THE ANGLICAN COMMUNION grew through English colonisation and missionary
work. Although it has historically been largest in former British colonies, it has a strong presence throughout the world. See our "notes
on structure" page.
The Churches of Bangladesh, North India, Pakistan and South India are
United Churches formed by unions of Anglicans and Christians of other traditions. All four are full members of the Anglican Communion.
The Church of South India includes one diocese (Jaffna) in Sri Lanka.
The reminder of the island comprises the two dioceses of the Church of Ceylon (Sri Lanka) which is extraprovincial under the Archbishop
of Canterbury.
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is not, please tell
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to have a web page, please see The Society of Archbishop Justus web hosting.
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Dioceses and parishes
Anglican Resources in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka
Schools and Education

Dioceses and Parishes
The Church of Bangladesh
The Church of North India
The Church of Pakistan
The Church of South India
The Church of Ceylon (Sri Lanka)
Church of Bangladesh
Diocese of Barisal
Diocese of Dhaka
Diocese of Kushtia
The Church
of North India
Diocese of Agra
Diocese of Amritsar
Diocese of Andaman
and Car Nicobar Islands
Diocese of Barrackpore
Magrahat Pastorate
Diocese of Bhopal
Diocese of Chhattisgarh
Diocese of Chandigarh
Chandigarh, Christ Church
Diocese of Chotanagpur
Diocese of Cuttack
Diocese of Delhi
Delhi, Cathedral Church of the Redemption
Delhi, Immanuel Church
Delhi Malayalam Congregation
Delhi, St Francis
Delhi Cantonment, St Martin
Delhi (Puram), United Church
New Delhi, Bethel Malayalam Church
Diocese of Durgapur [official
Diocese of Eastern Himalaya
Diocese of Gujarat
Diocese of Jabalpur
Diocese of Kolhapur
Diocese of Kolkata
Kolkata, St Paul's Cathedral
Kolkata, Osmond Memorial Church
Kolkata, St Andrew
Kolkata, St James
Kolkata, St John
Kolkata, St Mary
Kolkata, Union Chapel
Diocese of Lucknow
Diocese of Marathwada
Diocese of Mumbai
Mumbai, St Thomas Cathedral
Chembur, Holy Trinity Church
Dombivli, St Paul
Kalyan, St Christopher Malayalam Church
Mumbai (Parel), St Mary
Mumbai (Bandra), St Stephen
Sanpada, Jubilee Malayalam Church
Vakola, St Paul
Vasai, Holy Immanuel Malayalam Church
Diocese of Nagpur
All Saints Cathedral, Nagpur
Nagpur (New Colony), St Thomas
Diocese of Nasik
Diocese of North East
Tezpur, Church of the Epiphany
Diocese of Patna
Diocese of Phulbani
Diocese of Pune
Khadki, All Saints
Pune, St Mary
Pune, St Matthew [Tamil; Music attack]
Pune, St Paul
Pune, St Paul (Malayalam)
Diocese of Rajasthan
Bikaner, St Mark
Diocese of Sambalpur
Church of Pakistan
Diocese of Faisalabad
Diocese of Hyderabad
Diocese of Karachi
Diocese of Lahore
Diocese of Multan
Diocese of Peshawar
Diocese of Raiwind
Diocese of Sialkot
Church of South India
Diocese of Chennai (formerly
Chennai, St George's Cathedral
Ayanavaram, St James
Chennai (Egmore), Holy Trinity
Chennai, St Paul
Chennai (Egmore), Wesley Church
Diocese of Cochin
Fort Cochin, St Francis
Diocese of Coimbatore
Coimbatore (Trichy Road), Christ
Kotagiri, St Luke
Kovaipudur, Christ Church
Diocese of Dornakal
Diocese of East Kerala
Adoormala, St Paul
Ellumpuram, St Matthias
Perumbavoor, All Saints
Diocese of Jaffna
Diocese of Kanyakumari
Marthandam District Church
Valiyathura, Ringle Taube Memorial Church
Diocese of Karimnagar
Diocese of Karnataka
Bangalore, St Mark's Cathedral
Bangalore, Church of Hope
Bangalore, East Parade Malayalam Church
Bangalore, Hudson Memorial Church
Bangalore, St James Malayalam Church
Bangalore, St John
Bangalore, St Luke
Bangalore, St Peter
Diocese of Karnataka
Diocese of Karnataka South
Diocese of Kollam-Kottarakkara
Diocese of Krishna-Godavari
Vijayawada, St Paul
Visakhapatnam, St
John and St Paul
Diocese of Madhya Kerala
Alacode, Christ Church
