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This page last updated 5 November 2016  

New Zealand: Resources

THE ANGLICAN CHURCH IN AOTEAROA, NEW ZEALAND, and POLYNESIA has three parts corresponding to the three parts of its name. It has 13 dioceses; seven of them are dioceses of the Pakeha (European) portion of the church, five of them are Hui Amorangi of the Maori portion of the church, which physically overlap the seven dioceses with different boundaries. The last part is the Diocese of Polynesia, which encompasses Fiji, Tonga, Samoa, and the Cook Islands.

In addition to this page, you'll find these areas in our New Zealand section:

Anglican Resources in New Zealand

An Account of New Zealand and of the Formation and Progress of the Church Missionary Society's Mission in the Northern Island
by William Yate (1835). This book about the beginnings of Anglican life in New Zealand is part of an exciting initiative launched under the name Early New Zealand Books Project.

AFFIRM (Anglicans for Faith Intercession Renewal and Mission)
'seeks to recall the church to biblical faith, the life of prayer, spiritual renewal and effective mission'.

Alpha New Zealand
The New Zealand branch of the well-known organisation that originated in England.

Anglican Aged Care
'a division of Anglican Care, Canterbury Westland, which was originally incorporated to carry out social work, under its own act of parliament in 1953, as the Social Services Council of the Diocese of Christchurch'.

Anglican Care, South Canterbury
Provides counseling, community services, and rural services.

Anglican Care Network
'a nationwide network of Anglican social service agencies, parish based programmes and interchurch groups'.

Anglican Care (Waiapu) Ltd
'offers a range of six care facilities and ten independent living villages. We provide a full continuum of care from independent villas and apartments, rental units through to rest homes, hospitals and dementia units.'

Anglican Chinese Mission
Based in the Diocese of Wellington, the Chinese Mission serves the large Chinese immigrant population in New Zealand.

Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia Media Office
'In this site you'll find local and international Anglican news, and media contacts and background information for the church in these islands.'

Anglican Church Pension Board
'provides various Superannuation, Retirement, Welfare, Health, Educational and ancilliary services on behalf of the members of the Board's Trust Funds, the Dioceses/nga Hui Amorangi, and other Religious Charitable Organisations.'

Anglican Development Fund (ADfund)
Its object is to 'make provision for the continued expansion, advancement and improvement of the mission of the Anglican Diocese of Christchurch'.

Anglican Diocese of Auckland Resource Library
'Registered users are able to view the catalogue and order books for borrowing directly from this website.'

Anglican Insurance Board
'a membership based organisation established to arrange insurance to provide for the protection of all Anglican related mission activities'.

Anglican Mainstream New Zealand
This network of individuals and parishes is 'affiliated with AFFIRM (Anglican[s?] For Faith Intercession Renewal and Mission) which is a partnership of voluntary societies in the NZ Anglican Church'.

Anglican Missions Board
'enables the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia, in a spirit of partnership, to share in the global dimension to Christ's mission of proclaiming the Gospel, nurturing believers, responding to human need, transforming society, and caring for creation.'

Anglican Pacifist Fellowship
The New Zealand branch of the international fellowship, 'a body of people within the Anglican Communion who reject war as a means of solving international disputes, and believe that peace and justice should be sought through non-violent means.'

Anglican Roman Catholic Commission of Aotearoa New Zealand
'Meeting twice annually in Auckland, we pray for unity and examine issues affecting the search for unity between the Anglican Communion and the Roman Catholic Church.'

Anglican Social Justice Commission of New Zealand
The SJC 'supports and encourages Anglicans in understanding and practising "social justice", and in integrating it into the centre of our faith journey. The Commission seeks to do this through various educational and training initiatives. Secondly the Commission also functions as a public voice of the Church on social issues, and makes representations on issues to Government, media and wider New Zealand society.'

Anglican Taonga
An online version of the New Zealand church's official publication. 'Taonga' is the Maori word for 'treasure'.

