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Australia: Resources

THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF AUSTRALIA (ACC) is the Australian branch of the Anglican Communion.

In addition to this page, you'll find these areas in our Australia section:

Resources related to the Anglican Church of Australia

'A Service for Today's Church'
A new resource produced by the Reverend John Mason, in consultation with others. It is in use at St Clement's Mosman, in Sydney, having received approval from the Archbishop of Sydney under the provisions of Section 4 of the Constitution of the Anglican Church of Australia. Read about the service and then download the text of the 64-page booklet.
Anglican Community Care Inc., whose goals are 'alleviating homelessness, building communities, promoting learning, reducing poverty, sharing cultures, strengthening families, supporting children'. Formed in Mount Gambier in 1985, known as since 2009.

'an initiative of the Anglican Education Commission but its reach extends beyond Anglicans and Anglican schools. Agora is a community of learners who wish to be challenged, stretched and inspired. Agora invites you to become a member and contribute to the encouragement and inspiration of your fellow learners.'

Amana Living
'operates under the auspices of the Anglican Diocese of Perth. Its mission or purpose is to excel in providing Christian care and services in WA to people living the second half of life.'

Anam Cara Community
'inaugurated as a contemplative prayer community of the Anglican Diocese of Gippsland in 2007'.

Anglican Aid Abroad
'voluntary, non-profit society who share a common concern for those in need and are united in a common cause - the relief of need in the Name of Christ'.

Archbishop of Sydney's Anglican Aid
'Anglican Aid is the overseas aid, development and ministry support agency of Sydney Anglicans in partnership with the global church.'

Anglican Board of Mission
Established in 1850 as a national mission agency working both in Australia and the Pacific. It now supports partner churches overseas in both their ecclesial and their development operations. The official mission agency of the Anglican Church of Australia.

Anglican Camping Tasmania

Anglican Church League
A web site of a voluntary organization in Sydney committed to preserve that diocese's evangelical heritage. There are articles and links that will be of interest particularly to evangelical Anglicans.

Anglican Commission for the Environment
This initiative of the Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn 'aims to promote Christian obligation to nurture and care for the environment'.

Anglican Community Fund
'Profits made by the Fund are re-invested back into the Anglican Community of Western Australia and are shared by many agencies over a wide range of activities.'

Anglican Cursillo
Anglican Cursillo of Australia
Anglican Cursillo Movement in South Australia
Anglican Cursillo of Perth, Western Australia: 'introduced to the Diocese of Perth in September 1992, when a team of nearly 40 people from Brisbane Diocese traveled to Perth [...] There are now nearly 2500 people in over 120 parishes in Western Australia who have attended a Cursillo.'
Melbourne Anglican Cursillo: 'The purpose of Cursillo is to nourish and equip people so that they may embrace and enjoy the fullness of Christian life.'
Cursillo Newcastle Anglican
Sydney Anglican Cursillo
Anglican Cursillo Tasmania

Anglican Deaconess Ministries Limited
'Since 1891, Anglican Deaconess Ministries Limited has brought the gospel of Jesus Christ and responded to human need through a range of ministries. These include education, training for ministry to seniors, palliative care, health services, homes for disadvantaged youth and training women for Christian ministry and service.'

Anglican Diocese of Brisbane Records and Archives Centre
This informative site includes a variety of information about the history of the Diocese of Brisbane, including a list of closed churches, photographs of clergy and finding aids for archives of the dioceses of Brisbane and Carpentaria.

Anglican Financial Services
'ANFIN is a non-profit financial fund owned by the Anglican Church in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.'

Anglican Franciscans in Australia

Anglican Funds Grafton Diocese
'In 1981 the Synod of the Anglican Diocese of Grafton passed a motion to establish the Grafton Diocese Investment Fund (GDIF). In November 2012 we changed our name to Anglican Funds Grafton Diocese (AFGD) and with the name change came a new level of professionalism and support.'

Anglican Funds South Australia
'helping to support the mission, education and charitable works of the South Australian Anglican Community'.

Anglican Interim Ministry Network
'Clergy who are, or are interested in being intentional interim ministry specialists and consultants are invited to become members of the network'.

Anglican Investment and Development Fund, Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn (AIDF)
'established in 1967 by a small group of dedicated finance professional lay parishioners, along with the support of Bishop Warren and a $1,000 loan'.

