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This page last updated 6 December 2018  

Canada: Resources

THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA (ACC) is the Canadian branch of the Anglican Communion.

In addition to this page, you'll find these areas in our Canada section:

Resources related to the Anglican Church of Canada

Aboriginal Neighbours
This organization of the Diocese of British Columbia works to 'build bridges of respect and understanding between cultures through education and interaction' and to 'encourage clergy and laity to develop effective means of keeping Church members informed of the Church's continued support and encouragement of aboriginal peoples
'Interface Worship is a multi-year program that is developing ecumenical, alternative worship services as an effective means of spiritual formation, enhancing community, and empowering mission for Edmonton area Christians.' Affiliated with the Diocese of Edmonton.

Anglican Church Archives, Diocese of New Westminster and Provincial Synod of BC and Yukon

Anglican Church of Canada Continuing Education Plan
Provides hub for distance courses, links to relevant sites, a list of conferences and seminars, and a discussion forum.

Anglican Church Women of Canada
Diocese of Calgary

Diocese of Ottawa

Anglican Churches of Canada webring
'To promote knowledge understanding and fellowship among the Canadian Anglican community'.

Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples

'The Indigenous Peoples of Canada who have chosen to be partners in the worldwide Anglican Communion and the universal church ... come from the four directions ... from the many First Nations who inhabit this land, even to the furthermost corners, and including the Inuit of the Arctic regions, the Métis and others of mixed heritage'.

Anglican Communion Alliance
'We are the Anglican Communion Alliance (formerly the Anglican Essentials Federation). In the light of recent developments within orthodoxy in Canadian Anglicanism, we are establishing ourselves as a separate organization to continue the affirmation of classical Anglicanism within the Anglican Church of Canada.'

Anglican Essentials Canada
'Our vision is to be the theological and spiritual rallying point for historic Christian orthodoxy in the Anglican Church of Canada. Our mission is to call the Anglican Church of Canada to embrace and live by its orthodox Christian heritage under the renewing guidance of the Holy Spirit.' They have branches all across Canada including in the diocese of Montreal, Calgary, and Niagara.

Anglican Fellowship of Prayer (Canada)
'Exists to encourage and enable the ministry of prayer in Canada. It is inclusive of all forms and expressions of Christian church life, whether they be lay or clerical, catholic or evangelical, monastic or secular, formal or informal. AFP (Canada) seeks to be a teaching resource to assist both individuals and congregations to grow in the life of prayer'.

Anglican Foundation of Canada
AF's 'mandate is to help build or renovate churches, halls, rectories and washrooms, to make them handicapped-accessible washrooms. It also supports church camps, conferences and programs, publications, bursaries for theological students, creative programs in music, art, drama and dance, aboriginal prayer and peace circles and much more.' It has distributed more than $19 million among every Canadian diocese in its 45-year history.

Anglican Gathering of Ottawa
'a growing collection of Anglicans from across the Diocese of Ottawa that seek to continue to follow the traditional teaching and beliefs of the Anglican Church.'

Anglican Journal
The highly-regarded journal has a web version. Have a look; it's very nicely done.

Anglican Life in Newfoundland and Labrador
'We are the Church newspaper for the three Anglican Dioceses of Eastern Newfoundland & Labrador, Central Newfoundland & Western Newfoundland.'

Anglican Network in Canada
'We are a national fellowship of Canadian Anglicans who share a commitment to biblically-faithful, historically-authentic Anglicanism (sometimes referred to as Anglican orthodoxy) and wish to remain within the embrace of the biblically-faithful global Anglican Communion.' See also Anglican Relief and Development Fund Canada.

Anglican Renewal Ministries
A variety of parish and ministerial services offered by this not-for-profit organization, amongst them, workshops, a magazine, and materials developed for short courses in everything from 'Crash Christianity' to 'Saints at Prayer'.

Anglican Women CircleChat Library
This site, based in Canada, is an archive of recipes, hymns, books, links and relaxation resources discussed on the Anglican Women CircleChat discussion list.