Anglican Trust for Women and Children
'The Anglican Trust for Women and Children is one of Auckland’s major charities for women and children. It is also one of the city's oldest, with its origins stretching back to 1858.'

Anglican Youth Ministries
'organisation that facilitates the growth of Youth Ministry in the Diocese' of Auckland. 'Within this area you will find over 90 Anglican parishes, Mission Districts and Local Shared Ministry Units and Church Schools that are engaged with young people in one way or another.'

Anglican Youth Yeah!
This year-long 'celebration of the young people in the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia' began on Advent Sunday 2005 and ended on Advent Sunday 2006. Although we are finding out about it just now as it finishes, it provides some bright glimpses at what looks to have been a joyous time for all involved.

Association of Anglican Women (Diocese of Wellington)

Bishop's Action Foundation
'We embed Christian values within a community development approach working alongside and with communities from a point of generosity to achieve lasting change.'

Boys Brigade New Zealand
For boys and young men, age 6 - 25, a uniformed organisation combining the discipline of the army with the Christian faith.

Christchurch City Mission (Diocese of Christchurch)
Anglican Social Services ministry

Christmas at Church
A website provided by the Diocese of Wellington, explaining the meaning of Christmas and encouraging church attendance at Christmas.

Church Army New Zealand
This organization has been active in New Zealand since 1935. 'Our task has always been: to follow Christ, to make him known, and to help others to do the same.'

Council for Christian Nurture (Diocese of Auckland)
The Council for Christian Nurture covers ministry resources for parish, youth, and the like for the Auckland diocese in the first instance, and more widely, other NZ dioceses.

Easter at Church
A website provided by the Diocese of Wellington, explaining the meaning of Easter and encouraging church attendance at Easter.

'Daily offices voice-recorded for every morning and evening from the New Zealand Prayer Book and the Revised Common Lectionary.'

Genesis Publications
'Publications for Anglicans in Australia and New Zealand'. Publishes education and liturgical resources in English and Maori.

Household of Deacons
A resource for vocational deacons of the Diocese of Christchurch. Includes online versions of their delightful newsletter, Towel Tales.

The Kinder Library
This library serves the Anglican Church in Aotearoa New Zealand and Polynesia and the Methodist Church of New Zealand. It is located at St John's Theological College/Trinity Methodist Theological College in Auckland.

Koinonia KiwiSaver Scheme
'The Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia and the Trustees offer the Koinonia KiwiSaver Scheme as a further extension of the Anglican Church’s service to Christians and Christian organisations.'

Houchen Retreat House and Conference Centre, Hamilton
'a rural haven set in five acres of gardens, native bush and beautiful bird life'.

Latimer Fellowship New Zealand
'A voluntary society within the Anglican Church in Aotearoa New Zealand,' Latimer Fellowship 'offers an evangelical Christian contribution to the discussion of contemporary issues.'

Leslie Groves Services
'founded in 1952 as an outreach Ministry of St John's Anglican Parish, Roslyn. It is a not-for-profit charitable organisation which provides residential care for those in need, particularly the elderly.'

A site by the Reverend Bosco Peters. 'In a church that is liturgically "Northern Hemisphere", there are attempts to appropriate the tradition into a hemisphere that experiences liturgical seasons in different weather.'
'It includes a contemporary ceremonial for the New Zealand Prayer Book Eucharist, a ceremonial which would be applicable to other contemporary rites; each week it has been presenting the history and a reflection on a collect; it will have the history of the Anglican Eucharist in New Zealand.'

Living Liturgy
'Living Liturgy by LabOra is a major new initiative for the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia. As well as providing a huge collection of liturgical resources, Living Liturgy enables the user to prepare a liturgy and produce it as booklets or a PowerPoint presentation at the click of a mouse.'

Local Shared Ministry Resources
From the Diocese of Auckland.

