ON THIS PAGE we list web sites for theological colleges and other
church-related educational institutions. We do not list English schools at Anglicans Online. See also these other sections of our
England pages:

Theological Education
of Birmingham
Trinity Theological College
University of Cambridge Faculty of Divinity
Ridley Hall, Cambridge University
Westcott House, Cambridge University
University College Chichester, Theology Department
University of Durham
Cranmer Hall (and The Wesley Study Centre), St John's College, University
of Durham
St Chad's College, University of Durham
University of Exeter
University of Leeds
The Archbishop's Examination in Theology: 'A flexible, supportive and affordable MPhil and PhD programme.'
King's College, London
Oak Hill College, London
St Mellitus College, London. 'Named
after the first Bishop of London, whose territory covered London and Essex, the College was founded in 2007 by the Bishops of
London and Chelmsford, to serve the church’s mission in this region and beyond. It consists of two main parts, St Paul's
Theological Centre (SPTC), based in west London and the North Thames Ministerial Training Course (NTMTC), based in east London and
Chelmsford. The College offers courses for many different kinds of students.'
University of Manchester
University of Nottingham
St John's College
Faculty of Theology, Oxford University
Pusey House, Oxford University
St Stephen's House, Oxford
Wycliffe Hall, Oxford
American Friends of Wycliffe Hall, Oxford
Ripon College Cuddesdon,
Oxford. An historic theological college, with links to Oxford University.
College of the Resurrection
Sarum College
University of Sheffield (Biblical
Studies only)

Other Education Links
Anglican Chaplaincy, University of Essex
Anglican Institute for School
'The aim of the Anglican Institute for School Leadership is to sharpen the church’s mission to young people and their families.
It is to equip leadership in our church schools with the ability and confidence to be spiritual leaders.'
for Higher Education in Manchester
Church of England Academy Services.
'provides full project management and support services for the development of new Church of England Academies, Voluntary Aided (VA)
and Voluntary Controlled (VC) schools in England. CASL offers transformational solutions shaped by the Christian values of love, respect,
forgiveness, trust, belonging, care and support.'
Diocesan Boards of Education
Diocese of Leicester Board of Education
Diocese of Rochester Board of Education
Diocese of West Yorkshire and the Dales Education Team
Education Trusts
Bath and Wells Multi Academy Trust
Chester Diocesan Academies Trust
Diocese of Ely Multi-Academy Trust
Diocese of Norwich Multi-Academy Trust
Diocese of York Educational Trust
Oxford Diocesan Schools Trust
St Edmundsbury and Ipswich Diocesan Multi Academy Trust
Leeds University Anglican
Living Belief: The
University of Exeter has developed an online Certificate in Theology in partnership with the Anglican and Methodist churches in the
South West of England. The two-year Certificate is open to all and is equivalent to the first year of a three-year theology degree.
London Diocesan Board for Schools
adverts website
London Diocesan Board for Schools School
Centred Initial Teacher Training
Philip Usher Memorial Fund
'seeks to award a major scholarship each year for the study of Eastern Orthodoxy in-situ'.
St Christopher's Multi Academy Trust. 'The Diocese of Exeter, working with the Department for Education, has formed the St Christopher's Multi Academy Trust to sponsor church schools which are becoming academies.'
St Peter's College, Sheffield
'In a nutshell St Peter’s College is the Sheffield Diocesan learning community for mission and ministry and will support the diocesan vision of growing and strengthen a culture of discipleship in our churches across the Diocese.'
The University of Birmingham
Anglican Society
Worship Workshop. 'provides prayers, songs, Bible readings and other useful words and ideas which are taken from the liturgy of the Church of England.'
York Anglican Society
'a group who meet together to enjoy fellowship and to explore what it is to be part of the Church of England and the wider Anglican Communion. We welcome everyone who has an interest in knowing a bit more about the Anglican faith.' |