Arms for the Province of Canada
New arms for the Province of Canada. Heraldic, not military. See

Association of Anglican Deacons in Canada
'We invite you to be curious about the Diaconate in the Canadian Anglican Church.'

The Artizo Institute
'a Canadian Anglican initiative with a mandate to seek out and develop vigorous young leaders, and prepare them for full-time ordained ministry by allowing them to serve the body of Christ in their local church.'

Ask and Imagine: Life, Leadership, and Theological Exploration for Anglican Youth
A site describing itself as 'a place to discover and share ideas, resources, insights and stories about youth ministry. It's also a place to read reflections and thoughts from a Christian perspective about issues that affect young people in today's society'.

Associated Parishes
A US-Canadian Anglican organization centred on liturgy and liturgical practice.

Augsburg Fortress
The Anglican Book Centre, the largest bookstore for Anglican books, merged with Augsburg Fortress bookstore which is a Lutheran counterpart; however, Augsburg has outlets in all of North America. One can also buy online.

Bishop's Gospel Choir of British Columbia

British Columbia Anglican Youth Movement

Brotherhood of Anglican Churchmen, Diocese of Ottawa
This organization provides a vehicle for men to serve, exchange information, and socialize within the Church. Its website even tells visitors how to pronounce 'BAC'.

Calgary Anglican Youth

Camp Columbia
Summer camp of the Diocese of British Columbia.

Camp Harding, Cypress Hills, Saskatchewan
'As an Anglican camp we welcome children from all backgrounds.' Affiliated with the Diocese of Qu'Appelle.

Camp Koinonia, Seguin, Ontario
'Koinonia is a camp where people experience a deep sense of belonging as they get to know God and each other in community.'

Camp Medley
Youth camp, located in Upper Gagetown, New Brunswick (Diocese of Fredericton)

Camp Okema
Summer camp of the Diocese of Saskatchewan, administered by the Okema Society for Christian Development.

Canadian Anglican history
A comprehensive and useful web site developed by Professor Alan Hayes of Wycliffe College, University of Toronto.

Canterbury Hills Conference Centre, Ancaster, Ontario.
Conference facility of the Diocese of Niagara. 'provides delicious home-style meals, comfortable beds, and air-conditioned meeting rooms that combine rustic charm with modern facilities for small or large groups'.

Centre 454
'We offer a wide range of services to assist homeless men, women and their children to transform their lives with respect and dignity. Since 1954, Centre 454 has been working closely with the Anglican Diocese of Ottawa, the municipal, provincial and federal governments, local businesses, community and church groups, donors and volunteers.'

Church Army in Canada
'The Church Army in Canada is an evangelistic society within the Anglican Communion dedicated to bringing people from all walks of life into a living relationship in Jesus Christ.'

The Church Bookroom (Kingston, Ontario)
'a ministry of the Diocese of Ontario dedicated to providing books and other resources for Christian education, faith, worship and ministry. We are committed to providing personalized service to individuals, churches and the wider community.'

Church Lads' Brigade, Newfoundland
'The CLB has a long and glorious history. It was founded ... in 1891 in the Parish of St. Andrew's Fulham in London, England by Walter Mallock Gee. Just one year later, it was started in Newfoundland due to the efforts of a young man named Harold Blackler. Our history has been uninterrupted since that date'.

Comité liturgique épiscopal francophone
Canadian French translations and proposed translations of the Book of Alternative Services liturgies. A marvellous site, in English and French, with downloadable files in a number of formats.

The Compendium of the Church Mice
'This is a brand new Sunday school resource. It was developed by Anglicans for Anglicans and it is deeply rooted in our faith and in the Marks of Mission. This resource is available online and all its elements can be easily downloaded for your use. '

Cornerstone/Le Pilier
This programme of the Diocese of Ottawa provides services to homeless women of Ottawa-Carleton. It is the oldest and only community-based emergency shelter and housing programme for homeless single women in the region.