Morning and Evening Prayer podcast from the New Zealand Prayer Book
'By providing a recorded office of morning and evening prayer every day of the year, the Genesis Trust is expressing the vision of the CHURCH at prayer and with attention to the scriptures. While rooted in the liturgy of the Anglican Church, the Trust envisages the reach of its ministry crossing all denominational and geographic boundaries. In the spirit of the Prayer Book services, what is provided seeks to be a common meeting place for the entire spectrum of theological and ecclestiastical positions.'

Mothers' Union NZ
Seeks 'the transformation of communities worldwide through the nurture of the family in its many forms'.

Wellington Diocesan news website.

New Wine New Zealand
Formerly known as Anglican Renewal Ministries New Zealand. This organization's 'vision is to see as many Christians and Churches as possible alive with the joy of knowing and worshipping Jesus Christ, equipped to live out and proclaim His Kingdom'.

New Zealand Church Missionary Society
With headquarters in Christchurch, this evangelical Anglican missionary organization has about 40 missionaries serving throughout the world. In 2000, the South American Missionary Society of New Zealand merged with NZCMS.

New Zealand Hymnbook Trust
'founded in 1978 by the Anglican, Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian Churches and the Associated Churches of Christ'. 'Since then it has pioneered the publication of New Zealand hymns and songs, sung by a growing number of churches throughout New Zealand and also overseas - USA, Canada, the UK and especially Australia.'

'Our Church, Anytime, Anywhere.' Online faith community under the guidance and oversight of the Dioces of Waiapu.

The Order of Saint Stephen
'A religious order of young Anglicans aged 16 - 30 years old committed to their faith and each other.' It's on Facebook, but some of it can be viewed without a Facebook login.

'resourcing Anglican youth ministries in New Zealand'.

'the online community for the rangatahi leaders of Te Pihopatanga o Aotearoa (the Maori Anglican Church) to come together to connect, grow and worship'.

St Fillan's Healing Ministry
Based at St Alban's Anglican Church, Balmoral, Auckland, New Zealand, 'offers Christian Healing services, Reconciliation services, relationship blessing, house blessing, deliverance, Celtic Eucharist.'

The Selwyn Foundation Group
'The aged care arm of the Anglican Social Services for the Diocese of Auckland, providing residential care for the elderly of all religious beliefs, culture and ethnicity'.

'exists to serve youth and children's ministry, and ministry to their families, in the Anglican Church by providing education, training and advocacy for young people, volunteer leaders, clergy and lay people and professional workers'.

Te Mara
'the official Rangatahi Ministry School of Te Pihopatanga o Aotearoa (the Maori Anglican Church)'.

Te Rau Aroha
The Diocese of Waikato and Taranaki's beach camp and conference centre, established in 1952, Waihi Beach. Its name means 'leaf of love.'

Te Rongopai Community Trust
'community focused ministry'.

Te Whare Wananga o Te Pihopatanga o Aotearoa - Mihingare
'Education and Ministry Training from the Maori Anglican Church will fulfill the Te Pihopatanga o Aotearoa’s mission to empower and equip Hui Amorangi by encouraging high quality education, training, and research that maintains and advances Karaitianga through Matauranga Maori.'

Tikanga Toru Youth Commission
'Our purpose is to strengthen and support ministry to young people through advocacy, training, and fellowship.'

Vaughan Park, Auckland
Retreat and conference centre of the Diocese of Auckland.

'Vive is the youth and young adults crew of Karori Anglican Churches. Our passion is to pursue the type of life that God made us for. We believe that this sort of life ought to be exciting, dynamic and fulfilling. This life pursuit draws us together in community, it rejects mediocrity and small thinking and believes that love can change the world.'

Waiapu Anglican Social Services
Social services agency of the Diocese of Waiapu

Wellington City Mission (Diocese of Wellington)
Anglican Social Services ministry

Wellington Diocesan Anglican Cursillo
'The movement offers a method by which our relationship with God may be developed, lived out with the support of other Christians, and used by God to change the world about us.'

Whangarei Anglican Care Trust
'As occasions arise, we support and respond to the needs of people in crisis, either by direct help or by refferral to other agencies, helping individuals who are in a state of stress or not knowing where to turn.'

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