Anglican Men's Society, Australia
'Many Parishes do not have any organisations for men, they have children's, youth and women's organisations, but nothing for men!' Founded in Australia in 1905; has branches or members in every state.

Anglican Messenger
serving the three dioceses in Western Australia. Monthly publication began in February, 2005.

Anglican Renewal Ministries Australia
A body formed in 1979 and recognised by General Synod as an organization to foster renewal in the lives and worship of individuals and parish organizations.

Anglican Retirement Villages
As a subsidiary of the Diocese of Sydney, this organization administers more than 16 retirement communities.

Anglican Savings and Development Fund

Anglican Schools Office of Queensland
The role of the Anglican Schools Office is to support the senior management and governing bodies of Anglican Schools across Queensland. It provides the secretariat for both the Anglican Schools Commission of the Diocese of Brisbane and for the Queensland Anglican Schools System Limited, of the Anglican Province of Queensland.

Anglican Superannuation Australia
'We are a discretely Anglican organisation which offers superannuation services for clergy and Anglican lay employees in dioceses, Anglican schools, welfare agencies and other church organisations throughout Australia. Our services are provided professionally, efficiently and with a care that is easily identified with the Anglican culture.'

Anglican Women Newcastle
Founded in 1960 as an umbrella organisation for all women in the diocese.

Anglican Youthworks
Part of the Anglican Diocese of Sydney. A comprehensive site that provides 'ready-to-use Religious Education lesson plans, Bible and ministry resources, training workshops and courses and camps and conferences developed by our team of trained Advisers'.

Anglicans Together
'an organisation that promotes an inclusive expression of Anglicanism in the Diocese of Sydney. Anglicans Together supports the idea that the Anglican Church is both catholic and reformed.'

Anglicare Australia
'Anglicare Australia is the national network of care and social justice agencies of the Anglican Church. Anglicare members invest in excess of $500 million in assistance each year to needy families, youth and children, the aged, unemployed and homeless Australians, as well as working with Indigenous Australians to overcome disadvantage.'

Anglicare Canberra and Goulburn
This site includes information about Anglicare Youth and Family Services, Anglican Retirement Community Services and Anglicare Community Services in the Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn.

Anglicare NSW
The charitable arm of the Diocese of Sydney and Woolongong.

Anglicare North Coast
'located in the Anglican Diocese of Grafton, with a geographical domain extending over 50,000 square kilometres from the Tweed in far northern NSW to Port Macquarie in the south'.

Anglicare South Australia
'Anglicare SA is a South Australian agency which works to give people a fair go. All sorts of factors: age, poverty, homelessness, unemployment, can marginalise people in our society. Anglicare SA works to help them reach their full potential'.

Anglicare Southern Queensland
'a proud member of the Anglicare Australia network. We provide care and support services in partnership with government and other support organisations in response to identified needs throughout southeast Queensland.'

Anglicare Tasmania Inc
'Anglicare is the largest statewide community services organisation in Tasmania, serving thousands of people every year.'

Anglicare Victoria
'Anglicare Victoria is one of the largest non-government providers of crisis care to children, young people and families in Victoria, with over 600 staff in 40 different locations in metropolitan Melbourne and Gippsland.'

Anglicare WA
'a not for profit community service organisation. We support people, families and their communities to cope with the challenges of life.'

Diocese of Brisbane Environment Group. 'Our group came into being in response to the concern of many people in the Diocese about the state of the environment (God's Creation!).'

Archbishop of Perth

Archbishop of Sydney's Appeals Unit
'raises money to assist those in need within the Sydney Diocese and in the developing world. There are three funds within the Appeals Unit: the Community Care and Development Program, Overseas Relief and Aid Fund, and the Overseas Ministry Fund.'

Australian Anglican Diaconal Association
'AADA serves as a point of contact, fellowship and motivation for deacons, deaconesses and licensed diaconal workers in the Anglican Church in Australia.'

Australian Anglican Directory
'Subscribers to The Australian Anglican Directory online edition can access our extensive and accurate listings on the Dioceses, Parishes, Clergy and Orgs pages.'

Australian Anglican Natural Church Development Network
'Let's start a conversation together about how Anglicans can grow in faith and hope in God.'