Canadian Anglican Cursillo Movement
'This site has been developed to help members of the Anglican Cursillo Movement in Canada connect with one another and with the national guiding body, the Canadian Anglican Cursillo Secretariat'.
Diocese of British Columbia
Diocese of Calgary
Diocese of Central Newfoundland
Diocese of Edmonton
Diocese of Niagara
Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island
Diocee of Ottawa
Diocese of Qu'Appelle

Diaconal Ministries Canada
Useful site for Deacons, new or experienced.

Diocesan Church Society of Prince Edward Island
'A regional organization in existence for over 100 years. It identifies the churches and clergy of PEI as well as highlighting events within the church'.

Diocesan Choir School. 'As Part of the Diocese of Fredericton, in the Anglican Church of Canada, Choir School exists to enhance the God-given gift of sacred choral singing in its choristers, for use in the wider Church.'

Ecumenical Shared Ministries Handbook
'A new handbook-jointly produced by Anglican, Lutheran, Presbyterian, and United church national offices-offers help to communities [crossing denominational lines and negotiating] their own unique future together.'

Edmonton Buyé
about the relationship between the Diocese of Edmonton [Canada] and the Diocese of Buyé [Burundi].

EFM - Canada
'A university level course in theology for both lay people and clergy. It is a four year part-time study programme designed to teach people to think theologically, develop a personal systematic theology and increase their knowledge of the Holy Scriptures.'

Embracing Light from the Darkness
'seeks to challenge and encourage Canadians from coast to coast to thoughtfully and artistically consider how this part of Canadian history can best be expressed, communicated, and projected by way of the art of photography'. Sponsored by the Diocese of British Columbia.

Emerge (Quebec, Montreal)
A Christian congregation for young adults 18 through 35 who meet in the undercroft of Promenades Cathedrale. Its mission is 'to be a vital Christian community (24/7) that effectively engages people in the 18 to 35 age group working, studying, living, playing in contemporary downtown Montreal, with the good news of Jesus Christ.'

'the annual appeal of the Anglican Diocese of Toronto. Since 1996 FaithWorks has provided more than $24 million to Anglican-affiliated ministries offering help and hope to people in need throughout south-central Ontario and around the world.'

The Fellowship of the Maple Leaf
'exists to promote links between the [Anglican] Church in Canada and the United Kingdom by furthering mutual learning in our engagement with each others' cultures.'
'A service of the Anglican Church of Canada and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada.'

'FLAME is an acronym for Fellowship and Learning for Anglican Men's Enrichment. Although nominally an Anglican-based conference it is open to all men seeking fellowship with other Christians. A series of talks relating to the theme are followed by small group discussions and summary plenary sessions. There are liberal injections of music and some free time. The conference has run annually for over 50 years within the Diocese of Toronto and spread to the Diocese of Montreal in 1988. In 2003, the FLAME was carried to the Diocese of Ontario.'

Fred Says
'the home of a food security campaign run by the Primate's World Relief and Development Fund. The Fred Says website has resources to help individuals and parishes spark conversation and raise awareness of PWRDF's exciting food security projects.'

Fresh Expressions Canada
'seeks to encourage the development of fresh expressions of church alongside more traditional expressions, with the aim of seeing a more mission-shaped church take shape throughout the country'.

Fresh Start: A Resource for Clergy and Congregations in Transition
'Fresh Start is a resource for clergy and congregations in transition. We define transition as the entrance of a new clergy leader into a congregational system.' It is 'a collaborative effort of the Episcopal Church with creative contributions from the Anglican Church of Canada.'

Generation: Young Canadian Anglicans
A site from the Church of Canada that promises to be lively; it's well done and will be a good resource for the Anglican youth of Canada. Young people may grow into this, but it's a site, regardless of the banner, that appears to be for young adults. The site might provide a guide to others hoping to create a web place-to-meet.

Integrity Canada
'Integrity Canada is a national network of organizations and friends working toward the full inclusion of gay and lesbian people in the life of the Anglican Church of Canada. We are part of the international lesbian and gay Christian movement, encouraging churches around the world to promote the basic human rights of gay and lesbian people and to support their active participation in the life of the Church.' They maintain a list of all the chapters in Canada. Integrity Saskatoon has its own site, and so does Integrity Vancouver.