Kanjikuzhy, Church of the Ascension
Kodukulanji, Christ Church
Korakkala, All Saints
Mundiappally, St Stephen
Trivandrum, Christ Church
Diocese of Madurai-Ramnad
Theni, Theni Pastorate
Diocese of Malabar
Kunnamkulam, St Paul
Melparamba, Church of Hope
Diocese of Medak
Bolarum, Secunderabad, Holy Trinity
Secunderabad, St John the Baptist
Telangana, Holy Cross
Diocese of Nandyal
Nandyal, All Saints
Ernakulam, Immanuel Church
Thrissur, All Saints
Diocese of Rayalaseema
Diocese of South Kerala
Amaravila, Thiruvananthapuram, CSI Church
Kattakada, CSI Church
Kollam, Christ Church
Mangad, Wills Memorial Church
Mangalathukonam, CSI Church
Trivandrum, Mateer Memorial Church
Diocese of Thoothukudi-Nazareth
Abishehanathar, CSI Church
Diocese of Tirunelveli
Tirunelveli, St Paul
Diocese of Trichy-Tanjore
Vellakoil, Immanuel Church [MIDI attack]
Diocese of Vellore
Lanka (Ceylon)
Diocese of Colombo
Galkissa, Christ Church
Galle Fort, All Saints
Thimbirigasyaya, Church of the Good Shepherd
Diocese of Kurunagala

Anglican Resources in Bangladesh,
India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka
Asirvad Community Development Society
'When you think of charity and social service in India, think of Asirvad Community Development Society and its projects.'
Board for Youth Work
Diocese of Vellore.
Bombay Diocesan Trust Association
Pvt. Ltd
This legal entity administers a wide variety of properties including schools,
churches, housing complexes and hostels.
Christian Hospital,
Kasganj, India
Affiliated with the Diocese of Agra.
Christian Hospital, Mungeli, Chhattisgarh, India
Founded in 1897.
Christian Retreat and Study Centre, Rajpur, Dehradun, India
An ecumenical institution of the Church of North India and the Methodist Church in India.
Church of Bangladesh Social Development Programme
Church of North India
Bombay Diocesan Youth Council
Founded in 1970, 'spreading the gospel by equipping the youth in unity, fellowship and empowering for humanitarian cause'.
Church of North India Evaluation Commission
'The Evaluation Commission shall evaluate all aspects of life, mission and ministry, work and growth, witness and service of the Church
of North India from the local congregation to Synod level for last thirty five years of its existence.' Founded in 2005.
Church of North India Social Service Institute
'well known as Industrial Service Institute (ISI), is an ecumenical venture of the churches to express the love,concern and care of Jesus Christ for the marginalized and the oppressed in the society. The CNI-SSI works for the cause of education, services, rights and justice of marginalized people.'
Church of South India Guest House, Chennai
Church of South India Hospice and
Palliative Care Unit
Kerala, India. Inaugurated in 2000.
Church of South India in North America
'an organization for all the CSI linguistic groups and members in North America with full relationship with the Church of South India'.
Church of South India Kanyakumari
Medical Mission
'an organization functioning in Kanyakumari Diocese catering to the medical needs of more than five hundred thousand people living in
various rural, and urban areas of Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu, India'.
Church of South India Youth
Movement, Kodukulanji District
This site provides contact and activity information for this local branch of the Church of South India Youth Movement in the Diocese
of Madhya Kerala.
Church of South India Rainy Hospital, Chennai
Communion of Churches in India
'constituted as the visible organ for common expression of the life and witness by the founding Churches, the Church of North India (CNI), the Church of South India (CSI) and the Mar Thoma Syrian Church (MTC) which recognise themselves as belonging to the one Church of Jesus Christ in India, even while remaining as autonomous churches, each having its own identity of traditions and organizational structures.'
