Baptism Integrity
The webmaster of this site in England writes: 'As far as we know the only site dedicated to baptismal theology and practice'.
Catholic Anglicanism
Future of Catholic Anglicanism
Transcript of a major address by the Most Rev'd Dr Keith Rayner, Archbishop of Melbourne and Primate of Australia, given at St Peter's,
Eastern Hill, Melbourne on 14 July 1999 on the anniversary of John Keble's Assize Sermon (14 July 1833).
The Institute of Early Christianity
'Formed in 1998 with the forward-looking goal of shaping a global movement of individuals who share an interest in early Christian
literature. The vision of this effort is to engage participants without regard for denominational affiliation or faith perspective, in
the belief that discovering the early and divergent views of the first people of faith, is a worthy end in itself'. Offers
a certificate programme and various courses, as well as an annual conference. The institute is based in Vancouver, British Columbia,
Catholic Studies Course
'a new course for Catholics in the Church of England to learn more about their faith. The course consists of 18 sessions over a three-term
year from January to December with each session lasting between an hour and an hour and a half. It will explore the fundamentals of Christian
belief from the perspective of the Catholic tradition of the Church of England.'
of St Andrews, Scotland - School of Divinity
Now offering postgraduate M.Litt theology degree by on-line distance learning.
Documents Online
The Anglican Library
'The aim of the Anglican Library is to publish new HTML editions of Christian literature from the Anglican tradition and other works
that have traditionally been of interest to Anglicans'.
An effort to make texts of the Oxford Movement and classical
Anglicanism available online.
Religion Online
Full texts by recognized religious scholars. 'Includes more than 5700 articles and chapters. Topics include Old and New Testament, Theology,
Ethics, History and Sociology of Religion, Communication and Cultural Studies, Pastoral Care, Counseling, Homiletics, Worship, Missions
and Religious Education'.
Thirty-Nine Articles in English and Latin
The 39 Articles form the basic summary of belief of the Church
of England. They were drawn up by the Church in convocation in 1563 on the basis of the 42 Articles of 1553. Clergymen were ordered to
subscribe to the 39 Articles by Act of Parliament in 1571.
Ecumenism and other Denominations
and Roman Catholic International Commission
A parish priest in the Anglican Church of Canada has scanned in several key documents that have issued from ARCIC through the years,
including the Canterbury Statement (1973) and the Venice Statement (1976). The
Gift of Authority, the newest (1998) document, is online as well, on the Anglican Communion website.
The Anglican Communion and
the Roman Catholic Church: What are the differences?
Pierre Whalon, a regular columnist at Anglicans Online, summarises the situation from the perspective of a bishop in the Episcopal
Church in the USA. Now available also in French and Spanish translations.
International Anglican-Roman Catholic Commission for Unity and Mission (IARCCUM)
'an online resource centre for Anglican-Roman Catholic relations'.
The Porvoo
Churches; The Porvoo Agreement
A comprehensive site (in English) sponsored by the Church of Sweden. It includes the complete text of the Porvoo
Agreement in six languages (English, French, Finnish, German, Swedish, and Estonian).
'Pour être bon catholique,
j'ai dû quitter l'Eglise de Rome'.
Essay in French (Essai en Français) by/par Le RP Pierre Welté Whalon.
Religious Tolerance
This Canadian site outlines the major theological doctrines and details the schisms amongst Christian denominations and most of the world's
religions. You can find the perspectives of different religions and denomination on issues such as homosexuality and abortion. And
there's a good deal of information on the more obscure and marginal Christian sects and cults and a variety of essays on religious
tolerance or lack thereof. (This helpful site review is by Jonathan Van Matre.)
Did Christ rule out
women priests?
An interesting essay by a Roman Catholic theologian, John Wijngaards. His last paragraph begins with these words: 'I took up
the study of women and the priesthood in 1975 almost by accident. Then, when Rome issued its declaration I felt it to be my duty as a
theologian to challenge it, for the sake of truth'.
'Heresy versus Schism'
A reflection by an Episcopal priest, the Reverend Pierre Whalon, on which is preferableand why.
and Integrity: reform from within
An essay by Andrew Furlong, Dean of Clonmacnoise, Dioceses of Meath and Kildareabout, about the tensions between the academy and
the church, when the pursuit of truth is taken from the academy to the church'.
Priests for Life
A pro-life web site under the auspices of the Roman Catholic Church, which 'provides disciples of Christ in all denominations with
some of the latest information they need to effectively deal with the issues of abortion and euthanasia'.
Eucharistic Theology
This site uses 'a phenomenological approach to examine the Anglican eucharistic tradition from the Reformation to the present. [It] produced
a large amount of case study material' which is now available online. Note added June 2021: this site is offline. We hope that the absence is just temporary.
Gospel Imprint
'is the fresh catholic voice in Anglicanism sharing free resources with all Christians who seek to learn, worship and witness to the generosity of the Kingdom of God.'
Inter Faith Marriage
Sponsored by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, Inter Faith Marriages 'brings together in
a single site the latest information, resources and a wide range of insight and opinion from people with personal experience of inter
faith marriage in Britain.' They also have a discussion forum that seems just to be getting started. [Relevant beyoun the UK.]
