Denominational, Provincial,
and Diocesan Education Pages
Church of England
Education Division
Links to children's, youth and adult work.
Church of Ireland General Synod
Board of Education
The Board, responsible for educational ministry for the four Anglican dioceses in Northern Ireland, works in four areas: children's ministry,
higher education, parish development, and publishing.
Diocese of
Christian Formation resources for children and adults.
Diocese of Missouri
Christian Education
US Episcopal Church Ministries with
Young People Cluster
The Cluster works with three groups: persons under 30; adults who advocate and work with young people; ministries in higher education.
They also have an extensive but un-annotated/un-updated Resource List.

Curriculum, Books, and Other Media--Publishers and Distributors
Augsburg Fortress
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) publishers.
Beacon Press
Unitarian Universalist Association publishers.
Chalice Press
Christian Board of Publications, arm of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Publishes books "for readers who share an emphasis
on unity in diversity and a critical/rational approach to biblical and theological matters."
Channing Bete Co.
In this site, you'll discover a wealth of materials aimed at helping people
enhance their faith and deepen their spiritual commitment to God. Channing Bete's simple and informative booklets with their distinctve
line-art are familiar to many folks in the States. They also have more contemporary designs.
United Methodist publishers. In addition to a wide variety of curricula and books, they are also the source for the popular Disciple Bible
study program; a series of leaflets to help parents teach the faith at home, FaithHome for Parents; and many other popular CE
resources. They also operate a wide network of bricks-and-mortar bookstores at seminary and judicatory offices in many denominations.
Cowley Publishers
Founed as the publishing ministry of the Society of St John the Evangelist, an Anglican men's order based in Cambridge, MA, USA. Extensive list of
books which make excellent adult education resources.
Creative Communciations for
the Parish, Inc.
An ecumenical publishing house that specializes in worship and devotional materials for liturgical churches.
Ecumenical Film Institute. Wide variety of videos for children's, youth and adult education.
Educational Ministries,
EMI has been publishing Christian education resources for mainline Protestant
churches for over 20 years. Review their 200+ available resources, which include seasonal resources, retreats and family programs, worship
designs, leadership training, and ideas for children's ministry, adult ministry and youth ministry. Very affordable materials. Also learn
about EMI's two monthly publications, one on worship and one on church education.
Faith and Life Resources
Mennonite publisher.
Forward Movement
Ever wonder where all those leaflets in the racks in the church entry come from? Here's a main source. Also the publishers of the Episcopal
daily devotional Forward Day by Day.
Judson Press
American Baptist Convention publishers.
Publishers of "adult Bible study with a difference." Variety of bible study curricula of varying lengths. Widely used in many
US Episcopal Church and other mainline congregations.
This publisher publishes educational material created in parishes and dioceses in the Anglican community. They have extensive resources
in leadership development, adult formation and ministry with children, as well as the 'The Journey to Adulthood', a comprehensive
program for young people between the ages of 11 and 17. They also provide consultant services. You can download samples of all their
offerings from their website.
Liturgical Press
Roman Catholic publishers of adult and children's catechetical resources,
as well as scholarly works on liturgy and music.
Liturgy Training Publications
Materials to assist Roman Catholics to live from their liturgy; much material that can be used by Anglicans too.
Logos Productions
American publishers of The Whole People of God curriculum, Making Disciples confirmation program, and many teaching, preaching,
and worship aids.
Paulist Press
Roman Catholic publisher with particular strengths in spirituality as well as Christian formation.
Pilgrim Press
United Church of Christ publishers.
Plough Books
Plough is the publishing house of the Bruderhof, "a community movement of families and single women and men. Our common basis is
faith in Christ; all the same, we acknowledge God's working in all people, no matter their background or creed, who strive for justice,
peace, love, and joy. Descended from German Anabaptist/Hutterite roots. Their backlist is now available as free e-books.
St Mary's
Roman Catholic press specializing in youth ministry and religious
Smith and Helwys
Publishers from a liberal Baptist (USA) heritage. Publish an innovative Vacation Bible School curriculum, "Under Construction," in
conjunction with Habitat for Humanity.
Church Press
United Church of Christ curriculum division. Responsible for the creative fine arts-and-lectionary curriculum Imagining the Word,
and also publishes a series of Bible story board books for very young children, written by noted Christian educator Carol Wehrheim.
(The) Upper Room
United Methodist publisher and resource provider with excellent materials
on spiritual growth.
Urban Ministries
