IN THIS SECTION, you'll find links for
Young adults
Youth ministers

Good Places to Start: for young people
Beulah Enterprises
Opening the world of imaginative spiritual play. 'We offer for sale high quality, unique and innovative resources to inspire imaginative
spiritual play, celebration, and learning. As we grow we will provide financial support to the Children’s Mission and job skills
training and employment opportunities for inner-city families.'
The Girls' Friendly Society, USA
'The Girls Friendly Society is an international, non-profit organization affiliated with the Episcopal Church for girls and young women.
It is a parish-based program with membership open to girls from the age of 7-21 of any race, religion, or nationality'.
The official web page for this popular youth place/event/community in the Episcopal Church in the USA.
My Faith My Life
'Because faith is best explored in community, and as people of God we have promised to support all baptized in their life in Christ,
this website has resources for teens as well as for parents, mentors, and youth leaders who serve as guides along the journey' Although
written by the author of the book My Faith, My Life (Morehouse, 2006), this site's content is independent and updated regularly.

For Youth Ministers
Ask and Imagine: Life,
Leadership, and Theological Exploration for Anglican Youth
'A place to discover and share ideas, resources, insights and stories about youth ministry. It's also a place to read reflections and
thoughts from a Christian perspective about issues that affect young people in today's society'. Check
the site for new meeting times each next summer. All costs are covered for Canadian youth.
Beulah Enterprises
A ministry of the Children's Mission of St Paul and St James, New Haven, CT. 'We offer
for sale high quality, unique and innovative resources to inspire imaginative
spiritual play, celebration, and learning. As we grow we will provide financial support to the Children’s Mission and job skills
training and employment opportunities for inner-city families'.
Choristers Guild
Their purpose is 'to assist churches and schools in understanding the importance of children's and youth choirs and in defining goals
and objectives for their particular choirs.' As well, they 'publish music, periodicals, and related educational materials for members
and friends.' Their headquarter are in Texas and they have branches in thirty US states.
Church of Ireland Youth Department
While the site has many Ireland and Church of Ireland programs and resources, anyone interested in ideas for youth programs might benefit
from perusing this site.
This publisher provides educational material created in parishes and dioceses in the Anglican community. They are best known for 'The
Journey to Adulthood', a comprehensive program for young people between the ages of 11 and 17. Over 1200 parishes across the USA use
J2A, and many dioceses have licensed it for use by all of their parishes. LeaderResources are also currently expanding their offerings
in adult education and leadership development. You can download samples of all their offerings from their website.
The Monday MAXimizer
Home of the ezine 101 Tips for Youth Ministry. It's weekly and free. Site by Paul Evans and Al Millergren, PhD. They have over 45 years
of youth ministry experience.
A broad collection of books, magazines, games, links, and helpful papers, all devoted to youth ministry.
'a new website resourcing Anglican youth ministries in New Zealand. Here you'll find resources for youth leaders, resources that engage young people, resources that build strong, vibrant Christ-centred youth ministries.'
Scavenger Hunt Guru
'Comprehensive collection of scavenger hunts for kids, teens and adults as well as outdoor scavenger hunt ideas and holiday party games.'
St Andrew's Carlisle Diocesan
Youth Centre
This centre 'has a Christian foundation, but is used by a wide variety of groups to enjoy the beautiful lakes and mountains' of the Lake
District. Among the activities described on the site, Confirmation Weekends look valuable.
Headquartered in El Cajon, CA, the site is not ECUSA specific. In addition to programs, discussion, blogs, podcasts, their free resources
include: Academic Bible Studies and Lessons, Clip Art, Curriculum Discussion Starters, Dramas Games, Illustrations, Jr. High Ministry
Magazine, Programming, Rookies, Small Groups, Software, Spanish Materials, Spiritual Life, Student Resources, Videos, and Youth Worker
Development. Their job bank for youth workers is primarily
USA, but it's a great resource.
Another site rich in resources for youth and youth ministry.

Young Adult
Brendan's Crossing
'Experience a year of service, formation and intentional community as you explore and discover your sense of calling and place in the world.' Affiliated with the Diocese of Southern Ohio.
Church of England Youth Council
An active group of youth (16 - 24) who are striving for 'a place where young people will feel encouraged, enabled and confident to inspire
change, and of a council that has an impact, takes action, and is able to challenge itself, the church, and our society.'
Emerge (Canada: Quebec,
A Christian congregation for young adults 18 through 35 who meet in the undercroft of Promenades Cathedrale. Its mission is 'to be a
vital Christian community (24/7) that effectively engages people in the 18 to 35 age group working, studying, living, playing in contemporary
downtown Montreal, with the good news of Jesus Christ.'
A site from the Church of Canada that promises to be lively; it's well done and will be a good resource for the Anglican youth of Canada.
Young people may grow into this, but it's a site, regardless of the banner, that appears to be for young adults. The site might
provide a guide to others hoping to create a web place-to-meet.
'A young adult ministry [in the US Episcopal Church] that provides opportunities for spiritual renewal and discovery. The Vocare weekend
is one filled with fun and games, as well as reflection and discussion all focusing on one's spiritual calling.'

General Anglican and Christian-related Youth and Young Adult Links.
Camp Couchiching, Diocese of Toronto
St Michael's Conference: A Conference in the Anglican Tradition. Additional St
Michael's conferences have started in the Midwest US,
the Maritimes, Saskatchewan, and Southwest US.
Sorrento Centre, Diocese of British Columbia
Youth ministries, Diocese of British Columbia
United Kingdom, Ireland, Wales, and Europe
The Boys' Brigade
Carlisle Diocesan Youth Centre (Diocese of Carlisle)
Diocese of Cashel and Ossory Youth Council, Ireland
Episcopal Diocese of Albany Youth Ministry
Girls Friendly Society, California
Girls Friendly Society, Connecticut
Youth Works, Diocese of East Tennessee
Florida, The Diocese of Central Florida youth resources and links
Happenings in [the Diocese of] Georgia
Episcopal Youth Camp, Diocese of Michigan
New Jersey Youth Ministry in the Diocese of New Jersey. Includes information on the Diocesan
Youth Council.
New York (Delhi), Lake Delaware Boys' Camp
Office of Youth Ministry, Diocese of Massachusetts
Youth Ministry, Diocese of Pennsylvania
South Carolina, Youth Ministry in the Diocese of South Carolina
WeMoYouth, Diocese of West Missouri
Episcopal Youth of Western New York. 'As 2014 begins, diocesan youth ministry is on hiatus.'
Australia, Boys' Brigade Australia
Australia, Girls' Brigade Australia
Japan, Anglican Youth Network in Japan in English and Japanese
New Zealand, Boys' Brigade New Zealand
Sri Lanka, Girls' Friendly Society