The Church Union
The Church Union, a society within the Church of England, is the oldest surviving Anglo-Catholic society, tracing its roots back to the
foundation of the 'English Church Union' in 1859.
Forward in Faith
'Forward in Faith is a worldwide association of Anglicans who are unable in conscience to accept the ordination of women as priests or
as bishops.'
Friends of the Ordinariate
'We are Anglicans in the UK who are members of The Church of England - The Church in Wales The Scottish Episcopal Church - The Church
of Ireland and we invite you to join with us as Friends of the Ordinariate in order to signify your interest in the Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum
The Missionary Society of Saint Wilfrid
and Saint Hilda
'Anglican Catholic bishops have announced that in addition to the provision of an Ordinariate offered recently by Pope Benedict there
is to be a new Society [of St Wilfrid and St Hilda] for bishops, clergy, religious and laity in order to provide a place within the Church
of England where catholics can worship and minister with integrity without accepting innovations that further distance the Church of
England from the greater churches of the East and West.'
The Society for the Maintenance
of the Faith
'The Society stands within the Catholic Tradition of the Church of England and exercises the right of presentation to over eighty Livings
throughout the country. The Society also seeks to promote the Catholic Faith as the Church of England has received it.'
The Dorothy L. Sayers Society
Founded in 1976 to promote the study of the life, work and thought of Dorothy Sayers (1893-1957), Anglican scholar, novelist, dramatist
and apologist.
The George Herbert Society
'promotes knowledge and appreciation of Herbert's life and work by sponsoring international and regional events, publications, awards and prizes, and an ongoing website. While emphasizing scholarly approaches to Herbert, the Society is open to all who share an interest in his life, work, and lasting influence; while non-sectarian, the Society welcomes varied religious uses and appreciations of Herbert, and celebrates his living legacies as one of the world's great poets and spiritual writers.'
The Trollope Society
This society promotes awareness of Victorian Anglican novelist Anthony Trollope (1815-1882). The American branch has its
own site.
'Cursillo is a Spanish word meaning a short course. It is an abbreviated form of Cursillo de Cristiandad
(short course to prepare Christians). It is not a theoretical course, nor is it a retreat. It is first and foremost an experience. It
must be lived. It is a life-changing experience, which brings with it the discovery of the basis of Christianity and its fundamental
significance to our lives.' See the Wikipedia entry.
Canadian - French
Episcopal in USA - A listing of Cursillo by diocese
Episcopal Cursillo in Scotland
Devotional Societies
The Society of the Companions of the Holy Cross, an episcopal laywoman's group dedicated to intercessory prayer. It is located in Byfield
Massachusetts, USA, and is a retreat centre.
Anglican Priests
Eucharistic League
'Bishops, priests, deacons, and candidates for holy orders who pray and work for the sanctification of the clergy by keeping a daily
or weekly Holy Hour before the Blessed Sacrament.'
Community of Aidan and Hilda
East Anglia Group
'For the healing of the land through children, women and men who draw inspiration from the Celtic Saints'.
Confraternity of the Blessed
This is the oldest devotional society in the Anglican Communion with branches in the UK and
the US.
Daughters of the King
See The Order of the Daughters of the King, below on this page.
of Scientists
A group of scientists who endeavor to support each other as they seek a greater understanding of and a deeper commitment to the vocation
of scientist as one form of Christian service.
Companions of the Community
of the Resurrection
The Community of the Resurrection at Mirfield in West Yorkshire is one of the largest religious communities in the Church of England,
founded in 1892 by Charles Gore and Walter Frere. 'For many years the Fraternity of the Resurrection has operated as a support group
for the Community. Members of the Fraternity support the Community with their prayers, their enthusiasm, and sometimes their money. They,
in turn, are supported by the prayers of the Community. They keep a simple rule of life which is designed to help them on their Christian
Guild of All Souls
The Society, established in 1889, is a traditional Anglo-Catholic devotional organization with active work in publishing and prayer for
the dead and dying.
The Oratory of the Good Shepherd
An international community of Anglicans, ordained and lay, who share a common Rule of Life. The OGS Rule calls members of the Oratory
to daily prayer, Communion, the labour of the mind, and the faithful stewardship of talents and resources. The comprehensive web
site gives you much more information about this order, of which Alec Vidler and Eric Mascall, to take just two examples, have both
been a part.
