Kate Charles
This well-known Anglican mystery writer has a web site reviewing her books to date and giving publishing information.
Donald Andrew Dodman
'Exploring the questions of sexuality, religion, and the way beliefs evolve throughout a lifetime, A Priest's Tale: Autobiography
of a Gay Priest is a unique window on the life of a gay man whose thirty years working as a priest of the Anglican Church of Canada
provide him with a particular insight into the absurdity of the human condition and the intrinsic balance existing between the flesh
and the spirit.'
Franciscan authors
An alphabetical catalogue of Franciscan authors from the 13th to the 18th centuries. Includes a brief biography, works (both in manuscript
and editions), and a basic bibliography for each author.
Kate Gallison
A mystery writer in the States who writes about Episcopal characters,
including Lavinia Grey, a priest in a small town in New Jersey. While she doesn't write religious books per se, many find it a
joy to read books set in the Episcopal Church.
Flying Saucers and Christmas: Each year award-winning preacher Dr. Leander S. Harding has set himself the discipline of preparing
a Christmas Eve sermon for people who had no previous exposure to the Christian message. The result: sermons about flying saucers, aliens,
teddy bears and angels and above all about the costly love of God for the human race.
Jan Karon: Mitford
This site provides a wide variety of resources for readers of the popular Mitford books by Jan Karon. (The main characters in this series
of books are Episcopalians in North Carolina.)
The official website for Anglican author L'Engle. Includes a biography, book listings, and additional resources.
C S Lewis: Into the wardrobe
An encyclopedic and light-hearted website devoted to C S Lewis.
Anthony Trollope
A wonderful resource for Trollope's works, religion, characters, and political and social background, another resource, sponsored by the Trollope Society, may be found here.
Molly Wolf
A Canadian Anglican who every week delights many with her Sabbath Blessings: witty, delightful, incisive, and often poetic looks at life
in the late twentieth century. Her web site contains a complete collection of this year's essays. Molly starts a new series every
year at the time of the Thanksgiving holiday in Canada. The first year's series is not online because they were published by The
Liturgical Press with the title Hiding in Plain Sight: Sabbath
Blessings. The book can be ordered direct from the publisher or from better bookstores
N.T. Wright Page
This unofficial website dedicated to the Bishop of Durham includes sermons, lectures, articles and downloads.
Augustine, Confessions
An Internet edition of a substantial work of scholarship, coinciding with availability of a paper reprint edition. In 1992, the Clarendon
Press published James J. O'Donnell's three volumes of introduction, text, and commentary; the work sold for roughly USD 300 and eventually
went out of print. The entire work is now available on the Internet free of charge. The work provides a complete Latin text of the
Confessions, a detailed scholarly commentary on the text line-by-line, and a lengthy interpretive introduction, http://www.stoa.org/hippo/comm.html, the
most accessible part of the book to Latinless readers.
of Common Praier Noted'
By John Merbecke, an Octavo edition in Adobe PDF format.
Books of Common Prayer
Edward the Confessor
Cambridge University library has made available 'the only copy of a thirteenth-century Anglo-Norman illuminated Life of St Edward the
Confessor'. You can browse through all 37 folios, zoom in on all or part of a page, or view pages side by side. It's a smashing site.
English Hymnal
Various people who are not British have from time to time asked how to buy an English Hymnal. This book can be purchased at any church
bookshop in the UK. We note that the EH can be bought from Church House Publishing and amazon.com.
The publisher is Canterbury Press Norwich, St Mary's Works, St Mary's Plain, Norwich, Norfolk NR3 3BH, England; tel: +44 1603 612914;
fax: +44 1603 624483.
Papyri to King James: The Transmission of the English Bible'
A web site from the University of Michigan archives, which 'examines the origins of the King James Bible through direct ancestors and
related religious works. Portions from several letters of Paul, the first appearance of Greek and Latin texts in print, and early translations
of English are all on display.
'Psalms Breathing: Meditating
the Psalms with Music, Movement, and Silence'
The author is a communicant of the Episcopal Church and a practising psychiatrist working with seriously ill patients in a state hospital.
He writes that his book 'presents a spiritual discipline based on the psalms, using my own simple music, movements, and the practice
of intentional silence, to go deep into the psalms, beyond words'. More information about the book, available both in PDF and soft-cover
paperback format, from his home page.

