ON THIS PAGE we link you to general Church of England and UK-wide
resources. The roster is in alphabetical order. See also these
sections of our England listings:

General Resources
Access to Archives (A2A)
An online catalogue of the vast archival resources of England.
Archbishops' Commission on Rural Areas (Faith in the Countryside) Chichester Branch. This website is updated with some frequency, and
it provides a good amount of information on 'Recording - Informing - Challenging - Celebrating the Rural Church'.
Acts 435
'Acts 435 is a revolutionary website that allows people to give money directly to others. 100% of what is donated via Acts 435 goes directly
to those in need. The Patron of Acts 435 is the Archbishop of York, The Most Reverend and Right Honourable Dr. John Sentamu.'
Additional Curates Society
'The Additional Curates Society was founded on 12th July 1837 by Joshua Watson. We rejoice in 170 years of helping to provide priests
to work in poor and populous parishes and of fostering and encouraging vocations to the Sacred Priesthood.'
Affirming Catholicism (UK
From the web site: 'Affirming Catholicism is a movement of hope and inspiration (and not an ecclesiastical party). It seeks to bring
together and strengthen those within the Anglican church who recognise the positive, inclusive and joyful currents in the Catholic tradition
of Christianity. We are confident in our Anglican heritage, with its emphasis on scripture, reason and church tradition'. There are also
links to Affirming Catholicism branches elsewhere in the world.
Allchurches Trust Limited (ATL)
'a registered charity that seeks to promote the Christian religion. It provides grants to Anglican churches, churches of other denominations and the Christian community with an emphasis on heritage, care and the community. It is completely independent of the Church of England though, because of its Christian aims, some of its trustees and members are leading figures in the Church of England.'
An Alternative Guide to Suffolk
A personal review by Simon Knott of more than 630 churches. An informative and interesting site, but be warned that many large photos
take quite some time to download.
Angels and Pinnacles
'In Suffolk we have a magnificent heritage of parish churches. There is a church in every community of which over 230 are Grade I listed and over are 180 Grade II listed. These beautiful buildings, built to the glory of God, offer a wealth of history, architecture and wildlife. They are open and welcoming year round for you to enjoy.'
Anglican Association of Advisers
in Pastoral Care and Counselling
'exists to promote both pastoral care and counselling within the Dioceses of the Anglican Church'.
Anglican Cell Church Network
A 'resource for Anglican churches in the UK thinking about or implementing the cell church model.'
Anglican Church Planting Initiatives,
Sheffield, England
Provides 'advice, coaching and consultancy to Anglicans and other denominations and streams when time permits on planting churches, mission
projects, church growth and leadership.'
Anglican Investment Agency Trust
'an English charity established to support or benefit the Archbishop of Canterbury's Anglican Communion Fund. The AIA was created by
a deed of trust dated 12 November 1997'.
An Anglican-Methodist
'A Covenant between the Methodist Church of Great Britain and the Church of England was signed on 1 November 2003.' As is meet, it has
its own website.
Anglican Fellowship in
Scouting and Guiding
'formed at the request of the Clergy, Scouters and Guiders in 1983 to develop resources and implement "DUTY TO GOD" in a relevant
and exciting way'.
The Anglican Stewardship
'The low level of giving by many Church of England people is the main cause of the Church's financial problems. [...] The Church must
promote a spirituality which relates faith to money in every area of its life and that of its members. ASA enables the local church to
work towards this goal by offering a continuing teaching programme so members learn to give generously and respond sacrificially to God's
Anglican Women Evangelicals: Supporting
Ordained Ministry (AWESOME)
'We are a network of women ordained into the Anglican Church from
across the Evangelical spectrum. We include and welcome into our number all ordained evangelical women, both permanent deacons and priests.
We exist specifically to support and pray for one another in ministry, seeking to learn from scripture, the Spirit and one another. We
will seek to equip one another for ordained ministry in the Church, that the Church might be better equipped to fulfil her Gospel imperative.'
The Archbishop of Canterbury's Reconciliation Ministry
'Reconciliation is one of Archbishop Justin Welby's three priority areas for his ministry.'
The Arthur Rank Centre
The ARC supports rural churches and their communities in the UK, and also provides a chaplain to the Royal Agricultural Society of England.
Its site includes liturgical texts for services on Lammas Day, Rogation, Harvest Thanksgiving and 'Plough Sunday'.
The Assemblies Website (UK)
Materials for primary schools ... designed to help teachers and others who lead assemblies by providing ideas, outlines and best practice
guidance to deliver the Christian worship in schools required by the UK Education Act of 1988.
The Association of Diocesan
and Cathedral Archaeologists
'a professional organisation which will represent archaeologists who are charged with the proper conduct of archaeology of cathedrals
and parish churches; this representation will be to cathedral chapters (collectively or individually), English Heritage, and the two
church bodies the CFCE and CCC. [...] It will have an annual conference at which current issues can be examined. It may seek to establish
models for contracts of employment for consultants of both kinds. Other benefits and features intended include a newsletter, a website,
and other measures to bring church archaeologists together and present their views.'
Association of Diocesan Registry Clerks
'A network of women ordained into the Anglican Church from across the evangelical spectrum. We include all stages of ministry from ordinands to those who are retired. We exist to support and pray for one another in ministry, learning from scripture, the Spirit and one another. We seek to equip one another for ordained ministry in the Church, that the Church might be better equipped to fulfil her gospel imperative. Our basis of faith is contained in the CEEC statement of faith.'