CSI Hospital, Bangalore
'Had its origin as a Hospital exclusively for women and Children established in 1893 by the Church of England, Zenana Mission, and was called the Zenana Mission Hospital. With the inauguration of the Church of South India in the year 1947, it was renamed'.
CSI Mission General Hospital, Trichy
CSI Newsletter
CSI Rehabilitation Centre, India
'The aims and objectives of the centre is to offer appropriate services both in community based and campus centered settings for education,
vocational training, resettlement and rehabilitation of disabled children and adults in Kodaikanal hills area.'
Churches and the Church of North India Partnership
'The Object of the Project is to help the world Church come alive for people in all the Partner Churches in terms of culture, education,
mission, ecumenism, theology and liturgy, primarily through the inter change of communication and the facilitation of mutual visits.
The project shall not be directly involved with funding of specific programmes in India.'
Diocesan Board of Mission, CSI
Diocese of Coimbatore
Diocesan Missionary Prayer Band, Diocese of Kanyakumari
Diocesan Missionary Prayer Band, India
'In 1960, with a call to do the gospel work among the hill-tribals living in the Eastern Ghats of Tamilnadu, a few young students of
the Bible college, Bangarapet, organized a prayer group.' It changed its named in 1979, and is affiliated with the Church of South
India's Diocese of Kanyakumari.
Dr Somervell Memorial CSI Medical College and Hospital, Karakonam, Thiruvananthapuram District, Kerala
Founded in 2002.
Dublin University Mission to Chota Nagpur
'supports the work of the Church of North India in areas of extreme poverty and injustice. Most of the work supported is in the diocese
of Chota Nagpur and Nasik. In Delhi the DUMCN support the night shelters, schools and hostels of the Delhi Brotherhood.'
Friends of the Church in India
'seeks to promote, at the local level, particularly within England, Wales and Ireland, interest in the life, work and mission of the
Indian Churches, with special reference to their experience of Christian unity'.
Friends of the Poor in South
'Supporting Poor Families through Effective Micro-Credit Schemes.' Affiliated with the Diocese of
Chelmsford's Area Bishop of Bradwell.
George Mathen Mission Hospital, Mallappally, Central Kerala, India
Global Missionary Society, Diocese of Thoothukudi-Nazareth
Gujarat Prayer Movement
Sponsored by the Church of North India's Diocese of Gujarat.
Indian Society for Promoting Christian
ISPCK 'was formerly a branch of SPCK, London which has been serving the church in India since 1711. It was registered in India as an
autonomous self-governing body in 1958. It aims to be a servant of the Church in India'. Headquarters in Delhi.
Jabalpur Diocesan Social Service
Society, India
Madhya Kerala Diocesan Ecological
Concerns Board, India
'The Board gives away Green Parish Award to a Parish every year after assessing the ecological work done by the various Parishes'; 'Like
Moses and Elisha, we seek to be God's agents of healing and restoration to those facing environmental crises as a result of ecological
Mission Partners India, Inc
'works in partnership with the indigenous local church in South India to help the poorest of the poor. It is the goal of MPI to come "alongside" the Church of South India in realizing a shared vision with mutual respect to build sustainable indigenous programs that promote dignity of marginalized children and families.'
The Oxford Mission
This organization traces its origins to an 1879 appeal to Oxford University by the Bishop of Calcutta. Today the mission is active in
India and Bangladesh, supporting a women's religious order, schools, orphanages, hostels, training schools and an eye clinic.
The Riverside Slum Children
Project (Pakistan)
'To provide health and medical care in the short-term, and in the long-term to empower the riverside children to move away from the river
bank to safer locations through employment, training, and education.' Affiliated with the Diocese of Hyderabad.
Save Church of South India
'Many cultural institutions, considered to be the conscience of our society, have failed in their role and become visible monuments of
moral rot. Churches of all hues, especially the Church of South India and its dioceses, are no exception. To stem the tide of this
moral corruption and stand up against the evil designs of church leadership, it is important that a remnant should arise and bear
the cross.'