Book search and price comparison. Particularly good for antiquarian/out
of print books, this meta-search site checks all bookshops on the web to find your book. It then lists the sources and the prices.
It's the one stop shopping for old books.
Anglican Book Centre
The Anglican Church of Canada's well-known bookshop in Toronto. 'ABC is one of the largest
'main-line' Christian bookstores in North America. With more than 20,000 titles on-hand, we can usually ship your selection quickly.
Most of that selection is now on this web-site. Cover images, detailed descriptions, and reviews will be posted as we add material on
a daily basis.'
Augsburg Fortress
The Anglican Book Centre, the largest bookstore for Anglican books, merged with Augsburg Fortress bookstore, its Lutheran counterpart
to offer books to all ; however, Augsburg has outlets in all of North America. One can also buy online. As of 11/07 the new website
was not thoroughly integrated, so ABC books are a bit difficult to find.
The Church Bookroom
Kingston, Ontario. 'a ministry of the Diocese of Ontario dedicated to providing books and other resources for Christian education, faith,
worship and ministry. We are committed to providing personalized service to individuals, churches and the wider community'.
Church Publishing Inc (US Episcopal
The publishing department of the US Episcopal Church has an online bookstore. It is convenient for ordering hymnals, clerical directories,
CMS Online Shop
The Church Mission Society is an Anglican 'evangelistic mission working to see a world transformed by the love of Jesus. CMS supports
over 800 people in mission and works in over 60 countries with offices in Abuja, Kampala, London and Nairobi.' This online bookshop
supports the work of the CMS.
Episcopal Booksellers Association
Bookshops in North America (primarily the USA) who specialise in Anglican-related books.
Episcopal Book Store, Birmingham,
Located adjacent to the Cathedral Church of the Advent, this bookstore offers online ordering.
The Episcopal Bookstore,
Seattle, Washington, USA.
Both an online and quite real bookshop in Seattle, Washington. From the photos, the bookshop looks charming, and the web site is informal
and inviting. Their inventory has over 8,000 titles. Besides books, they also carry a selection of gifts, recordings, and greeting cards.
Gilead Books
'specialist seller of quality used, second hand and out-of-print Christian, religious, theology and philosophy books. As an independent
publisher, they sell a number of new titles. They also offer a book finding service and, as a small, family-run business, provide
excellent customer service.'
Hopkins Bookshop, Burlington,
'Hopkins Bookshop is a specialty bookstore located on the lower level of St. Paul's Cathedral within easy walking distance of downtown
Burlington's main shopping district and beautiful waterfront.' Includes online purchasing capability.
Maryknoll Mall
Looks like a commercial bookstore site (Orbis Books), the Mall carries a broad selection of educational resources in English and Spanish
with emphases on 'global awareness with a focus on peace and justice issues, environmental concerns, youth and women's issues, and
world cultures and religions'. You'll find books, DVD's, Videos, posters, videos, magazines and calendars.
Meetingbrook Bookshop and Bakery
An ecumenical, inclusive, inter-religious bookshop located in Camden, Maine, specialising in the contemplative and meditative traditions
of spirituality.
Pendleburys Bookshop
One of the largest dealers in secondhand theological books in the United Kingdom, they stock 25,000 secondhand and out-of-print titles
in their North London premises.
St John's Gift Shop, Fayetteville, North Carolina.
While a ministry of the local parish, it is an independent bookstore.

Catalogues, Indexes, and Reviews
The New York Times
Read the first two chapters of every nonfiction book reviewed
by the New York Times. There is a fiction section, too.
Spirituality and Practice
A multifaith website on ways to practice spirituality in everyday life. Book, audio, and film reviews; ideas and links for 37 essential
spiritual practices; e-courses; online sharing forums and practice circles; contemporary spiritual teacher profiles; inspirational
quotes; video and audio clips; articles; daily celebrations; discussion guides; galleries and art meditations; blogs; and more.