Bell Ringers - Diocesan Guilds
Bath and Wells Diocesan Association of Change Ringers, Bath Branch
Carlisle Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers
Chester Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers, East Cheshire Branch, Mid Cheshire Branch, Wirral Branch
Coventry Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers
Derby Diocesan Association of Church Bellringers
Ely Diocesan Association of Church Bell Ringers, Cambridge District, Huntingdon District
Essex Association of Change Ringers
Gloucester and Bristol Diocesan Association of Church Bell Ringers
Guildford Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers, Chertsey District
Hereford Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers
Leicester Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers
Lincoln Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers
Middlesex County Association and London Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers
Norwich Diocesan Association of Ringers
Oxford Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers, Bicester Branch, North Bucks Branch, Oxford City Branch, South Oxon Branch, Vale of White Horse Branch
Peterborough Diocesan Guild of Church Bellringers, Daventry Branch, Wellingborough Branch
Salisbury Diocesan Guild of Ringers
Southwell and Nottingham Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers
Truro Diocesan Guild of Ringers
Winchester and Portsmouth Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers, Channel Islands District
The Ladies' Guild of Change Ringers
Better Together
'a new campaign calling on all Anglicans to come together to enhance the Church's mission and ministry. Through applying the principles
of unity, diversity, freedom and respect, we can positively affirm what we believe is best for the Church of England and for its
role at the heart of our society.'
Birmingham Readers' Association
This site provides a wealth of information about activities for lay readers in the Diocese of Birmingham.
Bishop Ho Ming Wah Centre
Formed in 1987 to support the Chinese community at St Martin the Fields, London.
Named for 'Bishop Ronald Owen Hall (Ho Ming Wah in Chinese), the Bishop of Hong Kong and Macao (1932-1966)'.
Bromley and Sheppard's Colleges.
Bromley, Kent.
'Bromley College was founded in 1666 by the Will of John Warner, Bishop of Rochester 1638-1666, to provide housing for "twenty poore
widowes of orthodoxe and loyall clergiemen." Sheppard's College was founded in 1840, following an appeal by the Chaplain, Thomas
Scott, to Mrs Sophia Sheppard, the wealthy widow of Dr Sheppard, Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford. The Chaplain saw the problem of
an unmarried clergy daughter becoming homeless when her mother died and Mrs Sheppard provided the means to accommodate them by building
a terrace of five houses.'
Burrswood Health and Wellbeing Centre
'is about transforming lives through whole person care'.
Capital Vision
'the Diocese of London's shared vision of a Church for London that is Christ-centred and outward looking. To enable us to be more confident in speaking and living the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we are seeking to equip and commission 100,000 ambassadors representing Jesus Christ in daily life.'
Caring for God's Acre
'Promoting the conservation of churchyards, cemeteries and burial grounds across the Hereford diocese'. Includes a fine conference report
entitled Cherishing Churchyards.
Cathedral Friends
Friends of Chichester
Friends of Truro
Association of the Friends of Lincoln
Friends of Wells Cathedral
Cautley House Christian Centre
'The house was established in November 1994 as an Anglican foundation and is administered by The Cautley Trust with the Archbishop of
Canterbury as its patron.' 'Cautley House is a place to find peace and greater wholeness; a place to discover or re-discover the
reality of the living and present God.'
'Provide investment and property fund management services to the Church of England, eligible charities in England and Wales and local authorities.'
'Celebrating Common
Prayer' Ordo
Anyone who uses 'Celebrating Common Prayer' and who also wishes
to follow the new Church of England Calendar may find these CCP ordo web pages most
helpful. They've been prepared by Simon Sarmiento from the original 2000 Ordo supplied by Brother Tristam SSF.
Chichester Diocesan Association
for Family Support Work
Children's Society
This is one of the most important Christian charities in the UK. It exists to work with and for children and young people, regardless
of race, culture, or creed. It has close connections to the Church of England.
Christian Bookshops directory
'Includes alphabetical listings by shop name and town or city, brief descriptions, contact information and opening times for registered
shops, web links where available, a customised search engine and an opportunity for visitor feedback or bookshop reviews. More than 350
shops are currently listed across more than 250 UK towns and cities'.
The Christian Conference Trust
Conference centres and retreat houses.
Christian Stewardship
The Diocese of Chichester assembled a wealth of information on Christian stewardship. Though some links may be relevant for the rest
of the Communion, the site is primarily of value in the UK. 'A comprehensive resource about all aspects of Christian stewardship:
environmental matters and personal finances, as well as giving to the church. Whilst based in the Chichester diocese, it contains
hundreds of links to other churches, dioceses, organisations and ecumenical partners. Includes sermons and worship materials as well
as practical guides to running parish stewardship renewal programmes.'
Christians in Secular Ministry
CHRISM is 'an association for all Christians who see their secular employment as a primary field of Christian ministry and for those
who would support and encourage that vision.'
The Church
and Blindness
A splendid site with all manner of information, resources, and links for parishes who want to reach out to visually impaired people.
The site includes information about the 'Books in Pews for VIPs' (visually impaired people) initiative.
The Church and Community
'The CCF gives grants to community projects run by parish churches, deaneries, dioceses and other bodies connected to or working in partnership
with the Church of England.' Founded in 1915, formerly known as the Central Church Fund.
The Church Army
Society of evangelists in the Church of England, with branches in Canada, Australia,
and the USA.
Church Care
'We show that churches are active, relevant and worthy of support. And we help churches and cathedrals get the best out of their buildings.'
Church Communications Training
'Do you want to improve your church’s communications? These courses are a good place to start. Our bespoke training days contain
lots of tips and ideas that you will be able to apply in your church setting.'
Church Growth Research
'an 18 month research project exploring some of the factors that might explain church growth in the Church of England. Findings from
this research should help equip and resource those in parish ministry and provide decision makers at every level of the Church with valuable
evidence on how resources can be allocated to support growth.'
Church House Conference and
Banqueting Centre
A historic Grade II listed building in leafy green Dean's Yard within the shadows of Westminster Abbey. Once home to the Houses of
Lords and Commons at times during 1940-1945 and the venue for the first meeting of the United Nations in 1945. Want to see what Church
House, Westminster looks like? This site includes pictures of all the public rooms.
Church House Deaneries Group
'a group of enthusiasts for the life, work and development of deaneries within the Church of England. It aims both to stimulate local
and national consideration of the developing role of the deanery and facilitate a national network of information about deanery thinking
and initiatives.'
