Preaching in
Austin, Texas, former US Presiding Bishop, the Most Revd Frank T. Griswold, invites us into the wilderness to encounter God. Trinity
Wall Street offers sermons online in video and audio. And from the late
sixteenth century, Lancelot Andrews calls us to remembrance.
The Elizabethan
Elizabethan and Edwardian Homilies are available electronically from the Anglican Library, Trinity College, Univeristy of Toronto. 'The
Books of Homilies are authorized sermons issued in two books for use in the Church of England during the reigns of Edward VI and Elizabeth
I. They were to provide for the Church a new model of simplified topical preaching as well as a theological understanding of the Reformation
that had taken place in England.'
[Link to Renaissance Electronic Texts project is currently not working.]
From the University of Toronto library: Certaine Sermons Or Homilies appointed to be read in Churches, In the time of the late Queene
Elizabeth of famous memory (London, 1623) Edted by Ian Lancashire. This edition has been based on the text facsimile in Certaine
Sermons, ed. Mary Ellen Rickey and Thomas B. Stroup (Gainesville, Florida: Scholars' Facsimiles, 1968).
Hugh Latimer (1485-1555):
Sermons on the Card and other Discourses
A leader of the English Reformation, Latimer is known as a fiery and down-to-earth preacher. This HTML edition is adapted from the Project
Gutenberg E-text of Sermons on the Card, by Hugh Latimer, prepared from the 1883 Cassell & Co. edition.
Andrewes (1555-1626): Ninety-six Sermons
One of the greatest of the English metaphysical preachers, known to his contemporaries as stella praedicanticum, "star of
preaching" and an "Angell in the Pulpit." This edition is transcribed in the Project Canterbury Library of Anglo-Catholic
Theology, from the Parker Society text of 1841-1843. Note particularly
his Sermon of the Nativity preached on Christmas Day,
1622, on which T.S. Eliot based the opening lines of his poem, The Journey of the Magi.
Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury
A number of Justin Welby's recent sermons are available online.

Preparing to preach
Introduction to Preaching
The Voice: Biblical
and Theological Resources for Growing Chistians
A quite comprehensive biblical and lectionary site. The site is associated with the Nazarene Church, but links are comprehensive and
ecumenical. It 'includes two year cycle of reading adapted from The Book of Common Prayer,
including a daily reading from the Old Testament, Psalms, Gospels, and Epistles coordinated with the church calendar beginning with Advent.'
Desperate Preacher
Sermons, readings, forums, news.
Episcopal Preaching Foundation
'founded Dr. A. Gary Shilling, an Episcopal layperson who was inspired to help raise the overall quality of preaching in the Church. To accomplish this mission, the Foundation sponsors several forums for the discussion and practice of preaching: the National Episcopal Preaching Conference; the Preaching Excellence Program, a seminarian conference; and multiple diocesan conferences. In addition, the Foundation seeks and publishes a volume of exceptional sermons each year.'
Geranium Farm
Down-to earth support for living. Barbara Crafton's eMo (Almost Daily Electronic Meditation) website. 'If you want a closer walk with
God, and help along the way, you've come to the right place. You don't have to stay long, and you can always come back.' Barbara
Cawthorne Crafton is an Episcopal priest, spiritual director and author. She was previously rector of St Clement's Church in Manhattan's
Theatre district.
Laterally Luke
'Offers entry points, particularly for preachers, to the Sunday Gospels for Year C of the Revised Common Lectionary as used in the Anglican
Church of Australia. By Brian McGowan, Anglican Priest in Western Australia.'
Lectionary Bible Studies
and Sermons
The Reverend Bryan Findlayson's Pumpkin Cottage Ministry Resources (Australia) ' seeks to provide Christian resources for clergy and
church leaders that are true to the scriptures, reformed and focused on the grace of God in Christ. The objectives are to provide: i]
Short expository sermons and Bible studies on the set readings of the Revised Common Lectionary; ii] Biblically sound studies on doctrine,
evangelism, apologetics, ethics... ; iii] Studies on the ritual and order of the Anglican church.'
Lectionary Central
Anglican sermon resources for the traditional lectionary. Includes sermons, patristic commentary, music, poetry, anecdotes, humour,
images, and more.
The Living Pulpit
'An ecumenical conversation about the importance of preaching. Each issue of the journal focuses on an important issue and then
explores that issue in depth utilizing the viewpoints of different voices for the sake of new understanding. It is our view that preachers
have enough "how to" journals available on preaching but not too much available at the level of the "so what" of
preaching. Our hope is to deepen and explore the question of the "so what"'.
Mark (Reflections for Preachers on Mark's Gospel)
'This companion site to "Matthew in the Margins" offers reflections for preachers and others on the Gospel of Mark for Year
B of the Revised Common Lectionary, as used in the Anglican Church of Australia'. Matthew in the
'MIM is an attempt to help preacher, congregation, and the text of Matthew week by week to connect with each other during 'Year A'
of the Revised Common Lectionary as used in 'A Prayer Book for Australia' of the Anglican Church of Australia; to encourage us to find
new 'entry points', and risk breaking out from any preaching strait-jackets, including any we use to bind the Living God'.
Mere Christian
A weblog by J. Barry Vaughn, a US Episcopal priest who also teaches at the University of Alabama. 'It is a collection of comments on
scripture (usually the Sunday lectionary readings), sermons, and completely random thoughts. Most weeks it includes simple psalm
settings and (less frequently) prayers and litanies keyed to the Revised Common Lectionary.'
Sunday sermons based on the Church of England version of the RCL, with an emphasis on connecting with social/cultural memory. Also contains more general homiletic topics and issues.
Preaching Peace
'This web project is a set of reflections on the texts of the Revised Common Lectionary, informed by study of Rene Girard and his mimetic
theory. Exegesis is by a priest in the Episcopal Church in the USA and a former Lutheran pastor. It is time to let the Gospel speak
clearly about God's rejection of violence and the murder of the scapegoat, and it is equally time to speak clearly about the presence
of violence in some of our biblical texts and their human (not divine) origins'.
Church of England Readers
A site supporting the lay ministry of Readers in the Church of England. They publish the Reader
Magazine. All issues are available as PDF downloads and at no charge.
A well interesting and well-designed blog by Biblical
scholar Sarah Dylan Breuer. She offers reflections on readings for the coming Sunday in the lectionary of the US Episcopal Church.
Sermon and Lectionary Resources
The Reverend Richard Fairchild's comprehensive site of 'original lectionary related sermon and liturgical resources, well annotated,
and inclusive of many traditions'.
that Work
'The sermons will be available online in advance of use dates, published as a resource for preachers and congregations and offering yet
another way to experience the rainbow of diversity that is the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion. These sermons are in the
public domain, but we ask that attribution be given to the authors.'
'Online sermon preparation, ideas and help. Christian sermon illustrations and resource for lectionary and church sermons. Pastoral sermons,
readings and stories for preachers, ministers, priests and lay people'.
Sunday's Readings
The Living Church (Milwaukee) provides meditations on the American BCP and RCL readings two weeks in advance free of charge on its website.
Text this Week
Offers an extensive list of lectionary, scripture study
and worship links and resources for the Revised Common Lectionary.
[Ed. The site may be useful, but don't expect an aesthetic experience here.]
The Word This Week
'Christian home on the web where the Revised Common Lectionary Readings are posted each week along with a sermon or reflection. The site is run by Anglicans but is ecumenical in its presentation.'
Worship that Works - Selected Sermons
Stuck relating those lectionary lessons to real life (or to some calendar celebration)? This site will give you notes and sermon examples
to get you off first base and thinking. |