According to a recent Church Times, the proposal to produce
a new version of the psalter for liturgical use in the Church of England is causing some controversy.
Apparently the Hebraists who were responsible for the translation which appears in the ASB 1980 are querying the competence in Hebrew
of those undertaking the new revision which is based on the CCP
psalter, itself a light revision of the ECUSA
BCP 1979 psalter. (The CCP revision was undertaken by Br Tristam and Br Barnabas of the Society of Saint Francis
-- the latter being Barnabas Lindars, then Rylands Professor at Manchester University.)
Fifty psalms from the proposed psalter appear in the report to General Synod snappily entitled A New Psalter for Liturgical Use in
the Church of England, GS Misc 504.
To see what the controversy is about, these 50 psalms together with many more from the translation can now be seen at:
Although not all the psalter has been translated many more than the published 50 are included, and the remainder appear in the CCP version.
The status of each psalm is noted. |