International Order of St Luke the Physician: Ontario chapter
'a ministry of the Diocese of Ontario dedicated to providing books and other resources for Christian education, faith, worship and ministry. We are committed to providing personalized service to individuals, churches and the wider community.'

Japanese Anglican Churches in Canada
A directory in Japanese and English.
'the youth initiative of [...] the Canadian Anglican agency for sustainable development, relief, refugees, and global justice.'

Lay Readers' Association of the Diocese of Montréal / L'Association des Lecteurs laïcs du diocèse de Montréal

Lay Readers Association, Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island

Liturgy Canada
A society primarily of clergy, church musicians, and worship committees. Publish a quarterly newsletter, some of which are available to read on this site (PDF files).

Living God's Blessing
'We are a group of Anglican clergy and lay people who wish to see the Anglican Church of Canada extend blessings to same-sex couples.'

Locusts and Wild Honey
A newsletter and network to encourage communication and to build links between survivors of abuse who have connections to a faith. The newsletter, written solely by survivors, shares their stories with each other and educates the wider church community about the issues of abuse. L&WH is associated with the Outreach Division of the Diocese of Niagara. It finds its home at St John's Church in Burlington, Ontario, Canada.

LOFT Community Services
Formerly known as 'Anglican Houses', LOFT serves the homeless and those with special needs in the Diocese of Toronto through housing, outreach and support services.

Maison Inuksuk House
'We have been established with the primary purpose of building the first housing development outside of northern Canada designed specifically for the Inuit.  This development will provide up to 44 apartment units on a site shared with St. Margaret’s Church on Montreal Road. The proposal will also include retail and display space targeted to the needs of the Inuit along with shared worship space to expand the Inuit Anglican ministry and community outreach.'

Mile-End Community Mission, Quebec (Diocese of Montréal).
'A safe and welcoming community, where people can come together for mutual support, for personal growth, concrete programs, and to be a part of and serve the community of Mile-End.'

Ministry Matters
'Inspiration for Canadian Anglican leaders.'

Mission to Seafarers
The Mission to Seafarers, founded in 1856, is a world-wide Anglican outreach ministry. Its mission is to promote the spiritual, moral and physical well-being of seafarers and their families world-wide. Each Canadian Mission is locally funded and run by its own Board of Directors.

Mothers' Union Canada
'The Northern Clergy Families Fund is the major project of the Canadian Mothers' Union. The fund was started in 1974 to help isolated clergy spouses serving in the Northern Dioceses. The original idea of the fund was to send a monetary gift so the spouse could take a holiday. That idea quickly changed when clergy spouses indicated that they needed the money for necessities.'

Mothers' Union, Diocese of Fredericton
'Membership is open to any person that has been baptized in the Trinity and accepts the Aim, Purpose and Objects of the Mothers' Union.'

The New England Company
'founded in 1649 to propagate the Gospel in New England and the parts adjacent in America. Its work was later extended to the West Indies. After the American War of Independence, its work in North America was restricted to those Native Peoples living in Canada.'

Newfoundland and Labrador: Religion, Culture, and Society
A most handsome and informative web site for the historical study of religions in these areas of Canada. There is an extensive section on the Anglican Church, with transcriptions of original sources and important documents. Well worth an extended visit.

Oasis Ministries, Newmarket, Ontario (Diocese of Toronto)
Provides 'a safe and comfortable haven to help people develop a deeper relationship with God, develop a deeper understanding of their own unique spirituality within the larger faith community, and discover the affirmation and support available through greater intimacy with God. We offer workshops, quiet days and various presentations based on the ministry and teachings of Jesus...'

Owaissi Anglican Camp, Kelowna, British Columbia
'A ministry of the Anglican Diocese of Kootenay'.

Parish Alive
A series of links to sites of particular interest to Canadians. Download PDF files with Anglican news to include in service leaflets, lectionary resources, and more.