Church House
The publishing department of the Church of England has a complete catalogue on the web. You can browse, use various search features
on the site, and sample
selected publications.
Church Lads' and Church Girls' Brigade
A uniformed organisation operating within the Anglican Communion. The Church Lads' Brigade was founded in 1891 and the Church Girls'
Brigade was founded in 1923. In 1978 these two organizations combined to form The Church Lads' and Church Girls' Brigade. Branches
can be found all over the UK.
Church Mission Society
'A voluntary society working on behalf of the Anglican Churches of England, Scotland and Wales. For 200 years it has provided missionaries
to work in many parts of the world. CMS is actively involved in sharing God's love with the people of Africa, Asia, the Middle East and
Europe, through the exchange of personnel and ideas, project funding and scholarships'.
A Church Near You
A directory of CofE churches in England and Wales.
Church of England Alphabetical Companion
'This companion aims to provide a glossary (or dictionary) of many of the terms used in the context of the governance of the Church of England. Like all organisations, the Church of England has its own specialised vocabulary that can be baffling to those new to it. It is hoped that the companion will provide a user-friendly way in to this vocabulary.'
Church of England Christenings
'Discover all you need to know about choosing, planning and going to a Church of England christening.'
of England Daily Prayer
The publication of the Common Worship volume, Daily Prayer: Preliminary Edition, has just occurred and the text is available online.
Church of England Evangelical Council
'A federation of Anglican Evangelical Agencies who realise that their voices carry more weight when they speak together.'
Church of England Flower Arrangers Association
Church of
England Marriage and Divorce booklet
This document was released 20 September 1999 and differs from previous booklets in significant ways. The text of the booklet is on their
web site; you can get the booklet itself at most churches.
Church of England Record Society
The website includes monographs and collections of documents relating to the history of the Church of England. Membership is available
to interested persons and entitles the member to each year's volume and a discount on prior years' volumes. The Society's publications
have received favourable notice in scholarly journals.
Church of England Soldiers', Sailors' & Airmen's Housing Association
Church of England Youth Council
An active group of youth (16 - 24) who are striving for 'a place where young people will feel encouraged, enabled and confident to inspire
change, and of a council that has an impact, takes action, and is able to challenge itself, the church, and our society.'
Church Housing Trust
Church Legacy
'Once you have made provision for your loved ones, you have the opportunity to make a lasting gift to God, by leaving a legacy to His church. Leaving a gift in your Will to your local church is one of the most valuable and lasting ways you can continue to support the mission and ministry in your community.'
Church Pastoral Aid Society
This evangelical organisation was founded by Lord Shaftesbury in 1836. Today CPAS has responsibility for nominating to over 500 benefices
in the Church of England.
Church Plans Online
'In conjunction with the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, the Library will digitise all the plans in the archive of the Incorporated
Church Building Society. Some 11,800 plans and drawings will be made freely available over the internet during 2002-3 and onwards'.
Church Print Hub
Church Society
'... exists to promote a biblical faith which shapes both the Church of England and the society in which we live for the sake of Christ.'
Church Support Hub
'Welcome to the latest information and practical resources to support ministry and mission through the Church of England's occasional offices, and to help encourage, discern and nurture vocation.'
The Church Union
The Church Union, a society within the Church of England, is the oldest surviving Anglo-Catholic society, tracing its roots back to the
foundation of the 'English Church Union' in 1859.
The Church Urban Fund
The Church Urban Fund (CUF) is founded on the belief that the Church in obedience to the commandment 'Thou shalt love thy neighbour as
thyself' seeks the pursuit of justice to create a more just ordering of economic life, by attempting to secure for all who are our
neighbours such opportunities as are necessary for their full development as persons, in body, mind and spirit. The Fund supports
practical, locally inspired initiatives which enable people to overcome despair, turn ideas into action and bring new hope to their
lives and the lives of their communities.
The Church Urban Fund Poverty Lookup Tool
'an online database that provides Church of England parishes, charities and anyone concerned about levels of poverty with a range of deprivation indicators for their area. Poverty is complex, so the database highlights not just where there is deprivation but how it is manifested.'
The Ecclesiological Society, founded in 1879 in England, is devoted to all aspects of church life, furnishings, history, architecture
and liturgy. You'll find wonderful links and monthly essays on everything from Medieval Scratch sundials to this month's "How
Do We Keep our Parish Churches?"
The Churches Advertising
An independent ecumenical group of Christian communicators providing high quality national Christian advertising campaigns linked to
major festivals.
Churches Conservation Trust
'Set up to care for Church of England churches no longer needed for parish use. All our churches are architecturally or historically
important with most Grade I or Grade II.'
Churches Mutual Credit Union
The Cleaver Ordination Candidates Fund
'exists for the support and encouragement of Anglican ordinands committed to a traditional Catholic understanding of the priesthood and episcopate, and to urge the importance of continuing sound theological learning among the clergy'.
Appointments Adviser in the UK
This web site sets out the duties of that office and, inter alia, general guidelines for ordained persons seeking positions in the Church
of England. There is guidance on good practice in the appointment of clergy to parochial posts, a downloadable Church of England Common
Application Form, and lists of vacancies. A useful site to keep an eye
The Clewer Initiative
'enabling Church of England dioceses and wider Church networks to develop strategies to detect modern slavery in their communities and help provide victim support and care. It involves working with the Church locally, identifying resources that can be utilised, developing partnerships with others, and creating a wider network of advocates seeking to end modern slavery together. Nationally, it involves developing a network of practitioners committed to sharing models of best practice and providing evidenced based data to resource the Church's national engagement with statutory and non-statutory bodies.'
CMS Pioneer Mission Leadership Training
'a new, creative way of equipping and mobilising Christians for ground-breaking, transformational, sustainable mission'.
College of Readers
'The College of Readers (CoR) which was founded on 1st April 2000. The CoR sets out to provide fellowship and support to Readers who
subscribe to the authority of scripture, the grace of the sacraments, and the traditional understanding of the ordained ministry
of bishop, priest and deacon'.
