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This page last updated 15 April 2007  

Anglicans Online Shop

A coffee mugWelcome to the Anglicans Online Shop. Here you can buy various souvenirs that have 'Anglicans Online' all over them in differing degrees of subtlety.

We don't run this shop ourselves, of course. We use a commercial service that takes your money, manufactures the products, ships them to you, and, at the end of the month, sends us our share. We'd rather handmake them for you, but we have neither the time nor the ability. So we do the visual designs and have Cafe Press manufacture and sell them for us.

This would be utterly spendid if only Cafe Press were a bit more aware of the world outside the United States. We've tried hard to find a similar company with a more international flavour, but, alas, none seems to exist yet. We'll keep looking, and, in the interim, we beg our international readers to be patient with the provincialism of our souvenir supplier.

A long-sleeved t-shirtThe problem that we have with them is that if you are buying from outside the United States, there is a fierce-sounding process by which they verify the credit card information. They make the assumption that you are committing credit card fraud, and offer you the ability to demonstrate otherwise. We are entirely certain that no Anglicans Online reader has ever committed credit card fraud, or any other kind, but we haven't been able to get Cafe Press to take our word for it. So if you are ordering from outside the USA, we beg your patience and forgiveness of this ungentle treatment, and we hope that either Cafe Press learns better ways of dealing with international credit cards or that we find another vendor that can.

Now that you've read all of that, click here to go to the Anglicans Online Shop, hosted for us by Cafe Press.

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