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This page last updated 26 May 2014  

Newspapers Online

A GROWING NUMBER OF the world's newspapers now feature online editions. We like to be able to link to stories in these online newspapers, but every one is different, and some do not permit linking to stories. There are hundreds of newspapers online around the globe. We cannot list them all.

We find that the online newspapers below often carry worthwhile stories with an Anglican interest. The best religious coverage in secular newspapers is in England. In the United States, the Fort Worth Star Telegram and Kansas City Star usually have the best religion coverage. Elsewhere we take what we can get.

Some online newspapers require that you sign up to register before you can read the stories. This is often free, or very low cost, but it is a bother. While we are reluctant to direct your attention to stories in online newspapers requiring registration, the economic reality of this industry is that the only way the publisher can afford to run an online newspaper without charging money for access is by selling advertisements. Registrations allow the publisher to tell the advertisers who is reading their adverts.

Newspapers that often have Anglican-related stories:

The Age (Melbourne) A Fairfax Group newspaper. Like most Australian newspapers, religious coverage is rare, and our experience is that this newspaper has rather more focus on Roman Catholic doings than on Anglican doings.

The Christchurch Press (New Zealand) Published in Christchurch (South island) by Independent Newspapers Ltd (Wellington).

Christian Week (Canada) Calls itself 'Canada's National Christian Newspaper'. Published every second Tuesday by Fellowship for Print Witness Inc. Focus on evangelical protestant thinking, but not afraid of Anglican issues. We very rarely find a story here that we consider to be appropriate for listing in our News Centre, but we usually read it.

The Church of England Newspaper (London) This recently-revamped web site is well designed and easy to read, though its use of frames makes it difficult to cite individual stories. Editorial focus is conservative and evangelical; we have not noticed much mention of issues outside England excepting conservative advocacy.

The Church of Ireland Gazette (Dublin) Despite its using the domain name, the publishers of this weekly assure us that it is an independent publication not operated or controlled by the Church of Ireland.

Church Times (London) There's nothing quite like the Church Times. Their reportage is extraordinary; their paper edition is a must-read for anyone associated with the Church of England. Editorial focus seems somewhat liberal and outwardly focused. We have not noticed much mention of issues outside Britain unless they involve a British church person. Published by Hymns Ancient & Modern, a charitable trust.

Dallas Morning News (Texas USA) A weekly Religion section, which appears every Saturday.

The Guardian (Lagos, Nigeria) One of the best newspapers in Africa, in our opinion. The actual web server appears to be in Florida, but the editorial content is Nigerian, written for an educated Nigerian audience.

The Guardian (London) British broadsheet. One of the major London newspapers. Published by Guardian Newspapers Company, which also owns The Observer.

The Independent (London) British broadsheet. One of the major London newspapers. Published by Independent News and Media PLC.

The Irish Times (Dublin) Irish broadsheet. The dominant newspaper in Ireland.

Kansas City Star (Missouri USA) One of the few US newspapers with a decent Religion section. Published by the Knight Ridder company.

The National Post (Toronto) Published by Hollinger International. This newspaper has extensive coverage of the Canadian national government, which has involved the Anglican Church of Canada quite a bit in recent years. We find the newspaper to be on the conservative side.

The Ottawa Citizen Published by CanWest Global Communications, primarily a television company. This newspaper has a full-time religion editor, one of the few in North America to have one.

The Post and Courier (South Carolina USA) One of the few US newspapers with a decent Religion section. Published by the Evening Post Publishing Company.

The Sydney Morning Herald (Sydney) A Fairfax Group newspaper. Like most Australian newspapers, religious coverage is rare, and our experience is that this newspaper has rather more focus on Roman Catholic doings than on Anglican doings. That said, we find more Anglican news in this newspaper than all others near the Tasman Sea combined.

The Tablet (UK), a weekly newspaper with a Roman Catholic point of view.

The Telegraph (UK) British broadsheet. Published by Hollinger International. One of the major London newspapers.

The Times and The Sunday Times (London) British broadsheet. One of the major London newspapers. Published by News Corp, of which Rupert Murdoch is CEO. In November 2001 The Times gutted its search and archive facility, making it no longer useful as a newspaper of record for online readers. Its reportage is often first-rate, and we were sorry to see it collapse.

Also see our News Sources and Official Publications pages.

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