The College of St Barnabas.
Lingfield, Surrey
Residential and nursing accommodation for retired clergy and their
Come to the Feast
A book published by SCM-Canterbury Press that is a companion and reader's guide to Common Worship Holy Communion. This is a web page
for that book.
In November 2000, the Church of England unveiled a new generation of liturgy that brought together many diverse styles, contributing
to the vibrant worship of God across the nation. Known as 'Common Worship', the material is a mixture of old and new that promises much
for the collective worship and life of the Church. The material replaced 'The Alternative Service Book 1980'. The Common Worship web
site will provide resources for clergy and churches to use in their own situations to help adapt to the new liturgy. The Common Worship
web site provides free access to all of the liturgical texts for people to read and download for their own use; PDF files of the Common
Worship books are available on the site. Complete texts of Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer and Night Prayer for the current day, the day
before and the day after are online, linked from the Daily Prayer page.
Common Worship: An Anglicans Online special report (November
Simon Sarmiento writes on the state of Common Worship: what's been completed and what's coming.
The Beds and Herts Churches Media Trust (that's Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire) offers a full internet package for churches and Christian
groups for 45 UK pounds per annum. This includes 100 Mb of disk space and 1000 free pop mail boxes, as well as a second level domain
for your church, for example, yourchurch.org.uk. The trust is ecumenical and a registered charity. Internet service is not limited
to the area and includes an impressive array of services and support, including inexpensive one-day classes. For those of you who
need mail capabilities and are tired of the free-hosting sites' ad clutter, Commskit is worth considering.
Community of the Holy Name
'This community was founded in 1865 in response to the need for evangelism and care in London - especially the parish of St Peter's Vauxhall.
Twenty years later the need for more space and silence so that the sisters prayer life could grow encouraged the community to move
the Convent to Malvern. The sisters continued to work in parishes from both the Convent and branch houses, while some sisters were
engaged in social work. This combination of a life of prayer and worship with ministry to those in need is still the hallmark of
the Community. Today Sisters are engaged in evangelistic and pastoral work in a variety of settings.'
of the Resurrection
In Mirfield, West Yorkshire. 'Anglican monasteries for men are few in number and unfamiliar. Ours is exceptional in the British isles
because of the size of its church and community buildings at Mirfield. We combine our Anglican heritage with that living monastic tradition
which gives priority to daily corporate worship and also engages in a wide range of activities at home and away. People of all faiths
and none will find a welcome here.'
The Compass Rose Society
'an international charitable organization that supports the programs and ministries of the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Anglican
Consultative Council. We do this by raising funds for ministry, by designating contributions for mission projects, and by building
a community of individuals and parishes who support these missions and ministries.'
The Corporation of the Sons
of the Clergy
'Working together with our sister charity Friends of the Clergy Corporation we are the leading grant-making
charities helping Anglican Clergy and their families in times of need.'
Council for Christian
'The Church of England is committed to fostering the visible unity of presently separated Christian churches and through ecumenical conversations,
local unity initiatives, theological research and reflection, the Council for Christian Unity supports the Church of England in seeking
the unity of the Christian Church.'
'an independent charity based on the Moss Rose Estate in Macclesfield. We provide projects and activities for young people and their families.' Affiliated with the Diocese of Chester.
'Church House Publishing are pleased to announce the launch of www.crockford.org.uk, the online
edition of Crockford's Clerical Directory. 'Subscriptions to the Crockford web site cost just £25 per annum.' At last, the venerable
clerical directory comes of [Internet] age.
Cumbria Christianity
A resource index of churches and other Christian activity in the
Lake District and the Borders.
British Anglican Cursillo Council
Blackburn Cursillo
Bristol Diocese Anglican Cursillo
Canterbury Cursillo
Chester Anglican Cursillo
Chichester Anglican Cursillo
Derby Anglican Cursillo
Durham Anglican Cursillo
Diocese of Ely Cursillo
Leicester Anglican Cursillo
Lincoln Anglican Cursillo
Cursillo in the Diocese of London
Oxford Anglican Cursillo
Peterborough Anglican Cursillo
St Albans Anglican Cursillo
York Diocese Anglican Cursillo
Diaconal Association of the
Church of England
DACE exists to help the Church of England to develop its distinctive diaconal calling and ministry, to promote the diaconate as a full
and equal order, and to support those - both lay and ordained - in such ministry.'
Deaf Anglicans Together
'We provide the chance for Deaf Christians to meet and share within a larger group than is ever possible in their own diocese; a sharing that all find encouraging and inspiring and which they take home to encourage and inspire Deaf people in their own area.'
Diocesan Evangelical Fellowships and equivalents
Bath and Wells
St Albans
Southwark Diocesan Evangelical Union
Southwell and Nottingham
Diocesan Registries of the Church of England
A comprehensive list.
Ely Diocesan Registry
Guildford Diocesan Registry
Hereford Diocesan Registry
Lincoln Diocesan Registry
Diocese of Carlisle Youth Centre
This Centre provides self-catering accommodation for groups of up to 36 people in the heart of the Lake District.
of Southwell & Nottingham Church History Project
Durham Diocesan Liturgical
East Yorkshire Historic Churches
'The Trust hopes to encourage visits to churches in the area, and to develop a sense of community ownership of and responsibility for
those churches, as well as community involvement. We also hope to develop local tourism and rural regeneration by encouraging those visits.'
Ecclesiastical Insurance
'Provides a comprehensive range of general insurance and financial services products to the Church and its people as well as the
general public'.
EcoChurch Southwest
'promoting green energy; and shrinking our ecological footprint'. A partnership of the Dioceses of Bath and Wells, Exeter, Gloucester, Salisbury and Truro.
Education for Ministry UK
'The Education for Ministry (EFM) programme is a course of theological education. It is primarily for lay people and provides a level
of theological education equivalent to training for ordained ministry. The intention is that all lay people should have access to
the same quality of education that has normally been the preserve of the clergy.' Related to similar programmes in Canada and the
United States.