Journals and Magazines
The Anglican Digest
A web site for this highly-regarded, 40+-year-old little periodical, produced six times a year in Hillspeak, Arkansas and apparently the most widely-read journal in the Anglican Communion. Alas, the web site has none of the elegant grace of the paper magazine.
of Anglican Studies
'Journal of Anglican Studies provides a serious scholarly conversation on all aspects of Anglicanism. It embraces history, theology,
worship, ethics, scripture, canon law, aesthetics and education. Anglicans live enmeshed in many different cultural contexts. How their
faith is expressed in the particular and how it is shared across the globe is a fundamental issue in this tradition. With its international
reach, Journal of Anglican Studies is able to focus on this question and by doing so offers a distinctive and unique contribution to
our understanding of Anglicanism today.'
Anglican Theological
The Anglican Theological Review is an international quarterly journal which publishes articles of interest and importance to the Churches
of the Anglican Communion throughout the world and to all those concerned with theological studies.
Anglicans Online
The weekly magazine for online Anglicans around the world. One US priest has described it as 'the solid needle in the compass rose'.
Using the medium of the Internet with deftness and brevity, it carries current news and features and a vast collection of lovingly-maintained
links to every conceivable sort of online Anglican resource. Sponsored and funded by the Society
of Archbishop Justus.
'An Anglican Evangelical journal for theology and mission.' Based in the UK, thi journal was relaunched in 2011 as fully online.
A 'special-interest magazine for Christian writers ... aims to encourage debate on topical moral and social issues, and to consider the
role of the Christian within the written arts ... Market news of competitions, etc and of arts events is also included, in addition
to up to date information on Christian publishers' editorial requirements'.
God's Friends: Joining Authentic
Christian Worship and Life Experience
Print and web journal published by St Gregory of Nyssa Episcopal Church, San Francisco, CA. Website includes articles from back issues
in html.
Killing the Buddha
A outstanding webmagazine about serious issues of faith (though sometimes explored in an irreverent manner). It's updated weekly, and
while it looks at all faiths, will regularly include articles of interest to Anglican/Episcopalians.
The Living Church
In continuous publication since 1878, this Milwaukee-based weekly magazine provides news, information and commentary on Anglican events,
focusing primarily on the Episcopal Church USA. Some content is available online for free; information regarding print and digital
subscriptions is available on The Living Church's website.
The Revealer
A ejournal published by New York University's Center for Religion and Media and the Pew Charitable Trusts, with Jeff Sharlet as its primary
editor (Jeff was one of the founders of Killing the Buddha). The mainstay is a daily critique
of press coverage of religion; the site also features essays, reports, and forums. The mandate is to address the press, and, if possible,
help improve the generally dismal coverage given religion by primarily US news organizations. [Ed: We think The Revealer is one
of the best new websites in years.]
Sewanee Theological
An Anglican journal of theological reflection published in the USA quarterly with articles, poetry, and reviews.
Ship of Fools: The Magazine of Christian
A popular British magazine first published in the mid-1980s, it's back in a web form. Be prepared to chuckle at some of the silly things
Christians can get up to.
Sojourners magazine
'Rooted in the solid ground of prophetic biblical tradition, Sojourners is a progressive Christian voice that preaches not political
correctness but compassion, community, and commitment'.
Spirituality and Health
A new magazine on, well, just that. Trinity Church Wall Street is a major underwriter and contributor. Many people will see this as more
new-agey than spiritual in the more classical sense, but it's worth skimming.
The Witness
A monthly magazine begun in 1917, focusses on social justice issues in the Episcopal Church in the USA and the world. It features original
art work, poetry, commentary, reviews, and in-depth articles. The web site features the current editorial, several articles, and
current letters. [Ceased active web publication in December 2006, but materials still
available online.]

Libraries and Museums, online and off
Phillpotts Theological Library
One of the Association of British Theological and Philosophical Libraries. Housed in Truro, England, a large collection of historical
material principally relating to the Church of England in the 19th century, but also with some impressive volumes of a much earlier date.
The 19th-century material contains many examples of sermons by prominent churchmen together with their theological works. There is also
a fine collection of 19th-century ecclesiastical biographies and collections of the 'Church Quarterly Review' and the Victorian Christian
newspaper the 'Guardian'.
Christian Classics Ethereal Library
Classic Christian books in electronic format. This major site is largely the work of one person, Harry Plantinga at Calvin College in
Grand Rapids, Michigan. It has several hundred original documents encoded in a special theological markup language, with indexes,
table of contents, search engines, and so forth.