The Order of
the Daughters of the King
An association for women who are communicants of the Episcopal Church, or churches in communion with it, or churches who are in the Historic
Episcopate. Members undertake a Rule of Life, incorporating the Rule of Prayer and the Rule of Service. By reaffirmation of the promises
made at Confirmation, a Daughter pledges herself to a life-long program of prayer, service and evangelism, dedicated to the spread of
Christ's Kingdom and the strengthening of the spiritual life of her parish. Some local DoK groups have their own websites
Province I
Province IV
Diocese of Central Florida
Diocese of South Carolina
Diocese of Tennessee
Diocese of Texas
Diocese of Western Michigan
Society of Catholic Priests
'The SCP is a growing society of men and women serving as Priests throughout the Anglican Communion. The society is seeking to promote
priestly spirituality and Catholic Evangelism. It has a membership of over 500 priests, divided into Diocesan chapters. In line with
Catholic principles we are in full communion with our Diocesan Bishops.'
The Society of King Charles the Martyr
A handsome and informative site about the society devoted to the memory of the last saint made by the Church of England. No matter how
you feel about Charles I, you'll be much more knowledgeable about him after a visit to these web pages.
SKCM American Branch
SKCM Tennessee Branch
Society of the Holy Cross (SSC)
'To defend and strengthen the spiritual life of the clergy, to defend the faith of the Church, and to carry on and aid mission work both
at home and abroad.' The Society has provinces in England and Scotland, Wales,
Australia and the Americas
Society of Sacramental
The Society of Sacramental Socialists is made up of socialist Christians in the UK, who are committed to the Catholic tradition of the
Anglican Church. It is the successor organization to the Jubilee Group.
Society of Mary
A devotional society, with a worldwide membership, founded in England in 1931. The website provides a wealth of information. One can
find information about the American Regional Branch at their website.
Ecumenical and Interfaith
American Friends of the Anglican
Centre in Rome
'supporting the work of the Anglican Centre in Rome in developing relations between the Roman Catholic Church and the Anglican Communion
through it's minstry of prayer, hospitality and education'.
Anglican and Eastern Churches Association
Founded in 1864 'To advance the Christian religion, particularly by teaching members of the Anglican and Orthodox Churches about each
other, in order to prepare the way for an ultimate union between them, in accordance with our Lord's prayer that "all may be
one". All its members are urged to work and pray constantly to this end.'
Anglicans for Israel
In its own words, this pro-Israeli British organization 'Aims to promote bonds of fellowship and interfaith understanding between Anglicans
and the Jewish people' through various means.
Anglican Lutheran
'Since 1984 the Anglican-Lutheran Society has provided a meeting point where people can deepen their knowledge and understanding of the
Lutheran and Anglican traditions within the Christian Church.' The US branch has a separate website.
Association of Interchurch
Established more than 25 years ago in England by a Roman Catholic-Anglican
couple. A splendid resource for couples, partners, families who have members within both the Roman Catholic and Anglican Communions.
Fellowship of St Alban and St Sergius
Founded in 1928 by members of the Eastern Orthodox and Western Christian Churches. It exists to pray and work for Christian unity, and
provides opportunities for Orthodox Christians and Christians of Western traditions to meet and get to know one another, and so to
deepen their understanding of each other's spirituality, theology and worship. The London Branch has
its own website
Network for Interfaith Concerns
in the Anglican Communion
'The Lambeth Conference 1998 recognised NIFCON as a way of sharing news, information, ideas and resources among provinces of the Anglican
Communion. NIFCON was also charged to monitor Muslim-Christian relations and to report regularly.' Founded in 1994.
The Society of St Willibrord
Promoting relations between Anglicans and Old Catholics.
Unitas: The Catholic League
for Christian Unity
This registered charity promotes 'reconciliation among all Christians through the recovery of Catholic faith in common and in communion
with the Bishop of Rome as successor to St Peter, first among the Apostles. Its members are drawn from many of the Christian traditions
represented in the contemporary United Kingdom, although principally they are Anglicans and Roman Catholics.' Founded in 1913.
Anglican Communion Institute
'It is the mission and purpose of the Anglican Communion Institute to make a biblical and historical articulation of the faith once delivered
readily available to the larger church through conferences and printed word.'
Anglican Mainstream
'A community within the Anglican Communion teaching and preserving the Scriptural truths on which the Anglican Church was founded'. The
website includes 'in-depth articles and Scriptural teaching as well as news, comment and informed opinion on the current events shaping
the Anglican Communion'.
Fellowship of Word and Spirit
'A fellowship founded in 1984, originally connected to Oak Hill Theological College, an evangelical Anglican training school in the CofE.'
They are 'committed to the propogation, application and discussion of reformed theology, to address our contemporary world.'
Anglican Health Network
'aims to facilitate communication and cooperation between Anglicans who are providing health services around the world'.
Guild of St Raphael
Based in the UK, the Guild 'was founded in 1915 and is dedicated to promoting, supporting and practicing Christ's ministry of healing
as an integral part of the life and worship of the Church'.