Edward King Centre (Lincoln)
'in the heart of Lincoln, just next to the Cathedral, is a Retreat centre operated by the Diocese of Lincoln which hosts a range of Quiet
Days and residential Retreats for a wide variety of groups and individuals'.
Edward King House (Lincoln)
'Within the overall mission of the Diocese of Lincoln, Edward King House exists to be a place of Christian hospitality for all who come
to it. In particular, it offers a place where Christians can come to address the issues of their calling, as individuals and as a
Church; where other individuals and groups can be resourced in pursuing their work and other interests, and where Church and world
can meet, share and seek to collaborate on issues of significance.'
The Elland Society
'After its foundation in 1767 the Elland Society decided to give grants for those in training for the ordained ministry in the Church
of England. At first all expenses of University training were met. Over the years, as the Church has taken more responsibility, the
Society has moderated its grants to items that are not included in the Main Church Grant.'
Embrace the Middle East
An associate agency of the Church of England.
The Emmaus Charity (UK)
'Helping homeless people help themselves'. An attractive web site filled with information.
English Clergy Association
Founded in 1938 to 'support all Clerks in Holy Orders in their Vocation and Ministry within the Church of England as by law established;
to uphold the Parson's Freehold within the traditional understanding of the Church's life and witness; to oppose unnecessary bureaucracy
in the Church; to monitor legislative and other processes of change; and to promote in every available way the good of English Parish
and Cathedral life and the welfare of the Clergy.'
Ethical Investment
Advisory Group
'Develops and co-ordinates ethical investment policy for the Church of England investing bodies through a process of research and consultation
[and] offers practical advice in a theological context.'
The Evangelical Group in General
Exeter Diocesan Council for Work
with Children and Young People
Faculty Office
of the Archbishop of Canterbury
The Archbishop of Canterbury's Faculty Office is responsible for the issue of marriage licences, the regulation of the notarial profession
and the awarding by the Archbishop of "Lambeth" Degrees.
Ferrar House
'Ferrar House is adjacent to the original site where Nicholas Ferrar and household came in 1626 and next to Little Gidding church, which
they restored to daily use.' It offers bed and breakfast, a small conference centre and morning coffee and afternoon tea for casual
Forward in Faith
FiF is the organisation of those in the Church of England opposed to the ordination of women as priests. It has a Lincolnshire chapter.
Fresh Expressions
'aims to be rooted and grounded in prayer and to focus on four key areas: renewing vision, gathering news, supporting
growth and developing training. We will be working in partnership with the national and regional mission staff of the Church of England
and the Methodist Church and a range of partner agencies.'
Fresh Expressions in Gloucester
Friends of Friendless
'Friends own 38 former places of worship, half in England and half in Wales, which they maintain and preserve sometimes for local use,
sometimes for services.'
Friends of the Archbishop of Canterbury's
Anglican Communion Fund, Inc
'conducts charitable and educational activities that support or benefit the Archbishop of Canterbury's Anglican Communion Fund. It operates
in cooperation with The Anglican Investment Agency Trust (The AIA), an English charity with the same objectives.'
Friends of the City
'people of like mind who wish to preserve the priceless heritage enshrined in the unique collection of churches in the City of London'.
'A network of evangelical Anglicans, seeking to renew the centre of the evangelical tradition and the centre of Anglicanism, acting as
a point of balance within the Church of England.'
GATSGift Aid Tax Software
Software for churches and charities to recover tax under Gift Aid with the minimum of work. (Please note: This is not free software.)
General Synod
The official reports about General Synod are on the Church of
England website. Anglicans Online correspondent Peter Owen filed these reports from the General Synod.
George Bell Group
'We are an independent group whose members represent a concentration of experience in public life, in the fields of law, policing, politics, journalism, academic research and church affairs. This group began to meet in response to the 22 October [2015] statement issued by the Church of England about Bishop George Bell.'
GFS Platform UK
UK Branch of the Girls' Friendly Society. 'GFS Platform operates a variety of projects around the UK and also maintains a worldwide presence
in 23 countries.' The group 'works holistically with over 3,500 girls and young women in a range of settings providing support, care
and education.'
Glastonbury Abbey
A good deal of information at this web site about one of the
oldest Christian sites in the UK.
God Calling Vocations
Site sponsored by the Catholic Societies of the Church of England to promote vocations to the priesthood.
Going for Growth
'We want ministry with children and young people to grow - and we hope this Going for Growth website will help that to happen!'
Grantham Area Readers
'from the Deaneries of Grantham, Loveden, Lafford, and Beltisloe in the Diocese of Lincoln'.
GRAS (Group for Rescinding
the Act of Synod)
An advocacy web site for the right of women priests to become Bishops in the UK. The group was 'launched in the Moses Room of the House
of Lords, Westminster on Thursday 19th October, 2000 at 6pm.'
'resources for a café space in which churches provide a relaxed environment for people to explore questions about death and dying, funerals and loss'. See also Church of England Funerals.
The Gregory Centre for Church Multiplication
'Since 2015, our team has grown and we now support leaders and church teams across London, England and beyond as they look to multiply disciples, congregations and movements.'
Guild of All Souls
Site for the UK branch of this devotional society promoting prayer for the dead.
Guild of
'The Guild was founded to promote Christian Fellowship and spiritual guidance among the Vergers of the Cathedrals and Parish Churches
of England.'
The House of St Barnabas, London
'Our vision is to create a future where sustained employment is a reality for those affected by homelessness.'
Developed by the Diocese of Oxford, 'a Christian community of the Church of England in the Diocese of Oxford. It is a web-based community
for those who wish to explore Christian discipleship, but who are not able, or do not wish, to join a local parish church.'
Inter Faith Marriage
Sponsored by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, Inter Faith Marriages 'brings together in
a single site the latest information, resources and a wide range of insight and opinion from people with personal experience of inter
faith marriage in Britain.' They also have a discussion forum that seems just to be getting started.