Lambeth Palace Library
The historic library of the Archbishops of Canterbury. It was founded as a public library by Archbishop Bancroft in 1610, and its collections
are freely available for research. It is the principal library and record office for the history of the Church of England.
Project Canterbury
An effort to make texts of the Oxford Movement and classical
Anglicanism available online. Updates are made at least weekly to the content and scope of the page. Volunteers are welcome and needed;
see the site for more information.
and the Founding of the American Republic'
A companion web site to a Library of Congress exhibition, which ran from 4 June-22 August 1998. Now an old site it does not reflect the
current state of viewing original sources on the web; however, it is a valuable site that will remain.
Divinity Library
As a division of the Heard Library at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, the Divinity Library's primary mission is to provide
for the information needs of the Divinity School, the Graduate Department of Religion, and the Religious Studies Department of the College
of Arts and Sciences. The Divinity Library endeavors to acquire, preserve, make accessible, and promote understanding of resources that
support the research of faculty and students engaged in religious and theological inquiry.

Organizations and Societies
The Alcuin Club
Founded in 1887 'to encourage and assist in the practical study
of ceremonial, and the arrangement of churches, their furniture and ornaments, in accordance with the rubrics for the BCP' but more recently
has been one of the leading resources for 'the study of Christian liturgy in general, and in particular the liturgies of the Anglican
Communion'. Membership includes at least two books of liturgical interest per year. For more information, contact the Membership Secretary,
Mr Jack Ryding, at Ty Nant, 6 Parc Bach, Trefnant, Denbigh, LL16 4YE or email alcuinclub@gmail.com.
The John Bishop Charitable
'Supports theological learning by maintaining and furnishing scholarships for the library (Anglican and ecumenical studies) of the
late Dr John Bishop, priest of the Church of England'. The library is housed at the Abbey of Notre-Dame du Bec-Hellouin in Normandy,
SPCK (The Society for Promoting Christian
A Christian mission agency communicating the gospel worldwide through publishing, bookselling, theological education and grant making,
founded in 1698 by earnest Anglicans. This is the UK web site; there are separate sites for SPCK
in the States.

Akenside Press
'a mission of St Paul's Parish, Riverside, Illinois and aims to become a not-for-profit publishing company'.
Cambridge University Press
Candle Press
'Resources for families to help them in their role as primary formers of the faith in their children'.
Church House Publishing
The official publishing house of the Church of England and their online catalogue has much to offer in the way of liturgy and church
reference materials. Browse the online catalogue for the very latest Liturgy 2000 publications, plus worship, youth, ministry and
administration resources. Download information for free and order securely online.
Church Publishing, Inc.
Publisher of the US Episcopal Church's hymnal, Clerical Directory, and other titles. Online ordering is now in place.
Cowley Publications
A publishing ministry originally of the Society of Saint John the Evangelist, an Anglican religious order in the Episcopal Church. This site contains
online catalogue of books and tapes on spirituality, prayer, and "food for the soul" in today's world.
Wm B Eerdmans Publishing Company
A US publisher of frequent Episcopal Book Club selections, and other religious books. Online ordering.
Forward Movement Publications
Forward Movement is closely associated with the US Episcopal Church. This web site contains information on Forward Movement's many publications,
the daily 'Forward Day by Day' reading, and more.
Grove Books Ltd
Grove Books is an Anglican Evangelical UK publisher of booklets on Worship,Ethics, Spirituality, Evangelism, Renewal, Biblical and Pastoral
Lancelot Andrewes Press
'The publishing arm of the Fellowship of Saint Dunstan, a non-profit organization for the advancement of historic Christian orthodoxy,
as expressed by the liturgical and devotional usages of traditional English Christianity (particularly as embodied in the texts of
traditional editions of the Book of Common Prayer, the 1611 Authorised Version Bible, and related texts, commentaries, hymnals and
chant books).' They produce high-quality reprints of works by John Mason Neale and Canon Winfred Douglas.
Littlefarm Publishing
Since 1999, Littlefarm is the publisher of the Teal Curriculum, a 'complete Religious Education Curriculum trusted by Episcopal and Anglican
parishes worldwide for over 35 years'.
The Liturgical Press
Oxford University Press official
website for the UK and Europe ; US OUP official website with pull-down
menu of OUP webpages in all relevant countries.
