YOU'LL FIND NUMEROUS Anglican-related
or specific-interest mailing lists on the Internet. With any mailing list, you can participate in the exchange of ideas with others
around the world. Read on to have a look at your choices.

Mailing Lists, Web Forums, and Selected News Groups
Mailing lists are groups of people connected by electronic mail. If you
join a mailing list, you will receive messages sent to the list in your email box, and you'll be able to send posts to everyone else
who is subscribed. When you subscribe, you'll be sent instructions (usually termed a FAQ, which is a common Net abbreviation for 'Frequently
Asked Questions'). A FAQ contains lots of useful information, so do give it a read. And be sure to save it, since it will give you
information about how to remove yourself from the list if you decide to at a later time.
PLEASE NOTE: Many modern email systems have the ability to send "rich
text" or "multimedia" or "MIME" or "formatted" email. You must not use this to communicate
with the various mailing list mechanisms. None of the automatic processing software that subscribes you to email lists (and unsubscribes
you from them) can deal with mail in any format other than plain text, and most of the subscribers to such lists are displeased when
people send list members messages in formats other than plain text.

Lists of Blogs
We don't list blogs.

Mailing lists and discussion boards
These lists are for general discussion of things Anglican, open to whomever
wishes to subscribe.
The Anglican Examiner
An online forum devoted to religion and public affairs from an Anglican perspective.
Anglican/Episcopal Board
The submitter's comment: 'I've enjoyed this board immensely. Very well-trafficked and a relatively broad range of viewpoints'.
Christians on the Internet
'COIN hosts mailing lists that help Christians of all denominations to discuss a wide range of interests. The focus is mainly on the
Church in the British Isles and discussions cover a range of topics including pastoral and outreach work, church music and liturgical
'Membership to this list is restricted to canonically recognized Episcopal Solitaries, explorers interested in becoming a Solitary or
who those who assist in the discernment process such as spiritual directors and clergy, etc.'
A new list that replaces EpiscoTalk, which was taken down due to decisions at General Convention 2003.
Lay Anglicana
'The place to share news and views from the pews. The intention is for these discussions to centre on worship: to be ecclesiastical rather
than theological. There are plenty of good websites devoted to the nature of God, and plenty more (usually clergy-centred) which
exist to promote a particular point of view, but none that we know of, primarily for and by the laity, on the who and why and which
and what of all strains of Anglican worship.'
An email list, whose information page says: 'A place for conversation, fellowship, and friendship. One might think of it as an English
pub, where folk come to find food to sustain their bodies, drink to cheer their spirits, and friends to share their lives. Or, if one
doesn't frequent pubs, one might imagine that Magdalen Herbert, mother of the Anglican poet George Herbert and the person for whom the
list is named, has invited us all into her parlour. John Donne describes "her high intelligence and 'sharpness of wit', as well
as her devotion to the Scriptures and to the services of the Church: 'her house was a cort in the conversation of the best'." The
List's name also alludes to Mary Magdalen, one of the most devoted followers of Jesus. Most of those gathered here are Anglicans, but
that is not a requirement for belonging to the List.' The web site provides information about how
to subscribe.
St Bede's Anglican Mailing
'We are members of the worldwide Anglican Communion, friends of Anglicanism and seekers. We respect the diversity of Anglicans throughout
the world and we seek to share our growth in Christ. We take the following Scripture as guiding us on this path: And now faith, hope
and love [caritas] abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love. (1 Corinthians 13:13)' Obviously very similar in purpose
to the list described just above, but with slightly different governance structure. See the web
site for subscription information; look under FAQ.
Ship of Fools: A Magazine of Christian Unrest. What
began as a print magazine is now completely on the web. It's humurous and has extremely active web forums.

