the American branch of the Anglican Communion. These days it likes to call itself 'The Episcopal Church (TEC)', but that rather gives
short shrift to the various other Episcopal Church provinces around the world, so we don't buy in to that name. Through the decades,
it's been PECUSA, ECUSA, DFMS*, and now TEC. We refer to it on our site as 'The US Episcopal Church' which is accurate and unambiguous
if not official. If you want the full
gory details of naming, the Wikipedia
page about the church's official names is enlightening.
In addition to the page you are now reading, you'll find these areas in
our USA section:
*Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church
in the United States of America.

US Episcopal Church Official Information
Official web
site of the US Episcopal Church
Official news, information, publications, and reports from the staff and volunteer personnel who carry out the mission and ministry,
governance, and administration of the Episcopal Church in the United States. Earlier websites were quite terrible; this latest one is
not half bad.
Episcopal Digital Network
It has subsumed the US Episcopal News Service, which had formerly
been part of the main website.
Province I: The Episcopal Church
in the Province of New England
Province I consists of seven dioceses: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont and Western Massachusetts.
Province II
For the dioceses of Albany, Central New York, Haiti, Long Island, Newark, New Jersey, New York, Rochester, Virgin Islands, Western New
York, and the Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe.
Province III
Includes the dioceses of Bethlehem, Central Pennsylvania, Delaware, Easton, Maryland, Northwestern Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh,
Southern Virginia, Southwestern Virginia, Virginia, Washington and West Virginia.
Province IV
This ecclesiastical province includes twenty dioceses in Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, North Carolina, Mississippi, South Carolina,
Tennessee, and part of Louisiana.
Province V
Most of five states: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio and Wisconsin, within which there are 15 dioceses.
Province VI
This province does not have a website.
Province VII
Includes twelve dioceses in Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas.
Province VIII
Includes the dioceses of Alaska, Arizona, California, Eastern Oregon, El Camino Real, Hawaii, Idaho, Los Angeles, Navajoland Area Mission,
Nevada, Northern California, Olympia, Oregon, San Diego, San Joaquin, Spokane, Taiwan, and Utah.
Province IX
Province IX is comprised of seven Episcopal dioceses in Latin America and the Caribbean: Colombia, Dominican Republic, Central Ecuador,
Litoral Ecuador, Honduras, Puerto Rico, and Venezuela. It is because of these dioceses that the province prefers the name 'The Episcopal
Church' to 'The US Episcopal Church'.
Charter for Lifelong Christian
Adopted at General Convention 2009
Church Pension Group
One of the very first pension funds in the States (1919).
and Canons of the Episcopal Church in the USA (2003)
Available for download in PDF format.
The Convocation of Episcopal Churches
in Europe
Several parishes in several countries in Europe are under the formal
jurisdiction of the Episcopal Church in the USA. The convocation's web site gives more details.
The Convocation works closely with the Church of England's Diocese
in Europe.
Episcopal Church Clerical Directory
This most useful online US Episcopal Church clerical directory also includes a parish-search feature.
Episcopal Church Network for Science,
Technology, and Faith
'Facilitates dialogue between [the US Episcopal Church] and members of the scientific, technical, and medical communities; to be an educational
resource for this Church, its seminaries, and the wider Christian community; and to provide guidelines in Christian ethics for use in
everyday decisions within contemporary American culture'.
Episcopal News Service
The Episcopal News Service (ENS) distributes the official news releases of the Episcopal Church in the USA. You can browse
recent stories online.
Episcopal Relief and Development
'The international relief and development arm of the Episcopal Church, meeting needs of people suffering from disasters, poverty, and
despair'. Offices in New York and Seattle, but grants are given for relief wherever it is needed in the world.
The Executive Council
Includes the official explanation of what the Executive Council is. The web site
is formal and official, and as a result is not entirely useful to most of us.
General Convention
The governing body of the Episcopal Church, which meets every three years.
The Houses of Bishops and Deputies email list
The House of Deputies
The body of elected lay and clergy deputies, which represents
one-half of the bicameral legislature of the General Convention of the Episcopal Church.
of the Presiding Bishop
Speeches, addresses, editorials, letters to the editor by the Presiding Bishop.
The Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music has its own website, a project of Canticle Communications.
Understanding Title IV
'An information resource of the ecclesiastical discipline of the Episcopal Church.' |