Intercontinental Church Society
'an international Church of England mission agency which seeks to make known the Christ of the Scriptures to people of any nationality
who speak English. We do this by planting and growing international churches; ministering to tourists through our Seasonal Chaplaincies;
publishing the Directory of English-speaking Churches Abroad.'
International Volunteer Programme
This project of the Korean Anglican Community Centre in London 'works closely with the Church of England, the Anglican Church of Korea,
Korean Social Workers Association, the British Social Workers Association, and the National Council for Voluntary Organisations'
to facilitate care-giving ministry by Korean young people in Britain. (Site text mostly in Korean.)
Just Giving
'Our site is the first of its kind in the UK that enables people to donate easily, quickly, and tax-efficiently online to over 120
UK charities (that number is growing all the time). We include The Children's Society, Spurgeon's Child Care and Christian Partners in
Africa. Our site gives information on the charities, what they do, where they work and provides people with original ways of raising
money for their causes; e.g. online sponsorship forms'.
Kenya Church Association
An associate agency of the Church of England.
Palace Library
The historic library of the Archbishops of Canterbur, it was founded as a public library by Archbishop Bancroft in 1610, and its collections
are freely available for research. It is the principal library and record office for the history of the Church of England.
Launde Abbey
Retreat house and conference centre of the Diocese of Leicester.
LGBT Anglican Coalition
'here to provide UK-based Christian LGBT organisations with opportunities to create resources for the Anglican community and to develop
a shared voice for the full acceptance of LGBT people in the Anglican Communion. The Coalition members are: Accepting Evangelicals,
Changing Attitude, The Clergy Consultation, Courage, The Evangelical Fellowship for Lesbian and Gay Christians, Inclusive Church,
The Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement, The Sibyls.'
LGBTI Mission
'A group of Christians have come together to form the LGBTI Mission, which will campaign for the full acceptance and affirmation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people within the Church of England.'
Listed Places of Worship Grant Scheme (LPW)
'makes grants towards the VAT incurred in making repairs and carrying out necessary alterations to listed buildings'.
Listed Places of Worship Roof Repair Fund
'This Fund was set up after the Chancellor of the Exchequer committed £15m of funding in 2014. After the programme opened for applications the significant demand resulted in the Chancellor committing a further £40million to the Listed Places of Worship: Roof Repair Fund in the 2015 Budget. This new money brings the total funding available to £55million.'
Living Stones Consultancy
'We aim to help churches to make the most effective use of their resources - buildings, money and people - in worship of God and in service
to their local community. Most people think of the Church as a building, but this understanding falls a long way short. The Church
is a body, growing out of God's eternal purpose to reconcile humanity to himself.'
The London Internet Church
'a gathered global community that meets online to worship, enquire, encourage and pray'.
Lord Crewe's Charity
'established under the terms of the will of Nathaniel Lord Crewe, Bishop of Durham, to distribute the income from his estates in the North East of England for the benefit of necessitous clergy in the ancient Diocese of Durham'.
The MB Reckitt Trust (formerly
the Christendom Trust)
'The aim of the Trust is to promote researches and activities that evaluate and develop social structures, processes and attitudes in
order to release energies for change, from the perspective of Christianity and the other principal faith traditions.'
Marrick Priory, Swaledale,
This residential centre for outdoor education is affiliated with the Diocese of Ripon and Leeds.
Messy Church
'one church's attempt to be church for families who might want to meet Jesus, belong to their local church and bring up their children
as Christians but can't cope with traditional Sunday morning church services. It's a once-a-month time of creativity, worship and
eating together.'
Messy Church Formby
Minister and Clergy Sexual Abuse Survivors
'MACSAS supports women and men who have been sexually abused, as children or adults, by ministers, clergy or others under the guise of the Church. We support both Survivors who have remained within their Christian communities and those who have left.'
(Church of England) Ministry
'The Ministry Division is responsible for advising the House of Bishops, individual bishops and members of diocesan staff about matters
relating to: Vocations, Recruitment and Selection; Theological Education and Training; Deployment, Remuneration and Conditions of Service.'
The Mission Society of Saint Wilfrid and
Saint Hilda
'a company of believers led by bishops and loyal to the Church of England and her catholic heritage'. Local branches in Bradford, Chichester, Coventry,
the South-West, Blackburn and Carlisle, Wakefield, Ripon
and Leeds.
Missional Communities London
'In London we are an emerging network connected by relationships and an impetus to go and make disciples. We are communities in the Church of England led by pioneers, some are ordained and some not.'
'a venture of the Moot Community, a fresh expression of church in the City of London. It draws together accomplished practitioners from
the arts and media world to provide creative solutions to the needs of individuals, organizations and businesses. One of their services
is the design of basic websites. They offer competitive rates.'
The Mothers' Union
The Mothers' Union is a Christian organisation with more than three and a half million members and branches
worldwide. 'Though our lives and our experience of the MU may differ widely depending on where we are, we are all joined together
by our shared belief in the importance of the family. The backbone of the MU is our worldwide network of volunteers. Whatever their individual
backgrounds, our members are joined together by a commitment to the family. Volunteers give their time unstintingly to help others, whether
by running local projects, supporting international campaigns, or fundraising.' The Canterbury
Province MU has its own site; we list diocesan branches in their respective geographic directories rather than here.
MU Enterprises Ltd
'formed in 1994, as a wholly owned subsidiary of Mothers' Union charity, for the purposes of fund raising for the charity through trading.
The company covenants its profits back to the charity in their entirety.'
National Association of Diocesan Advisers
in Women's Ministry
'exists to support all women clergy in achieving their full potential for the sake of the mission of the Church. We envisage a Church
of England where we will be free to contribute at all levels.'
The National Society (Church of England)
for Promoting Religious Education
A charity founded in 1811 by Royal Charter (King George III), which established Church of England schools throughout the country. The
website has general resources and information. It includes 'resources and features on Church school issues; regular features from Church
schools with headteachers and teachers giving practical advice in both primary and secondary situations; legal and management information
for governors, headteachers and teachers; and RE and Collective Worship resources'. See also Christian Values for Schools.