Sister Florence College of Nursing, Kolkata
Socio Economic Development Programme,
Church of North India
'strives to work in the most neglected and disadvantaged rural areas of West Bengal, Jharkhand and Odisha, especially with the Adivasis
and Dalits, Forest Dwellers, Fisher Folks, Rural Workers / Artisans, Displaced Persons and Disadvantaged Children'.
Synodical Board of Health Services,
Church of North India
Through eight regional health boards, 60 hospitals and 22 nursing schools, the SBHS works toward 'empowering local congregation[s] for
holistic engagement of mission'.
Synodical Board of Social Services,
Church of North India
'SBSS came into being as soon as the Church was inaugurated in 1970. It was conceived as an expression of Churches’ concern for
the poor and issues related to Justice and Human Rights.'
Tirunelveli Diocese Youth Association (India)
'begun on 9th Nov, 1948 by the Bishop Rt. Rev. G.T. Selwin. It is functioning as a seperate department from the year 1985. TDYA ministers
to about 51,500 youths in Tirunelveli Diocese at present.'

Schools and Education
Alexandra School, Amritsar
Founded 'in 1878, so that the girls of Punjab could receive the highest and the best education'.
Allahabad Bible Seminary, Uttar Pradesh
Affiliated with the Church of North India.
Andhra Christian Theological College, Andhra Pradesh
Affiliated with the Church of South India.
Bankura Christian College
Affiliated with the Diocese of Durgapur.
Baring Union Christian College, Batala, Punjab
Bishop Appasamy College of Education,
Bishop Cotton Girls' School,
Informative website about this educational institution begun in 1865.
Bishop Cotton School,
The 'best school in Bangalore' has a good site and an interesting history.
Bishop Cotton School,
Founded in 1859, named for Bishop George Edward Lynch Cotton (1813-1866).
Bishop Newbigin College of
Education, Chennai
affiliated with the Diocese of Madras/Chennai
Bishop Westcott School, Soeko, Khunti
Founded in 1992 in the Diocese of Chotanagpur.
Boys' High School and College, Allahabad
The Cathedral and John Connon
School, Mumbai
Founded in 1860, now provides education from infancy through secondary levels for girls and boys. The
Cathedral and John Connon School Alumni Association also has a website.
Christ Church College, Kanpur
Founded in 1866.
Christ Church College, Lucknow
Founded in 1878.
Christ Church Diocesan School,
Patna, Bihar
For boys and girls.
Christian College, Kattakada
Established in 1965.
Christian Education Department, Diocese of Madhya Kerala
Church of South India Institute of Technology
Located in Secunderabad.
Church of South India Teacher
Training Institute,
Amaravila, Kerala.
Affiliated with the Diocese of South Kerala.
CSI Bishop Appasamy College of Arts
and Science, Coimbatore
CSI Boys Higher Secondary School, Coimbatore
CSI College of Dental Science and Research, Madurai, Tamilnadu
CSI College of Education, Pasumalai
Affiliated to the Diocese of Madurai-Ramnad.
CSI College of Engineering, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
CSI College for Legal Studies, Kanakkary, Kottayam.
'a self financing law college affiliated to Mahatma Gandhi University'.
CSI Diocesan Schools, Diocese of North Kerala
C.S.I. Ewart Women's Christian College, Melrosapuram, Kancheepuram
CSI Institute of Legal Studies, Thiruvananthapuram
CSI Institute of Technology, Thovalai, Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu
CSI Institute of Technology, School of Architecture, Hyderabad
CSI Jeyaraj Annapackiam College of Nursing and Allied Sciences, Madurai, Tamil-Nadu
CSI School for the Deaf and Dumb, Mylapore, Chennai
CSI Teacher Training Institute for Women, Salem, Tamil Nadu.
CMS College, Kottayam, Kerala.
Established in 1817.
Clark Theological College, Nagaland
affiliated with the Church of North India.
Day Star School, Manali
'A Christian minority run education institution of the CNI Diocese of Amritsar started in 1985.'
Dr Somervell Memorial CSI Medical College, Karakonam, Thiruvananthapuram District, Kerala.