Special-Purpose Anglican email lists
These lists are focused around discussion of particular aspects of Anglican
life and practice, or discussion from a particular theological perspective. Membership is usually open to all interested persons, within
the bounds set by the list organizers.
Anglican Christian Education
A description of the list from an active member: 'This is a mutual support network of Christian Ed folk within the Anglican Communion.
While topics such as "Sunday School" are well covered (we have lists of resources, books, bookstores, contacts, and curricula)
we also discuss adult education, youth group concerns, and integrating newcomers (young and old, those of little or no Anglican background,
etc.) into church life'. To join, send a blank email to the following address:
You will receive an email asking you to confirm your subscription request; reply to that one and you're then subscribed.
Anglican History Research
This list was launched in January, 2006 to serve as a forum for serious bibliographic and archival inquiries about Anglican and Episcopal
history. Conference announcements, calls for papers, dissertation and thesis topic announcements, etc. are welcome on the list.
'Anglican-Music began as a forum for Anglican (including Episcopal) church musicians to post their lists of hymns, service settings,
and choral and organ music and to share ideas for what is appropriate for each Sunday and holy day. It continues with this purpose but
also now features much discussion of Anglican music spirituality, history, personalities, issues, trends, and philosophies.'
A mailing list primarily for deacons in the Episcopal Church, Anglican Church of Canada, and other Anglican churches. See their website for more information.
A discussion list founded by three Anglican women of Northern England. One of the nicest, friendliest sites we've seen in awhile. Join
in with 'Real People, Real Faith, Real Lives.'
Common Worship
An email discussion group hosted by COIN (Christians on the Internet) for people to discuss aspects
of Common Worship, to speak freely about Common Worship and to swap ideas and best
practice with others as clergy and lay people alike get to grips with the new material. It is an unofficial list. 'If you have questions
about Common Worship, you need help with any particular material, you're looking for ideas about how to use it, you've got some hot tips
or bright ideas, then this is the place to be!'. To subscribe, go here and scroll
down to Common Worship.
A mailing list for the spouses and fiancés (or cées) of clergy -- or anyone contemplating a serious relationship with a
member of the clergy. To join, send an email to In
the body of the message, type: subscribe
Ecclesiastical History
A discussion list for scholars, students and others interested in Church History, History of Christianity, and/or Historical Theology
(about 300 subscribers.) To join, go to Click
on the 'Subscribe' link and then the 'Click here to register' link. After you register, you will be sent an activation message. Respond
to it as instructed in the message.
ECUNET was an unusual, pre-Internet computer network, which has undergone undergone a Web-based facelift. Once operated by the Presbyterian
Church, it is now an independent organization and has a small but devoted following among Anglican subscribers.
Scouters discussion forum
One of dozens of lists for scouters, this one is for Episcopalian scouts and scouters. Boy Scouts,
Girl Scouts, Campfire, Cub Scouts, Eagle Scouts. All welcome. Any and all are welcome to discuss: Duty to God, Scouting in the Church,
the religious emblems program, camp chaplaincy, etc.
'Gathering the neXt Generation'
An open discussion list, sponsored by the 'Gathering the neXt Generation' network, for issues relating to the postmodern generations,
recruitment of clergy born after 1960, GenX and GenY faith issues. Send an empty email message to
GTNG also operates a closed and confidential support list for US Xer clergy which can be joined by sending an empty email to
Interchurch Families
Mailing list for people who are interested in the issues and concerns of inter-church families and/or mixed marriages. Particular concerns
regarding intercommunion, eucharistic theology, weddings, and baptisms. Be prepared for a large volume of email.
Integrity Mailing List
The official Internet news and information list of Integrity--an association of gay and lesbian Episcopalians. The primary
purpose of this list is to distribute significant news items concerning: national Integrity, Integrity regions, Integrity
chapters, and Integrity members. Significant international, national, diocesan, and parish events and issues of interest to gay/lesbian
Episcopalians/Anglicans may also be posted. Editorial and opinion articles [except those generated by authorized national Integrity
spokespersons] are not accepted.
Japanese Anglicans/Episcopalians
NSKK-General is an unofficial mailing list of the NSKK (Nippon Sei-Ko-Kai), the Anglican/Episcopal
Church in Japan, where Japanese-speaking Anglicans congregate to discuss the general Anglican-related subjects. There is also another
mailing list, mainly for the use of computers in church and personal activities. To participate, send e-mail to Timothy K. Fujii ( of the Provincial Office.
A mailing list for the discussion of clerical marriage in the liturgical churches, with a focus on the Roman Catholic Church. All are
welcome, but no flaming allowed.
LitML: a markup language and mailing
XML, the Extensible Markup Language (a subset of SGML), will replace, at least for some applications, HTML, the markup language currently
used on most web pages. XML makes it relatively easy to define an appropriate markup, and lots of groups have taken advantage of this
to develop a system for their subject area. The time is right to develop a liturgical markup language (provisionally 'LitML'). LitML
might be used to mark up new liturgical texts of existing denominations, and also to mark up historic texts. In conjunction with other
markup schemes it might be used for commentaries, and for scholarly and popular works, etc. Such a scheme would be multi-denominational
and multi-national.
This is an invitation to participate in the process of defining
LitML. The following skills might be useful:
- familiarity with writing, designing, printing and publishing
liturgical texts
- familiarity with using liturgical texts, as a worshipper,
or as a scholar, etc.
- familiarity with XML (or SGML, or even HTML, or other
markup schemes such as the TEI)
It will need people to devise the scheme, people to review
it and test it, and people to publicise it to other potential users. Simon Kershaw has created a place-holder web page at and
if there is sufficient interest he will create a mailing list for discussion. Please email him at if
you are interested or if you would like more details.
Liturgy-l is a nondenominational forum for the discussion of issues relevant to the study and planning of Christian worship. We welcome
participation from members of of all denominations. The activities of this list range from informal conversation to formal meeting.
Hence, each contribution to the ongoing discussion should be considered more a letter than a part of a chat. We encourage discussion
across a broad spectrum of ecclesiastical and liturgical opinion and actively discourage the use of this list as a forum for liturgical
warfare, denominational posturing, or other similar activities. To subscribe, send email to
Monastic-L is an unmoderated discussion list focusing on professed religious life in the Anglican communion. Monastic-L-digest is the
digest form of Monastic-L. To join, send an email to In
the body of the message, type: subscribe monastic or subscribe monastic-digest
Oremus is a form of the daily office posted each day to the mailing list See for
more. To subscribe to oremus see its subscription page.
An online lectionary study group that each week discusses the lessons for the coming Sunday (taken from the Revised Common Lectionary).To
join, see the subscription webpage.
Sermons That Work
A service offered by the Evangelism Office of the US Episcopal Church, this is a read-only list with sermons and related sermon notes
distributed in advance of use dates, but not always in chronological sequence. These materials are published for preachers and congregations,
offering yet another way to experience the rainbow of diversity that is the Episcopal Church and the worldwide Anglican Communion.
Vergers Guild of the Episcopal Church
For those lay folk engaged in planning and conduct of worship, e.g. acolyte coaches and senior acolytes, masters of ceremonies, is a
list established by Vergers Guild of the Episcopal Church. Visit their site for information about a future mailing list for people
doing the work, even if their parish doesn't now use--and may never use--a vested verger during liturgy.

Episcopal Church Web Radio
Listing of podcasts on matters Anglican invites visitors to 'Get Episcopized! Tune in. Turn on. Live out your faith!' |