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This page last updated 2 June 2014  

USA: Archives

THIS SECTION HOLDS MATERIAL that we at one time featured in the main USA section. All are connected in some way with newsworthy events, but all generally have reference to issues or activities that are no longer current. Related sites and links to past events in the US Episcopal Church, but still containing much material of interest. It is not uncommon for older links to go bad; please let us know if you find such a broken link.

In addition to this page, you'll find these areas in our USA section:

The Investiture of Frank Tracy Griswold as Presiding Bishop
On 10 January 1998, the Right Reverend Frank Tracy Griswold III was installed as the 25th Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church in the USA. The Philadelphia Inquirer carried brief stories about the occasion and the Episcopal News Service has issued a press release.

Other resources: The cover of the Order of Service and the text of the complete booklet.

Cynthia McFarland's article on the investiture, which includes several Episcopal News Service photos.

The Trial of Bishop Righter
In the fall of 1990, Barry Stopfel was ordained a deacon in the Diocese of Newark. Stopfel is gay and, at the time of his ordination, was living "in a sexual partnership" with another man. The assistant bishop of Newark, the Rt. Rev. Walter Righter, was facing a church court over his decision to ordain the gay man. On May 15, 1996, an Episcopal Church court dismissed charges against Righter. The Court held that neither the doctrine nor the discipline of the Church currently prohibit the ordination of a non-celibate homosexual person living in a committed relationship.

Parish of the Advent vs the Diocese of Massachusetts and others (December 1997)
The final outcome of the litigation involving one of the USA's most prominent Anglo-Catholic parishes.

If you know of a web site that should be listed here and is not, please tell us.

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