Australian Anglicanism
The parish church of St Peter's Eastern Hill (Diocese of Melbourne) has added to its web site a section called 'Australian Anglicanism', whose purpose is 'to offer carefully researched presentations on a variety of issues pertaining not only to St Peter's but to the wider Australian Anglican experience.'

Australian Church Record
'... an evangelical newspaper in the Reformed Anglican tradition of the historic creeds and the 39 Articles of Faith, and the standard of teaching and practice in the Book of Common Prayer.'

Australian Church Union
'ACU is committed to being a distinctive and progressive catholic presence within the Anglican Church of Australia, and particularly in the Diocese of Melbourne.'

Bathurst Anglican Youth (BAY) Ministries, Bathurst, NSW.
'Established by the three Anglican parishes of All Saints Cathedral, St Barnabas, South Bathurst and Holy Trinity, Kelso in 2002.'

'In 1948 a small group of volunteers within the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne, recognised an urgent need within their community for quality care and support for vulnerable, elderly people. They decided to do something to help by starting Anglican Homes for the Elderly. In 2003, it became known as Benetas.'

Brass for Africa
This group based in Springwood Winmalee Anglican Church has supported evangelism, medical and education work in the Congo for 10 years. Based in the Blue Mountains 80km west of Sydney, Brass For Africa is led by former CMS missionaries Graham and Wendy Toulmin.

Prepared by Australian Anglican priest Brian McGowan, this is a study resource, updated weekly, particularly for use by small groups. It begins with the readings from the RCL (as used in the Anglican Church of Australia) and the life experience of the participants rather than academic resources. (Cross-listed under Liturgical Resources)

Brisbane Anglican NCD Project
'Since July 2009, parishes in our Diocese have been joining this project, which aims to help them improve the quality and growth potential of their congregations. We now have 45% of our Diocese enrolled in this process.'

The Brisbane Taizé Prayer Network
is an endeavour to provide information exchange and resources for people and communities interested in attending or hosting prayer services in the style of Taizé.

The Brookfield Centre for Christian Spirituality
in Kenmore, Queensland, 'offers a quiet space for worship, prayer, retreats, workshops and conferences. The online community also offers forums, mailing lists and courses on spirituality' open to anyone.

Brotherhood of St Laurence
'A welfare agency in Melbourne, Australia tackling the causes and effects of poverty by providing practical services and advocating through independent research, policy development and social action'.

Broughton Publishing
'Established in 2002, Broughton Publishing Pty Ltd is the Anglican Church's publishing arm, producing resources for a church embedded in worship and prayer.' The resources include the worship software, e-pray.

Bush Church Aid Society of Australia
An Anglican mission to the church in the outback: isolated, rural and regional and remote people of Australia, particularly through support to bush parishes.

CEBS: The Anglican Boys Society
Originally the Church of England Boys' Society.

Centre for Apologetic Scholarship and Education
'equips Christians to understand their faith and talk about it creatively and intelligently'. Affiliated to the Diocese of Sydney.

The Centre for Christian Spirituality at Wollaston College, Perth
The Centre is based at Wollaston College, an Anglican seminary and Conference Centre set in beautiful bushland overlooking the Indian ocean at Mt Claremont near Perth, the capital city of Western Australia.

Christian Youth Resources
A well-maintained collection of links to Australian youth resources on the net. On the site they refer to it as "Aussie" resources.

Church Missionary Society of Australia
Its mission is to send missionaries overseas and to North Australia, to deepen Christian commitment to evangelism and its attendant social responsibilities, to support our missionaries and their work by prayer, giving and pastoral care, to engage in cross-cultural ethnic evangelism, and to help educate the Australian Church in its responsibilities to this mission.

Churchie Old Boys
Alumni network website for the Anglican Church Grammar School, founded in Brisbane, Queensland in 1912. Attractive site.

CMS Conference Centre, Katoomba, New South Wales

The Community of Saints Barnabas and Cecilia
Located in Peterborough, South Australia in the Diocese of Willochra, this group describes itself as 'firmly grounded in our tradition and yet desiring the unity for which Christ prayed, and offering a ministry of hospitality and welcome for all Christian people.' Founded in 1997.