New Wine: Equipping Churches to see
Jesus' kingdom grow
'Our vision is to see the nation changed through Christians and churches being filled with the Spirit, alive with the joy of knowing
and worshipping Jesus Christ, living out his Word, and doing the works of the Kingdom of God.' They encourage the training of leaders
in all ministries of the church with special emphasis on youth. What began in one parish outside London has 'spread not
only to Scotland, Ireland and Wales, but to twenty countries in Scandinavia, Africa, North America, Western Europe, South East Asia and
New Zealand.'
Northumbria Deaf Mission
'It wants to make the church accessible to deaf people who live in the areas around Newcastle and Durham.'
Norwich Historic Churches Trust
'In 1967, there was a major review of the city centre churches, and the Diocese of Norwich decided that only eight of the thirty-one mediaeval churches were needed for worship. The remainder were at risk of demolition unless they qualified for financial assistance from the Redundant Churches Fund or if no suitable alternative uses could be found. Norwich Historic Churches Trust (NHCT) was set up in 1973 to care for most of the unneeded ones.'
On Fire through Word and Sacrament
'dedicated to spreading Charismatic Renewal in the Church, especially the more liturgical and sacramentally orientated churches in the
Anglican Communion'.
Ozanne Foundation
'works with religious organisations around the world to eliminate discrimination based on sexuality or gender in order to embrace and celebrate the equality and diversity of all'.
Parcevall Hall
Bradford Diocesan Retreat House
Parents And Children Together (PACT)
Officially the Oxford Diocesan Council for Social Work, PACT 'helps hundreds of families every year through outstanding adoption and fostering services, award-winning therapeutic support and inspirational community projects across London and the south of England'.
Parish Buying
Church-vetted parish buying arrangements for energy, photocopying, office products, IT, fire safety, and church supplies.
Parish Resources
'This site is provided by the Church of England's National Stewardship & Resources team and offers over 400 pages of resources (web & pdf) to support all aspects of stewardship, administration and management in the local church, as well as links to other sites and pages of interest.'
Pilgrim Course
'Pilgrim is a major new teaching and discipleship resource from the Church of England. It aims to help every local church create a place where people can explore the Christian faith together and see how it can be lived out each day.'
The Pilgrims Association
'A forum for cathedrals and churches, and to help those within them who have responsibility for the care visitors, tourists and pilgrims'.
Praxis Midlands
'We put on two liturgical training events a year often in Birmingham Cathedral, usually in March and October, for clergy, readers and anyone else interested.'
The Prayer Book
Perhaps the single unifying thing in the Anglican communion is the Book of Common Prayer, considered by this group to contain "some
of the most majestic and beautiful prose in the English language." Alternative prayer books are used by different provinces throughout
the world.
Presence and Engagement
'The website is intended to encourage and support the mission and ministry of parishes and other Anglican communities in multi religious
contexts. This is supported by the Church of England's national Adviser on Inter Faith relations and is part of the General Synod's
Presence & Engagement Programme.'
Raphoe town, ecumenical
theological library and archives
A reconciliation project library based on ecumenism and theology in Raphoe town. The archives of St Eunan's Cathedral, Raphoe are the
most important part of the collection.
'Established in 1993, Reform is a network of individuals and churches within the Church of England. We are committed to reforming the Church of England from within according to the Holy Scriptures.'
Religious Education
on the Web
Comprehensive; includes a 'searchable index of over 300 RE Resources drawn from all over the Web, arranged by faith and Key Stage'.
(Cross listed under Christian Education.)
Resourcing Community Action
'A Church of England initiative, bringing together as a catalyst current best practice in providing Christian care in local communities with the resources and knowledge needed to multiply those good works across the country over the coming years. This is a site designed for action...'
The Retreat Association
'The organisation has its origins in the Anglican Association for Promoting Retreats, founded in 1917. This was joined by the Catholic National Retreat Council, founded in 1967 and the Methodist Retreat Group, founded in 1979. Today the Retreat Association is fully ecumenical and represents five denominational member groups.'
Romsey Deanery Overseas Mission Committee,
Diocese of Winchester
Royal School of Needlework
'Established in 1872 by Princess Christian, one of Queen Victoria's daughters, the Royal School's aim remains the same today as in previous
centuries; to teach the art of hand embroidery.' 'The Royal School of Needlework's Apprenticeship is an intensive three-year practical
course covering all aspects of hand embroidery and design. This unique training in traditional embroidery techniques combined with
art and design studies will enable you to learn many of the skills required to become a professional embroiderer.' RSN also has commercial
services such as cleaning and/or restoring textiles.
Sackville College
This charitable foundation in the UK provides housing for the elderly. The College operates according to an act of Parliament of 1624
and a Royal Charter of 1631; its most famous warden was John Mason Neale (1818-1866). Site includes information about the Friends
of Sackville College, an organisation dedicated to preservation and event-planning.
St Boniface Trust
'a small charity established to advance the Christian Religion in accordance with the principles of the Anglican faith in all parts of
the world, especially for the provision of education and training of clergy and lay people by the award of scholarships and maintenance
allowance or any purpose concerning their spiritual or temporal welfare.'
St George's House, Windsor Castle
Clergy courses and retreats are held in this seventeenth-century mansion next to St George's Chapel at Windsor Castle.
St John's Guild for the Blind
'founded in 1919 through the initiative of Miss Dorothy Light and the Rev. Christian Waudby, a blind Anglican priest who was concerned
at the isolation and loneliness in which so many blind people lived. It supports over 20 Member Branches throughout England, has
its own registered Care Home in St. Albans, as well as a Holiday and Short break Centre in Clacton-on-Sea.'
St Luke's Hospital for Clergy.
For Anglican clergy and their dependents.