Urban Ministries, Inc. (UMI) believes it is the largest independent African American owned and operated religious publisher.
Wood Lake Books
Canadian publishers of The Whole People of God curriculum and many other resources.
General Resources
The Alban Institute
See the entry in the Parish Resources section of Anglicans
Online. Growing library of books on spiritual practices as well as leadership and parish administration.
Alternatives for Simple Living
Distributors of the "Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?" Christmas resource and publisher of many materials in the area of voluntary
simplicity from a Christian perspective. Equipping people of faith to challenge consumerism, live justly and celebrate responsibly.
Anglican Youthworks
Part of the Anglican Diocese of Sydney. A comprehensive site that provides 'ready-to-use Religious Education lesson plans, Bible and
ministry resources, training workshops and courses and camps and conferences developed by our team of trained Advisers'.
Building Faith: An Online Christian
Ed community
'Church Publishing Incorporated created buildingfaith to be an on-line community
for Christian education and faith formation leaders. Clergy and lay professionals and church volunteers from different denominations
can share knowledge and best practices, offering each other encouragement and practical tools.'
Canterbury Scholars Programme
'provides opportunities for Anglican / Episcopalian Christians from around the Anglican Communion to pray, study and live together at
the International Study Centre, Canterbury Cathedral'.
Center for Baptismal Living
Our mission is to join with others in reclaiming the centrality of Baptism in the life of the Church and the life of every Christian
through providing a multifaceted effort to support, encourage, enhance, and equip congregations and individuals in the ministry and
vocation of the Baptized. While the Episcopal / Anglican Church is our primary mission, we welcome and share with all Christians.
Center for Children and Theology
The spiritual life of children is the focus of research at the Center for Children and Theology. It seeks to encourage dialogue, inquiry,
to listen to the voices of children and to explore the theological gifts children have to offer. Reciprocally, the Center seeks the
best theology that the community of faith has to offer children today. Lists
training courses for catechists for Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program, and links to newletters and occasional papers.
The Center for Courage and Renewal
This Center supports the "Courage to Teach" initiative. Under the guidance of Parker J. Palmer, author of The Courage to
Teach, the Fetzer Institute created the Courage to Teach (CTT) program, piloting an approach to professional development called "teacher
This approach is rooted in the belief that good teaching flows from the identity and integrity of the teacher. The formation process
invites educators to reclaim their own wholeness and vocational clarity, and makes connections between the renewal of a teacher's spirit
and the revitalization of public education. The center provides information, consultation, and program development assistance to schools,
colleges, and communities that wish to initiate CTT programs.
Center for Ministry Development
Roman Catholic (but very easily adapted) resources for all-ages education, lifelong learning, youth and family ministry and young adult
Action Research and Education (UK) Education resource catalog. Appears to be an ecumenical evangelical coalition in UK.
Church Divinity School of the Pacific
(US Episcopal Church seminary)
The school offers several online courses every year.
US Episcopal
Church General Ordination Examination
(GOE) and various pages about the US Episcopal Church ordination process and the General Board of Examining Chaplains.
Faith at Home
'Offers tips and ideas for parents interested in spiritual formation of their children at home. From playtime, art, and Godly play stories
to Sundays and holy days, a sacramental approach to bringing up young children in faith-filled daily life'.
and Boys Town
Nebraska, USA. Girls and Boys Town's mission is to provide food, clothing, shelter, education, spiritual guidance and medical care to
homeless, neglected and abused boys and girls. Resource page.
Godly Play
Inspired by his advanced Montessori studies with Sofia Cavaletti in 1971, Dr. Jerome Berryman returned to Houston to develop a comprehensive
religious education curriculum based on the pioneering work of Montessori and Cavaletti. This approach to religious education has
come to be known as "Godly Play." Godly Play is in use in many Anglican parishes as well as in other denominations.
International Anglican
Family Network
Network to advocate for the needs of the family worldwide. Managed by the Children's
Society in the UK.
Mustard Seed Series Online
Produced by Curriculum Development Associates, publisher of author Anita E. Keire. It says that it 'Offers Christian Educators and parents
resources that inform, guide, and inspire on how best to pass on the Christian faith in the classroom, at home, and in the wider
world'. The Mustard Seed Series curriculum, sold in both CDROM and book form, has materials designed for every age from 5 to to the
middle teens (kindergarten through grade 9 in the USA).
National Association
of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is an approach to the religious formation of children. It is rooted in the Bible, the liturgy of