The Network for Inter Faith
Concerns within the Anglican Communion (NIFCON)
Despite its oddly militaristic-sounding acronym, the site is an official 'network' of the Anglican Communion. What exactly is it? From
the site: 'NIFCON was founded in 1993, with discussions taking place from 23rd January 1992 onwards. Its beginnings are very much related
to Lambeth 1988, when the Inter Faith area was present for the first time in a substantive if limited way. Resolution 20 of that conference
affirmed the principles of dialogue which originated in the World Council of Churches, and went on to assert: "Acknowledging that
such dialogue, which is not a substitute for evangelism, may well be a contribution in helping people of different faiths to make common
cause in resolving issues of peace making, social justice and religious liberty, we further commend each Province to initiate such dialogue
in partnership with other Christian churches where appropriate"'.
'A Portrait of Jesus: From
Galilean Jew to the Face of God'
'The Christian faith is a historical faith which emerged from a historical person: Jesus of Nazareth. History has always informed the
Christian faithcreeds, councils, and developing traditions over the centuries have led to present day belief systems. This study
takes a step further back in history to learn more about the historical Jesus'. The site is based on the work of Marcus Borg, 'scholar,
Christian, and author, who uses the terms "pre-Easter Jesus" to talk about the Jesus of history and "post-Easter Jesus" to
talk about the Christ of faith'.
'We explore his life, character, teachings and followers. We look at how he has been quoted and misquoted, filmed and written about,
worshipped and argued over.' It is a resource deaing with the historical to the contemporary stories and reality of Jesus and spirtuality.
Jewish Roots
Jewish Roots of Eastern Christian
'An interdisciplinary seminar on the Jewish Roots of Eastern Christian Mysticism, designed as an internet version of an ongoing research
seminar of the graduate students and scholars at the department of theology of Marquette University (Milwaukee, USA).
The site explores the influence of Jewish Pseudepigrapha and Merkabah mysticism on Eastern Orthodox authors'.
Open Theology
'Open Theology will combine different hermeneutical traditions, as well as a variety of outlooks on religion (historical, psychological,
sociological, philosophical).' Text in English and Polish, based in the United Kingdom.
Sewanee Theological
An Anglican journal of theological reflection published quarterly with articles, poetry, and reviews.
Association of
British Theological and Philosophical Libraries
A helpful roster of theological collections in the United Kingdom.
Kesler Circulating
Vanderbilt University Divinity Library offers services by postal mail.
The Christaquarians
Is there a movement of New Age Christians? Who are the Christaquarians? What do they believe? Do they really exist? This site features
scholarly resources for and on New Age Christianity, including the full text of a doctoral thesis by Daren Kemp, an MTh dissertation
by Gillian Paschkes-Bell, and papers by Fr Diarmuid O'Murchu and Janice Dolley.
Fellowship of Word and Spirit
A group 'committed to the propagation, application, and discussion of reformed theology to address our contemporary world'.
The Scholar-Priest Initiative
'We believe that every parish deserves good leadership and that theology done for the parish can once again be done in the parish. In response, SPI supports, mentors, and helps fund centered, open, and effective scholar-priests and works with bishops and other leaders to connect scholar-priests with parishes that need stable and effective leadership.'
Sea of Faith
'Sea of Faith had its small beginnings in the 1980s, in the wake of a BBC television series which examined the decline of institutional
religion and asked what might replace it in our complex postmodern world, where the certainties of scriptures, clerical hierarchies
and supernatural underpinnings no longer make sense'.
Science and Faith
'Science and
A comprehensive collection of links from Prof. Dr. Arnold Neumaier at the Institut für Mathematik in Vienna. 'Science is the truth
only in matters that can be objectified; in the spiritual world, where values, goals, authority and purpose are located, science has
nothing to say.'
The Holy Spirit and Christian Spirituality
'resource for spirituality and faith'
Prayer in
'A study of Christian Spirituality on the internet. This site uses the confessions of St Augustine to explore the authenticity of intercessory
prayer on the internet.'
Teaching and study of theology
Computer-Assisted Theology
This site lists Internet resources for the teaching and study of theology.
Latin: QuickLatin
Latin to English translation assistant. A shareware programme, 'which helps you translate Latin into English. At the moment it does not
do English into Latin. It has dictionary and parsing capabilities, plus some sentence-handling abilities'. The web site is concise
and helpful, but alas the programme is only for computers running Windows.
Philosophy and Religion
'Includes subsites on Episcopal Liturgy, Episcopal Beliefs, Constructive Criticisms and Commentaries on the Institutional Church, the
entire "The Diaconate Now," writings of Episcopal philosophers of religion Cherbonnier and Kirkpatrick, Commentary on the Prayer
Book Catechism, sermons given in Episcopal churches, "Worship Notes" used in a parish Sunday leaflet, and more; edited by Canon Richard
T. Nolan'.
'Theos is a public theology think tank which exists to undertake research and provide commentary on social and political arrangements'.
The Archbishop of Canterbury and Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster have this to say: 'Issues of belief and faith, of how human beings
perceive the world, have rarely been so important in society, or so badly misunderstood … Together, we look forward to the
contribution that Theos will make to future debates.'
N.T. Wright Page
This unofficial website dedicated to the Bishop of Durham includes sermons, lectures, articles and downloads.