The Pension Office Corporation of the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada

Prayer Book Society of Canada
'The PBSC is a national organization dedicated to promoting the Book of Common Prayer - the official (but often under-appreciated) standard of faith and worship for the Anglican Church of Canada.'

Primate's World Relief and Development Fund: PWRDF
The official relief and development agency of the Anglican Church of Canada.

Proud Anglicans
'This is a list of gay-positive parishes compiled by Integrity Canada, a group of gay and lesbian Anglicans and our friends.'

St Michael's Retreat Centre, Lumsden, Saskatchewan

St Peter Publications
This site, from St Peter's Cathedral, Charlottetown, PEI, includes extensive information about the press's publications, which include books and booklets, pamphlets and tracts, a 'Canadian Church Calendar', and the quarterly 'Anglican Free Press'.

Salal + Cedar
'Rooted in place, tradition and history, Salal + Cedar is a ministry of the Anglican Diocese of New Westminster that strives to be accessible to all bodies.'

The Shingwauk Project
This digital archive, started in 1999, provides extensive information on the Shingwauk School and its successor institution, Algoma University College. The Shingwauk School was founded in Sault Ste Marie, Ontario in 1873 as a residential Anglican school for Ojibwe students.

The Silent Night Project
'Canadian Anglicans are invited to raise their voices for the Silent Night Project: Anglicans promote peace in the spirit of Amazing Grace.'

SOMA (Sharing Of Ministries Abroad)
'An Anglican short-term mission agency that serves the trans-cultural Church ... We respond to invitations from the diocesan or area leadership, usually the bishop. We also do the ministry requested of us, always within the context of the Body for the equipping of the saints. SOMA Canada also serves the domestic Church, especially in northern Canada, but also with encouraging cross-Canada missions.'

Sorrento Centre
This Anglican-founded ecumenical conference retreat holiday centre is nestled on the side of Shuswap Lake in British Columbia.

Stories of Faith
This new site just launched by the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada as 'a place for Anglicans to share moments of joy about their faith, to celebrate aspects of the church that matter to them and to discuss themes and issues that they care about or feel strongly about'.

Teens Encounter Christ (Anglican Church of Canada)
Diocese of Calgary, Alberta. 'a special learning experience for youth in their late teens (16-21 years old)' sponsored by the Diocese of Calgary.
Diocese of Edmonton
Diocese of Fredericton
Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. 'TEC weekends are Christ-centered and are grounded in Anglican tradition and doctrine. A lively band, superb food, inspiring talks and foolish fun serve as avenues to bring the message of God’s unconditional love to young adults.'

'The Three Cantors of the Diocese of Huron'
Three parish priests, all baritones, who through their music have supported a number of good causes for the Anglican Church of Canada. Can't hear them in person? Order the CD!

Tisdale House
Tisdale House offers retreat programmes and spiritual direction for the parishes in the Diocese of Toronto.

Truth and Reconciliation
'The Anglican Church of Canada is committed to healing and reconciliation from the legacy of Indian residential schools. This work takes place among Indigenous groups and between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples. We support the mandate of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) by working in our church, and in collaboration with other churches, Indigenous groups, residential school survivor groups, and the government.'

Vision 2019
'a church-wide exercise to discern, dream, and decide where we think God wants the Anglican Church of Canada to be in 2019. Your voice is needed! The results will be shared at our next national meeting, General Synod 2010.'

Volunteers in Mission

The Volunteers in Mission program was approved by the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada in 1986. It is a program that enables people of different ages, backgrounds, skills and professions to offer themselves for voluntary service for one to two years.

The Widening Circle
'A movement within the Anglican Church of Canada to uphold the principles of a comprehensive, inclusive Anglicanism, within a Communion that respects the autonomy of its provinces.'

Youth Ministry in the Anglican Diocese of Niagara

The Zacchaeus Fellowship
Zacchaeus is a fellowship of men and women who hold to the church's historic view on sexuality in the face of former or present struggles with same-sex attraction.

If you know of a web site that should be listed here and is not, please tell us.

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