Adverts, Media, Telly, Video
This Connecticut-based company describes itself as 'a new ministry offering video coverage of Anglican events around the globe. AnglicanTV.org
will offer this video coverage to a worldwide audience using the new medium of broadband internet. [...] Unlike broadcast television
AnglicanTV.org will offer all of it’s [sic] video content on demand.'
The Churches Advertising
Network (UK)
An independent ecumenical group of Christian communicators providing high quality national Christian advertising campaigns linked to
major festivals. These are great adverts.
Church Broadcasting Entity
'an internet broadcast ministry of several Episcopal Churches in Rowan County and Davie County in North Carolina.'
Episcopal Media Marketplace
An online store and resource for the catalog of Episcopal Media Center video and audio. The Episcopal Media Center has joined with Day
1 to create the Alliance for Christian Media. This combined organisation is now more
interdenominational and international in its approach with a mission of multimedia ministry to mainline churches.

Articles, Reports, White Papers
The Church
and the Internet
A concise tract written by Dr Brian Reid, Anglicans Online's News Centre editor, and
published by the Society of Archbishop Justus in November 1999. Available on the Web and in PDF form as well.
Church on the Web'
An August 1999 Christian Century article on just how well the Internet serves the church--or not. Written by a member of the US
Episcopal Church, Michael Keene.
Personal and Emotional Relationships Via Computer-Mediated Communication'
An interesting article in the May 1998 issue of Computer-Mediated
Churches, Wired Temples'
The results of a survey undertaken by the Pew Internet and American Life Project on how churches and synagogues in the States use the

Online educational opportunities
The Brookfield Centre for Christian
Part of the Diocese of Brisbane, this 'online community also offers forums, mailing lists and courses on spirituality' and is open to
anyone. The diocese also offers distance learning through
St Francis Theological College and Charles Sturt University.
for Anglican Learning and Leadership (Church Divinity School of the Pacific)
Founded in 1997, CALL is 'dedicated to Christian formation, and uses a variety of formats to deliver meaningful
educational experiences — experiences with instructors and presenters who enable their students to draw deeply
from tradition to engage the issues of today's church and today's world'.
Oxford Brookes University (UK)
Both undergraduate and graduate online education. 'We offer a range of part-time distance learning programmes from single modules to
certificate, diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. Our distance education is student focused offering maximum flexibility
and choice.'
Theology ONLINE (Australia)
'Theology ONLINE is a joint activity of the United Faculty of Theology and Trinity College Theological School, offering a flexible, ecumenical,
world-class standard of theological education online for students. The courses are best described as 'accompanied online learning',
because the learning program puts students in constant touch with their teachers and peers. All online diplomas and degrees are awarded
through the Melbourne College of Divinity. ' Trinity College is Anglican; Melbourne College of Divinity is ecumenical. Courses taught
by the United Faculty of Theology: Trinity, Melbourne Theological and the University of Melbourne Theology Department. Course list
can be found here.
Trinity OnLine (USA)
Trinity School for Ministry, Ambridge, PA, calls itself 'an evangelical seminary in the Anglican tradition' that 'seeks to be a global center for Christian formation, producing outstanding leaders who can plant, renew and grow churches that make disciples of Jesus Christ.'
University of St Andrews (Scotland).
Online program from St Mary's College School of Divinity.

Indexes and Directories
open directory project: Anglican links
The dmoz project comes from a recognition that humans are better than computers at organizing and searching.
Internet resources
for the study and teaching of theology
A super compilation of links.
101.com Anglican Episcopal directory
Suite 101 is a commercial directory; they have a well-done Anglican/Episcopal section.

Web Hosting and Services
The domain ANGLICAN.ORG is held in trust for the Anglican Communion by the Society
of Archbishop Justus. SOAJ offers every diocese, province, national church, seminary, society, and order in the Anglican Communion
a subdoman under ANGLICAN.ORG: e.g. seminaryname.anglican.org or province.anglican.org.
Church Website Design
A non-denominational UK company that 'provides Internet services for churches, including easy to update websites, domain names, and hosting.
The free no-obligation 30 day trial enables every church to create their own website and test drive the system. You need no technical
skills and can update the pages whenever you wish. Anyone can view the sites created, for an example site see St
Paul Maidstone.' A review in eChurch Active rates Church123 as the easiest and best way
to start your web site. See the free 'Church Website Design Guide' addition to its templates for church websites. The site includes
important information about the Disabilities Discrimination Act. Their site is accessible by all browsers, including Braille readers.
They provide world-wide web hosting and support. Its reasonable fees
depend on your geographic location.
[Update] Originally listed in 2004, Commskit has greatly increased the services it offers; however, the cost has remained the same. 'As
part of its commitment to assisting churches and Christian groups to develop and improve their communications, Commskit, the internet
arm of the Beds and Herts Churches' Media Trust, is able to offer a complete domain, web and email internet package for £45
per annum, all inclusive. For this remarkably low payment, you receive the domain of your choice (as long as it is available to
register!) eg. mychurch.org.uk, 100 MB of web space, 1000 email addresses, unlimited dial-up accounts and a secure password-protected
web-based control panel for managing your account.'
Listed also in our
'Discussion' section, ECUNET is one of the last surviving
pre-Internet online services. It is no longer a service in its own right (it is now just a front-end to Google) but we continue to list
it out of a sense of history.
Episcopal Church Web Hosting
Provides free web hosting and application services for US Episcopal churches. ECW was 'created to provide advice and services to
Episcopal churches, missions, and ministries on how to effectively position, market, functionally enhance, design, implement, and promote
their web sites'.

'the new website for office holders in the Church of England. It can be used to securely view information such as their diocesan Directory as well as submit information online such as Statistics for Mission or Articles of Enquiry.'
A shareware programme, 'which helps you translate Latin into English. At the moment it does not do English into Latin. It has dictionary
and parsing capabilities, plus some sentence-handling abilities'. The web site is concise and helpful, but alas the programme is
only for computers running Windows.

Web Page Creation, Site Development
The basics
of developing a web site for your church or diocese
By the Society of Archibishop Justus.
mistakes: Read and avoid!
Creating a parish web page
Creating a diocesan web page
A Church Voice
'Focused on helping people who work with church web sites and newsletters'.
Your Church Website
Sometimes flippant in tone, but updated regularly with technical tips and articles of technical interest, add this USA-based site to
those you skim on a regular basis. The maintainer's outlook is not specific to Anglican churches, but ideas and informiation presented
are useful to church website maintainers. Make sure to peruse the site's Online Tools and Reference links.
A UK-based site, 'promoting good church website design, with free design tips and resources for church webmasters'. Includes church sites
(not just Anglican) the webmaster considers worthy of award.
