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This page last updated 26 May 2014  

Church of St What???

The item whose name you clicked on does not exist. It was fabricated by Anglicans Online.

We work hard, and have worked hard for years, to create and maintain the best directory in the world of Anglican web pages. It is not uncommon for people to steal our listings and put them in their own web pages and tell the world that these are their listings.

Since the primary goal of Anglicans Online is to increase the knowledge about, and awareness of, the Anglican church around the world, we almost never complain when people steal our listings. And somebody once said that plagiarism is the highest form of flattery.

We don't mind a bit when people compare their listings to ours, to see if perhaps we've found a parish page that they have not. But we think that when people do that, they ought at least to look at each page, instead of copying the links wholesale.

Our first preference, of course, is that people link to our pages instead of copying them, but for some reason most folks don't like to do that. So we've started putting a few of these fake parishes in our listings. Probably we did it for the amusement value; we giggle as we think of names for fake churches and fake bookstores. So, if you're going to steal our listings, you should remove these fakes, so that it doesn't embarrass you in public.

This web site is independent. It is not official in any way. Our editorial staff is private and unaffiliated. Please contact about information on this page. ©1997-2024 Society of Archbishop Justus