Ewing Christian Institute of Management
and Technology, Allahabad
Henry Baker College, Melukavu
Hislop College, Nagpur, Maharashtra
Holy Trinity Church School, Agra
founded in 1995
Indore School of Social Work, Indore.
Affiliated with the Diocese of Bhopal.
John Cox Memorial C.S.I. Institute of Technology, Kannammoola, Thiruvananthapuram
Karnataka Christian Educational Society
'managed at present by the three dioceses of the Church of South India in Karnataka'.
Kerala United Theological Seminary,
'run by the Church of South India with an ecumenical outlook'
La Martiniere for Boys, Kolkata
La Martiniere for Girls, Kolkata
Established in 1836.
Lady Doak College, Tallakulam, Madurai
Laity Institute for Transformation Education,
Diocese of Chennai, Church of South India
Malabar Christian College
Affiliated with the Diocese of North Kerala. Founded in 1909.
Manipur Theological College
affiliated with the Church of North India.
Margoschis College, Pillaiyanmani
Nesamony Memorial Christian College, Marthandam
New Stewart School, Cuttack
Affiliated with the CNI Diocese of Cuttack.
Queen Mary School, Model Town, Diocese of Delhi
St Andrew's University College, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh
St Christopher's College of Education, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
For women.
St John's College, Agra
St Martin's Diocesan School,
Delhi Cantonment
For boys and girls.
St Paul's Cathedral Mission
College, Kolkata
St Paul's School, Darjeeling
'Located 7500 feet above sea level and acclaimed as the highest public school in the world, the origin and early history of this well
known institution, the second oldest in Bengal, dates as far back as the year 1823 when John William Ricketts, a prominent Anglo-Indian
leader, conceived the idea of founding a public school to meet the needs of the growing Anglo-Indian population in Calcutta.'
St Stephen's College, Delhi
Residential college affiliated with the University of Delhi.
St Stephen's School,
Managed by the Barrackpore Diocesan Education Society, Church of North India. Coeducational, founded in 1971.
St Thomas Church School, Howrah
Founded in 1860.
St Thomas
Higher Secondary School, Chennai
A website in progress for this school affiliated with the Diocese of Madras in the Church of South India.
St Thomas School, Dwarka
Affiliated with the Diocese of Delhi, Church of North India.
School of Nursing Church of South India Hospital, Erode, Tamil Nadu
Scott Christian College, Tamil Nadu
Scottish Church College, Kolkata
Founded in 1830.
Serampore College, Serampore, West Bengal
Affiliated with the Church of North India, founded in 1818.
Stewart School, Cuttack
Founded as a Baptist institution, this school is now managed by the Diocese of Cuttack in the Church of North India.
Tamilnadu Theological Seminary
'jointly supported by the Church of South India, the Arcot Lutheran Church and the Tamil Evangelical Lutheran Church'.
Thompson Women's Training Institute,
Cuttack, Orissa
Founded as a Baptist missionary institution, this school is now managed by the Diocese of Cuttack in the Church of North India.
Union Christian College, Aluv
'Founded way back in 1921, affiliated to the Mahatma Gandhi University' and the Church of South India.
Wilson College, Mumbai
Founded in 1832.
Women's Christian College, Kolkata
Women's Christian College, Nagercoil
Sri Lanka
Bishop's College, Colombo
Anglican college founded in 1857 as the Bishopsgate School by James Chapman, first Bishop of Colombo.
Hillwood College, Kandy
Founded in 1890. For girls.
St John's College, Jaffna
St John's College and Chundikuli
Girls College, Jaffna
St Thomas College, Mount
'Boys school founded by the first Anglican Bishop of Ceylon, Bishop James Chapman in 1851 with the objective of training a Christian
clergy and to make children good citizens. Alumni include past Presidents and Prime Ministers and high ranking military officials.'
Theological College of Lanka,
The Theological College of Lanka was inaugurated in 1963 by the Anglican Church, the Methodist Church and the Baptist Church. Later the
Presbyterian Church (Presbytery of Lanka) joined the federation to educate the new clergy in the environment of Sri Lanka and their own
languages, Sinhala and Tamil.
Trinity College, Kandy
School for boys affiliated with the Diocese of Kurunegala.
