Communal worship in the physical sense of being
bodily present in a congregation is central to our lives as Anglican Christians. One can now supplement this through listening and watching
webcasts of services from parishes in other locales. It is enriching to find oneself in Communion with other Anglicans worshipping with
that which is Common unto us all.
As the Internet has matured and higher-speed connections become more accessible
to individual parishes, more congregations are experimenting with webcasts and regularly providing audio or video of their services
to online visitors. To facilitate ease of finding online worship opportunities, we encourage you to send
us links to webcasts of Anglican
services available online on a regular basis, either live or archived for on-demand listening or watching.To listen or watch, one may
need to augment one's web browser.
Some of the more common browser helper applications or plugins include:
Real Media Player
Windows Media Player
(Note to Macintosh OS X users: a free converter, 'Flip4Mac' allows Windows Media content to be
played by QuickTime.)
A word about time:
Service times listed are in the 'local time' for those presenting the webcast. To assist in converting those to the listener's
time zone, refer to time zone calculators and maps.
Please remember that Summer Time or Daylight Saving Time seasonally changes the offset of a locale from the UTC (Coordinated Universal
Time) base time.
St Thomas Anglican Church, Toronto, Diocese of Toronto
St Thomas has an extensive archive of audio podcasts. St Thomas also offers some on-demand
There is an added enticement to explore the service audio archives:
leaflets for past worship services are
for viewing and printing.
New Zealand
Cathedral of St Paul, Wellington
'We are delighted to be able to offer a selection of our services as podcasts. These will feature a selection of both our regular services (the heartbeat of the cathedral) and our larger services, including those held as part of the 2012 cathedral choir festival, Advent and Christmas carol services and other major occasions in the church year.'
United Kingdom
BBC Choral Evensong
BBC Radio has been broadcasting Choral Evensong regularly since 1926. With the addition of their online streaming service,
this tradition is available world-wide. The most recent broadcast is made available during the next week for on-demand
listening. BBC Radio 3 broadcasts Choral Evensong live every Wednesday afternoon at 15:30 and either a repeat or another live service on Sunday afternoons at 16:00.
Choir of
New College, Oxford
'New College Choir is the first in Oxford to launch regular [audio] webcasts of choral services.
Each week one service is selected for webcasting, and is prepared for webcast just a few days later.
You will find regular services of choral evensong, as well as major festivals and the Choir's carol
services. At the beginning of each term the list is replaced with the first new service and will
build up as the term progresses. Some recordings are selected for the
Webcast Archive.
BBC Daily Service
The Daily Service broadcasts have been on BBC radio since 1928. Rotating among the variants of Christianity present in the UK,
the 15-minute service is available both as a live stream at 09:45 or for listening at leisure during the next seven days.
BBC Radio 4 Religion
A page devoted to All Things Religious on BBC Radio 4. In addition to broadcasts of
Sunday Worship and The Daily Service, a favorite is the on-demand
('Listen Again' in BBC parlance) availability of the latest broadcast of 'Bells on Sunday',
sampling peals from parishes around the UK. If the audio play button is not
obvious, navigate to the most recent broadcast available on-demand for seven days.
United States
Washington National Cathedral, Diocese of Washington DC
An extensive archive of Sunday and other special services is found here. Links to live audio and video webcasts are on the Cathedral's
homepage a few minutes before the start of a service. An added bonus for the homebound or long-distance worshipper: the Adult
Forum is webcast (with video) live each week at 10:00, September through June.
Trinity Church, Wall Street, New York, Diocese of New York Trinity maintains an archive of video webcasts for watching on-demand in the 'Online TV' portion of their web site. The depth of offerings include services, sermons, concerts and more. Links to upcoming live video webcasts are also found on the homepage.
Saint Thomas Church, Fifth Avenue, New York, Diocese of New York
Home of the St Thomas Choir School, this site offers live and archived audio streams of choral services (Evensongs and Holy
Eucharist). Live streams are available during the 'Choral Season,' which corresponds with the Choir School's academic year of September
through June. Archived audio files are also available for varying lengths of time after broadcast.
Grace Cathedral, San Francisco, Diocese of California
With an in-depth archive of audio sermons available on-demand, Grace Cathedral provides audio for the most recent complete
Sunday 11 a.m. primary Sunday Choral Eucharist and Thursday 5:15 p.m. Evensong.
Compline from St Mark Cathedral, Seattle WA, Diocese of Olympia
Each Sunday evening at 21:30, the Compline Choir sings the Office of Compline. KING-FM Radio broadcasts the service live on its Internet
