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This page last updated 14 October 2007  
Reading Articles in The Times

Because The Times and The Sunday Times are such important newspapers that frequently carry stories about the Anglican Church, we refer to those articles even though it is such a bother to get access to them. Here are the instructions, followed by a brief explanation of why it is such a bother.

1. Log in to the Times web site. You will need to get your own login code and password for this.
2. Click on the word "Resources", which is in the first paragraph of the second column.
3. Click on the word "Library", in the leftmost column.
4. Click on the Back Issues menu item.
5. Select the date and click
6. Tell it you want to
7. You should now be on the front page for the date in question.
Choose the section that contains your article. Most references in Anglicans Online will be to articles in the 'Britain' section.

Why don't we just link to the stories, as we do with other newspapers?

To quote from their online masthead, "for more than 200 years The Times and The Sunday Times have been at the forefront of bringing top quality news to the people of Britain. Now we are providing daily editions of both of the world's greatest newspapers on the World Wide Web, changing for ever the way information is delivered the world over."

All true, but they have not yet revolutionized the process of finding articles in back issues. In the opinion of the publisher of Anglicans Online, who lives in California, the venerable Times has brought to the Internet the principle of the Flying Buttress. Lest we appear to be maligning The Times, we should point out that The Independent Online has no formal online archives.

Because The Times and The Sunday Times are such important newspapers that frequently carry stories about the Anglican Church, we refer to those articles even though it is such a bother to read them. This is a clear example of the triumph of content over form.

In order to read a story in The Times you must be a registered user. In order to become a registered user, you must agree to their Terms and Conditions. The sixth such condition says

6. You may not set up links to either of the Internet Editions except to the index page of The Times website at or the index page of The Sunday Times website at, without the express written permission of the Webmaster.

We at Anglicans Online do not have the staff to get such permission for the articles that we reference, so we must refer you to the index page, according to the requirements, and you must jump through flaming hoops to read the articles. Were this not a religious publication we would contemplate ignoring their condition, but it is, and so we have not.

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