the church, and the educational principles of Maria Montessori. This program is in use in many Roman Catholic and Anglican parishes.The
National Assocation's website gives the background of CGS and lists publications and training resources.
National Council
of Churches: Ministries in Christian Education
Find out what the NCCC does in Christian education, in fact what it does in all its ministries for the family. No resource list, but
includes contact information and descriptions for their various committees and working groups.
New Wine: Equipping Churches to see
Jesus' kingdom grow
'Our vision is to see the nation changed through Christians and churches being filled with the Spirit, alive with the joy of knowing
and worshipping Jesus Christ, living out his Word, and doing the works of the Kingdom of God.' They encourage the training of leaders
in all ministries of the church with special emphasis on youth. What began in one parish outside London has ' spread not
only to Scotland, Ireland and Wales, but to twenty countries in Scandinavia, Africa, North America, Western Europe, South East Asia and
New Zealand.'
The Parish Pump
Provides artistic and editorial material for printed church magazines. We
'produce graphics, news, stories, children's pages, puzzles, magazine covers, reviews, cartoons, quotes, jokes, prayers and poems.'
Puzzlemaker is a puzzle generation tool for teachers, students and parents. Create and print customized word search, crossword and math
puzzles using your word lists. Build your own maze or print our specialty hand-drawn mazes created around holidays and classroom
topics. Great for Sunday School activities and children's bulletins.
St James Center for Spiritual Formation (Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA)
The mission of the Center is to offer training in the three sides of a faithful life -- spirituality, knowledge and action -- in order
to encourage and assist Christians in cooperating with God's transforming work.
St John in the Wilderness (Minnesota,
Adult Education and Formation. Excellent site from a parish that evidently does some very sophisitcated adult education. Among other
useful offerings, this site 'features a download of the US 1979 Book of Common
Prayer as a Microsoft Reader .lit e-book. The text has been extensively cross-referenced with hyperlinks, and colour fonts used in the
various headings and comment passages to increase readability'. There are also a number of good PDF files for download.
Science education for the
Could your rector pass this quiz? Could you? This is Dr Ed Friedlander's take on what clergy should
know. (It's not an aesthetically pretty file, but the content is most useful.)
Search Institute
An independent, nonprofit, nonsectarian organization whose mission is to advance the well-being of adolescents and children by generating
knowledge and promoting its application. To accomplish this mission, the institute generates, synthesizes, and communicates new knowledge,
convenes organizational and community leaders, and works with state and national organizations. At the heart of the institute's work
is the framework of 40 developmental assets, which are positive experiences, relationships, opportunities, and personal qualities
that young people need to grow up healthy, caring, and responsible. Also the publishers of a landmark 1990 study of the effectiveness
of Christian education in Protestant congregations.
Seminary Distance
A detailed listing of seminaries (not just Anglican) that offer online distance courses.
Sojourners Community Resources
Study guides and resources from the well-known evangelical social justice community/advocacy network.
of St Andrews, Scotland - School of Divinity
Now offering a postgraduate M.Litt theology degree by online distance learning.
of the South
The Programs Center of the School of Theology at the University of the South (also known as Sewanee) offers programs for adult Christian
formation: "Education for Ministry" (EFM), and "Disciples of Christ in Community" (DOCC).
'Will Our Faith Have Children? Christian Formation from Generation to
The more than 600 Episcopalians committed to forming faithful Christians attended this February 2003 event, which included parish volunteers,
professional youth ministers and Christian educators, parish deacons and priests, and over a dozen bishops. This
site includes bibliographies and resource lists, videos and many other elements from the event, so that those who were not able to
attend can still benefit.
Women of the Bible
A one-woman show from a noted actress that 'features visits from Biblical women who tell their stories and carry messages across the
generations to empower people in their day-to-day living'. The creator and actress notes that: 'Women of the Bible' is being enthusiastically
received by congregations, women's groups, Christian schools, seniors groups and the like'.
Vibrant Faith Ministries
The Youth & Family Institute is a non-profit, faith-based organization that seeks to help families pass on Christian faith from
milestone to milestone. Its mission is to strengthen congregations and families to nurture faith, pass on faith, and live well in Christ. A
Lutheran non-profit formerly associated with Augsburg College in Minnesota.
Youth Work Resources (UK)
"Created to provide you with the tools you need to provide quality youth work. We aim to have ready made Meeting Plans, ideas, projects
for you and your youth work."