Defence Anglicans
'We are a diverse group of Anglicans who serve in the Australian Defence Force. Our commitment to our Lord Jesus Christ is expressed in ministry.'

Dioceses in the Province of New South Wales
'This site, part of the Anglican Media Website, provides a gateway to Diocesan news sites for the Province of New South Wales. News from Provincial Synod will be posted here'.

Drama for Christ
DfC, as they like to be known, is a drama group based in Sydney, Australia dedicated to spreading the word of God through the medium of drama.

Evangelical Fellowship in the Anglican Communion - Australia
'To maintain and promote a strong biblical witness in and through the Anglican Church so as to advance the cause of the gospel in Australia.'

Evangelism and New Churches
'We foster and support evangelism and evangelists working among different ethnic and social groups, including speaking evangelistically in churches. We promote church planting in greenfields and brownfields areas, and church planting among indigenous and welfare groups.' Affiliated with the Diocese of Sydney.

Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans (Australia)
'part of a worldwide movement of Anglicans promoting reform of the Anglican church by the biblical gospel, and providing fellowship for those committed to it'.

Genesis Publications
'Publications for Anglicans in Australia and New Zealand'. Publishes education and liturgical resources in English and Maori.

GFS Australia
'an Anglican ministry begun as the Girls' Friendly Society. We strive to be relevant and true to our origins.'

GFS Sydney Inc
'supports Christian ministry to children and women by providing resources and creating opportunities for them to share their faith'.

Gippsland Youth Ministries
'A team of people responsible for ministry to youth in the Anglican Diocese of Gippsland. The team includes representatives from all major diocesan Youth Initiatives.'

Glebe Asset Management Limited
This investment portfolio management group is affiliated with the Diocese of Sydney and its Glebe Administration Board.

Good Shepherd Lodge
'a fully accredited facility providing low care, high care and dementia specific accommodation in a friendly, secure and comfortable environment. Staff provide innovative and individualised support to enhance our residents quality of life while continuing to maintain their independence in a relaxed and beautiful environment.' Sponsored by the Diocese of North Queensland.

Hope Healthcare Australia
In 1891 the Anglican Deaconess Institution began ministry training and care for the aged, sick and destitute. Today, ADIS manages Neringah Hospital, Greenwich Hospital, Graythwaite Nursing Home, Tom O'Neill Centre, Northern Beaches Palliative Care, Braeside Hospital and other organizations in Australia, grouped under the umbrella of Hope Healthcare Australia.

Howard Langmead
For that next dull church meeting or when you find yourself requiring a humorous radio spot, check out this Australian priest who doubles as a comedian.

The Imagine Project
Information on 'missional projects' in the Diocese of Tasmania.

The Julian Centre
Located in South Australia (Mile End) the Centre is a 'ministry in spirituality dedicated to serving people who seek spiritual direction, healing and reconciliation. Individual counselling is available and opportunities for personal and corporate retreat'.

Kidsplus Brisbane
Brisbane diocesan branch of GFS Australia.

Koora Retreat Centre, Coolgardie, Western Australia
Affiliated with the Diocese of Perth.

Laterally Luke
'Offers entry points, particularly for preachers, to the Sunday Gospels for Year C of the Revised Common Lectionary as used in the Anglican Church of Australia. By Brian McGowan, Anglican Priest in Western Australia.'

Marginally Mark (Reflections for Preachers on Mark's Gospel)
'This companion site to "Matthew in the Margins" offers reflections for preachers and others on the Gospel of Mark for Year B of the Revised Common Lectionary, as used in the Anglican Church of Australia'.

Market-Place Online
'An independent news source for Australian Anglicans'. Although printed publication of this journal has ceased, it will continue to have an online presence.

Matthew in the Margins
'MIM is an attempt to help preacher, congregation, and the text of Matthew week by week to connect with each other during "Year A" of the Revised Common Lectionary as used in "A Prayer Book for Australia" of the Anglican Church of Australia; to encourage us to find new "entry points", and risk breaking out from any preaching strait-jackets, including any we use to bind the Living God'.

Matthias Media
This Sydney-based evangelical Anglican publisher and content developer provides 'resources for growing Christians'.

Ministry Development Council of the Anglican Diocese of Adelaide, Australia
A site devoted to the Diocese of Adelaide's theological education, ministry formation, and parish development activities.