International Order of St Luke
The International Order of St Luke the Physician is the outgrowth of the Fellowship of Saint Luke founded in 1932 by the Revd John Gayner
Banks, S.T.D. of the Episcopal Church and his wife Ethel Tulloch Banks. From the web site: 'We believe that the healing ministry
of Jesus Christ belongs in the church today. Professional people in all phases of medical work, clergy in the ministry of the
Roman, Orthodox, Anglican, and Protestant Churches, and lay people from all walks of life, are members of the International Order
of St Luke the Physician, Inc. In other words, laity and clergy are invited to join the International Order of St Luke the
Physician and participate in Jesus' healing ministry'.
RACA: Recovered Alcoholic Clergy Association
'RACA began in 1968 and is a fellowship of recovering clergy, seminarians, and religious throughout the Anglican Communion. We have about
350 members and publish a quarterly newsletter and sponsor two annual retreats'.
Lesbian and Gay
Changing Attitudes (UK)
'Working for the unconditional inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people in every facet of the Church's life throughout
the Anglican Communion'. Changing Attitudes Australia has its own site.
Inclusive Church
Committed to working for a church that is welcoming and open to all as an expression of what it means to be Anglican'.
'A witness of God's inclusive love to the Episcopal Church and the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender community'. See Resources
under individual country.
The 1928 Prayer Book Alliance
'founded as Episcopalians for Traditional Faith in New York City on February 6, 2002. Our program emphasized maintaining and increasing use of the classic 1928 Book of Common Prayer (BCP) within the Episcopal Church. A year ago, we re- branded our organization, legally took our new name, and expanded our reach not only within the Episcopal Church, but throughout all Anglican churches wherever worshipers prefer the scripture-based 1928 BCP.'
The Company of Servers
'Membership is open to all ages, from the youngest, newest server, to those who have dedicated many years service. Members are known as Companions and become part of a national and international community of friendship, teaching, learning and support.' Founded in 2009, open to men and women.
Guild of Servants of the Sanctuary
An association (based in England) of altar servers whose objectives are to raise the spiritual tone of servers.
The International Order of Saint
'A worldwide fellowship of lay ministers associated with liturgy and sanctuary service in the western branches of the One, Holy, Catholic,
and Apostolic Church. Men, women, boys and girls dedicated to servanthood, discipline, cooperation, education and the preservation of
liturgical knowledge, preparation for service, responsibility and reverence. Members follow a rule of life that includes daily prayer,
reading of Scripture, and regular participation in and reception of the sacraments'.
Liturgy Canada
'A society of men and women committed to the ongoing renewal of the Church in worship and mission. Our ministry is to provide resources
which focus the debate, inform the practice and evaluate the experience of our liturgical life'.
Anglican Association of Biblical Scholars
An international association of biblical scholars who are affiliated with the churches of the Anglican Communion. It supports biblical
scholarship at all levels, fosters greater involvement of biblical scholars in the life of Anglican churches, and promotes the development
of resources for biblical studies in Anglican theological education.
Anglican Indigenous Network
'We are indigenous minority peoples living in our own lands. We are committed to the Anglican tradition while affirming our traditional
spirituality. We have discovered that we have many things in common: a common spirituality, common concerns, common gifts, common
hopes. We believe that God is leading the Church to a turning point in its history and that the full partnership of indigenous peoples
is essential.'
Anglican Retreat and
Conference House Wardens' Association
This English organization aims to 'promote the use of retreat houses as a vital contribution to the life of Church and community'.
The Arthur Rank Centre
The ARC supports rural churches and their communities in the UK, and also provides a chaplain to the Royal Agricultural Society of England.
Its site includes liturgical texts for services on Lammas Day, Rogation, Harvest Thanksgiving and 'Plough Sunday'.
Association for Episcopal Deacons
Formerly the North American Association for the Diaconate, 'we are an organization in the Anglican churches of North America: the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Church of Canada.'
Colleges and Universities of the Anglican
'A worldwide association of Anglican colleges and universities of higher education formed as a result of an International Conference
of representatives assembled at Canterbury, England in 1993'. Good information and resources.
The Ecclesiological Society
If you don't know the society, here's a capsule history: 'The original Cambridge Camden Society was founded in 1839 at Cambridge. In
1845 it moved to London, and changed its name to the Ecclesiological Society. The Society had a major influence on the development
of church architecture during the mid-nineteenth century, under the influence of its founders Benjamin Webb, John Mason Neale, and
Alexander Beresford-Hope. Its famous journal, The Ecclesiologist, was published between 1841 and 1868, and combined scholarly
articles with trenchant criticism'. The site has super links and resources.
