Commentaries and Biblical Studies
Amos: Postmodern Bible commentary
The submitter says: 'Literary and linguistic comment, background history and archaeology'.
bibliques sur les lectures du Lectionnaire oecuménique révisé
From the Diocese of Montreal, a most useful resource.
A Resource Page for Biblical
Biblical scholars should go here first (says Dr Michael Fraser, now of Oxford, who's been tracking theological resources for years).
Revised Common Lectionary
Sponsored by the Diocese of Montréal, weekly commentary on the readings in the Revised Common Lectionary, links to texts, reader
aids and a bibliography. Comments available in English, French, and Portuguese.
Extra-canonical texts
'Nag Hammadi Gospels'
An online edition of the new Coptic gospels, in both Spanish and English.
General and Miscellaneous Resources
The New Testament Gateway
This amazing site was conceived by Dr Mark Goodacre of the Department of Theology, University of Birmingham, UK [now Associate Professor
of New Testament in the Religion Department at Duke University]. We are at a loss for words to explain just what it is, but if you try
it we know you will like it as much as we do.
Anglican Association of Biblical Scholars
An international association of biblical scholars who are affiliated with the churches of the Anglican Communion. It supports biblical
scholarship at all levels, fosters greater involvement of biblical scholars in the life of Anglican churches, and promotes the development
of resources for biblical studies in Anglican theological education.
The Bible in 50 Words
For a smile, need we add?
The Bible Project
Artist Brian J. Turner Paints the Bible. 'Brian J. Turner has delighted visitors to his gallery in Exeter with critically acclaimed paintings
of biblical texts and everyday events. His major Cathedral Tour of Biblical Narrative Paintings, which visited eight cathedrals around
the UK, was a huge success. Now, in a remarkable new project, this Devon artist journeys through the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation,
offering to audiences a treasure trove of paintings that challenge and inspire.'
Bible Trivia
Bible Trivia pages that can be used as tools for Youth Ministry, Bible Study, and at-home learning. So far, there are Kid's Bible Trivia, New Testament, and Old Testament trivia pages.
Christian Resource Institute
A quite comprehensive biblical and lectionary site. The site is associated with the Nazarene Church, but links are comprehensive and
ecumenical and include the Book of Common Prayer.
DCI Online
'These pages in the middle of the world's busiest market place - the Internet - are our “shop
window” and reflect the everyday activities of the movement mainly in the developing world.' 'World
news, free Bible Schools, Banking for the Poor, Business for Mission and a host of resources to help reach the lost, the last and the
least from a global on-line network open to all' and in 16 languages.
Institute for Biblical & Scientific
Incredibly broad compilation of links, continually updated, from searchable Septuagint Old Testament to Dan Brown's Da Vince Code.
Internet Resources for
the Study and Teaching of Theology
Dr Michael Fraser's superb collection.
'Into His Own': A tool for
the historical study of Christian scriptures
'Since the works in the New Testament were composed in implicit and often explicit dialog with first century champions of Jewish tradition,
the bulk of the passages included here have been excerpted from works written by Jewish authors, especially those composed after the
Hebrew scriptures that can be found in any Christian "Old Testament." But there are also selections from non-Jewish sources that help
bring the writings of Christian authors into a clearer cultural perspective. The world in which Jesus lived & out of which Christianity
emerged was not simply Jewish, but rather a complex cultural cauldron in which the ideologies, social standards and politics of Jews
and non-Jews interacted, often with explosive results'.
Greek and Latin
A Greek and Latin dictionary and parser.
Learning New Testament and Septuagint Greek
A good site at the University of North Carolina,
with tips, online tutorials, advice, and resources for learning biblical Greek.
A shareware programme, 'which helps you translate Latin into English. At the moment it does not do English into Latin. It has dictionary
and parsing capabilities, plus some sentence-handling abilities'. The web site is concise and helpful, but alas the programme is
only for computers running Windows.
New Testament
The Jesus Page
Ed Friedlander is a pathologist in the USA who ran a highly successful medical help site on the Internet.
He's also a very articulate Anglican who writes essays from time to time to time that are utterly uncategorisable and well worth reading.
New Testament Gateway
The NT Gateway is the most complete directory of Internet resources on the New Testament to be found. It is produced and maintained by Dr
Mark Goodacre in the Department of Religion at Duke University in North Carolina.
Particular printings and manuscripts
Bible, illuminated (The
St John's Bible)
The Saint Johns Bible is first new illuminated Bible in centuries. Here's a sample of the beauties
of the Bible, due to be completed in the early years of the 21st century.
Codex Sinaiticus
'Codex Sinaiticus is one of the most important books in the world. Handwritten well over 1600 years ago, the manuscript contains the
Christian Bible in Greek, including the oldest complete copy of the New Testament. Its heavily corrected text is of outstanding importance
for the history of the Bible and the manuscript – the oldest substantial book to survive Antiquity – is of supreme importance
for the history of the book.' This is the first release of the Codex Sinaiticus Project website. it will be substantially updated
in November 2008 and completed in July 2009.
Gutenberg Bible
The complete Göttingen Gutenberg bible is now online, free, courtesy of the Göttingen State and University Library.
images of the complete first printing (Barker) of the Authorised Version
Digital scans of every page of the Authorised ('King James') Version of the Bible you can read, resize, select by page or book. The reproduction
is outstanding. This is only one small part of the outstanding collection of the Schoenberg
Center for Electronic Text and Imaging at the University of Pennsylvania.
Online Biblical Texts: Modern
Language Versions
The Bible Gateway
Your choice of text versions and language.
Bibles in Your Language
Audio, online, and print Bibles in 140 languages.
New Revised Standard
The NRSV Bible, both old and new testaments, is available online through the Oremus Bible Browser.
New Testament:
J B Phillips translation
The J B Phillips translation of the New Testament is both online and in a downloadable file. Gordon Smith, the webmaster, comments:
'The aim is to provide a modern English-language New Testament on the Internet with background study material. The site includes pages
with (1) Jesus' words in red; (2) with integrated notes and maps; (3) collected verses on Christian life and worship; (4) a Gospel harmony
in 40 parts; and (5) background notes on the New Testament'. Well done!
of Virginia eText Center
A reader comments: 'This site used to have the RSV and King James Bibles available in a Web-based version. It has now added the RSV
and King James formatted for the Microsoft Reader and for the Palm. The site indicates that an Adobe Acrobat (PDF) formatted will be
added soon'.
Online Biblical Texts: Hebrew, Greek and Latin
The Blue-Letter
This site features interlinear Greek and Hebrew as one of the search options and uses small gifs to display the Greek and Hebrew. It
can be a little slow loading, but worth the wait. The English text and accompanying concordances are, according to the site, the: '1769
King James Authorised Version, with Wigram's Englishman's Hebrew and Chaldee Concordance (1843/1890), Wigram's Englishman's Greek Concordance
(1839/1903), identified using James Strong's numbers (1890)'.
German Bible
Online Bibles: Hebrew OT, Greek NT, OT, Latin Vulgate, Luther German, KJV.
The Latin Vulgate
HTML searchable version at U of Chicago ARTFL. Gospelcom
version at The Bible Gateway.