St Nicholas Cole Abbey: A
National Centre for Religious Education. London
'Since 1144, St Nicholas Cole Abbey has variously served the City of London in many ways. Now there is an additional opportunity for
it to serve the country as a whole, by providing a unique and much-needed National Centre for Religious Education. The Centre's work
and activities will reach out, to benefit children and teachers nationwide. Its resources will be web networked to all schools through
its associated REonline.'
St Paul's
'Seeks to foster an informed Christian response to the most urgent ethical and spiritual issues of our times: financial integrity,
economic theory, and the meaning of the common good'.
Save Our Parsonages
'Traditional rectories and vicarages are part of our ecclesiastical heritage, just as much as churches, and they are also major resources
for the Church. They are focal points for parish and community life. SOP's objectives are therefore based on the tripartite argument
of mission, community and heritage.'
A Season of Invitation
'began as "Back to Church Sunday" in 2004, which was an annual opportunity for churches across the UK and abroad to invite people to come with them to church. Ten years on, we’re entering a new season, moving from one invitational service to five.'
Shallowford House
'The retreat and conference centre [of the Diocese of Lichfield] is a place of prayer, peace and purpose. There's a sense of the presence of God in this place that is loved by many. The house and grounds offer you space to meet with God, which together with a strong focus on hospitality and warmth of welcome, we hope enables you to feel at home.'
Sharpe Trust
Established in 1976 'for the maintenance, repair, and restoration of church bells situate anywhere in England and Wales'.
Shrinking the Footprint, Diocese
of Exeter
Singing the
A calendar of holy people associated with the Diocese of Ely.
Sneaton Castle, Whitby
Conference and retreat centre of the Order of the Holy Paraclete, an Anglican women's religious order.
Society of Our Lady of Egmanton
Encourages devotion to the Shrine of Our Lady of Egmanton in Nottinghamshire.
The Society of Retreat Conductors
'established in 1924 as a group of priests of Anglo-Catholic tradition who shared a common discipline and whose purpose was to study the Spiritual Exercises, train retreat leaders, give retreats in the Ignatian tradition and run retreat houses'.
The Society of the Faith
a Church of England charity founded in 1905. Its objects are to bring together Christians in communion with the See of Canterbury for
mutual assistance, and to support and further charitable undertakings, particularly those that popularise the Catholic faith'.
Sharing of Ministries Abroad
South American Mission Society
UK-based Anglican missionary organisation. 'We seek to help the Churches of England and Wales and the Scottish Episcopal Church to become
linked with the Churches of South America, Brazil, Spain and Portugal. Our role is changing from that of a traditional sending agency
to becoming part of multiway international mission.'
Southwark and London Diocesan
Housing Association
'We are a Church of England charity, which builds and runs good quality housing at affordable rents for people on low incomes.'
Student Cross
'a Christian pilgrimage organised by and for students, young adults, and pilgrims of all ages, which began in 1948. Pilgrims experience Holy Week and the joy of the Resurrection as a living reality. It's a chance to celebrate Easter in a unique way.
To Your Credit
'the Archbishop of Canterbury's initiative to create a fairer financial system focused on serving the whole community, where everyone has access to responsible credit and savings and other essential financial services.'
Trinity Hospice
Clapham Common, London. Founded as the Free Home for the Dying in 1891 by the Anglican order of St James's Servants of the Poor. This
is the oldest hospice in England. 'Trinity's care is absolutely free of charge for everyone, and treatment and support are delivered
however long they are required.'
Twitter and the Church of
The Twurch of England is sponsored officially by the Church of England.
USPG: Anglicans in World Mission
'USPG: Anglicans in World Mission works in direct partnership with Anglican Churches in over 50 countries, enabling them to reach out
to poor and marginalised communities in practical and life-changing ways.' Formerly known as the United Society for the Propagation of
the Gospel it changed its name to USPG: Anglicans in World Mission in 2007.
For those of you who have always wanted to make a pilgrimage to Walsingham, one of the Anglican Communion's best known holy places, here
is the official web site, jointly sponsored by the Anglican and Roman Catholic churches.
'a family-focused charity dedicated to helping children and families overcome challenges and build towards a better future. Welcare serves the whole of the Diocese of Southwark and the London Borough of Bromley, parts of which are in the Diocese of Rochester. We also provide services in the Hampton Deanery via our Richmond centre, which is within the Diocese of London.' Founded in 1894.
Whaley Hall Ecumenical Conference
and Retreat House, Whaley Bridge, Derbyshire
Whalley Abbey
'The Retreat and Conference House is set in the stunning grounds and ruins of a 14th Century Cistercian Abbey. On the banks of the River
Calder in the beautiful countryside of the Ribble Valley, but with easy access to motorway and rail networks.' (Blackburn)
'a company majority owned by the Diocese of Norwich and aims to provide better broadband services to the whole of the county as opposed to the high populated areas. Not only can WiSpire provide broadband via fibre optic and ADSL connections, we also use parish churches across the county as the platform to deliver high speed reliable wireless broadband internet access to local businesses, schools and residents in areas where speed is currently poor.'
With Intent
'This site is about - and for - Church of England (Anglican) priests who live or work within the tarmaced confines of the M25, and who
view their paid work in the so-called secular world as the ministry they are called to.'
The Woodard Corporation
'Woodard Schools form the largest group of Church of England schools in England and Wales.' Founded in 1847 by Nathaniel Woodard, the
Woodard schools 'have a firm conviction [
] that education is best delivered within a community whose life, thoughts and actions
are shaped by Christian belief and practice.'
Woolwich-Manicaland Link
'Serving the link between Woolwich Episcopal Area in Southwark Diocese and Manicaland Diocese in Zimbabwe'.
Zimabwe Anglican Bristol
'part of Zinafe which is not a church, but a fellowship that brings Anglicans in the Diaspora together. The Bristol branch encampses the whole Southwest & Southwales. The felowship gives everyone common ground to meet during the church calendar and enjoy a service in vernacular.'
Zinafe Anglican Fellowship
'a community organisation based in UK. Zinafe UK caters for the needs of Zimbabweans in the UK within the Church of England.' |