Episcopal Actors Guild
Established in 1923, this group includes many well-known actors. It's headquartered in New York City at the Little Church Round the Corner (Church
of the Transfiguration)
International Association of Civil Aviation
The web site includes a listing of airport chapels round the world, regular services, if any, and chaplains' contact information. This
wonderful resource enables you to see if there's a chapel for a few minutes of peace, quiet, and prayer before boarding a 'plane or whilst
waiting in a frantically busy terminal. At less frantic times you can contact the association at holloway@malleenet.net.au
Modern Church
The Union was founded in 1898 as the Modern Churchpeople's Union, and still serves the Anglican Communion worldwide, standing for freedom
of enquiry in the continuing search for truth, dedicated to sound learning, honesty, openness and integrity.
Mothers' Union
The Mothers' Union is a Christian organization with more than three and a half million members and branches
worldwide. 'Though our lives and our experience of the MU may differ widely depending on where we are, we are all joined together
by our shared belief in the importance of the family. The backbone
of the MU is our worldwide network of volunteers. Whatever their individual
backgrounds, our members are joined together by a commitment to the family. Volunteers give their time unstintingly to help others, whether
by running local projects, supporting international campaigns, or fundraising.'
The Quiet Garden Trust
A network of local opportunities for prayer, silence and reflection mainly in private homes and gardens, some in churches, retreat centres,
schools. Started in 1992 (charitable status 1994) there are, in 2004, some 250 Quiet Gardens worldwide.
Society for Eastern Rite
'a forthcoming nonprofit organization committed to promoting and sustaining a movement towards an established Eastern Rite in the Anglican
Brotherhood of St Andrew
A worldwide ministry to men in the Anglican Church begun in 1883, including a new African office in Mukono, Uganda serving chapters in
Ghana, Uganda, Zaire (Congo), Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Kenya. The Brotherhood have chapters throughout the world, including the Philippines,
Japan, and the West Indies.
Church Army
Society of evangelists in the Anglican Communion, with branches in England and Canada.
Korean Mission Partnership
Founded in 1889 by Bishop Charles John Corfe, first Anglican Bishop of Korea, to support the work of the Anglican Church in Korea. KMP's
website includes the current issue of its newsletter, Morning Calm, published regularly since 1890.
The Mission
to Seafarers
A missionary society of the Anglican Church which cares for the spiritual and practical welfare of all seamen regardless of nationality
or faith.
Association of Anglican Musicians
'Recognizing that the music of the church finds its primary expression within the framework of the liturgy, this Association takes as
its purpose the elevation, stimulation, and support of music and the allied arts in all their aspects in the Anglican church, and
especially in their relationship to liturgy'.
Central Council of Church Bell Ringers
This is the bellringers international association to which virtually every ring of bells in the entire world is affiliated. (Cross-listed
under 'Music: Bells')
Guild of Carillonneurs in North America
GCNA is 'A significant site for carillons, especially in churches in the US and Canada'. (Cross-listed under 'Music:
RSCM Canada
the Royal School of Church Music
Peace and Justice
A Rocha
An international conservation organization 'working to show
God's love for all creation'
Anglican International Development
'(AID) works to relieve poverty, ill-health and all types of suffering in developing countries through long-term, sustainable solutions which empower and enable citizens.'
Anglican Pacifist Network
'A body of people within the Anglican Communion who reject war as a means of solving international disputes, and believe that peace and
justice should be sought through non-violent means.'
The Community of the Cross of Nails
An international 'community of individuals and groups, who share a commitment to a practical vision of reconciliation and a genuine intention
to live a disciplined Christian life.' Founded at Coventry to foster forgiveness following the destruction of its cathedral by bombing
during World War II. An American branch has a separate website.
The Most Venerable Order of the Hospital
of Saint John of Jerusalem
The Order of Saint John has its origins in the time of the Crusades, when poor pilgrims to the Holy Land were given help and assistance
by the Hospitaller Knights and, when sick, cared for by the Knights and Brothers of the Hospital of Saint John. Hence, from its foundation
in the late eleventh century, the Order had been dedicated to helping the Sick and Poor.
St Paul's Institute
'Located within the City of London, St Paul's Institute seeks to foster an informed Christian response to the most urgent ethical and
spiritual issues of our times: financial integrity, economic theory, and the meaning of the common good.'
Episcopal Women's History Project
'To promote and encourage research, writing and publication in all matters touching upon the history of women in the Episcopal Church;
To promote and encourage the collection and preservation of records and other artifacts of interest pertaining to such history; To
foster and promote public knowledge of interest in such history.'
International Anglican Women's Network
'formed in November, 1996 following a consultation convened by the Anglican Consultative Council and funded by the Mothers' Union and
the United Thank Offering of the Episcopal Church Women of the Episcopal Church, USA. IAWN reports to the Anglican Consultative Council. |