Distance Education
Harvard Divinity School (USA)
Masters of Theological Studies program. 'Students interested in the MTS degree at Harvard Divinity School are urged to check the online
HDS Courses of Instruction as this implementation proceeds and as faculty designate existing courses and design new ones to fit the
new distribution requirements.'
United Faculty of Theology at the University of Divinity
The United Faculty of Theology (UFT) is an ecumenical partnership of three theological colleges in Parkville, Melbourne.
University of St Andrews (Scotland)
Online program from St Mary's College School of Divinity.
College, University of Toronto (Canada)
Offers online courses if you 'would like to get a head start on your theological education.'

Religious Education (RE) in Schools
National Association of Episcopal Schools
For all those involved in pre-K--12 weekday education in the US Episcopal Church.
The National Society (Church of England)
for Promoting Religious Education
Focuses on promoting Religious Education in schools.
Religious Education on the Web
Directed to the UK, this site is comprehensive and includes a 'searchable index of over 300 RE Resources drawn from all over the
Web, arranged by faith and Key Stage'. (Cross listed under England: Resources)

Supplies and Equipment
Christian Crafters
More craft ideas for Sunday School and Vacation Bible School than you can shake a measuring stick at.
E-Church Depot
Christian Ed Publishers, independent, non-denominational, evangelical publishing company founded nearly 50 years ago to produce
Christ-centered Bible club curriculum materials based on the Word of God has merged with eChurch Depot.
Community Playthings
High-quality early-childhood classroom furniture manufactured by The Bruderhof, a Christian community descended from the Hutterite/Anabaptist
Oriental Trading Company
All sorts of inexpensive party goods, decorations, gifts, and themed gadgets and gizmos.
S&S Crafts
Pre-packaged, easy to use, affordable Christian crafts.

Conference Centres and Continuing Education Programmes
Virginia Theological Seminary: Center
for the Ministry of Teaching
Alexandria, VA, USA. VTS offers masters' degrees in Christian education and youth ministry.
Kanuga Conference Center
Hendersonville, NC, USA. Independent conference center supported by several of the dioceses in the southeastern USA, with several conferences
useful to Christian educators, youth ministers, and others interested in Christian formation.
Life Long Learning Opportunities
A searchable database of learning opportunities allowing you to locate learning opportunities related to theology and ministry from around
the world. Searchable by topic, audience, location, date, sponsor, denomination, learning mode or keyword. A joint program of the
Episcopal Church USA, the Lutheran Church (ELCA), and United Methodist Church.

Ministry Development
Education for Ministry
The University of the South (Episcopal)'s excellent program of lay theological education.
The Li Tim-Oi Foundation
Promoting ministry for women. 'In 1994, on the Golden Jubilee of Li Tim-Oi's priesting, Archbishop Donald Coggan launched the Li Tim-Oi
Foundation in St Martin-in-the-Fields, London. It has so far helped 200 women from 67 dioceses in 11 provinces of the Anglican Communion
[...] More than 50 have been or will be ordained. Without the help of the Foundation, they would not have been able to fulfil their
vocations to leadership roles in their own countries.'
Ministry Developers' Collaborative
A US-based site 'opening doors for growth and learning among those called to develop ministering congregations by building links among
dioceses, seminaries, institutes, and programs. By ministry developers, we mean people who support congregations in the development
of baptismal ministry, and in the transition from dependence on professional ministry to a community where ministry is owned and
shared by all the members'.

Networks Useful to Christian
National Association for Episcopal Christian
Education Directors (NAECED)
A network of Christian Education professionals, paid and unpaid, in the Episcopal Church. NAECED provides support, training, and networking
opportunities. Members include part- and full-time parish education
directors, diocesan education staff, consultants, and resource center directors.