Ministry Education Commission of the Diocese of Brisbane
'Aims to provide opportunities for the development of enthusiastic Anglicans passionate about their faith through high quality theological and spiritual education and training programs for all baptised persons for lay and ordained ministries across the Diocese of Brisbane'.

Mission to Seafarers, Australia
'The Australian Council has the task of overseeing, supporting and encouraging the work of all Mission to Seafarers centres located around the Australia continent. In its work the Council is guided by the Constitution and Canons of the Anglican Church of Australia.'

Mothers' Union Australia
The Australian branch of the world-wide Mothers' Union which supports the family, women and the fight against poverty.

Mothers' Union, Diocese of Sydney
Each year, the MU visits 10,000 new mothers in maternity units in New South Wales.

Movement for the Ordination of Women in Sydney
Founded in Sydney in 1983, 'the name and to some extent the impetus for its formation came from the Movement for the Ordination of Women in the United Kingdom... It was principally built however on the inspiration and commitment of already existing Anglican groups and individuals in a number of dioceses, such as Women and Holy Orders in Adelaide and Anglican Women Concerned in Sydney'.

National Home Mission Fund - Anglican Outback Fund
'The Anglican Church in Outback Australia today is faithful, scattered, small and under-resourced but nevertheless resilient and innovative. Outback Anglicans are known to travel 100 kilometres or more to and from worship in a small congregation. Clergy travel huge distances and the cost of that travel is very expensive. Many congregations are without clergy and have been so for some time usually because ordained ministry cannot be afforded. In many parts of Australia the Anglican Church is seeking to find new ways of providing ministry in the Outback.'

The National Professional Standards Register
'established by the Anglican Church of Australia to protect the vulnerable from abuse'.

The National Trust St James Cathedral Conservation Appeal
'For 121 years, St James' Cathedral has been at the heart of North Queensland. It has ministered to a diocese spread from the Torres Strait to Sarina and to the Queensland-Northern Territory border. However, St James' Cathedral has had only minimal repairs and improvements and now needs urgent work so that future generations can still benefit from the special, sacred space it offers.'

New Churches for New Communities
has three goals: 'promoting the concept of establishing new churches for new communities in new growth areas of Sydney to support the new local community; organising and participating in active fundraising activities for the building of facilities that will support the new ministry ventures; and promoting the need for existing church communities to support and encourage these new church communities.'

Newlands Project
Helping the community catch up with computers and related technologies.

Parishes and Other Mission Agencies Commission
'Helping Brisbane Anglican parishes and mission agencies to increase their effectiveness, plan strategically and develop new ministries.'

Perth GFS
Perth diocesan branch of GFS Australia.

The Prayer Book Society in Australia (New South Wales Branch)
This Sydney-based organization encourages the use of the Book of Common Prayer (1662) through seminars, publications and events.

The Prayer Book Society of Australia (Victorian Branch)
This organization encourages the use and study of the Book of Common Prayer (1662).

Project Rozana
'This Australian-based initiative brings together people of different faiths and cultures with one clear objective – raising funds that will make a real difference to lives of hundreds of Palestinian children in the West Bank and Gaza Strip by providing treatment and doctor-training at one of the world's finest hospitals–Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem.'

Safe Ministry, Anglican Diocese of Sydney

St Barnabas Library
The library of St Barnabas College in Adelaide is open to the public.

St Bartholomew's House, East Perth, Western Australia
'provides community-based support, accommodation and assistance to homeless people, and establishes collaborative partnerships with individuals and other organisations to eliminate or reduce homelessness'. Affiliated with the Diocese of Perth.

St Columb's Hall Reunion
'Formed in 1996 to encourage study of the Hall's contribution to clergy formation and to study the history and future of the ordained ministry... Our journal, 'The Dove', is issued twice a year. Open to graduates and friends of Saint Columb's Hall Wangaratta, Victoria, together with those who have an interest in the training and formation of deacons and priests'.

St James King Street Music Foundation
'Foundation supports the music ministry of St James Kings Street Sydney NSW Australia'.

St James Retirement Village, Townsville, Queensland
'Owned and operated by the Anglican Church, St James has an ethos of caring about residents' welfare and providing peace of mind as they enjoy their retirement years.'

