Descendants of the Colonial Clergy
'An applicant must have a proven lineal, lawful descent from a clergyman who was regularly ordained, installed, or settled over a Christian church within the limits of the thirteen [American] colonies prior to July 4, 1776, and must be acceptable to the National Council of the Society.' Founded in 1933.

Sojourners: Faith, Politics and Culture
'Founded in 1971, our mission is to articulate the biblical call to social justice, inspiring hope and building a movement to transform individuals, communities, the church and the world.' This site is active, has a magazine available, and is dedicated to the doing not just the talking about.

Statistics about religious organisations
Just that: and very comprehensive it is.

The Thanksgiving of Women after Childbirth
by Natalie Knödel: This 1995 academic paper on the 'Churching of Women' explores its history in eastern and western Christianity, its liturgical texts, and modern feminist perspectives on the rite.

An Encyclopedia of Biblical Christianity. A new wiki, this one a bit more specialized than Wikipedia.

Tiro Typeworks
This fascinating website on writing systems for North American indigenous peoples includes substantial resources on the typographical work of Anglican missionaries John Horden and Edmund Peck. We particularly enjoy this page on Methodist missionary James Evans, inventor of the syllabic system still in extensive use in central and western Canada. Excellent downloads; attractive site.

The Wenchoster Cathedral Hymn Book: Hymns Modern and Ancient
We especially like 'Come and see my shining cope' and 'Vicar, remember me?' The entire site is worth exploring, especially on a day when you need a giggle.

Worship on the Water
Dockside summer worship sponsored by Christ Church, Cordele, Georgia on Lake Blackshear.

Worship Woodworks
This Kansas-based workshop makes wooden materials for use in the Godly Play children's worship curriculum.

A graphic link to the top of the page.

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