St Johns Books, Fremantle
'an ecumenical bookshop with Christian resources but including a wider range of books on mysticism, meditation, liturgy and creative worship, 'linked with the Anglican Parish of Fremantle'.

St Luke's
A social work agency providing diverse human services throughout North-Central Victoria, Australia using a client-centred, solution-focused competency-based philosophy. Social justice and community development are agency priorities.

The welfare arm of the Anglican Church throughout the Hunter, Central Coast and Manning regions of New South Wales. 'When Samaritans was first established as a social welfare agency of the Anglican Church in late 1984, it was mainly to facilitate volunteer caring projects... Today we have a staff of some 300 and 400 volunteers and an annual budget of $10 million. We are involved in a broad range of activities'.

Social Responsibilities Commisssion, Anglican Province of Western Australia
'Matters are referred to the Commission by the Synod the Anglican Church in Western Australia, by the Archbishop of Perth and the Assistant Bishops, by the Diocesan Council, and by parishes and individuals.'

SOMA: Sharing of Ministries Abroad (Australian office)
As a missionary agency within the Anglican church SOMA has pioneered the concept of short term missions within the denomination.

Social Issues Executive, Diocese of Sydney.
'We are a 'think tank' in the Anglican Diocese of Sydney. We consider what Christian theology may have to say about social issues and matters of public policy.'

Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge - Australia
'raises and provides funds to assist in creating, producing, distributing and disseminating Christian literature in countries where resources and support are scarce.' Headquartered in Adelaide, South Australia.

The Society of Catholic Priests, Australia
'a growing society of men and women serving as Priests throughout the Anglican Communion. The society is seeking to promote priestly spirituality and Catholic Evangelism.'

Society of St Francis, Brisbane Custody
Located in Brisbane, this is the Australia/New Zealand branch of the Society of St Francis.

'Spiritus brings together into one organisation the combined strengths and heritage of St Luke's Nursing Service, Anglicare Southern Queensland and Anglican Care of The Aged. We deliver community care [...] helping our clients maintain their independence and live a healthier life in their own homes.'

Storm Retirement Village, Taree, New South Wales.
'a residential aged care facility, [...] a ministry of the Anglican Diocese of Newcastle'.

Sunday Services: A Contemporary Liturgical Resource
An attractive site, worth looking at for that reason alone. It is an online version of the Diocese of Sydney's Sunday Services publication, which is sometimes used in that diocese instead of A Prayer Book for Australia. Resources are PDF files designed to be used in PowerPoint presentations, print service sheets and overheads. The material is copyrighted, but the site deals with that.

Swanleigh, Middle Swan, Western Australia
Camp and conference centre affiliated with the Diocese of Perth.

Sydney Diocesan Registry and Archives
'The Sydney Diocesan Archives provides information storage and retrieval services to the staff of the Archbishop’s Office, the Sydney Diocesan Secretariat, Anglican parishes and churches, and Anglican organisations, within the Diocese of Sydney.' The Diocesan Registry section of this site is secure, so we are not sure what it is.

The Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn's ministry for young adults and people in their early 20s.

Tasmanian Anglican
'This is the news website for the Anglican Church in Tasmania'.

Terence McKenna's 'Australian commentary on the Lectionary'
Fr McKenna teaches in the area of Biblical Studies at Charles Sturt University. His web site gives details of his commentary and instructions for subscribing. Note: Fr McKenna died in April 2003, but his website is valuable, and as long as it continues to exist, we will continue to link to it.

'The People of God'
An evangelism resource from Australia's Gymea Anglican Church.

Townsend Lodge, Perth
'In addition to the rooms, cooking and recreational facilities, we offer some general facilities.

Wollaston Conference Centre, Claremont, Western Australia
Conference centre affiliated with the Diocese of Perth.

Woolooware Shores
Taren Point, New South Wales. This Anglican retirement village offers 'newly completed 2 & 3 bedroom luxury apartments' and 'retirement living with a bit more sophistication'.

Y Anglican
'an informal network of young leaders from across the Anglican Church. It exists to create a space for constructive discussion and to promote an exchange of ideas. The network has been established in Australia with a vision of encompassing young Anglicans from all regions of the world.'

If you know of a web site that should be listed here and is not, please tell us.

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